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SW:TOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world


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You'll have to help me here because I've never played WoW, but from what I've heard the expansions that WoW brings out are about 10 times bigger than the SWTOR ones. Tell me if I'm wrong but I can go a year without new content if there is a real full size expansion. SWTOR hasn't had a single one like that. Just a few small ones.


They are bigger only because WOW is Blizzards Flagship game where as TOR isn't BW/EA's. Content for new players is massive as they almost always add one or two new races to play but the content for people who were already max lvl isn't that much only about 5 more levels and a new area to lvl in.


Minus the new races it doesn't sound much different then TOR does it?

Edited by Anaesha
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They are bigger only because WOW is Blizzards Flagship game where as TOR isn't BW/EA's. Content for new players is massive as they almost always add one or two new races to play but the content for people who were already max lvl isn't that much only about 5 more levels and a new area to lvl in.


Minus the new races it doesn't sound much different then TOR does it?


Warlords of Draenor is going to increase the level cap by ten(!!!) levels, from LV90 to LV100. Better get you facts straight and and I don't even play WoW, quite frankly.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Except no new lvl cap since RotHC


The scuttlebutt is the lvl cap increases with 3.0 so you can't use that as an excuse when WOWs level caps never increase without an expansion which can take up to a year if nor longer to be released.

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Warlords of Draenor is going to increase the level cap by ten(!!!) levels, from LV90 to LV100. Better get you facts straight and and I don't even play WoW, quite frankly.


I don't either anymore I stopped playing shortly before they released the kung fu pandas into WOW so I'm puling from my previous playing experience not current.


So they finally decided to stop the 5 lvls crap and jumped a full 10? Took them long enough!! :p

Edited by Anaesha
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Do you people just ignore the fact that the CM items are made by a completely DIFFERENT team from the one that does the normal content like GSF, GSH, and 3.0?

Do you realize that nobody gives a damn about "Wow, more reskinned, completely useless, overpriced crap in the CM? I swear most of those idiots just blow money on it to have some sort of new stimulus from standing on the fleet too long. STORY, PVP, OPS that is the reason we are subbed. Neither I nor you nor anyone else subs to SWTOR just to buy crap off the CM.... therefore, have those teams help with what we actually need..... My 5 year old neice comes up with better designs that some of that crap.

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They are bigger only because WOW is Blizzards Flagship game where as TOR isn't BW/EA's Content for new players is massive as they almost always add one or two new races to play but the content for people who were already max lvl isn't that much only about 5 more levels and a new area to lvl in.


Minus the new races it doesn't sound much different then TOR does it?


Well, without wanting to insult you, it does seem that you're suffering from some form of stockholm syndrome.


Bottom line is and remains that for me the content release is too slow. I am not interested in the excuses, especially from people who don't even work for BW, or the reasons. So here it is SWTOR did well last year...great news. Not so sure what's happening this year with those numbers but I am starting to lose interest because of the lack of content. I like the idea of housing but what will I have to do to get my decorations? Exactly, more of the same stuff.

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I don't either anymore I stopped playing shortly before they released the kung fu pandas into WOW so I'm puling from my previous playing experience not current.


I never understood what can possibly be wrong with having Pandas in a fantasy setting but that's just me.

So they finally decided to stop the 5 lvls crap and jumped a full 10? Took them long enough!! :p


You do realize that the only level increase this game received was of five levels, right? You ALSO realize that WoW increases the level cap twice as much with a single expansion(!), than TOR has since release(!!!), correct?


And quite possibly before 3.0 is released(!!!!!).


Again, hilarity. :confused:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Do you realize that nobody gives a damn about "Wow, more reskinned, completely useless, overpriced crap in the CM? I swear most of those idiots just blow money on it to have some sort of new stimulus from standing on the fleet too long. STORY, PVP, OPS that is the reason we are subbed. Neither I nor you nor anyone else subs to SWTOR just to buy crap off the CM.... therefore, have those teams help with what we actually need..... My 5 year old neice comes up with better designs that some of that crap.


Say all you want but those "idiots" paying for all the "useless" junk on the CM are helping to keep the game alive.

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Doesn't excuse them for what I said earlier quite frankly.


One full year(!!!) without a single of those is quite frankly appalling, assuming that 3.0 is still supposed to be released this year, which I doubt with each passing day.


Did you really believe it? It's obviously scheduled (the expansion) for Makeb's anniversary.

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I never understood what can possibly be wrong with having Pandas in a fantasy setting but that's just me.



