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Should Bind on Pickup be removed (or changed)?


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All this reminds me a thread we had before beta launched, parsing it below for your read.



In short replace BoP with tokens you can use either as a gamble system or a static reward one.

Thing is it's the player who choose how to use the tokens not the system.




Long version:

(edit) adding Drasill input from his topic due to thread merge:


What is your favorite loot distribution system and how do you want it to work in ToR? Personally, I like a restricted random roll system the best. Restricted in that only those who can actually use an item can roll need on it whereas everyone is able to roll greed on it. A non-restricted random roll system leaves too much room for Ninjas and the "everyone pass and then we'll roll on who gets it" system that is used for PuGs in WoW is the most pointless thing ever conceived. I've always hated DKP since it seems to better fit Guild Officers more than anyone else and isn't really a fair system to begin with. What would you guys like to see in ToR?



So it will have RAIDs.



I like participating in RAIDs but I just can't stand a loot distribution system based on a player's mood. For example in WoW I saw friendships & guilds ruined with loot distribution issues.


I humbly ask for a system that rewards all participants equally and not randomly. Like everyone get an object he can use/trade or a token for participating.


I think it would be interesting both for casual gamers and hardcore ones. Isn't it fair?


And please no BOP.




More details:

What I would look for is something like that:

  • Each time you do a RAID you get a token.

  • Each token has a %.

  • You can use one or more tokens at a time and try your luck to get an item.



For example:

You finish the Sith temple RAID.

All players get a Sith temple token.

A token has a 20% success rate.

Lets say you done the instance 3 times.


You can use the 3 tokens now and have 60% of getting an item.

You can also make 3 rolls at 20%, or any combination, or wait till you have 100%

Either your roll succeed or not you loose your tokens.



Optionally the % value of the tokens could be random form 10 to 25%




Another gambling possibility is you can "sacrifice" some of the tokens to have acess to better loot tables.

In that case lets say you use one token to get access to a better table and two others for the roll = 40%



There could be many possibilites, like:

  • 1 token = table +1, 3 tokens = table +2 and 7 = table +3.

  • Tokens value in table 1 = 100% initial %, in table 2 = 50%..., in table 3 = 25%...

=> Imagine the stress rolling for 60% chance on a tier 3 table loot using... 19 tokens!!!


I know I would be gambling a lot, It adds some spice to the game




I see this system fair and rewarding both for hardcore gamers and casual ones. And you aren't tied by any guild or human decisions.


The other way is the reserved loot system as in DDO


What do you think?




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Your hypocrisy is amazing: on off-topic post, full of insults, twice the length of the one you responded to, and doing nothing but complain about someone else posting off-topic. Truly, a post only a Special Snowflake could post.


Need I point out the amusing "How long week it" in it too ? Ah, it was edited after posting, to fix that and to add some supposedly on-topic drivel, the above quote is the entire original post. OK I can play that to: The answer is NO.


Don't worry, all his other posts are filled with horrendous typos so bad I couldn't even read them. They just kept making my brain ache in pain trying to translate. The horrible low-contrast text made it worse.

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What do you think?


This topic was dead for the last 2 years. I know you probably mean the best here, I've seen alot of your posts in these forums, and I don't believe you're a greedy player, and that you honestly want to improve upon the game. But...

no, it's bind on pickup for a reason, to push you into doing content for power instead of buying power. BW already put a timer in for trading drops from Ops and FPs but only within the group that was involved in the kill. If that group is a bunch of jerks and doesn't follow common etiquette, you just don't group with them anymore.


The only reason why this has come up is that Strongholds will have legacy storage. Everyone seen legacy storage and seen a way to circumvent using BoL gear to send mods over to alts from BoP pieces. Then BW came out and said no, you can't use legacy storage for BoP items. Now people are up in arms because they imagined getting a new perk that would allow them to avoid the "insignificant" cost of ripping mods to put in BoL gear and send to alts. This isn't a QoL improvement, that came with BoL gear and it's a specious argument to say it would be. They are merely trying to avoid the costs associated with ripping, because if it was really as insignificant as they say, they wouldn't have any issue with ripping it out of the BoP piece and putting it into the BoL piece and putting THAT in the legacy bank. That is the real reason why people are upset, not because they feel like they got robbed on an Ops drop.


