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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Empire of Plagues vs Imperial Droid Division


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An argument could be made that size is a defining characteristic of a soldier. Something small enough to be measured in inches, or by a few feet ( as opposed to meters), isn't really a soldier. I say this because nothing less than a droid, or an explosive will be able to effectively counter anything of that approximate size. It'd be like trying to shoot a bee with an assault rifle while soldiers in the enemy army tried to kill you.
Which is why the tinie tiny ones are being counted in the general count, they are as Warren described, more like weapons. Nonetheless everyone has access to either droids and/or explosives so all good!
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Which is why the tinie tiny ones are being counted in the general count, they are as Warren described, more like weapons. Nonetheless everyone has access to either droids and/or explosives so all good!

Edit: nvm I am a jerk :p

Edited by tunewalker
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If one is considered a Weapon because of its small size, then why would another not be considered a vehicle because of its large size.


Its as big as the Laviathon BUT its a soldier not a vehicle even though it was used as a Light/ Heavy vehicles it is a soldier not a vehicle...

Ok what about the little one? those are weapons... Why? because they are small


Then how is the Large one not a vehicle even though smaller things like Tarrentattek last round were considered vehicles? Beni's expected response 'cus reasons and I said so, the rules dont matter what I say goes matters and the rules are meant to reflect what I say goes not anything else'


That was unnecessary.

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*sigh* Well, since I appear unable to make use of the Inquistorium variant of the PIII (due to listed as a vehicle, even though it is infantry. Just big infantry. :d_wink: ), I guess I can save that one for next round. :d_grin: Was kinda looking forward to their firepower. :rolleyes:


So, what is the current issue we should be debating now that we are done comparing sizes of units?


:d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes:

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As I said to Tausra I'm disallowing the Kolosok, but none of the others seemed comparable to vehicles.


Because it would be arbitrary, unless you have some basis for these figures.


Again, if I pick Stormtroopers do I get Darktroopers? Do I get Shadow Stormtroopers? Do I get Imperial Agents?


They're all elite forces of a massive military, if you picked 4,000 random troops from the empire I doubt you'd get a single Shadow Stormtooper, Dark Trooper, or Imp agents. Maybe 1.

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Again, if I pick Stormtroopers do I get Darktroopers? Do I get Shadow Stormtroopers? Do I get Imperial Agents?


They're all elite forces of a massive military, if you picked 4,000 random troops from the empire I doubt you'd get a single Shadow Stormtooper, Dark Trooper, or Imp agents. Maybe 1.

If you can provide some basis for these units being "elite" along with a basis for stating that any one hive is more predominant than the other then I'll listen.


But right now we are just going round in circles, I've explained by reasons and that's that.

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Is there anything left to go over concerning ground forces, or should we just move on to leadership battles?


Has it already been mentioned that if any EoP forces show up on the Middy City, they a great deal of vehicles to deal with in such narrow streets? Or that Jerec could likely sense if an extremely large group was headed straight for him? *His mental powers are among his strongest.* Or the fact anyone who enters his sanctum is at an inherent sight disadvantage? One of his quirks was having the lighting for his own chambers removed/shutdown. He always had it like this on his flagship, so that anyone that entered would be at an inherit disadvantage, one that did not hinder him at all.

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Has it already been mentioned that if any EoP forces show up on the Middy City, they a great deal of vehicles to deal with in such narrow streets? Or that Jerec could likely sense if an extremely large group was headed straight for him? *His mental powers are among his strongest.* Or the fact anyone who enters his sanctum is at an inherent sight disadvantage? One of his quirks was having the lighting for his own chambers removed/shutdown. He always had it like this on his flagship, so that anyone that entered would be at an inherit disadvantage, one that did not hinder him at all.


So he turns the lights off so he can flush in peace.

