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No credits inside legacy storage. Why?


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You are wrong about my expectations.

I expect BW to do as they please, and I expect I'll unsubscribe when I stop enjoying the game. That's all.

it is their game, I just play here.


Sure, I'd like a Legacy Bank for creds, and suggested that to BW at the Phoenix Cantina of Feb '14.

I had a whole list of things I suggested, and I would have liked all of them.

But did I expect BW to do any of them? Not unless they said they would.


GSH and LS are an improvement to the game, including features I did not even think of (like the round-trip QT to the Stronghold) that are pretty dang cool. I am happy BW is improving the game, but I liked it when I subscribed, like it more now, will probably like it even more in a month, and think QQing because I didn't get everything I would have liked is childish. YMMV.


We only want BioWare to tell us "why".

Edited by mortenpro
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You are wrong about my expectations.


You're so vain, you probably think this comment is about you..... I was talking in general, I wasn't talking about you in particular.


I expect BW to do as they please, and I expect I'll unsubscribe when I stop enjoying the game. That's all.

it is their game, I just play here.


Well, I have a higher view of myself than that and it's only their game as long as someone else is paying for it.

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... and think QQing because I didn't get everything I would have liked is childish. YMMV.


Personally I think using the term (I won't call it a word, because it isn't one) "QQing" is pretty childish, too.



I'm not all that bothered about the actual issue, myself. Can't say I really understand the huge amount of fuss and rage about every last little thing in the Strongholds expansion. I guess I wasn't expecting it to amount to much in the first place.

Edited by PLynkes
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Why? Because it wasn't in the game at launch, was never promised to us, and has not yet been added.


Lol, GSF and GSH also were never promised and not there at launch.


Following your logic nothing would get added since nothing was ever promised and a lot certainly not present at launch.


Fact is that credits and storage have been linked tightly from the start. So only natural for people to expect that when LS got promised, that LC would be part of the package.


Just like mannequins to show off armor sets were expected to be part of the package since you also get to place speeder decorations and pet decorations.

Edited by LeJarC
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What people need to understand is that just because a feature isn't in at launch doesn't mean it won't be added later.


Mannequins, legacy bank credit storage and all that might very well be in the works, but just not ready for release yet.

I guess that depends on how you look at it. I would have expected that to be one of the basic features for the same reason as I mentioned before. Credits and Storage have been tightly linked from start. That raises the expectation that when LS is introduced (be it as part of Strongholds or something else) that LC would likewise be part of this.


If it were in the works, then they also could have said it would get added since you don't invest money and effort in something that's not going to be included, so even less reason not to mention this. Sure as heck would have calmed some waters.

Edited by LeJarC
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What do you set the legacy storage at for the F2P who has unlocked additional character slots above the two they get as F2P?


How do you prevent the circumvention of the restriction against F2P mailing credits, even to alts? If they can put any credits into legacy storage with their main and withdraw them with their alt, then they are effectively circumventing that no mailing credits restriction.


Convert the F2P version of LC to be the equivalent of the current Escrow systems? No single character being able to withdraw more than his credit cap allows and still require escrow transfers for anything beyond the cap?

Or simply not have LC enabled? Like so many other things in the game where F2P needs to buy an unlock for real money (since they cannot possibly handle the prices asked on GTN) ? They already need to first even try to get LS, since that is likely not going to be as simple if it is going to be a crafted item. GTN prices will likely then be out of reach for F2P, so they will likely need to use CC to even get access to LS.


And it would also solve the issue of inter-character credits transfer because the only way would then be to accumulate credits so they end up in escrow for the other character to transfer, and this way BW gets to cash in on the required CC.


In fact, the whole Escrow system could be taken lock, stock and barrel and just plain put in place as LC and for subs removing the requirements to access those credits... it would also allow us possibly to set our own individual credit cap on each toon so that any credits above that automatically transfers into LC.

Edited by LeJarC
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What people need to understand is that just because a feature isn't in at launch doesn't mean it won't be added later.


Yep, I expected legacy storage at game launch since it was pretty much a standard feature in existing games and now we get it in SWTOR. All you need to have is a few years of patience. So don't worry, we will have credit storage in the legacy bank by 2017.

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You're so vain, you probably think this comment is about you..... I was talking in general, I wasn't talking about you in particular.




Well, I have a higher view of myself than that and it's only their game as long as someone else is paying for it.


I hope you ask Carly to use that.

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I agree, this disappointed me greatly. I was hoping they would make it more like Guild Bank, which offers basically everything we would need.


This. The Legacy bank they've created here is worthless to nearly anyone who isn't a crafter. Why didn't they just make a crafting bank and not get people worked up over nothing.

