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What you BoP people should be asking for is....


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Every new 55 I have hits 55 and is clothed in the righteous garments of 162 - 180. Because I already have 55's, run ops, and gear them just fine.


That's not why I want bound items to be transferable via Legacy Storage. As I have said elsewhere, I want that because I am not enthralled with the appearance of legacy gear, and prefer an amalgam of CM and Legacy gear for my characters appearance, which throws a wrench in my process.


I would also be entirely satisfied with an item that converts modable shells to Bind on Legacy. Because essentially that's all the additional utility I had hoped that Legacy Storage would offer, and it doesn't.


If you don't like Legacy gear just take the mods out. If you want the appearance of Elite or Ultimate Gear, then go do the OPs and get the drops or comms for it. Heck Ultimate Comms drop like Candy in 16 mans.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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SWG was cursed with the worst *********** devs in the history of bad devs. :rolleyes:


The game had a perfectly healthy population until they decided to put the game out of its misery. RIP PRE-CU


What is in essence swg 2.0 is currently in alpha.



Straw man


Nothing inherently wrong with people wanting to play a main character and feeding unneeded stuff to alts. You can already do that with 9/14 slots. 14/14 isn't going to make the game explode.


First, you are neglecting to mention that to transfer bound mods to an alt requires a considerable credit cost to remove those mods at least once. While an individual mod may be what some call an insignificant cost, when multiplied across all the mods those 9/14 slots encompass, the cost is much higher. High enough that many have complained about the cost, and as these threads indicate, are desperately looking for any justification for their desire not to have to pay those costs.


Second, you cannot transfer the bound to character shell for those 9/14 slots. Why should the remaining 5 slots be able to transfer the "shell", even if there are no mods to remove?

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Worst management...not Devs. Don't blame the guys working on the game for the stupidity of those who managed it.



Agreed!!! I prefer ONE character.


You do not have to run more than one character. You can rip the mods out of the BOP gear you get on that one character and send them to your alts using legacy gear, for a credit cost. You can even get 180 earpieces, relics and implants for your alts, using comms.


If you want BIS gear for those alts, however, you will have to run the content with those alts for certain items.

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Just to throw in my $0.02 on this issue. I am not that concerned about the implants, relics, ear pieces being legacy bound, particularly the end game items (Dread Master and Dread Forged). This gives frequent raiders for the HM/NiM content something to work towards across multiple toons. What really bugs me most about the Bound equipment items are the old Arkanian, Underworld, Obroan, Dread Guard, etc. items I have sitting in my bank that could give a decent boost to my gearing alts. Not to mention I have a lot of cargo room taken up with old armor/weapon shells (no mods or anything) that I would love to transfer between alts for appearances.


I think that the BoP systems should be retroactively changed every time a new tier or gear is released. For example, The two top tier gear classes currently are Dread Master and Dread Forged. These should all stay as is and all other gear up to and including Underworld should be bound to Legacy. (this would include any other bound items you loot in the entire game. I feel this would give my alts I am currently gearing a decent step up while still not eliminating the need to run the current end game content for the top tier gear.


Also on a side note, I would really appreciate being able to store modded legacy armor in the bank as well as any bound armorings, mods, enhancements, barrels, crystals, etc. I think the double standard for the extraction cots through legacy transfer is ridiculous. And due to that, I keep two modded legacy suits and swap them them between toons as needed. It is also my opinion that anyone who believes legacy bound armor mods will kill of the extraction credit sink needs to take a careful examination of how the system of getting a single armor mod from looted equipment in the LS and even an alts armor occurs. There is still a significant cost and not to mention the augmentation of said armor.

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This, times ten...


As it stands, you have to run HM ops to get some of the better gear, yet you have to run those ops on toons without the gear. Fine, you have to do it once, the first time, ouch...


The 6th time? Heck no. Instead, I don't do it at all. I only have two mains that I run ops on, the rest I may never to do, no interest in all that grind.


If I could take my 168 and 180 mains and run them on ops and send the gear to legacy alts? I would actually run FAR MORE ops.


So the posters who claim this would reduce the grind are mistaken and have it backwards. It would lead to more grind, not less.


This sounds a lot like "I want to faceroll those OPS with my uber geared mains and then circumvent the binding restrictions to send the bound to character items my uber geared main loots to my alts, rather than actually run the content with the character I want to receive the loot. I might have to actually pay attention and try if I ran those alts that I want to gear up."