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Has it already been mentioned that if any EoP forces show up on the Middy City, they a great deal of vehicles to deal with in such narrow streets? Or that Jerec could likely sense if an extremely large group was headed straight for him? *His mental powers are among his strongest.* Or the fact anyone who enters his sanctum is at an inherent sight disadvantage? One of his quirks was having the lighting for his own chambers removed/shutdown. He always had it like this on his flagship, so that anyone that entered would be at an inherit disadvantage, one that did not hinder him at all.


Well, I think the leadership battle will take place in Muur's lair, since it is likely that the IDD will break through the EoP's lines.


Unless we're still thinking that Lomi Plo is going to bust into Jerec's lair?

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Well, I think the leadership battle will take place in Muur's lair, since it is likely that the IDD will break through the EoP's lines.


Unless we're still thinking that Lomi Plo is going to bust into Jerec's lair?


It is indeed likely in my mind that it will take place in the Sewers. However, I was mentioning that to add a little more of "reasons" of why an attack on the base would not be advised.


Though, the battle itself in the Sewers I do not really see Jerec partaking himself. He preferred his subordinates to do the dirty work, and only stepping in when necessary. Desann on the other hand loves to fight.


With so many dark troopers, if the EoP can not break through the lines then Jerec is perfectly safe, not to mention any that do get close enough he can WTFPWN with his force powers. Primarily the pacifying ability on the somewhat threatening enemies. If a Leviathan some how interrupts and tries to kill Jerec, he could use Force Destruction on the beasts head to make it explode. Overall, Jerec will be enjoying the show unless forced into action. *For this operation, it would basically be all of them, leaving Middle City defenses to enforcers and spiders. Lower city Defenses around Vulkar base to Spiders completely.*

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Alright, considering we haven't had any arguments for the EoP for the last bunch of pages, I'll try and get the ball rolling by discussing the strengths of the Killik Force which I feel have been in part overlooked.


Firstly though I want to look at Vong tech, namely the following:






With the Legacy dropping supplies from above, I expect most Killiks will end up being equipped with these and use them as ranged weaponry. The blast bugs and the razor bugs could definitely prove effective at hitting and tearing through the exposed joints and wiring of the P1 dark troopers, as well as the Phase IIIs which have exposed wires also.


I'd also say that a well placed shot could piece/damage the dark troopers' photoreceptors and leave them blind. And considering they all act as miniature homing missiles it won't prove to difficult to make these shots.


With that I mind let's move on to the Killiks themselves:


Gorog/Ground Fighters: the Gorog are likely highly capable warriors considering how much combat experience they've had, and are likely armed with spiked staffs. These would prove effective at stabbing thrusting tactics which could penetrate through the small P1 shields and strike at exposed wiring. And if they come at all angles they can use the phalanx tactic against them, landing on their raised shields and using it as a platform to stab at between the gaps from above.


This would leave them unable to fight back, and the length of the staff would mean those mounting a frontal assault could keep an arms length away from the P1 vibroblades. Though its most likely that when dealing with dark troopers, they'll have Gorog armed with bugs attack them the front and behind and Gorogs armed with spears attack from above.


Rekker, Aebea & Qeeq/Aerial Fighters: all these variants are capable of flying and/or jumping and unlike the standard Killik are much smaller, with some being only the size of a fist. This will make them a lot more difficult to fire on, even with droid targeting as ultimately they can only level their weapons so quickly.


These units will likely be used primarily if not solely on the upper and middle cities were they have room to fly/jump, and can use blast and razor bugs to bombard the enemy from above. This will put them completely out of range of the P1s making them sitting ducks an even with shields vulnerable to the blast/razor bug fire.


And while Phrik is hardy, it is not invulnerable, and I expect if the joints on the P2s and P3s they can blow them apart, alternatively however they can again aim for the heads and disable their photoreceptors.


They also prove effective against vehicles, the Persuaders for example can only shoot upward so far and are incapable of swiveling rapidly, this will make them easy to flank and land on, slap some explosives on the side and boom. A similar tactic can be used on the walkers, evade the laser, land on the body, and plant the bomb.


The buildings could also be used as cover and a means of ambush and retreat.


