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Ashara Zavros Affection Playing As Female Character


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So i got this companion, and gifting amounts are seriously bugged. For a purple rank 5 that is supposedly her favorite i get 144, and for a blue rank 5 i get 60. This is with her affection bar at zero.


So i did some googling around on her gifts, and i found that on male characters you can get decent affection gain, but as a female character you get it in small amounts.


I also read in one that this bug was known and was going to get sorted (in a post from 2012), but since i cannot find a single bw response i cannot say that is accurate.


Fact is, if you choose a male character skin you can get decent affection from the none romance favorite gift, but as female skin you get next to nothing. How is this fair that people get severely penalized in affection for a choice made during character creation over 30 levels prior.


This is either a bug that has been well known and ignored for years, or is a case of make a female character model and your going to get the shaft down the road. Had i known this i would have rolled male.


How is it fair that one gender gets preference over another in non romance gift point amounts, this is either a bug or a bad over sight. Either way please fix this.

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It isn't a bug, Ashara's affection works like that for both sexes unless you court her. Once courting she gets the standard affection amount for gifts. I assume the rp reason is she doesn't trust you to begin with. Unfortunately for you a female Inquisitor can't romance her.


There are other characters who have strange rp reasons for getting lower than standard affection for gifts. Kira Carsen for one.

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It isn't a bug, Ashara's affection works like that for both sexes unless you court her. Once courting she gets the standard affection amount for gifts. I assume the rp reason is she doesn't trust you to begin with. Unfortunately for you a female Inquisitor can't romance her.


There are other characters who have strange rp reasons for getting lower than standard affection for gifts. Kira Carsen for one.


I remember having nightmares with Doc as a male JK. :mad:

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  • 2 months later...
It's not a bug, but it seems like a pretty dumb feature, and I wish this would be changed. Either female Inquisitors should be able to romance her (this is Bioware, so I really don't know why that's not an option), or there should be non-romance gift options that give as much affection gain as the romance gift options do. It seems kind of ridiculous that my LS female Inquisitor is having a harder time gaining Ashara's affection than a DS male Inquisitor who romances her would. Just from a roleplay standpoint, Ashara and my Inquisitor ought to get along well, and I should be able to build up trust with her pretty quickly, but it's tough to get her affection levels to reflect that.
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I grant you that with gifts alone Ashara is hard to max out, but you have to see the affection thing as a whole. Conversations are contributing a great deal to the affection too. And all Classes have at least one character that takes ages to get to max. depending on gender or Lightside/Darkside choices made.


Let me see if I can get a few of them:


  • Ashara for Darkside/Female Inquisitor
  • Khem for Lightside Inquisitor
    try showing mercy and he'll eat you. try pleasing him^^
  • Skadge for Lightside Bounty Hunter
    this guy has serious anger issues if you ask me
  • Mako for Darkside Bounty Hunter (she's a soft one...)
  • Doc for Male Jedi Knight (have to level my male JK more, but I imagine he's a pain in the bottoms for him too^^)
  • Lord Scourge for Lightside Jedi Knight (no comment neccesary^^)
  • T7 for Darkside Jedi Knight
    "Master = hates Droids?, T7 = worried
  • 4X for Darkside Trooper
  • Tanno Vik for Lightside Trooper
    he'll sneer if you don't stick it to Garza
  • Zenith for Lightside Consular
  • Akavi for Lightside Smuggler
  • Corso for Darkside Smuggler
  • ...


People (even droids) are different and so are the characters. With some you get along quite well, with others it takes more time until they like you.

Edited by Orrrrmus
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