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If you don't like Legacy gear just take the mods out. If you want the appearance of Elite or Ultimate Gear, then go do the OPs and get the drops or comms for it. Heck Ultimate Comms drop like Candy in 16 mans.


You are thick. So thick. You are completely incapable of seeing what I'm getting at.

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This sounds a lot like "I want to faceroll those OPS with my uber geared mains and then circumvent the binding restrictions to send the bound to character items my uber geared main loots to my alts, rather than actually run the content with the character I want to receive the loot. I might have to actually pay attention and try if I ran those alts that I want to gear up."


Oh no, someone enjoys different aspects of the game than me, better belittle him.

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You are thick. So thick. You are completely incapable of seeing what I'm getting at.


What you're getting at is that you want an Emporio Armani without the cost it takes to purchase one. Also, calling other people "thick" is NOT nice.


It is... Uncivilized.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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LOL. No?


Tell me why the odds of me getting gear would increase if I ran an operation on an alt, versus if I ran an operation on my main? Please, I am super interested in hearing why the straight odds of a need roll would be different because I used a different character?


Further, if I want a piece of gear, I'm going to run until I get it. I don't particularly care if I lose a roll. That's the nature of the system. I don't hate the game because someone else got the gear.


Your second point is complete nonsense. OP experience is one thing, but if my character isn't Raid-Ready then he can't very well run the OP, now can he?


That's easy.


Let's take a 16 man OP comprised of two of each AC, for example.


You are running your sorcerer healer.


There is an assassin tank, an assassin DPS and a sorcerer DPS. In addition, there are two of each other AC.


Situation 1


Binding restrictions are as they are now. Loot is BOP and cannot be directly transferred to alts. Yes, the mods can be removed, FOR A COST, and then transferred using legacy gear, but things like earpieces, imnplants and relics cannot be sent to alts.


There are 4 willpower users in the group. If a willpower piece drops, that means you have at worst a 1 in 4 chance of winning that item. The odds go up to at worst 1 in 2 if it is more appropriate for a healer.


Situation 2


All bound items can be placed in legacy storage and the binding restrictions circumvented.


Now if a willpower piece drops, you have to complete against not only the willpower users in the group, but also those who have willpower alts. This means you could have a 1 in 16 chance of winning that item, even if it is more appropriate for a healer, as the other group members may have healer alts for which they want that item.


Yes, you can claim that you only run OPS with your guild, but not everyone does. That's why there is a LFG OPS tool.


A to your second point, you can run the raid without being uber geared. After all, no one was uber geared when they ran it the first time. You likely will not be able to faceroll that OP. You might actually have to try a little and you might actually die, but you can run the raid in less than optimal gear. As others have pointed out, it is not difficult to get raid ready even using just comms gear.

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What you're getting at is that you want an Emporio Armani without the cost it takes to purchase one. Also, calling other people "thick" is NOT nice.


It is... Uncivilized.


So thick.


Here, I made a helpful graphic: http://i.imgur.com/QFOfCyX.png


My desire for bound items to move through Legacy Storage is strictly cosmetic. Legacy has been around a very long time. I've been around as long as it has. It's become integral to how I play and enjoy the game with my girlfriend and I and our continually making alts.

Edited by Kirazy
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The only thing I've gotten from any of this is People want easy to get stuff to be even easier.


So you're cynical and apathetic, we get it. About the only thing that could possibly have any validity is "oh no, the credit sink! what about the credit sink!"


It's a fallacious argument. The cost to me would not change if they permitted bound items to move through Legacy Storage. I'd still need to pay to rip the mods out. I'd still need to pay to augment the gear. I'd still need to pay to dye the gear. I'd still need to pay the repair bills.


I am not going to try to duplicate potential future functionality with what is currently available (bound Legacy Storage transfer.) Why? Because it's cost prohibitive. It's not a credit sink, it's just straight up cost prohibitive.

Edited by Kirazy
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So you're cynical and apathetic, we get it. About the only thing that could possibly have any validity is "oh no, the credit sink! what about the credit sink!"


It's a fallacious argument. The cost to me would not change if they permitted bound items to move through Legacy Storage. I'd still need to pay to rip the mods out. I'd still need to pay to augment the gear. I'd still need to pay to dye the gear. I'd still need to pay the repair bills.