Mollom, Jooj and Wuluw/Specialised Fighters: the Mollom as Warren explained can be used for tunneling tactics, this could involve tunnelling under buildings to attack enemy bases or alternatively they could create a network of tunnels in the sewers/undercity and use them to create pitfall traps. This could prove especially effective against the larger dark troopers who once they have fallen in will be immobilized and dragged away to be dismantled.


Alternatively they could just fill them with explosives and detonate if drastic measures are called for.


Jooj as have been explained can crawl into the inner workings and dismantle them from the inside. And Wuluw can flitter about the city unnoticed, reporting on enemy movements and allowing the Killiks to manevere and plan accordingly. Combine that with spy bugs and Joiners and the EoP can rapidly set out a web of surveillance. Indeed I expect they'd see an attack on the sewers coming and, possibly using the Mollom, could quite possibly tunnel away and relocate before the droids arrive. This would lead the IDD on a wild goose chase and dwindle their numbers.


Concerning numbers, considering a split can be made between ground and aerial troops, we could assume a 50/50 or 60/40 split. So something like 1,900 for each, or rather 2,300/1,500 split. But that is purely speculative.


And on the topic of transporting troops around the battlefield this could be resolved by loading them up on Yorik-tremas and flying them up to the upper levels, or up to the EoP before having them rocket back down. The Tremas could also be used to latch on to the sides of buildings, then munch they're way through and deploy troops.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I have attempted to instigate Round 2 of the space battle before, but none have joined in so I dropped it.


As for the external stuff, I am pretty sure Mechis III is fine by itself unless the EoP wants to dedicate more of its forces to that. However, hyper space pods landing on Byss is a very real possibility due to how close Mechis III and Byss are comparatively to Taris. That is when they could capture the plague.


Though, would the IDD know about wayland? For that matter, how would the EoP know about Felucia or Mechis III? It isn't like last round where one of the leaders is known for leading an entire culture. Nor are my ships produced by a specific company so they can't be traced that way.

I expect the the EoP could find out about Felucia and Mechis by joining, however getting a Killik to talk will prove a lot more difficult. Though considering they still have a portion of their fleet left they could find out by tracing transports...


Mechis III considering the environment is less vulnerable to attack unless they dedicate a large portion of their troops, which they aren't really in a position to do. But as I said before with Felucia all they'd need to do is load up a small vessel with some viruses then release them into the wild. Soon enough the zombies will come knocking.


Or alternatively, get a few Mollom, tunnel into the base and infect one of the workers. Zombie outbreak!

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Question, if Silenceo cuts off the sewers enough, won't the Kiliks and the Rakghouls just starve? Kiliks would have to stay starving because they can't eat Rakghouls, but the Rakghouls can sure as he'll wag Killiks. Also, I think the hungrier they get the stronger their impulse to eat, which'd mean Muur can't control them.


And if Muur couldn't control the Nekghouls, bye bye Muur.

What exactly do Killiks eat? Could they eat people?


But if not, remember the EoP is in space. All they'd need to do is load it up with food then shoot down some pods into the Undercity for collection. The Rakghouls will have plenty to feast on.

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All of this relies on the LoT not being blown out of the sky which I think it will, no defense remains against fighter/bomber swarms which Trench is far too smart not to realise.


Once this is done then all the supplies pour in for the I.D.D and the EoP is choked for food and as mentioned before, there is only so much Muur can compensate for once they are starving, ravenous instinct comes into play very quickly.

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All of this relies on the LoT not being blown out of the sky which I think it will, no defense remains against fighter/bomber swarms which Trench is far too smart not to realise.


Once this is done then all the supplies pour in for the I.D.D and the EoP is choked for food and as mentioned before, there is only so much Muur can compensate for once they are starving, ravenous instinct comes into play very quickly.

Well lets be careful not to exaggerate here, large quantities of ration will likely be transported planet side very early on in the conflict, and that kind of stuff, assuming it is of good grade, can last a very long time.


