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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Republic Reborn vs Wroshyr Alliance


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If your opinion of the Neblua's are they dont have that much firepower your opinion is wrong.... The FACTS are it does have as much firepower as the Imp II.






Octuple barbette turbolaser or Ion cannons (8)

Heavy turbolaser batteries (50)

Turbolaser batteries (50)

Additional turbolaser batteries (26+)

Heavy ion cannons (20)

Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (10)




Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)

Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)

Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)

Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted)

30 missiles each

Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)


The MK II has every offensive advantage, except for the assault concussion missile tubes, which it has the same number of Octuple barbette turbolaser's. Not to mention that the Nebula has 20 regular Ion Cannons, the MK II has 20 HEAVY Ion cannons. Definitely an offensive edge to the MK II. Not even counting the MK II has 12 more fighter compliment, which isn't even part of the ship to ship thing...


Side Note: It is small, but notice how the Nebula is almost completely flat along its length, whereas the MK II has a noticeable raise as it gets closer to the engines. This is small, but it allows more batteries a firing angle without being hopeless, possible to bring more weapons to bear at once.

Edited by Silenceo
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Octuple barbette turbolaser or Ion cannons (8)

Heavy turbolaser batteries (50)

Turbolaser batteries (50)

Additional turbolaser batteries (26+)

Heavy ion cannons (20)

Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (10)




Heavy dual turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)

Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)

Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)

Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted)

30 missiles each

Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)


The MK II has every offensive advantage, except for the assault concussion missile tubes, which it has the same number of Octuple barbette turbolaser's. Not to mention that the Nebula has 20 regular Ion Cannons, the MK II has 20 HEAVY Ion cannons. Definitely an offensive edge to the MK II. Not even counting the MK II has 12 more fighter compliment, which isn't even part of the ship to ship thing...


again this is wrong..., one of the things you arent reliazing are both are only able to bring 10 of their guns to bear at a time. on a Single target also, they both have the same Power output, even if its less guns the power output allows them to put more power through those guns. Canonically the Nebula matches the Imp II in firepower and BEATS it in Defensive Capabilities. 1v1 a Nebula almost always wins.


I know you like numbers and are going

right now, but it doesn't work that way..... Here let me see if I can get you a number that you understand.....



"Power output

Peak: >9,28 × 1024 W[4] (over 20% more power than the ISD-I)[1]"


"Power output

Peak: >9,28 × 1024 W[7] (over 20% more power than the ISD-I)[8][9]"

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Fleet Rundown.


What I need to stress most here, when comparing the two fleets, is how similar they are in power. The issue is, that whilst the Wroshyr Alliance has stronger ship on ship capabilities, it's fighter defenses are laughable at best.


The Republic Reborn utilizes some very powerful fighters, the X-Wing was one of the greatest classes of Vessel of all time, the B-Wing held one of the hardest hitting arsenals, and the Y-T Thunderclap was an impressive hybridization of resilient armor, powerful shields, Potent lasers and a hell of a lot of armament. The Thunderclaps elite units possessed Electro Magnetic Pulse's, Electronic War Pods, and multiple types of warheads, and complex enough weapons systems to Balance the power between Shields and Weapons more.


The Y-T Thunderclap was a turning point in a lot of Republic space missions, the X-Wing outclassed its contemporary vessels and the B-Wing was a powerhouse to be reckoned with.


In this space battle, the Republic Reborn has superb fighter defenses, in that the main bulk of its fleet has point defense laser canons. Due to the closeness of the fleet, there will be no point in the blockade of Makeb in which a ship cannot be reached by Point Defense canons, for Example, the Alliance will have Hammerheads, Interdictors and Endurance's around it, which all have the ability to lay down incredible cover fire should the need arise.


On the other hand, the Hapan Battle Dragons have no fighter defenses to speak of, the MC-40a only had Concussion Missiles which cannot be used when Ally vessels are around without slaughtering your own troops (Something the Alliance Pilots would refuse to do) The Obi-Wan has no fighter defenses, and no Offenses to speak of either.