Personally though, I like that idea of a Commendation/Token to replace the Unassembled piece system we have now. My loot drop rolls are craptastic and I'm usually the last one to get geared in my group because of it. So being guaranteed of getting something every 5th boss killed is better than I'm doing now (1 out of 8). However whatever you got with that system would still have to be bind on pickup. If you want to send mods, you still can with BoL gear.

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Actually, PvP Force Master and Stalker set bonus can be used by either AC.. it's the only class that's set up that way.




Pretty sure he uses the stalker set, because Recklessness charge is more DPS than increasing Project's range by 5m. As balance you don't even use Project all that much, and Mind crush is already healing you for 2% hp every time it crits. Also the cooldown on MC exactly matches it's DoT duration, therefore a reduced cooldown is pointless unless you're tab dotting, otherwise you'll clip your dot which is a DPS loss.


And also, the PvE Force-master set can work for Shadows and Sages and the Stalker set seems more geared for Deception/Infilitration than Balance.




Now for example on my guardian, I have to deal with the medium vs. heavy armor, and part of a set bonus that's completely unusable by the other AC in the class (8% heal on guardian leap (Vindicator) and lower CD on UR (Weaponmaster/Challenger) for PvP, reduced min range on Saber Throw (Vindicator) and reduced CD and damage buff on Frenzy (Weaponmaster) for PvE. While I do use the 2pc Vindicator and 2pc Weaponmaster set bonus for PvE, that's only because Vigilance gets more out of a buff to Master Strike than it does with a buff to Bladestorm.


Consular/Inquisitor is the only one that set up so both ACs can benefit from using 1 set bonus. While other classes can use parts of the other AC set bonus, they can't get the full use out of the both 2 and 4 pc bonus.


And again, quoting the set bonuses you note that they do not work equally well for both ACs, all the more so if you get the DPS Stalker set that favors Deception/Infiltration for your Sin/Shadow. It translates horribly to Sorcs/Sages, and the Sorc/Sage set does not produce top DPS for either Sin/Shadow DPS tree, with the bonuses it provides working quite well for Sin/Shadow Madness/Balance as well. Your friend is free to run it if he likes, but it is not optimum for either PvP or PvE.


Sin Madness guide: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=748639

It's not really necessary to post the Deception guide I wouldn't think, but I will if you'd prefer. Sorcs & Sins, Shadows & Sages do not run the same DPS sets.


Again, your reasoning for why all things should be free to be changed to B2L really doesn't have merit here. There are reasons that would be helpful--and ways to do so that would still provide the necessary credit sink--but sharing set bonuses between non-mirror ACs is not one of them.

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no, it's bind on pickup for a reason, to push you into doing content for power instead of buying power.




However whatever you got with that system would still have to be bind on pickup. If you want to send mods, you still can with BoL gear.

BoP be it directly for items or token is a must in today MMO.

  • First to encourage players actually do the content.
  • Then to try to mitigate the gear inflation and the gold spammers issue.


However, lately MMO became a bit less a grind, and more open to people who have less time.

Is that a bad thing? Honestly I don't think so. For example I still remember how crafting, all by myself, was like a second RL job in SWG.


Still one of the issue with BoP is that it does not promotes playing alts. As such it makes the game feels more repetitive. In the end making people eventually leave faster as being bored.


Having a way to change BoP to BoL seems a bit too open.

However a one time transfer BoP items, that have never been actually worn, to one alt could help mitigating the issue. It now comes with a trade off: how to handle the loot?


Ideally there would be a 4th option in the loot window, something along roll for alts/companions/item look.

But the greed options already fills that role well.


It could certainly lead to people rolling need more than needed although there's a quick fix for that.

The system can be tweaked so if you roll for need the item is automatically bound to your character and can't even be sloted in a companion, not to mention alts.


This simple tweak would change everything even ninja'ing..


The only reason why this has come up is that Strongholds will have legacy storage. Everyone seen legacy storage and seen a way to circumvent using BoL gear to send mods over to alts from BoP pieces.

My question would be: why people are wanting to transfer the BoP items?