Of course you can't exactly feed a rakghoul a ration stick anyway, all their sustenance regardless of whether the EoP is intact or not will be coming from the population, and there are quite a lot of them.

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Alright, considering we haven't had any arguments for the EoP for the last bunch of pages, I'll try and get the ball rolling by discussing the strengths of the Killik Force which I feel have been in part overlooked.


Firstly though I want to look at Vong tech, namely the following:






With the Legacy dropping supplies from above, I expect most Killiks will end up being equipped with these and use them as ranged weaponry. The blast bugs and the razor bugs could definitely prove effective at hitting and tearing through the exposed joints and wiring of the P1 dark troopers, as well as the Phase IIIs which have exposed wires also.


How will air drops reach the Undercity?


I'd also say that a well placed shot could piece/damage the dark troopers' photoreceptors and leave them blind. And considering they all act as miniature homing missiles it won't prove to difficult to make these shots.


With that I mind let's move on to the Killiks themselves:


Gorog/Ground Fighters: the Gorog are likely highly capable warriors considering how much combat experience they've had, and are likely armed with spiked staffs. These would prove effective at stabbing thrusting tactics which could penetrate through the small P1 shields and strike at exposed wiring. And if they come at all angles they can use the phalanx tactic against them, landing on their raised shields and using it as a platform to stab at targets from above.


I HIGHLY doubt they could just stab through the phrik shields so easily Beni... And landing on their raised shields? Beni, do not forget behind the PI's are PII's that would laugh and just gun them down... Not to mention that is just impractical.


This would leave them unable to fight back, and the length of the staff would mean those mounting a frontal assault could keep an arms length away from the P1 vibroblades. Though its most likely that when dealing with dark troopers, they'll have Gorog armed with bugs attack them the front and behind and Gorogs armed with spears attack from above.


You again forget the PII's directly behind the PI's.


Rekker, Aebea & Qeeq/Aerial Fighters: all these variants are capable of flying and/or jumping and unlike the standard Killik are much smaller, with some being only the size of a fist. This will make them a lot more difficult to fire on, even with droid targeting as ultimately they can only level their weapons so quickly.


Enter explosives, or the hail of blaster fire that can be put out.


These units will likely be used primarily if not solely on the upper and middle cities were they have room to fly/jump, and can use blast and razor bugs to bombard the enemy from above. This will put them completely out of range of the P1s making them sitting ducks an even with shields vulnerable to the blast/razor bug fire.


Beni...just...no... These guys are the size of a fist, they are not going to be lugging around Vong versions of the grenade, which is likely the same size of them. That is like having a human carry around a boulder the same size as him and telling him to throw it at someone across the room.


And while Phrik is hardy, it is not invulnerable, and I expect if the joints on the P2s and P3s they can blow them apart, alternatively however they can again aim for the heads and disable their photoreceptors.


It is possible, but aiming long enough to make the shot could prove problematic.


They also prove effective against vehicles, the Persuaders for example can only shoot upward so far and are incapable of swiveling rapidly, this will make them easy to flank and land on, slap some explosives on the side and boom. A similar tactic can be used on the walkers, evade the laser, land on the body, and plant the bomb.


Again, these guys are the size of fists Beni...they are not going to be carrying anything...


The buildings could also be used as cover and a means of ambush and retreat.


Mollom, Jooj and Wuluw/Specialised Fighters: the Mollom as Warren explained can be used for tunneling tactics, this could involve tunnelling under buildings to attack enemy bases or alternatively they could create a network of tunnels in the sewers/undercity and use them to create pitfall traps. This could prove especially effective against the larger dark troopers who once they have fallen in will be immobilized and dragged away to be dismantled.


Alternatively they could just fill them with explosives and detonate if drastic measures are called for.