This leaves the Majestic, which isn't as good as Tune has described. The Concussion missile launchers would not be used if any allied starfighters are around in the path, and even then are Jammable by the Interdictor Cruisers and Gravity mines that the Alliance can dish out. The AntiMissile octets are a great defense, but once one missile detonates due to the Octet's defense, it will obliterate any shrapnel, meaning that any other octets fired will have no effect, basically allowing a multitude of Missiles to pass through the defenses.

This leaves its heavy turbolasers to fire on the starfighters and protect every other ship with.


Yes that's right, you heard correctly. Only the Majestic can defend itself and allies, and even then it would be incredibly hard pressed. If the Majestics are all defending the Hapan's and MC-40's glaring weaknesses to Starfighters, then no Majestics are currently firing on the enemy vessels.


This would not happen to the Republic Reborn, as all batteries that will be defending from fighters are batteries that are not used in forward assaults.


Therefore, thanks to the Fighter advantage, and the fact that the Republic Reborns home turf is well defended, all that Wedge has to do is keep them occupied on the fighters.


The MC-40a's and the Obi-Wan have pitiful offensive capabilities, so they can be left to last in terms of which ships the Interdictors would be hammering.


The Hapan Battle Dragons have very exploitable weaknesses to fighters, whilst the Majestics are defending them the fighters still will pull off a few lucky shots. The Interdictors would be managing to face off against the Majestics, who's time is currently very much taken, and the Hammerheads with their Cross of Fire abilities will be able to hammer at the Hapan's weak points, like the drive system, until the vessel is crippled.


They'd then move on to obliterating the Majestics, whilst the MC-40's have to try and defend themselves from fighters, as the Majestics are now under too much fire.


After that, everything snowballs.


All of this will be possible because Wedge knows the intricate weaknesses of each of the enemies ship. The Republic Reborn also has two incredible tacticians, one who can lead the fighters and one who can lead the main battle, and this is astoundingly important when battles of this magnitude are being fought.


Thunderclaps can bypass shielding using their EMP's, as long as they get in their on their own (Or they will destroy allied ships) however this is very possible due to how independently the ship was designed to operate.


Overall, I just don't see how the WA can win a battle in space. The MC-40's just weren't that great of a vessel, their offensive firepower was minimal, though their shields strong, and they cannot defend against fighters.


I feel the WA lacks strong fighter defenses, because any fighter defenses they have are slow moving and ineffective, as well as detracting from the forward firepower.


They also lack a strong powerhouse, like the Alliance, as the Alliance was a supremely powerful Vessel, and has a large amount of Guns to bear that can all slope in one direction. The Alliance would likely act like a Hoover (Vacuum Cleaner) in that it'd fire from one side of the fleet to the other, casually demolishing each ship it reaches, unable to be stopped.



Anyway, that's just how I see it going down :p

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Fist thing... Considering it was HIS computer, by the rules of the Kaggath does this not account as a "personal weapon" or "personal equipment" it was desgned to assist him and he made it. So i dont see why he would not have it.'


Except Dodonna never used it. It was first used at Bakura.


Visions are unreliable, and one does not have them every battle. Revan had the visions the Force felt like giving him at the time. Visions are basically "plot knowledge" there is no plot here, there are no visions here. The force will grant none.


This is precognition, not necessarily Force visions. It appears to be very similar to that of the Echani's Battle Precognition. So, yes, I think it will apply.


I have stated this before, but Revan's offensive nature isnt going to help him here on the defensive. Meetra's meditation will likely have an effect if Corran is keeping her busy, keeping her busy is not beating her its keeping her busy she hasnt shown Meditation at the same time as a mental assault no one has. And even if that doesnt work Melds would reduce its effectiveness.


Revan is not a one-trick pony. Have you talked to Canderous in KOTOR? Revan utterly baffled the Mandalorians with his mass deceptions and manipulations. He also preserved Republic worlds during the Jedi Civil War. You are confusing Revan with Malak. Revan did what he had to and used aggressive tactics, but he had far more going for him than that.