  • Is it mostly for the convenience to transfer the mods, versus the Legacy Gear** way?
  • Is it because there are some pieces (implants, ears, hilts) they can't yet transfer?
  • Or is it for the items look?


Yet there's no easy answer for that, guess it's mostly a mix of all and it all depends on who is on the other side of the loot button.


**note: actually the gear mods transfer with Legacy gear is a bug and the devs were afraid of the riot would they fix it.


Personally though, I like that idea of a Commendation/Token to replace the Unassembled piece system we have now. My loot drop rolls are craptastic and I'm usually the last one to get geared in my group because of it. So being guaranteed of getting something every 5th boss killed is better than I'm doing now (1 out of 8).

That's the main issue with rolls, you are mostly never rewarded accordingly the efforts you put in game.

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That's the main issue with rolls, you are mostly never rewarded accordingly the efforts you put in game.

No, you always get comms from op bosses, guaranteed. Beyond that, look up "reward ratio" in the context of training.

25% is close to optimal for maintenance of the desired behavior.

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No, you always get comms from op bosses, guaranteed. Beyond that, look up "reward ratio" in the context of training.

25% is close to optimal for maintenance of the desired behavior.


Yeah but I was getting 12.5%.. which isn't even close to optimal.. And actually if you read his suggestion, it was 5 tokens for a piece of Unassembled gear, one token drop per boss, which is 20%.

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You weren't getting comms?


Commendations are part of the problem. The ultimate comms are practically handed to you and so they put a strict weekly limit on it from the start.


But for people who take gear progression seriously, the 180 gear you get with comms is considered crap. Terrible itemisation and of course no set bonuses.


At the same time you see lots of what I call Commendation Heroes who don't even worry about set bonuses, completely unaware of set bonuses and itemisation running sm ops and even hm. I have seen pugs wipe on bosses with people in this gear. Stat wise they are still overgeared for sm but manage to wipe just the same.


The best are the people who do HM in that gear. The fact that they manage there is probably largely due to being carried by the rest of the team but to be fair 180 gear is technically above requirement as it is for HM.


So here's thing....either idiots are being carried and act like they were responsible for beating HM but are still clueless about gearing up and using their class....OR....and this might be worse, they might be right and it is good enough to do HM stuff, thereby completely invalidating the unassembled gear which is supposed to be the best gear.


What does it mean to a game if the best gear is unnecessary? I almost feel like challenging a group of raiders to gear up in pure commendation gear and do DF HM for example. Chances are they might succeed with relative ease and if so it means that 162 and 168 gear are completely pointless and made so by the commendation gear. Just like Obroan relics made arkanian and underworld relics pretty much pointless.


To me at least that's not a good thing.

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Commendations are part of the problem. ... But for people who take gear progression seriously, the 180 gear you get with comms is considered crap.

For tanks, yes. However, for other classes, you can do OK with comms gear but you wind up buying extra items for the mods and/or enhancements. And sometimes, like for Sorc Heals, you wind up buying 180 Strength gear for the enhancements.

Still need SB for most specs tho.


At the same time you see lots of what I call Commendation Heroes who don't even worry about set bonuses, completely unaware of set bonuses and itemisation running sm ops and even hm.
Yeah, I've met some people like that. Sorc heals in all 180 who think Dark Heal is their primary cast, for example. Not much you can do when people refuse to L2P.

What does it mean to a game if the best gear is unnecessary?

Unnecessary for what? NiM raiding?

My point being, one nice thing about SWTOR is that there is a range of content difficulties at endgame, to accomodate a range of skill levels and gearing progress. There was a time when 8M SM TFB would have been beyond my skill level on my Sorc heals main, even in my current augmented 4-pc-set-bonus 180/186 gear. Now I can clear 8m HM DP. I still like doing SM 16 runs though. And I need to learn to tank better before I am 8m HM DP capable at that.


Kind of going off on a tangent here, tho.

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So here's thing....either idiots are being carried and act like they were responsible for beating HM but are still clueless about gearing up and using their class....OR....and this might be worse, they might be right and it is good enough to do HM stuff, thereby completely invalidating the unassembled gear which is supposed to be the best gear.


What does it mean to a game if the best gear is unnecessary?