Jooj as have been explained can crawl into the inner workings and dismantle them from the inside. And Wuluw can flitter about the city unnoticed, reporting on enemy movements and allowing the Killiks to manevere and plan accordingly. Combine that with spy bugs and Joiners and the EoP can rapidly set out a web of surveillance. Indeed I expect they'd see an attack on the sewers coming and, possibly using the Mollom, could quite possibly tunnel away and relocate before the droids arrive. This would lead the IDD on a wild goose chase and dwindle their numbers.


Did you not say yourself that joiners would practically be a none issue on Taris due to the Rakghouls? Also, you seem to be spreading the Kilik forces quite thin, and I highly doubt they would even be effective spies, other than having a linked mind.


Concerning numbers, considering a split can be made between ground and aerial troops, we could assume a 50/50 or 60/40 split. So something like 1,900 for each, or rather 2,300/1,500 split. But that is purely speculative.


And on the topic of transporting troops around the battlefield this could be resolved by loading them up on Yorik-tremas and flying them up to the upper levels, or up to the EoP before having them rocket back down. The Tremas could also be used to latch on to the sides of buildings, then munch they're way through and deploy troops.


Again, there is a big CITY between the upper and under city. It will be a bit harder than merely flying upwards. Not to mention how foolhardy and dangerous such an endeavor would be.


I honestly feel like a good bit of what is proposed in this post are grasping. Some of it is plausible, but other pieces of it just do not seem likely at all.

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Again, there is a big CITY between the upper and under city. It will be a bit harder than merely flying upwards. Not to mention how foolhardy and dangerous such an endeavor would be.


I honestly feel like a good bit of what is proposed in this post are grasping. Some of it is plausible, but other pieces of it just do not seem likely at all.

1. Remember when Bastila's pod crashed in the Undercity? That was an escape pod, we are talking transports that can control their descent, getting to the Undercity will be easy.


2. I meant between the gaps dummy. And I never said there would not be casualites, but considering they will be being attacked from all sides, dragged into the ground and fighting off rakghouls, they'll have their hands full.


It is after all called swarm tactics for a reason.


2. Only the Qeeq are, I expect they would be limited to just dropping projectiles, perhaps explosives. The Rekker are 3 metres tall and the Aebea are 1 metre. So yes the majority will definitely be able to carry and throw bugs.


3. The bugs have homing devices, which will make aiming a whole lot easier.


4. I don't recall... regardless as Warren pointed out the Gorogs joined extensively, I don't see why they wouldn't.


5. No one said anything about flying upwards, Yorik-trema can go up as well as down.


As much as a love the indignation attitude, you may which to read again. :jawa_wink:

Edited by Beniboybling
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1. Remember when Bastila's pod crashed in the Undercity? That was an escape pod, we are talking transports that can control their descent, getting to the Undercity will be easy.


Completely plot armored escape pod I might add.


2. I meant between the gaps dummy. And I never said there would not be casualites, but considering they will be being attacked from all sides, dragged into the ground and fighting off rakghouls, they'll have their hands full.


It is after all called swarm tactics for a reason.


Now name calling is unnecessary... If this is in reference to the jumping on the shields, this response of yours doesn't seem to make sense... The idea that anything bigger than a meter being able to land and stay on the PI's shields is pretty insane. It is not even like they are holding them out like dinner plates...


2. Only the Qeeq are, I expect they would be limited to just dropping projectiles, perhaps explosives. The Rekker are 3 metres tall and the Aebea are 1 metre. So yes the majority will definitely be able to carry and throw bugs.


I only ever questioned the tiny bugs carrying them.


3. The bugs have homing devices, which will make aiming a whole lot easier.


Even homing devices can not do all of the work Beni, most of what they homed in on were lightly armored enemies, they did not have to go for specific joints. Not to mention they do not have the schematics of the Dark Troopers so even then this might not be an immediate strategy used.


4. I don't recall... regardless as Warren pointed out the Gorogs joined extensively, I don't see why they wouldn't.


What was this in reference to?


5. No one said anything about flying upwards, Yorik-trema can go up as well as down.


You implied they would be going upwards.


As much as a love the indignation attitude, you may which to read again. :jawa_wink:


I suggest you read again as well, much of your responses do not match up with my answers to the last series. Silly internet, robbing things of context!


