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A Galatic Stronghold at the Fleet.


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A lovely personal space station with a view of all the ships and space stations. I like living close to the action. :)


I'd also like a Stronghold Travel Portal in each Stronghold that let me travel between Strongholds, much like the Priority Travel terminals.


Anyone else want that?

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I think a fleet stronghold would be fun.

The stations are clearly much larger than the space we have access to so there's plenty of space where living quarters could fit.

It'd be such a cool view out the window, too.

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And if they don't change things from the current plan of having stronghold chat tied to its associated planet's chat, having a fleet stronghold would provide an option that does have fleet chat.


Yes, that would be convenient. Plus, it's Star Wars, right ? It happens in space. :)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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A lovely personal space station with a view of all the ships and space stations. I like living close to the action. :)


I'd also like a Stronghold Travel Portal in each Stronghold that let me travel between Strongholds, much like the Priority Travel terminals.


Anyone else want that?


That's a brilliant idea. I hope they see this and add it in the near future.

Edited by NajeeSensei
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thranta class corvette/termminis cruiser strongholds would be neat


Been working on a suggestion post for a few months, that would give you exactly that. But it's more of a look at what they're doing in DA:I and add some of that to the game.

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For the sake of security, the Imperial High Command has restricted the space around the fleets to military traffic, only. None Military traffic is strictly controlled. Civilian owned ships may only use one flight path to approach and to depart Vaiken space station. Ships deviating from the strictly defined flight paths will be destroyed.


As such, it is inadvisable to establish private dwellings in an area with such tight military security in place. Please cease and desist from further inquiries into this poorly conceived idea.


Thank you,


Imperial High Command

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For the sake of security, the Imperial High Command has restricted the space around the fleets to military traffic, only. ... As such, it is inadvisable to establish private dwellings in an area with such tight military security in place. ... Imperial High Command


The Silverbane Legacy includes three members of the Sith High Council and The Emperor's Wrath.

Build them their Fleet Stronghold. Now.

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