Thing is HM is not, and never was intended to be, the top-tier difficulty - that's what NiM is for, and that's where "the best gear" becomes "necessary".


Seems like (for DP/DF):

NiM - 180 gear & needs to be properly itemized w/ set bonuses; or 186 gear

HM - min/maxed 174 gear; or with 180 gear you can get by with Commendation gear's default itemization and lack of set bonuses

SM - Jump on in with your 168 gear and see the story.

(shift everything down a tier for TFB/S&V)


And that seems like a decent progression system.

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For tanks, yes. However, for other classes, you can do OK with comms gear but you wind up buying extra items for the mods and/or enhancements. And sometimes, like for Sorc Heals, you wind up buying 180 Strength gear for the enhancements.


It's funny you say that but..


Advanced Adept Enhancement (low endurance, high power/surge) is on:



Oriconian Force-lord's MK-2 Focus

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Offhand Blaster

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Shotgun

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Vibroknife


Advanced Battle Enhancement (low endurance, high crit/surge) is on:



Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Body Armor

Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Generator

Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Helmet

Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Leggings

Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Offhand Blaster

Oriconian Foestopper's MK-2 Headgear

Oriconian Foestopper's MK-2 Leggings

Oriconian Foestopper's MK-2 Offhand Saber

Oriconian Foestopper's MK-2 Vest

Oriconian Force-healer's MK-2 Boots

Oriconian Force-healer's MK-2 Focus

Oriconian Force-healer's MK-2 Handwraps

Oriconian Force-lord's MK-2 Headgear

Oriconian Force-lord's MK-2 Lower Robe

Oriconian Force-lord's MK-2 Vestments

Oriconian Med-tech's MK-2 Boots

Oriconian Med-tech's MK-2 Gauntlets

Oriconian Med-tech's MK-2 Generator

Oriconian Med-Tech's MK-2 Offhand Blaster

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Boots

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Gloves

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Shotgun

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Vibroknife

Oriconian Pummeler's MK-2 Chestguard

Oriconian Pummeler's MK-2 Generator

Oriconian Pummeler's MK-2 Greaves

Oriconian Pummeler's MK-2 Headgear

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Headgear

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Jacket

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Leggings


Advanced Insight Enhancement (low endurance, high crit/alacrity) is on:



Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Boots

Oriconian Boltblaster's MK-2 Gauntlets

Oriconian Force-healer's MK-2 Headgear

Oriconian Force-healer's MK-2 Legwraps

Oriconian Force-healer's MK-2 Robe

Oriconian Force-lord's MK-2 Boots

Oriconian Force-lord's MK-2 Gloves

Oriconian Med-tech's MK-2 Body Armor

Oriconian Med-tech's MK-2 Helmet

Oriconian Med-tech's MK-2 Legplates

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Headgear

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Leggings

Oriconian Mender's MK-2 Suit

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Boots

Oriconian Targeter's MK-2 Gloves


Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement (low endurance, high power/alacrity) is on:



Oriconian Foestopper's MK-1 Leggings

Oriconian Pummeler's MK-1 Greaves



Meanwhile the rest of us get screwed unless we happen to get the MK-2 drops from DF/DP HM. And the power/surge one is the worst, only coming on an offhand...


Comm gear is bad for ALL classes, and really only healers or DPS that use alacrity can min/max any enhancement at all, and even then, you are only min/maxing on your alacrity/power. I'd argue it's better for tanks versus DPS/healers because tanks can at least use the additional hp even if their mitigation winds up a bit lower. A DPS/healer with high endurance on enhancements is just a complete waste of the difference in stats between that and a min/maxed one, they really get no use out of extra endurance (if they are semi-competent), at the cost of DPS/heals.

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You weren't getting comms?

Before 2.8 increased the comm rewards on LFG:


TFB HM: 30 Ultimate (5 bosses)

SNV HM: 42 Ultimate (7 bosses)

DF HM: 30 Ultimate (5 bosses)

DP HM: 30 Ultimate (5 bosses)

LFG (TFB SM and SNV SM): 20 Ultimate (12 bosses)

Weekly Comms: 152 Ultimate (34 bosses)


So yeah, I was getting comms, at a 1.5 pieces of gear per 34 bosses, or 4.4% reward ratio. Adding that to my ridiculously low success with loot rolls, and yep, still below the magic 25%.


