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Need = BoP || Greed = BoL


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I agree that Need should be BoP but it should work on companions, too, because everything else that's BoP does and I don't want to change the definition.

If you add companions into the equation it won't change much the actual issue, as people will need for comps vs those who really need it for their character.



Greed doesn't need to be BoL. That's what you're supposed to roll when you don't intend to use the item yourself.

Tend to agree but then if you don't BoL, everyone will be able to sell and as such by items without being obliged to do the associated content.


Of course, that's not going to change the behavior of the anti-social dorks that just want to ruin your day by taking your item from you. They'll still smash Need even if it's BoP. They already do that with boss drops.

Totally true, no system but having everything set server side without any player interaction can fix this.,

Edited by Deewe
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