Dodonna = Wedge in terms of move and counter move in THIS situation Wedge being the Masterful Defensive Tactitian and Dodonna the Master Seige Tactitian. Add in his personal computer, along with Corran Horn to increase fighter efficiency, Saba's organization of Strike teams and Battle Melds to counter act the Battle Meditation, and finally Chewie's knowledge of the lanes and the Wookie com technitians adding a level of surprise to his opponents.


Again, I find it unlikely that Dodonna has the BAC. He never, to my knowledge, actually used it because it had software issues. So I don't see the computer playing a factor. If either the Supreme Arbiter or the current Arbiter could make a judgment on that, that would be great.


I argue that Wedge is the one overwhelmed here, he has to deal with a man as good at siege tactics as he is at defensive tactics. To top it off They will likely drop out of hyperspace some place he wasnt expecting, potentially on their back side. And he has to deal with the Fighter and strike team tactics of Corran and Saba, while also dealing with Dodonna's computer assisting dodonna.


Revan doesnt add anything useful to him, and meetra just adds the battle Meditation which is partially countered by Saba's Melds and/or Corran's distraction.


I'm not sure the Wookiee lanes go to Makeb. You have a point, but it's really just supposition, it's not concrete.


According to Wookieepedia, Force Meld/Battle Meld only affects Force users, so Saba's Meld does very little to counter Battle Meditation unless you have a great number of Jedi Knights in space, thus weakening your ground forces.

Edited by Aurbere
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again this is wrong..., one of the things you arent reliazing are both are only able to bring 10 of their guns to bear at a time. on a Single target also, they both have the same Power output, even if its less guns the power output allows them to put more power through those guns. Canonically the Nebula matches the Imp II in firepower and BEATS it in Defensive Capabilities. 1v1 a Nebula almost always wins.


I know you like numbers and are going

right now, but it doesn't work that way..... Here let me see if I can get you a number that you understand.....



"Power output

Peak: >9,28 × 1024 W[4] (over 20% more power than the ISD-I)[1]"


"Power output

Peak: >9,28 × 1024 W[7] (over 20% more power than the ISD-I)[8][9]"


Preposterous, I am sure the MK II could bring more than a mere 10 to bear at once time... Kinda the entire reason for the wedge shape as well as the elevated length...


The power output also should be noted that the Nebula is putting much more of its energy into its shields.


While yes every encounter I remember the Nebula eventually wins, it is due to its tankyness, not its awesome firepower. The Nebula follows the Mon Cal design principles of basically covering every angle, and having unbreakable defense. Well, Imperial design is the opposite. Focus their designs around being able to bring overwhelming amounts of firepower to bear at once, at the cost of leaving their rear exposed.


While the Nebula has less firepower, it is also good to note it also had the speed and maneuverability advantage. You are factoring other things in when all we are looking at is raw firepower Tune. In raw power, if both were to shoot at the same target for the same time, the MK II would come out as having done more.

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Ok lets cover a few things... the First captain of the Obi-wan was an NJO officer.... She was a Wookie. I think that Covers that.


Also a wookie comm tech with most teams is not an unlikely or unheard of thing.

Finally on the Chewie thing for the upteenth mililion time. The organization that he was a part of existed back in the OR days. Even in those days they would smuggle stuff through hutt space and outer rim all the time. Chewie during the empire days was responsible for preserving and keeping all the knowledge of the lanes from all the years the wookies had it away from the empire. Even if it doesnt lead exactly to Makeb it will most assuredly lead some where near Makeb where they could STILL drop in at an unexpected Angle/ location.


One captain of one ship is a wookiee.

Therefore everyone in the fleet can speak the super secret wookiee language.




You can't just say it might have sort of possibly had information on Makeb. Chewbacca only got PIECES of the Data, Makeb was nowhere near Kashyyyk, and was no interest to the Wookiees. There is absolutely no evidence, at all, like literally none, that state Chewbacca knew anything about a hyperlane to Makeb, it is pure conjecture with no base.


