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No outrage about the vendor rep items?

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Be careful or the mind police will come back and tell you you don't need more than 1 tab because they decide how you have to play your game.


I have been ignoring them for a long time, granted they do add an element of amusement to the forums.


I particularly enjoy seeing a new moaning thread, you can almost hold your breath long enough before 1 of about 4 people leap to EA's defence.

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I could not care less about playing dolls house. No need to decorate something you wont be using.


With legacy storage not sufficient to meet my needs housing is dead before it starts for me. Give me 10 tabs and things might be different, but 5 is no use whatsoever, irrespective of the costs. I see no point is doing things in half measures.


In other words you don't care if it's 50 mil or 50 creds since you want more than 5 tabs. I'm ok with that.


Oh and I noticed you didn't post anything relevant to the topic at hand (ie. the vendor rep items). What's your opinion on that?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Be careful or the mind police will come back and tell you you don't need more than 1 tab because they decide how you have to play your game.


Please stop trying to paint me out as "mind police" just because I'm not as outraged as you over a virtual item costing virtual money in a game.

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In other words you don't care if it's 50 mil or 50 creds since you want more than 5 tabs. I'm ok with that.


Oh and I noticed you didn't post anything relevant to the topic at hand (ie. the vendor rep items). What's your opinion on that?


Yes that is exactly correct. Would happy pay 100M for 10 tabs if that's the going rate, 10 would most likely be sufficient. 5 is simply a car with no engine in it to me, so no point spending even 10 credits as you say.


Hmm I thought I had. I was taking the assumption that the vendor rep items were household items, and since I wont use the place without shared storage , is some what of a moot point for me. I am not a big title seeker in game, I only pvp and craft in the main, so everything else is periphery really.


In principle, I am against any rep based on your purchasing power however. To my mind, rep should be based on your ability to play the game itself, not how much you are prepared to buy packs for.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Yes that is exactly correct. Would happy pay 100M for 10 tabs if that's the going rate, 10 would most likely be sufficient. 5 is simply a car with no engine in it to me, so no point spending even 10 credits as you say.


Hmm I thought I had. I was taking the assumption that the vendor rep items were household items, and since I wont use the place without shared storage , is some what of a moot point for me. I am not a big title seeker in game, I only pvp and craft in the main, so everything else is periphery really.


In principle, I am against any rep based on your purchasing power however. To my mind, rep should be based on your ability to play the game itself, not how much you are prepared to buy packs for.


No, I'm talking about the new cartel pack reputation vendors that are coming with the new cartel packs.

It's weapons and companion customizations that are unique and require you to buy cartel packs to get the reputation.

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Please stop trying to paint me out as "mind police" just because I'm not as outraged as you over a virtual item costing virtual money in a game.


1) You brought the subject into this thread yourself in your own first post. So blame yourself for that.


2) The mind police reference has nothing to do with our different opinions on the price tag on those tabs but your incessant need to impose on others what they do or do not need. You decided that people only need 1 tab. Who gives you the right to decide that for others? No one. Exactly, so stop saying that. Just don't confuse my anger towards you about this attitude towards other players with the actual pricing of the tabs. Those are two separate issues that you just can't seem to be able to separate.

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1) You brought the subject into this thread yourself in your own first post. So blame yourself for that.


2) The mind police reference has nothing to do with our different opinions on the price tag on those tabs but your incessant need to impose on others what they do or do not need. You decided that people only need 1 tab. Who gives you the right to decide that for others? No one. Exactly, so stop saying that. Just don't confuse my anger towards you about this attitude towards other players with the actual pricing of the tabs. Those are two separate issues that you just can't seem to be able to separate.


It's a game... you don't NEED anything in a game...

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No, I'm talking about the new cartel pack reputation vendors that are coming with the new cartel packs.

It's weapons and companion customizations that are unique and require you to buy cartel packs to get the reputation.


That's what the vendors will be selling? That's what you're upset over?



You'd think if they were going to have you buy a ******** of packs to get to Legend status, they'd have better rewards.

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The only thing to be outraged over is your spoiled and entitled attitude. Thinking you should just be handed these things for free when you don't even NEED them.


So please indicate who said they want it for free and the quote where they said they want it for free. Otherwise I'll just assume you're talking out of your rear end.