And that's why I don't raid unless I'm with a group I enjoy spending my time. And that is a huge reason why PUGs can't get LFG groups, the risk/reward is so heavily slated towards risk, that unless the group is awesome (the intangible fun reward for doing ops), the gear reward won't cover that gap right now.


So in a nutshell, without an increase in reward for doing LFG with randoms (and comms will not be that, only a guaranteed way to get 1 unassembled piece would work), no one wants to do an LFG queue without a full premade group.

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And that's why I don't raid unless I'm with a group I enjoy spending my time. And that is a huge reason why PUGs can't get LFG groups, the risk/reward is so heavily slated towards risk, that unless the group is awesome (the intangible fun reward for doing ops), the gear reward won't cover that gap right now.


So in a nutshell, without an increase in reward for doing LFG with randoms (and comms will not be that, only a guaranteed way to get 1 unassembled piece would work), no one wants to do an LFG queue without a full premade group.

What if instead of the "Use the GF" reward being Ult Comms, it was a token that could be turned in for one 180 Armoring w/ the set bonus (just the Armoring-type mod, not the full armor w/ Armoring & Mod & Enhancement like you get from the "Unassembled [XXX]" drops).


A guaranteed Unassembled Set Piece drop seems a bit excessive (to me at least), but another way to get at the set bonuses might be a happy medium.

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What if instead of the "Use the GF" reward being Ult Comms, it was a token that could be turned in for one 180 Armoring w/ the set bonus ...

A guaranteed Unassembled Set Piece drop seems a bit excessive (to me at least), but another way to get at the set bonuses might be a happy medium.

Not a bad idea, but I would rather it be a bound token that you needed multiple of to get an Unassembeld piece: Perhaps

  • 3 for hand and feet
  • 4 for head and legs
  • 5 for chest
  • 10 for offhand
  • 20 for mainhand

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What if instead of the "Use the GF" reward being Ult Comms, it was a token that could be turned in for one 180 Armoring w/ the set bonus (just the Armoring-type mod, not the full armor w/ Armoring & Mod & Enhancement like you get from the "Unassembled [XXX]" drops).


A guaranteed Unassembled Set Piece drop seems a bit excessive (to me at least), but another way to get at the set bonuses might be a happy medium.


Set bonuses and main hand hilt/barrel, even if it's 10 tokens to get one (maybe 20 for the hilt/barrel), put that with the comm reward and the chance for an unassembled piece.. And now you are talking business. But right now, there's really no reason for someone to put up with the LFG, especially not tanks when they'll max out on the gains from comm gear pretty quickly compared to others.

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Set bonuses and main hand hilt/barrel, even if it's 10 tokens to get one (maybe 20 for the hilt/barrel), put that with the comm reward and the chance for an unassembled piece.. And now you are talking business. But right now, there's really no reason for someone to put up with the LFG, especially not tanks when they'll max out on the gains from comm gear pretty quickly compared to others.

Don't have access to the game right now, but am I right that there's no difference between the 180 Hilt/Barrel that comes from the "Unassembled" drops and the 180 Hilt/Barrel that can be crafted?


If there was a difference, I could maybe see making it part of the token system, but I wouldn't want to see that market for crafters take such a hit - those parts are basically their "end game" in that aspect of the game.

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Don't have access to the game right now, but am I right that there's no difference between the 180 Hilt/Barrel that comes from the "Unassembled" drops and the 180 Hilt/Barrel that can be crafted?


If there was a difference, I could maybe see making it part of the token system, but I wouldn't want to see that market for crafters take such a hit - those parts are basically their "end game" in that aspect of the game.


You are talking 20 operations to get one.. that's alot. Even if you do all 4 Ops in the LFG weekly, that's still 5 weeks to just get the barrel/hilt, and another 10 weeks to get 4 armorings with set bonus. That's a pretty long haul, even if you won a couple of pieces during that time, you're still talking 10 weeks to get everything while queuing up for 40 operations during that time.