By your logic, I can say that Revan knew Zaalbar, Zaalbar was a son of a chieftan and was thus entrusted the routes.


Baseless, utterly baseless.

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For those continueing to doubt the nebula



"Although the Republic-class was only half the cost of an Imperial-class, and required a mere one-fifth the crew size, it boasted 20 percent more firepower than an Imperial I-class model. However, it was still outmatched by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and the various Super Star Destroyers.[1]"




"Despite the touting of far superior firepower over the Republic-class, the two had nearly similar armaments: the difference was eight concussion missile launchers for the Nebula, and two additional tractor beams for the Republic. The power generation and model of guns was different enough to make the Nebula a far superior design to the Republic"



You are wrong thank you.... please come again. Are we done spreading false info.



"With 30 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 laser cannons, 20 ion cannons, 8 concussion missile tubes, 4 tractor beam projectors,[1] and more than 20 antimissile octets,[2] these ships were capable of engaging both enemy capital ships and starfighters. "



Capable of engaging enemy capships and enemy fighters simultaneously. I was suggesting using them as they were designed, using them as fighter defense, does not prevent them from fighting cap ships thanks to their fire control systems.


Also http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Concussion_missile

No where in the history of star wars have I seen a Conc missile be unusable while allied fighters are around. These were designed to be used to kill and fend off enemy fighters along side your own fighter compliment, it makes 0 sense for them to be unable to do the job that was intended of them....






There are over 20 of these on the Majestic, bassically filling the air with Shrapnel IN DIFFERENT locations when a missile is fired.

Edited by tunewalker
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For those continueing to doubt the nebula



"Although the Republic-class was only half the cost of an Imperial-class, and required a mere one-fifth the crew size, it boasted 20 percent more firepower than an Imperial I-class model. However, it was still outmatched by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and the various Super Star Destroyers.[1]"


"Despite the touting of far superior firepower over the Republic-class, the two had nearly similar armaments: the difference was eight concussion missile launchers for the Nebula, and two additional tractor beams for the Republic. The power generation and model of guns was different enough to make the Nebula a far superior design to the Republic"



You are wrong thank you.... please come again. Are we done spreading false info.


The point you are forgetting is that the Republic class was frontally focused much like a Imperial Star Destroyer, and it was still outmatched by a MK II.


While the Nebula has superior offense and defense than the Republic, its weapon lay out as well as its design over all is NOT focused, like, at all. It took its superior firepower, and spread it all over the vessel, covering every angle. No elevated length either, meaning less can fire at a frontal target at the same time.


It is an impressive ship Tune, no doubts there. But its damage potential is much less than a MK II... There really is no other way to put it than simply stating this. The MK II has weaker shields, but superior firepower. Period. Not false.

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Except Dodonna never used it. It was first used at Bakura.


It was his, he made it.


This is precognition, not necessarily Force visions. It appears to be very similar to that of the Echani's Battle Precognition. So, yes, I think it will apply.


Incident you are talking about??? As far as I am aware this precog sounds like a Force vision.


Revan is not a one-trick pony. Have you talked to Canderous in KOTOR? Revan utterly baffled the Mandalorians with his mass deceptions and manipulations. He also preserved Republic worlds during the Jedi Civil War. You are confusing Revan with Malak. Revan did what he had to and used aggressive tactics, but he had far more going for him than that.


Yes revan is a good tactitian... we have covered this, Wedge is better, and in this situation he doesnt actually add anythign that Wedge couldnt do himself or do better. Ilke Peanut butter and I like Balone but put both on the same sandwich and it doesnt work.


Again, I find it unlikely that Dodonna has the BAC. He never, to my knowledge, actually used it because it had software issues. So I don't see the computer playing a factor. If either the Supreme Arbiter or the current Arbiter could make a judgment on that, that would be great.


I am pretty sure he used it during the time after Bakura after he got out of the Lunsakya for a short time before becoming a statesmen, either way he built it.


