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If there were a new Cartel Market ship, what class/variant should it be?


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Assuming BioWare ever makes a new Cartel Market ship, what existing class and variant would you want it to be?


Provide your top N, and justification--whether it's wanting to have different build options or just wanting an alternate appearance for a given ship. Perhaps the results of this thread might actually influence a decision.


For me, it's:


#1) Type 3 Strike (Imperium/Clarion)

It'd be nice to have a two of these to field at any one time. Perhaps one built super tanky (Repair Probes, Charged Plating, maybe E2S) and one built more for dogfighting (Remote Slicing or Combat Command, Directional, Power Dive). Also, while the Clarion is one of the best looking ships in the game, I'd love to have an alternate appearance that Imperials could use instead of the hideous Imperium. And in general, I think Smugglers and Bounty Hunters would like another non-faction-looking Strike option, especially for the best Strike in the game. Plus this would give new players a real-money way to access a very powerful and useful ship.


#2) Type 3 Bomber (Decimus/Sledgehammer)

As someone who has had a high degree of success fielding two entirely different builds of this ship (ID/LLC/CM short range scrapper vs. CM/HLC/CM mid-range lancer), I would love to be able to have both of them on the same character. As for appearance, the Decimus looks criminally terrible with Power Dive, but Power Dive is pretty much necessary in order to justify flying this variant over one of the other two Bombers. And while I like the Sledgehammer's look, I know that not everyone is a fan. So offering an alternate appearance would be welcome, especially on a ship that mechanically seems to really approximate Slave I really well. Again, I think Bounty Hunters and Smugglers (and Agents too) would appreciate a non-faction-looking model. Plus this would give new players a real-money way to access a very powerful and useful ship.


#3) Type 3 Gunship (Jurgoran/Condor)

This is another ship that has a couple of different viable builds, based on the combination of secondary weapons (Slug/Interdiction, Slug/Cluster, Cluster/Interdiction, Slug/EMP)--though most people end up with one of the first two, it'd be nice to just have one of the others on your bar for funzies. Plus, while the Imperial appearance is generally well-regarded, the Republic appearance is almost universally hated. Even the banana boat would be better I think. Plus this would give new players a real-money way to access a very powerful and useful ship.


#4) Type 1 Scout (Blackbolt/NovaDrive)

In addition to my TT/S2E build which I keep reserved for TDM's in which I'm being focused, I'd love to have an alternate Type 1 Scout for an EMP/Sabo build. It'd also just be nice to have another non-faction-looking Scout besides the Ocula/Skybolt. That being said, while this is on my top 5, it might make more sense to make the next Cartel ship not one of the starter ships. That would give newer players a real-money option to get one of the cool Type 3 variants in the list.


#5) Minelayer (Razorwire/Rampart)

It'd be nice to have two versions of this ship just to allow different mine combos, and to allow one built as a supertank, and one which sacrifices some defense for Hyperspace Beacon. I think generally most people are content with the two current appearances, but I think there's a lot of room to come up with a neat/exotic non-faction design for a Minelayer.



Ships that do NOT need a Cartel Market alternate:


Type 2 Scout - Already has one


Type 3 Scout - The Bloodmark and Spearpoint already look really cool, and there's pretty much only one viable build/role people use them for (Tensor Field!)


Type 1 Strike - Already has one


Type 2 Strike - This ship has a ton of components, but a single one can already do multi-role due to carrying two missiles. And it's not like there are so many power builds of this ship that people are clamoring to put it on their bar twice. Plus the Pike looks solid, and the Quell is the most decent looking of the Imperial Strikes.


Type 1 Gunship - Already has one


Type 2 Gunship - Already has one


Dronecarrier - Already has one

Edited by Nemarus
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There should be no ship in the Cartel Market that does not have a duplicate ship available via Fleet Requisition.


With that said... the only ships without a Cartel Market variant beyond the starter ships could have one. Beyond that... nothing. So why not give all the above one, and be done with it. Make that money BW.

Edited by RatPoison
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There should be no ship in the Cartel Market that does not have a duplicate ship available via Fleet Requisition.


Try reading Nem's post. He comes up with which EXISTING FLEET SHIP would be good as cartel ship.


No one has proposed making a cartel ship that isn't a mirror of an existing ship.

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Feel free to read my post too, Verain. I neither accused nor inferred that he made such a statement or claim... in fact, all I did was reiterate which as it was, should have been taken as a form of agreement. Following that statement I put forth that (in my opinion) every nonstarter ship is deserving of a Cartel Market counterpart. Not only would it benefit BW, but it would also give GSFers an opportunity to take the same ship and create two differing builds to place into the same active cue. Edited by RatPoison
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Why not every ship? Every nonstarter ship just means "leave out the type 1 scout".



