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Please add a "sound in background" option.


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As a player who plays with two monitors and often switches windows while playing a game I find it incredibly frustrating that a game that spent so much time putting in beautiful voiceover work would make it impossible for me to do other things while listening to a conversation.


The fact that we don't have quest text makes it incredibly frustrating to be forced to keep the SWTOR window as focus just to get a quest. I'm often sending a tweet or quickly checking an email between questing or while on a taxi.


It is just so jarring to have SWTOR with it's beautiful background music totally muted while I'm on ANY other window.


I've read other places on the forums that "sound in background" was available and it is available in most modern games.


While I don't want to cry wolf I really really want to give SWTOR a proper chance but without the ability to do other things while listening to a quest conversation I'm not sure how much longer I can handle it.


I may have to wait until you guys add this feature (back) in in order for me to try SWTOR again.


This is such a basic function I think it would be silly not to have it in the game.


Even now as I write this I have SWTOR open and would love to be hearing the beautiful music playing but I can't because when I'm using the my web browser SWTOR is muted.


I don't want to play my own music because I love the SWTOR score but as I'm playing it sort of turns into this crazy sound psychosis of either all sounds or total dead silence.


Please please please listen to me and add the feature to have sounds play in the background while using windowed mode.

Edited by fluxdadaone
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I'd like this feature too, but it doesn't bother me so much that I won't play the game though.


I'd also like to see an option to set the sound output to than default in windows, because I have two outputs, one to headset and the other to my speakers. I'd like to be able to switch.

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As a player who plays with two monitors and often switches windows while playing a game I find it incredibly frustrating that a game that spent so much time putting in beautiful voiceover work would make it impossible for me to do other things while listening to a conversation.


The fact that we don't have quest text makes it incredibly frustrating to be forced to keep the SWTOR window as focus just to get a quest. I'm often sending a tweet or quickly checking an email between questing or while on a taxi.


It is just so jarring to have SWTOR with it's beautiful background music totally muted while I'm on ANY other window.


I've read other places on the forums that "sound in background" was available and it is available in most modern games.


While I don't want to cry wolf I really really want to give SWTOR a proper chance but without the ability to do other things while listening to a quest conversation I'm not sure how much longer I can handle it.


I may have to wait until you guys add this feature (back) in in order for me to try SWTOR again.


This is such a basic function I think it would be silly not to have it in the game.


Even now as I write this I have SWTOR open and would love to be hearing the beautiful music playing but I can't because when I'm using the my web browser SWTOR is muted.


I don't want to play my own music because I love the SWTOR score but as I'm playing it sort of turns into this crazy sound psychosis of either all sounds or total dead silence.


Please please please listen to me and add the feature to have sounds play in the background while using windowed mode.


this is the most annoying thing about the game other than world pvp. I remember this being in the betas too :/

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This. Please. Soon?


I enjoy having my game sounds from one set of speakers while I use my headset for ventrilo, etc. This is a very basic "need" for gamers and truly needs to be implemented asap.


I rank this "fix" a lot higher on the priority list than adding new ops/flashpoints, etc.

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