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I thought it was pretty clear that the OP seems to feel they should get these items without spending any money and that they are entitled to the whole mess. Did you somehow miss reading the thread?


No, you are assuming something that I know not to be true. You obviously don't read very well. It's funny because I tend to disagree wih the guy who started this thread a lot but here you are reading things into it.


He's one of the people who's been accusing other people of wanting stuff for free, so I find it hilarious that you accuse him of this now. Also I find it funny that I am defending him now but then you are falsely accusing him.


So don't put your false assumptions on my reading skills.

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You don't need those vendor items either...what's your point?


My point is that nobody seems to be even slightly upset that they are hidden away behind a reputation wall that requires you to pay gambling boxes and open them for a random chance of getting reputation with the vendor. Gambling boxes that, in the first place, has to be bought for real money (even if you buy them for credits off the GTN).


But people are completely up in arms about having to pool their money with their guildies to buy a guild ship or save up 50 million to get access to all the tabs on the legacy bank.

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That's what the vendors will be selling? That's what you're upset over?



You'd think if they were going to have you buy a ******** of packs to get to Legend status, they'd have better rewards.


I never said I thought they were good looking.

Just saying that this is the first time they have put only unique models in the cartel reputation vendor (before this it's been maby one or two unique items and the rest versions of what's in the packs).

Next time it might be stuff you really like.

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oh was this some sort of joke or sarcasm....how novel.




Yes, note the use of the word need in capital letters and implying that I want it for free (which is a common misconception about my discussions on the pricing of guild ships and legacy bank).

He is simply making a very crude and hamfisted attempt at "pointing out the irony" in me asking why nobody is outraged about the vendor rep items (which I'm not actually outraged about, just curious as to why noboyd is, as I consider this more serious than the fact that legacy bank is 50 mil to unlock fully).

After all, to get full rep with this, someone - somewhere is goint to have to spend Cartel Coins on buying cartel packs.

Whereas nobody is forced to spend cartel coins on guild ships or legacy banking.

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My point is that nobody seems to be even slightly upset that they are hidden away behind a reputation wall that requires you to pay gambling boxes and open them for a random chance of getting reputation with the vendor. Gambling boxes that, in the first place, has to be bought for real money (even if you buy them for credits off the GTN).


But people are completely up in arms about having to pool their money with their guildies to buy a guild ship or save up 50 million to get access to all the tabs on the legacy bank.


I'm still not sure what your point is other than that you don't get how other people think.


This situation basically tells you what people care about and what they don't care about.


I am not surprised that people care more about legacy storage. Speaking for myself, I have 2 of the command thrones in my collection. I have various lightsaber skins etc. The new ones are cool but I have equal alternatives.


And besides, we've learned that we will likely get reskins at some point of the same weapons and stuff, so hey, no big deal to me. And I'll get the two crates at some point when we have the usual 40% discount moment if I still want to. I can wait a couple of months for that...been waiting for 3 years on legacy storage so I've got patience.

Edited by Tsillah
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No, I'm talking about the new cartel pack reputation vendors that are coming with the new cartel packs.

It's weapons and companion customizations that are unique and require you to buy cartel packs to get the reputation.


Ah ok. Just looked at them, and as I am sure you know yourself, there comes a point where they really need to do something ground breaking cosmetically to actually excite us old timers.


I have all the speeders/mounts I want, including 2 diff thrones, I have Tython sabre and the Voist one. I have the only good looking assault cannon, the primordial one, the old blaster and the assault rifle from the 1st ever packs, cannot recall the names, but nothing has come close since that are half as good. So whilst I think it's a little sneaky to hide those things immediately behind rep for those who might still be yearning for a throne, it does not effect me as I don't want the stuff it sells.


Every now and again I find a piece of an armour set that I use for one of my toons, adding to their overall look, but I rarely use a whole outfit, they simply are not good enough, mix and matching produces far better results than what the devs can design.


Obviously that's all simply my opinion, I am very aware that some people love looking the way they do also.

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So people who spend a bunch of money funding this game aren't allowed to have any unique vendor rewards? Today's sense of entitlement is ridiculous. You don't just get everything you want just because you want it.
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