I think a cartel ship is a moderate deal for them to do, personally. Obviously it would be great if there were cartel ship versions of everything. We are missing:


Type 1 Scout

Type 3 Scout

Type 2 Strike

Type 3 Strike

Type 3 Gunship

Type 2 Bomber

Type 3 Bomber


I think asking for seven cartel ships is a bit optimistic, but I agree it would rule.

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Why not every ship?


I think asking for seven cartel ships is a bit optimistic, but I agree it would rule.


Well yes, this would be ideal... but as you say, it's optimistic.


Even if BioWare was planning on it, it will happen over time, which is why I asked people to rank. What ordering do we think would satisfy the most immediate desire, thus increasing revenue in the short term, which would in turn fund more Cartel Ship development?


Remember, making Cartel Ships takes resources. Art and engineering resources. Most of the non-faction designs we've seen in the game have already been repurposed as Cartel Market Ships. There aren't a ton of models left--certainly not enough to cover making an alternate of every variant. The Shining Man's ship, the Interfleet Shuttle, the Banana Boat, and the Republic and Imperial Dropships are the only ones I've been able to find in game--and I've spent a lot of time looking.


One cheap option would be to use the models they had prepped for the Infiltrator. I'm not a fan of this option, as it would reduce the chance we'd see a true Infiltrator class someday ... and also the Infiltrator models are at best unimpressive (Imperial) and at worse silly looking (Republic). Though admittedly the models from either side do not look very faction-specific.


In all likelihood, they'll have to actually design new ship models for Cartel Market ships. And since they'd want to trickle them out over time to maximize purchases of GSF die-hards, we would be unlikely to see them all at once anyway.


Which is why I say again: rank the variants in the order you think they should have alternates implemented :)

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Stasie, about a year back there was an article on reddit about the models of GSF ships obtained through data mining. A year later all these models are now in-game (minus the infiltrator class) which leaves me to believe that those models of proposed infiltrator ships are, in fact, the real deal.
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#3) Type 3 Gunship (Jurgoran/Condor)

This is another ship that has a couple of different viable builds, based on the combination of secondary weapons (Slug/Interdiction, Slug/Cluster, Cluster/Interdiction, Slug/EMP)--though most people end up with one of the first two, it'd be nice to just have one of the others on your bar for funzies. Plus, while the Imperial appearance is generally well-regarded, the Republic appearance is almost universally hated. Even the banana boat would be better I think. Plus this would give new players a real-money way to access a very powerful and useful ship.


Banana boat looks more like a strike to me than a GS. I could see it as a CM model for the Clarion or Imperium. Would probably buy it just to put another one on my bar too.

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Hey Cyn, I too would love to be allowed multiple variants of the same ship allowed on our hangar bar. But like I explained in another thread, since GSF is so inter-linked with cartel market that would be unlikely to happen since having multiple roles of same ship would discourage you from pursuing other ships and thus not need the cartel market and thus not be encouraged to get more CC which means potentially less $ for BW/EA. Why would you get 5 different ships (or more) when all roles are potentially covered with just 2 maxxed out? Player-wise it would make sense but business-wise the system they got in place works better for them. More roles = more ships = more potential earnings. Sad but reality.


The only way around this if you could buy the right to have multiple variants of same ship on your bar using cartel coins, like a Treek purchase. I'd probably pay for that.

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Stasie, about a year back there was an article on reddit about the models of GSF ships obtained through data mining. A year later all these models are now in-game (minus the infiltrator class) which leaves me to believe that those models of proposed infiltrator ships are, in fact, the real deal.


All of that data mining was real from the start. It had the filenames and everything (missile skiff, rail sniper, battle scout, etc.).


Hey Cyn, I too would love to be allowed multiple variants of the same ship allowed on our hangar bar. But like I explained in another thread, since GSF is so inter-linked with cartel market that would be unlikely to happen since having multiple roles of same ship would discourage you from pursuing other ships...


It's not about the cartel market here. It's about the fact that they want you to have to make a choice with a ship. The power of the cartel ships- which currently includes having that second battle scout, this one with quads and pods- is pretty much limited to exactly that. It would definitely be silly if you could master a ship and then queue five variants of that ship or whatever. Those are supposed to be ships, not layout snapshots.