I am not going to try to duplicate potential future functionality with what is currently available (bound Legacy Storage transfer.) Why? Because it's cost prohibitive. It's not a credit sink, it's just straight up cost prohibitive.


Guess that's settled then. :D

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My desire for bound items to move through Legacy Storage is strictly cosmetic.

Well, that's not what Legacy Storage does, and LS isn't the only or easiest path for the devs to make that happen.


My best guess is that a bind-to-legacy-conversion dye pack might be the way to do it with the lowest code cost.

If the color it gives doesn't suit you, just replace it (stripping the gear of the BtL attribute) after doing the transfer.

Done right, such dye packs would be a nice cash machine for BW and/or crafters, and/or a great motive for grinding.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Guess that's settled then. :D


Yes, but the issue is not AHAHAHAHAA THEY WANT IT CHEAPER.




I personally enjoy their modular system, and prefer it to an appearance tab. But oh my god, work with us, please.

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Well, that's not what Legacy Storage does, and LS isn't the only or easiest path for the devs to make that happen.


My best guess is that a bind-to-legacy-conversion dye pack might be the way to do it with the lowest code cost.

If the color it gives doesn't suit you, just replace it (stripping the gear of the BtL attribute) after doing the transfer.

Done right, such dye packs would be a nice cash machine for BW and/or crafters, and/or a great motive for grinding.


I clenched my fist in frustration at how completely you missed it. A dye pack that converts gear to BOL, with the way Bioware handles dyes, would be the most asinine and inane thing they could possible do. A single-use consumable that converts gear permanently to BOL would be best. For the love of God.


I don't want to transfer pretty gear once.

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Yes, it is.


You may find it cost prohibitive but the fact you find it so doesn't make it a FACT.


The general consensus is that it is cost prohibitive to move gear back and forth between characters in anything but Legacy gear. Ergo, people sacrifice customization options for utility. Just because I could drop the millions of credits it would take to do that more than once or twice, doesn't mean I am going to. That's how you bankrupt yourself.

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I clenched my fist in frustration at how completely you missed it. A dye pack that converts gear to BOL, with the way Bioware handles dyes, would be the most asinine and inane thing they could possible do. A single-use consumable that converts gear permanently to BOL would be best. For the love of God.

I don't want to transfer pretty gear once.

Once it is BtL, what is stopping you from transferring it again? It stays BtL until you replace or destroy the BtLc dye pack in it.

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The general consensus is that it is cost prohibitive to move gear back and forth between characters in anything but Legacy gear. Ergo, people sacrifice customization options for utility. Just because I could drop the millions of credits it would take to do that more than once or twice, doesn't mean I am going to. That's how you bankrupt yourself.


I've been doing it for quite a while now and I have 45+ million credits distributed between 21 characters, plus my Guild Banks.


It's probably not as much as other people have but I'm not exactly bankrupt.

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The general consensus is that it is cost prohibitive to move gear back and forth between characters in anything but Legacy gear. Ergo, people sacrifice customization options for utility. Just because I could drop the millions of credits it would take to do that more than once or twice, doesn't mean I am going to. That's how you bankrupt yourself.


Who says you have to use Legacy Gear? Why not just pick an outfit and stick with it.


Oh are you one of those people that changes their entire outfit all at the same time?

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I've been doing it for quite a while now and I have 45+ million credits distributed between 21 characters, plus my Guild Banks.


It's probably not as much as other people have but I'm not exactly bankrupt.


You rip mods out of non-BOL gear, put it in BOL gear, move it to another character, rip it out of that gear, and put it in a non-BOL gear set on that character, on a weekly or daily or even hourly basis?


I bet you *********** don't.

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Who says you have to use Legacy Gear? Why not just pick an outfit and stick with it.


Oh are you one of those people that changes their entire outfit all at the same time?


I might be, yes. "Pick an outfit and stick with it! Because the game is too expensive to do anything else!"


Yeah that sums it up.

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Once it is BtL, what is stopping you from transferring it again? It stays BtL until you replace or destroy the BtLc dye pack in it.


Because it's the most cumbersome way I can imagine them to implement such a system? Yeah, let's link our already ridiculously specific color dyes to a system that makes your set BOL.

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