I'm not sure the Wookiee lanes go to Makeb. You have a point, but it's really just supposition, it's not concrete.


According to Wookieepedia, Force Meld/Battle Meld only affects Force users, so Saba's Meld does very little to counter Battle Meditation unless you have a great number of Jedi Knights in space, thus weakening your ground forces.


I dont know if I need the Jedi on the ground to start honestly, but I recall before there used to be a difference set up between force melds and battle melds that the Battle Melds could be used on Non-force sensitives, I guess its not there any more so who knows.

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"With 30 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 laser cannons, 20 ion cannons, 8 concussion missile tubes, 4 tractor beam projectors,[1] and more than 20 antimissile octets,[2] these ships were capable of engaging both enemy capital ships and starfighters. "



Capable of engaging enemy capships and enemy fighters simultaneously. I was suggesting using them as they were designed, using them as fighter defense, does not prevent them from fighting cap ships thanks to their fire control systems.


Also http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Concussion_missile

No where in the history of star wars have I seen a Conc missile be unusable while allied fighters are around. These were designed to be used to kill and fend off enemy fighters along side your own fighter compliment, it makes 0 sense for them to be unable to do the job that was intended of them....




There are over 20 of these on the Majestic, bassically filling the air with Shrapnel IN DIFFERENT locations when a missile is fired.


They can fend off both, but not whilst covering their allies.


Concussion missiles can be used to defend against fighters, but they're big explosions tune. How do you not think the explosion will catch allied ships? The only way to use it in this battle would be to call off your own starfighters defending your ships and putting them on the offense, which is suicide.


And no, if you shoot one missile, it'd destroy all the Shrapnel in the one location, allowing a second missile that was fired shortly afterward to float through undisturbed.

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The point you are forgetting is that the Republic class was frontally focused much like a Imperial Star Destroyer, and it was still outmatched by a MK II.


While the Nebula has superior offense and defense than the Republic, its weapon lay out as well as its design over all is NOT focused, like, at all. It took its superior firepower, and spread it all over the vessel, covering every angle. No elevated length either, meaning less can fire at a frontal target at the same time.


It is an impressive ship Tune, no doubts there. But its damage potential is much less than a MK II... There really is no other way to put it than simply stating this. The MK II has weaker shields, but superior firepower. Period. Not false.


I am wondering if you read the quotes at all...


"Although the Republic-class was only half the cost of an Imperial-class, and required a mere one-fifth the crew size, it boasted 20 percent more firepower than an Imperial I-class model. However, it was still outmatched by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and the various Super Star Destroyers.[1]"


Now if you dont know the Imp II boasted only about 30-40% more then the Imp I.


"Despite the touting of far superior firepower over the Republic-class, the two had nearly similar armaments: the difference was eight concussion missile launchers for the Nebula, and two additional tractor beams for the Republic. The power generation and model of guns was different enough to make the Nebula a far superior design to the Republic"


Are you understanding this yet.... It matched it in firpower, BEAT it in defense. Causing 1v1's to go in its favor time and again.

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Well tune, he might not be reading the quotes, but at least unlike you he's reading the replies.


It doesn't matter if the Nebula had more firepower, because the point is it couldn't bring as much to bear as the republic.


You've spent half this Kaggath talking about bringing weapons to bear, I thought you'd understand this better than most.

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They can fend off both, but not whilst covering their allies.


Concussion missiles can be used to defend against fighters, but they're big explosions tune. How do you not think the explosion will catch allied ships? The only way to use it in this battle would be to call off your own starfighters defending your ships and putting them on the offense, which is suicide.


And no, if you shoot one missile, it'd destroy all the Shrapnel in the one location, allowing a second missile that was fired shortly afterward to float through undisturbed.


The missile explosion is not that big it never has been. Unless you are using something like a Diamon Boron missile. Never has it been the way you describe, it doesnt work that way, never has. Allied fighters arent flying within 1 Meter of an enemy ship, the explosion is just as big as when the fighter is hit with a laser and explodes.