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This. The Legacy bank they've created here is worthless to nearly anyone who isn't a crafter. Why didn't they just make a crafting bank and not get people worked up over nothing.


Because it isn't a crafting bank. Just because you don't see the other advantages this has, doesn't mean it suddenly is a crafting bank.

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Maybe it is me but you can't craft out of Guild Banks. Legacy you can. That makes a big difference. It would be nice to have credits stored there. I was use to it in GW1. Came in handy if someone was selling something. You didn't have to switch chrs to try and buy it. Edited by well
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And that's what it boils down to.


I think, on THIS issue, that's what has people flummoxed. It is such an obvious QoL improvement.


I hope on Monday Eric can give some insight into WHY it isn't offered.


It is surprising that they don't add that to Legacy Storage

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You're so vain, you probably think this comment is about you..... I was talking in general, I wasn't talking about you in particular.

This is why we have not only second-person personal pronouns like "you" but also third-person indefinite pronouns like "some people." I can only read what you wrote, after all.


It would be insulting for me to assume that when you reply to me using "you," you actually mean "some players." Doing so would be implicitly assuming that you either have poor English skills or are lazy.


Or perhaps I should instead say:

It would be insulting for me to assume that when someone replies to me using "you," that person actually means "some players." Doing so would be implicitly assuming that that person either has poor English skills or is lazy.

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We only want BioWare to tell us "why".

If you have ever worked in a large organization, you'd understand that sometimes the reason that something does not get done is complicated. Sometimes it is because some useless ignorant high-level management gatekeeper with nothing better to do is getting off by exercising the only power he or she has: the power to say no. Sometimes it is because someone with pull has a pet project they want the resources for, so that at review time they can brag about their great contribution. Sometimes a key contributor assigned to the task leaves the company, gets sick for a month, or dies. Other times it is an honest difference of opinion between competent designers, and may involve technical or other issues that are trade secrets.


So expecting BW to always "open the kimono" and show us their possibly-dirty laundry or valuable secret data is a bit much. And if they do it for somethings, people will get upset that they do not do it for others.

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If you have ever worked in a large organization, you'd understand that sometimes the reason that something does not get done is complicated. Sometimes it is because some useless ignorant high-level management gatekeeper with nothing better to do is getting off by exercising the only power he or she has: the power to say no. Sometimes it is because someone with pull has a pet project they want the resources for, so that at review time they can brag about their great contribution. Sometimes a key contributor assigned to the task leaves the company, gets sick for a month, or dies. Other times it is an honest difference of opinion between competent designers, and may involve technical or other issues that are trade secrets.


So expecting BW to always "open the kimono" and show us their possibly-dirty laundry or valuable secret data is a bit much. And if they do it for somethings, people will get upset that they do not do it for others.


I'd agree with you if it were some other things in the game....but this issue is not one of them.

Edited by NajeeSensei
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It would be nice to know the reasons this decision was made. I have my own suspicions.


I suspect the lead designer of this feature is cut from the same cloth as the original dev team...meaning that he is not open to suggestions or feedback from the playerbase. He designed the feature the way he felt it should be designed and that was it.


Just my speculation.

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It would be nice to know the reasons this decision was made. I have my own suspicions.


I suspect the lead designer of this feature is cut from the same cloth as the original dev team...meaning that he is not open to suggestions or feedback from the playerbase. He designed the feature the way he felt it should be designed and that was it.


Just my speculation.


There are people who post here who are the same way. They see the world from their own point of view and are unwilling to consider any other.

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This is why we have not only second-person personal pronouns like "you" but also third-person indefinite pronouns like "some people." I can only read what you wrote, after all.


It would be insulting for me to assume that when you reply to me using "you," you actually mean "some players." Doing so would be implicitly assuming that you either have poor English skills or are lazy.


Or perhaps I should instead say:

It would be insulting for me to assume that when someone replies to me using "you," that person actually means "some players." Doing so would be implicitly assuming that that person either has poor English skills or is lazy.


Methinks you're taking my tongue-in-cheek comment a little too seriously.

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There are people who post here who are the same way. They see the world from their own point of view and are unwilling to consider any other.

Research proved like 3% of people are able to take a step back in any situations and think globally.


just sayin'

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I know I'd like to be able to store credits the legacy bank. We keep asking for it, but yet they keep denying it to us.


That is because we still have some left over devs from launch who have this idea that they know better than everyone else what we SHOULD want and don't really care to listen.


The devs may personally not like this feature or that feature. So what... if the customer wants it, so be it...

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