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Question about marauder AOE


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Ive never played a marauder before, but for some reason I had pictured them to be roughly the same as LotROs champion (melee warrior with two swords, who excels at doing massive AOE damage)


However now Ive been starting to wonder if this is actually an accurate image.


Im currently levelling my sorcerer, and when he gets in a group during a heroic 4 or KDY, and there is no real tank class, I expect the marauder to step up and tank. So far I am sorely dissappointed to say the least lol. No tank equals my sorc has all aggro and dies.

The Mara's seem to be sturdy enough, and true they have aggro on the mob they are killing, but is it unrealistic of me to expect them to keep aggro on all the weak mobs in the pull? A melee dps class will take aggro by doing lots of AOE damage, but the marauders Ive met dont seem to do that.


Can an expert marauder shed some light on this? Lets take KDY as an example. Can a good mara tank KDY with proper heals and have I just met a bunch of bad players? Or is that impossible because mara's are not made to tank and even the good ones cant keep aggro of a healer or ranged dps?

and is a mara a AOE class or do they only have single target attacks?

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