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The Ancient Sith Lords - An Analysis


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"We rule the Sith. Here we will build a sovereignty of the dark side to overcome millennia of injustice. But I am the rightful ruler, for I alone possess the curiosity to translate their secrets and apply them to larger patterns of conquest. I foresee what will become a magnificent Sith Empire."- Sorzus Syn




The Ancient Sith Lords, considered some of the most powerful Sith of all time even by future generations of Sith.


The most famous view point of these Lords of the Sith golden age comes from Kreia, whom maintains the opinion that the Sith were far more powerful and much more skillful than Sith of her own day, there is certainly truth here, despite her own mistakes.


A deeper look points to an even greater power than Kreia believed, whilst she incorrectly assumes the Sith were great lightsaber duellists, as the Sith Empire had no lightsabers, due to the Dark Jedi Exiles having been stripped of their lightsabers by the Jedi Order and Republic. What she also states requires deeper research, as many people don't understand the significance of these statements.


"It has been here for thousands of years. It is a place where Sith teachings run strong… It is the threshold of the borders of an ancient empire. Kreia says that it was a place of reflection for the ancient Sith… a gateway to their lands. It drew Lord Revan… and it calls to her as well. She said that the teachings here will lead one to the Sith… the true Sith… and all their shadowed worlds. This place led Revan to the graveyards of Korriban… and beyond." - Darth Sion



Her Sith persona Darth Traya created a Triumvirate via Darth Revan based on teachings from the Trayus Academy of Malachor V.


The Trayus Academy was one of the last great repositories of ancient Sith knowledge left in the galaxy, the teachings within contained some of the most powerful techniques ever. Techniques such as Force Drain on a vast scale, allowing one to utterly shatter the glass ceiling that is potential in the Force and sorcery such as Dark Healing which had the power to bring beings back to life, even him or herself and turn them to the Dark Side, as displayed by Darth Krayt. Such techniques were terrifyingly powerful and completely subverted the natural uses of the Force, almost wiping out the Jedi Order for good.


As Darth Sidious himself stated, Sith Sorcery was the purest expression of the Dark Side of the Force. The infamous Sith Emperor Lord Vitiate became powerful through these techniques, absorbing planets of all life and dominating his Empire for over a millennium. Techniques the Ancient Sith were experimenting with and advancing in. Marka Ragnos was considered by many to be the most powerful of the Ancient Sith Lords, indeed he ruled via manipulation and mind control via Sith Sorcery for a century, something that Darth Sidious was impressed greatly by, Ragnos was not content to remain a spirit however, his great Scepter was a countermeasure against death and he came very close to returning, much like another sorcerer did..


"Exar Kun was once the most dangerous and powerful of the Ancient Sith Lords, responsible for the deaths of millions in the republic."




Exar Kun was the heir to the Ancient Sith and he learnt from many holocrons and scrolls as well as Massassi priests themselves to gain immense prowess in Sorcery. He had a vast and advanced knowledge, from creating Leviathans, Terentateks and the Dark Reaper to the abominable Golden Globe, in which he trapped the souls of thousands of Massassi Children to draw strength from in his experiments.


He also had dominating powers, his famous Force Blast which was beyond any defense and could disintegrate his enemies, but lesser known was his ability to freeze the crystal of lightsaber blades and extinguish them, rendering such weapons useless. Perhaps even more terrifying was his ability to strip an essence from it's body using illusory vipers to render a victim helpless. He also learnt spells to kill powerful Jedi Masters instantly, stun hundreds in the senate and worst of all, he used a ritual which allowed him to absorb the Massassi of Yavin IV, this power gave him the ability to abandon the mortal plane and escape death.


All of these powers came from the knowledge he'd found from the Ancient Sith, which paints a terrifying picture of what other Sith Sorcerers of the Sith Empire could unleash.


"From slavery rises the most powerful Sith in generations. Darth Thanaton is right to fear you."

―Darth Decimus



Yet another Sorcerer was the Sith known as Lord Kallig and eventually Darth Nox, Dark Council member and Keeper, the ancestor of Kallig passed on the technique of Force Walk, which allowed a sufficiently powerful Sith to bind the spirits of fallen Dark Lords to their own body, greatly increasing their own power.


This particular Sith moved onto the Dark Council, making them nearly immortal, despite detractors considering Darth Nox to be one of the lowliest members of the Dark Council, the truth was that this former slave had become one of the biggest powerhouses on the Council itself.