It wouldn't put any more of a dent in the crafting market than unassembled main hands do now. People that are willing to pay 3-5 million on a hilt/barrel will still do it, because having to run 8 DP HMs requiring the same group each time so everyone gets the MH drop is alot less time to generate the same amount of MHs via LFG token (12 Ops less). If they are willing to spend 3-5M to avoid 8 Ops of grind for it, they'll spend 3-5M to avoid 20 Ops for it.

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You are talking 20 operations to get one.. that's alot. Even if you do all 4 Ops in the LFG weekly, that's still 5 weeks to just get the barrel/hilt, and another 10 weeks to get 4 armorings with set bonus. That's a pretty long haul, even if you won a couple of pieces during that time, you're still talking 10 weeks to get everything while queuing up for 40 operations during that time.


It wouldn't put any more of a dent in the crafting market than unassembled main hands do now. People that are willing to pay 3-5 million on a hilt/barrel will still do it, because having to run 8 DP HMs requiring the same group each time so everyone gets the MH drop is alot less time to generate the same amount of MHs via LFG token (12 Ops less). If they are willing to spend 3-5M to avoid 8 Ops of grind for it, they'll spend 3-5M to avoid 20 Ops for it.

Gotta admit I'm not huge on the theoretical new tokens being a currency that you'd use different number of for different slot's armorings or hilts/barrels. Seems like we'd just be making Super-Ultimate-Plus Comms at that point.


There may not be a real significant conceptual difference between the two systems, but a one-to-one trade token you can only get a certain number of times a week just seems more manageable (to me at least) than adding new tiers to the Commendation system.

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You are talking 20 [sM] operations to get one [a 180 MH]. that's alot.

Do you have any idea how hard a 180 MainHand was to get before the hilts and barrels were craftable? Way hard. People had to get to the end boss of HM DP to have a 1/8th chance of getting the drop, and they could only do that once a week. Compared to that, grinding 20 SM ops in three weeks is a cakewalk. It's supposed to be hard.

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Do you have any idea how hard a 180 MainHand was to get before the hilts and barrels were craftable? Way hard. People had to get to the end boss of HM DP to have a 1/8th chance of getting the drop, and they could only do that once a week. Compared to that, grinding 20 SM ops in three weeks is a cakewalk. It's supposed to be hard.


You realize we are discussing this as a way to make LFG more appealing. I can still do DP HM with my 8 man raid group, and in 8 weeks everyone has a main hand. And none of us have to touch the mess that is LFG PUGs.


So yeah, keep it as it is, you aren't giving people a reason to queue up without a full premade group since the comm reward isn't enough, even at 30 Ulti. It really won't hurt me much. However the lack of tanks and healers queuing for LFG Ops is hurting the game.

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BoP be it directly for items or token is a must in today MMO.


My question would be: why people are wanting to transfer the BoP items?

  • Is it mostly for the convenience to transfer the mods, versus the Legacy Gear** way?
  • Is it because there are some pieces (implants, ears, hilts) they can't yet transfer?
  • Or is it for the items look?


Yet there's no easy answer for that, guess it's mostly a mix of all and it all depends on who is on the other side of the loot button.


**note: actually the gear mods transfer with Legacy gear is a bug and the devs were afraid of the riot would they fix it.


Here`s my reasoning to your question: I earned my gear; be it with only the time I took to earn the commendations, or with the effort in downing ops bosses and getting lucky on greed rolls. I am not circumventing anything, not written rule and not any "but but but you gotta" rule, as, for all accounts and purposes, I was there and actively earning my stuff.


So, if I have 300 ultimate comms, I EARNED 300 ultimate comms, as they don`t grow in trees and neither they drop from the sky. I SHOULD be able to gear ANY toon I choose within my own legacy with them, since the time and effort was already spent. I don`t like working extra or spending more money simply because it is another character. This applies, but not limited, to gear, gear drops and generally anything any of my characters can own, via any type of "bound".


It would make sense to separate them in a game that doesn`t encourage heavy alting, but that is not the case here.

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However the lack of tanks and healers queuing for LFG Ops is hurting the game.




I queue for ops every day, in all the time I've been queued for months and years now, ops GF has popped exactly once.


And it sucked, half of the people were badly undergeared, including one of the two tanks.

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