Yes, it destroyes the shrapnel in that 1 local, then you have a bunch more fired again ahead of the missile, just like before These things reacted and fired in front of each missile. Shrapnel wasnt just floating in space..... and doing such a combo was nigh impossible to preform in the first place.


its not "fend off both" its ENGAGE both there is a difference IE actively destroying Fighters for its allies WHILE remaining in the fray against Cap ships....

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So... The RR pilots... Not a great choice. The space missions in SWTOR show pretty clearly how horribly awful their flying techniques are. They fly in simple formations and are very conservative with their weaponry. No amount of battle meditation or tactician work is going to make up for their horrific base skill level.
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Well tune, he might not be reading the quotes, but at least unlike you he's reading the replies.


It doesn't matter if the Nebula had more firepower, because the point is it couldn't bring as much to bear as the republic.


You've spent half this Kaggath talking about bringing weapons to bear, I thought you'd understand this better than most.


"Despite the touting of far superior firepower over the Republic-class"


This has to do with bringing weapons to bear as well. PLease stop spreading false info about my ships K thanks....

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The missile explosion is not that big it never has been. Unless you are using something like a Diamon Boron missile. Never has it been the way you describe, it doesnt work that way, never has. Allied fighters arent flying within 1 Meter of an enemy ship, the explosion is just as big as when the fighter is hit with a laser and explodes.


Yes, it destroyes the shrapnel in that 1 local, then you have a bunch more fired again ahead of the missile, just like before These things reacted and fired in front of each missile. Shrapnel wasnt just floating in space..... and doing such a combo was nigh impossible to preform in the first place.


its not "fend off both" its ENGAGE both there is a difference IE actively destroying Fighters for its allies WHILE remaining in the fray against Cap ships....


You're starting to sound like LeGenD :(


Concussion Missiles have been shown in the Atmosphere to cause catastrophic damages to the surrounding area, and Sonic Booms. That's a large radius blast right there. Any destroyed ship will spurt broken wings, engine units, cockpits, turbolasers, or explosives around the place right after it's destroyed, and this wreckage could destroy any fighter unfortunate enough to be flung wreckage at.


Concussion Missiles can also miss, and hit friendly targets. They can also miss all together, being a general waste. They're not carried in large numbers and are very slow to recharge.


And the Octate would not fire the shrapnel fast enough to not negate the damage the missile would do.

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And who's doing the commanding? Revan, Meetra, or Wedge? They can't all be doing it, they'd step on each other's toes way too much. And the last time Revan led a naval battle from a flagship bridge, it didn't end well.


I'm still questioning the whole mentality behind actually fighting. If Revan throws the first punch, that's gonna cause a lot of unrest amongst the soldiers and their de facto leader, Wedge.

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So... The RR pilots... Not a great choice. The space missions in SWTOR show pretty clearly how horribly awful their flying techniques are. They fly in simple formations and are very conservative with their weaponry. No amount of battle meditation or tactician work is going to make up for their horrific base skill level.


Empire at war shows that without a special god, ships don't move anywhere.


Game mechanics ftw.

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And who's doing the commanding? Revan, Meetra, or Wedge? They can't all be doing it, they'd step on each other's toes way too much. And the last time Revan led a naval battle from a flagship bridge, it didn't end well.


I'm still questioning the whole mentality behind actually fighting. If Revan throws the first punch, that's gonna cause a lot of unrest amongst the soldiers and their de facto leader, Wedge.


Wedge on the Fighters, Meetra on the rest.


And I believe there was some conference or something, I don't know. They have different ideals basically, and whoever is strongest has the best chance of beating the sith.


Stop poking holes in the Kaggath :p

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"Despite the touting of far superior firepower over the Republic-class"


This has to do with bringing weapons to bear as well. PLease stop spreading false info about my ships K thanks....




And no, firepower has nothing to do with how may weapons can be brought to bear.

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Also, can I say that earlier Tune stated the Nebula could take on Small SSD's, which is basically what the Alliance is.