Many powerful artifacts and techniques lasted the test of time and greatly increased the power of Dark Lords and aspirants alike, one thing remained true, the knowledge of the Ancient Sith Empire was without doubt the greatest enemy the galaxy faced, entire planets and star systems became victims of Sith techniques developed millennia beforehand by the first Sith Lords and their empire.


Although much remains unknown about the Ancient Sith, what can be traced back to them indicates terrifying levels of power, completely surpassing the limitations of the natural use of the Force and having near limitless levels of power.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Not very long but short and to the point, which was to reflect that despite much remaining unknown about the Ancient Sith, when you pay attention to all references, they were clearly extremely powerful.


The techniques and such that they developed were easily some of the most powerful of all time and made many Sith Lords punch far above their own weight.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Great analysis! Thanks. I do have a question per the quote below.


A deeper look points to an even greater power than Kreia believed, whilst she incorrectly assumes the Sith were great lightsaber duellists, as the Sith Empire had no lightsabers, due to the Dark Jedi Exiles having been stripped of their lightsabers by the Jedi Order and Republic. What she also states requires deeper research, as many people don't understand the significance of these statements.


Being stripped of their lightsabers makes sense as they were war prisoners. However after seeing the images below from Exiles Wooki page





Did they reconstruct their own, have some hidden, or is this (out of universe) some error along the way?

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Such a fascinating subject, though I really wish they would expand the character of Marko Ragnos. For example, how did he learn to steal force energy, and infuse other things or people with it? Much more advanced than the typical force drain...


Seriously, Old Sith Lord Relics are among the items in star wars that just blow everything out of the water, no matter what time period it is. Though, they likely will only explore it as soon as they explore Rakata...or Celestials...so...Never... :( :(

Edited by Silenceo
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Which is a good thing. Mishandling of any of the pre-history empires would be glaring and painful. Rather than risk smudging, ruining, or insulting those groups, leaving them vague lets us debate, discuss, and imagine all on our own.
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I was always under the impression these ancient sith only used lightsabers like ancient jedi for ceremonial purposes. Their real weapons were physical blades. This is why in the KoToR games and I believe even in other games any time you need to retrieve the weapon of a long dead sith, it isn't a saber its a Vibro sword or something...


Even Traya's response I figured had to do with the whole comparing saber skills of people to the swordsmanship of old.

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The first genuine appearance of a Sith using a lightsaber after the Dark Jedi Exiles is Freedon Nadd.


Canonically the exiles were stripped of their lightsabers and used war swords and pikes, going so far as to despise the lightsaber as a Jedi weapon.


Images pop-up of the original exiles appearing with lightsabers but they are contradivtory to actual canon events.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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The first genuine appearance of a Sith using a lightsaber after the Dark Jedi Exiles is Freedon Nadd.


Canonically the exiles were stripped of their lightsabers and used war swords and pikes, goi g do far as to despise the lightsaber as a Jedi weapon.


Images pop-up of the original exiles appearing with lightsabers but they are contradivtory to actual canon events.


Ya that was my understanding of the events for the most part, but even the jedi's sabers I thought were primitive at thistime weren't they. Didn't they have things like battery packs still attached for them so if/when they did engage didn't they also use swords and pikes? (obviously this is truly a question my under standing of the time period that far back is hazy....)

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Let's not forget though that Darth Marr supposedly uncovered Tulak Hord's lightsaber on Dromund Fels...


Also didn't the Sith invent the modern lightsaber, then pass that on to the Jedi during the Great Hyperspace War?


Either way, I'm sure Hord wielded a sword of some kind. And all Traya says is "combat." She never specifies lightsaber.


But yeah, interesting analysis nonetheless.

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I was looking into the ancient Dark Lords myself, not too long ago. Their weapons would have been stripped from them. In my studies, my Essential Guides, the games that hinted of them, and also Wookieepedia (for all the spelling and grammar mistakes) was pretty informative.


Only 5 names of the Dark Jedi were revealed: Ajunta Pall, Sorzus Syn, Karness Muur, Remulus Dreypa, and Marchiness XoXaan. There were 12 exiles in all in addition to their surviving followers. There was info on all of them, mostly Ajunta Pall and Sorzus Syn to whom we [the Sith] owe the greatest debt. It was she who created most of the lore and knowledge the Sith Empire(s) follow today. For instance, It is believed Ajunta Pall was the leader and orchestrator of their Sith Empire, Sorzus Syn created the Sith Code, and the others perfected the Sith Alchemy and Sorcery arts.


Oh and by the way, thank you, "LadyKulvax" for your post.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
More info. Giving recognition and thanx to the OP
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