You do realize that the only level increase this game received was of five levels, right? You ALSO realize that WoW increases the level cap twice as much with a single expansion(!), than TOR has since release(!!!), correct?


And quite possibly before 3.0 is released(!!!!!).


Again, hilarity. :confused:


You're also forgetting that WOW has been out what 10 or 11 years now and Tor has been out what 3 or 4?


Blizzard has had a lot more time and money to sink into WOW so yes they are going to be way ahead of any other MMO out there in terms of content.


The Pandas......They are lore friendly but the concept of playing as a panda just seems to strange even for me lol. :p

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You're also forgetting that WOW has been out what 10 or 11 years now and Tor has been out what 3 or 4?


Not sure how does that change the fact that WoW increases the level cap twice as much in a single expansion, than TOR has since release.


After all, you're the one who said this...

So they finally decided to stop the 5 lvls crap and jumped a full 10? Took them long enough!! :p


I assume you have such an issue with WoW but not with TOR then?

Blizzard has had a lot more time and money to sink into WOW so yes they are going to be way ahead of any other MMO out there in terms of content.


Judging from your earlier comment, it wouldn't seem that way, since a five level increase wasn't exactly your thing... Despite the fact that's exactly(!!!) what we got at one time ONLY(!!!) with this game.

The Pandas......They are lore friendly but the concept of playing as a panda just seems to strange even for me lol. :p


I wouldn't know, since I never played WoW on a regular basis, let alone for more than two to three hours since it launched.


Even so, of all things, the release of a new playable race(!!!) seems like an odd thing to nitpick.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Not sure how does that change the fact that WoW increases the level cap twice as much in a single expansion, than TOR has since release.


After all, you're the one who said this...



I assume you have such an issue with WoW but not with TOR then?



Judging from your earlier comment, it wouldn't seem that way, since a five level increase wasn't exactly your thing... Despite the fact that's exactly(!!!) what we got at one time ONLY(!!!) with this game.



I wouldn't know, since I never played WoW on a regular basis, let alone for more than two to three hours since it launched.


Even so, of all things, the release of a new playable race(!!!) seems like an odd thing to nitpick.


Oh no I don't much like the 5 lvls crap in Tor either but I couldn't change it in WOW anymore then I could here in TOR so I just go with it. My previous statement was only expressing that I was glad they finally stopped doing it at least for this newest expac doesn't mean they won't go back to it in the next one. :(


I would also LOVE for TOR to release more races at the Pace WOW does but You and I both know that while the possibility isn't off the table that we could get new races the likely hood of getting a new race in what's left of 2014 or even 2015 for that matter is slim to none.

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In other words,







2014 ( As of July ):



In other words, if you want to compare to something, compare 2014 to previous years. Leave WoW where it is and allow this game to stand on its own for once.

uhh, since when does the korriban and tython flashpoints not qualify as a flashpoint?

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uhh, since when does the korriban and tython flashpoints not qualify as a flashpoint?


I should have clarified but since I was answering to Anaesha and said it earlier already, I ended up forgetting about it.



He probably expects them to work on a schedule that greatly benefits the game and a significant(?) portion of the player base, namely by NOT allowing a full year to go by without a single new flashpoint outside the tactical ones, daily area or operation.


That is what is bound to happen around August and October respectively. Just a thought.

Tython and Korriban are tactical ONLY unfortunately.


Nope, she'll be screaming constantly that she's not a bloody panda and that she can't be epic like that.


DENIED...!!! :mad:

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uhh, since when does the korriban and tython flashpoints not qualify as a flashpoint?


ahh yeh those annoying and boring tactical flashpoints that only test your patience and not your skills in any shape or form.


Yeh they made 2 FP's. I'll give you that but to be honest after the first couple of times I was already bored senseless with them and there's really no point in doing them, but that's a general issue with level 50 and 55 FP's at the moment.


Even if you do count them, it's bloody meagre at the moment.

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ahh yeh those annoying and boring tactical flashpoints that only test your patience and not your skills in any shape or form.


Yeh they made 2 FP's. I'll give you that but to be honest after the first couple of times I was already bored senseless with them and there's really no point in doing them, but that's a general issue with level 50 and 55 FP's at the moment.


Even if you do count them, it's bloody meagre at the moment.


And that is what I find so disappointing about it.


Bioware got it so well in 2013, by having the CZ-198 FP's offer both tactical and traditional. Comes 2014 and they offer tactical ONLY.


In other words, instead of going for the option that values further one's money, they do the EXACT opposite. Worse, I'm fairly sure that the ones that follow the next chapters of Forged Alliances will be the same.

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