That's false Quoting by Wookieepedia, Starships of the Galaxy expressly states that the Nebula couldn't take on SSD's, and was the Sister ship to the Endurance, similar in firepower, due to the Endurance's extra Starfighters.


Which now that I think about it, basically means Tune's flagship is worth One Endurance.

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Empire at war shows that without a special god, ships don't move anywhere.


Game mechanics ftw.


I mean.... You can call it game mechanics all you want, but really those are basically story missions. Aren't cutscenes considered fact? The rail system only confirms that those space missions are basically established SWTOR cannon. Because there's literally no other way to do those missions, and no other way for those battles to go than how those pilots fly and behave.

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I am wondering if you read the quotes at all...


"Although the Republic-class was only half the cost of an Imperial-class, and required a mere one-fifth the crew size, it boasted 20 percent more firepower than an Imperial I-class model. However, it was still outmatched by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and the various Super Star Destroyers.[1]"


No need to repost the same exact quotes I already responded to...


Now if you dont know the Imp II boasted only about 30-40% more then the Imp I.


Yes, already taken into account.


"Despite the touting of far superior firepower over the Republic-class, the two had nearly similar armaments: the difference was eight concussion missile launchers for the Nebula, and two additional tractor beams for the Republic. The power generation and model of guns was different enough to make the Nebula a far superior design to the Republic"


The superiority was almost ENTIRELY due to advances in general technology rather than the Nebula being that much better than a Republic class.


Are you understanding this yet.... It matched it in firpower, BEAT it in defense. Causing 1v1's to go in its favor time and again.


I read the quotes, and what you have to realize is that while the "republic class was a more efficient design" i do not believe it could always beat a MK I. I mostly think this due to armor that both used.


The point you are not getting about the Nebula Tune, and the ONLY point I am trying to get across, is that the MK II touted much more focused firepower than the Nebula. Nothing else. I have already stated and acknowledged its speed, armor, and shields. But NONE of that matters when you are only comparing potential concentrated firepower.


The main reason the Nebula was so much better than the Republic was not so much due to its design, but because of overall advances in the galaxy at large. The Republic while it had impressive firepower for an Alliance vessel, still had its flaws, such as trying to be an Imperial Class without the armor. Nor do we really have feats for comparing the two other than these very vague descriptions.


We are not comparing the entire vessels Tune, only their FIREPOWER that can be used at once on one target.

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You're starting to sound like LeGenD :(


Concussion Missiles have been shown in the Atmosphere to cause catastrophic damages to the surrounding area, and Sonic Booms. That's a large radius blast right there. Any destroyed ship will spurt broken wings, engine units, cockpits, turbolasers, or explosives around the place right after it's destroyed, and this wreckage could destroy any fighter unfortunate enough to be flung wreckage at.


Concussion Missiles can also miss, and hit friendly targets. They can also miss all together, being a general waste. They're not carried in large numbers and are very slow to recharge.


And the Octate would not fire the shrapnel fast enough to not negate the damage the missile would do.


I dont know how I amstarting to sound like him but what ever.


In the atmosphere.... We arent in atmosphere. there is no air for the fireing explosion to consume beyond the air in the cockpit.


Also lol,I guess we should never shoot down any fighters huh. It would be no different if the fighter was hit with a turbo laser Or a standard laser. A concussion missile a standard one meant for Fighters wasnt much more powerful then a Turbo laser. If a fighter could be hit with that (and they could on occasion) their explosion was not big enough to cause ships around them to in any way suffer any harm. I know what you are trying to say, but it doesnt work that way in Star Wars space if it did the destruction of a single fighter would shred Imp II's to pieces from the flying shrapnel. or entire TIE wings would be destroyed by 1 blasted X-wing.



I think you have missed the point about the Octetes.... a ship doesnt become immune to missiles, it gets a far grander defense against them then the other ships. Yes the missile may get through... and hit particle shields. You ships arent saturated wiht missiles, this is more then enough defense for what you do have, which is pretty much just in your fighters.

Edited by tunewalker
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