Anyway, on topic- I think that you could pass on gunships, since there are two of those. I think that another bomber, strike, or scout would be best. I'd like another ship that would give someone with cartel coins and a desire to make a hangar some more depth: currently that guy starts with a type 1 strike, has another for sale in the cartel market, can buy the type 2 scout, can buy the type 1 gunship, can GTN (for a bit longer) the type 2 gunship, and can buy the girl bomber.


I think the priority would be a utility ship, specifically the type 3 strike, or a generalist, such as the type 3 bomber. A third choice, IMO, would be a type 2 strike, as that ship has a bunch of utility powers that you might want to queue next to a standard layout- this sort of assumes a world where that ship is a bit better again, however.

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While i don't run different builds of the same ship and also have no interest in doing so, i like to have visual diversity across my 11 characters. That's why i buy cartel ships.


My favourite for a new CM ship would be a Jurgoran/Condor. Slug gunship with switchable "fighter mode" - i love it! But at least my smuggler, bounty hunter and guardian (who is essentially a lightsaber-wielding smuggler) would be very happy to see a similar ship appear on the black market. :cool: Besides that, the Condor doesn't look that good... :D


And if they don't want to do another gunship, i've already seen 2 other suggestions i agree with:

they should repurpose the fleet shuttle (the duckbill fighter) as a scout.

Already suggested this in another thread. For me it would be more useful if it was a Novad®ive (:D) type scout, but as far as i can remember it now, the model itself looks more like a T3 - too complicated to be "just laser and rocket pods"...


Banana boat looks more like a strike to me than a GS. I could see it as a CM model for the Clarion or Imperium.

I think it would make a great T3 strike. For me, the Clarion plays a bit strange but still somehow good. The banana boat model represents that: It doesn't look bad, but...well...strange. :rolleyes:

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Stasie, about a year back there was an article on reddit about the models of GSF ships obtained through data mining. A year later all these models are now in-game (minus the infiltrator class) which leaves me to believe that those models of proposed infiltrator ships are, in fact, the real deal.


Yeah, I saw them - good thing they never launched, because I wasn't aware something could look more hideous than the Rycer/etc. lol.


My vote is for banana boat replacing any current in-game ship.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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I still am hoping very much that they do infiltrators. I will say that the Republic variant infiltrators are pretty terrible, but hey, so are the imperial strikes. The game has plenty of good looking ships, and the Imperial infiltrators are beast.


Inflitrators will rule because:


1)- We might get back the sensor system component.

2)- We might see the target tracker make an appearance (the target tracker became the sab probe)

3)- The plasma close range aoe thing sounds a lot like something for a stealth ship.



Overall, the idea of a ship with decent burst but not stupendously mobile is pretty pleasing. I think games are improved by the existence of stealth- just as long as it doesn't become overwhelming. I also had the strong impression, based on the descriptions mined early, that these ships were supposed to be pretty devastating to scouts (who were going to be weak to the lance and such, if they were caught unawares) and gunships (who can't slug these guys on their way in very easily), while not having the sustained gank power to trip up a strike fighter or bomber- while I'm not believer in rock/paper/scissors, it could well be that this was an intended "reason to play a strike" and "thing that is scary if you are a gunship or a scout caught unawares".



I also like the idea of a ship that isn't very maneuverable but that has to rely on something besides that to get its job done.




Anyway, the bigger question with cartel ships is, are there many things to be converted? I would say that the cartel bomber is something that is the size of our class ships, shrunk down- seriously go preview that thing, then remember that it's about the same size as a starguard. So they are obviously willing to convert older assets a little bit here.


But I think that overall, they should focus modelling on new ships. It's been brought up, why are the cartel ships all clones across factions? And come on, it would be super sweet to get something that was Seinar inspired and something else that was Incom inspired, one for each faction.




But while I think we can probably talk to the devs and get a bit of balance changes, and I think that we should see new maps and the inflitrators at SOME point, I suspect that their 3D modelers are VERY tasked with stronghold stuff, so I think that we'd be more likely to get repurposed stuff.

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Overall, the idea of a ship with decent burst but not stupendously mobile is pretty pleasing. I think games are improved by the existence of stealth- just as long as it doesn't become overwhelming. I also had the strong impression, based on the descriptions mined early, that these ships were supposed to be pretty devastating to scouts (who were going to be weak to the lance and such, if they were caught unawares) and gunships (who can't slug these guys on their way in very easily), while not having the sustained gank power to trip up a strike fighter or bomber- while I'm not believer in rock/paper/scissors, it could well be that this was an intended "reason to play a strike" and "thing that is scary if you are a gunship or a scout caught unawares".


The "sneak up on gunships and gank them" niche is already pretty well filled by scouts, TBH.

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