Side Note: As for the all sides thing...what sides? The majority of the battle field is enclosed front and back... Unless they burn through the walls instantly they will not really be any Kilik flanking... Unless from behind.

Edited by Silenceo
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I suggest you read again as well, much of your responses do not match up with my answers to the last series. Silly internet, robbing things of context!


Side Note: As for the all sides thing...what sides? The majority of the battle field is enclosed front and back... Unless they burn through the walls instantly they will not really be any Kilik flanking... Unless from behind.

1. Yet note a living transport that can control its descent... not sure I get you here.


2. Dummy is a lighthearted term, I was not serious. Otherwise I would have called you a dumb@ss. :jawa_wink: But anyway I'm confused, phlanx is the tactic were you make a wall of shield right? Then stick your swords through the gaps? Because that's what I'm thinking off, and in that case yes they would be holding them up like dinner plates.


And the shield is more than large enough for a person to land on, if the Killiks attack from above and the P1s have their shield raised what exactly are they going to land on? I'm just thinking in terms of what I see happening.


3. Then I'm confused as to why you used it as it debunked the entire argument...


4. That apparently I said Joiners are not happening or something.


5. Well, I never actually said they would fly up there. :p


Dats cause you make it difficult by quoting inside my quotes! :jawa_mad:


They can attack from each side of the corridor, considering the spies will see them coming. They can use the ventilation shafts to jump down from above, and they can did tunnels to attack from below. All sides, well almost.


But the point is it won't just be a bunch of Killiks jumping on their heads, it will be a swarm.

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1. Yet note a living transport that can control its descent... not sure I get you here.


While not heavy, I am sure the Tarisan defenses just might open fire on something controling its descent past them... Their AA is not as great as their anti-infantry sure, but I am sure there is still a little bit there. Besides, who would shoot a escape pod? :p


2. Dummy is a lighthearted term, I was not serious. Otherwise I would have called you a dumb@ss. :jawa_wink: But anyway I'm confused, phlanx is the tactic were you make a wall of shield right? Then stick your swords through the gaps? Because that's what I'm thinking off, and in that case yes they would be holding them up like dinner plates.


I didn't take it serious, merely as a joke as I continued on through the post.

? As for the Phalanx itself, I think you are imagining the wrong one. You seem to be imagine this one, while I am imagining this one. The biggest difference is the slopes and the shield dimensions. The Roman Phalanx simply would not work with their shields. The Spartan Phalanx would work a bit better since they would be focusing on deflecting forward attacks. Though, even if they do get into the ventilation, its a pretty narrow opening I am sure, hard to swarm out of it. As for swarming the rear, they likely left a fortified position and can defend themselves from there for a while, while HQ sends reinforcements to squash the ones inbetween.


And the shield is more than large enough for a person to land on, if the Killiks attack from above and the P1s have their shield raised what exactly are they going to land on? I'm just thinking in terms of what I see happening.


They would not stay on the shield even if they did land on it, that is the thing. Due to weight, size, momentum, ect. The Kilik would fall to the ground.


3. Then I'm confused as to why you used it as it debunked the entire argument...


Bugs carrying same size bugs is a no go in my eyes. :jawa_evil:


4. That apparently I said Joiners are not happening or something.


You mentioned joiners not being long lasting due to the Rakghouls turning them.


5. Well, I never actually said they would fly up there. :p


Heavily implied. Even if they did....OPEN FIRE AUTOMATED DEFENSES! :D


Dats cause you make it difficult by quoting inside my quotes! :jawa_mad:


It is all going according to plan.... :eek:


They can attack from each side of the corridor, considering the spies will see them coming. They can use the ventilation shafts to jump down from above, and they can did tunnels to attack from below. All sides, well almost.


Still not convinced of the whole spy thing.


But the point is it won't just be a bunch of Killiks jumping on their heads, it will be a swarm.


More like a dribble on their heads... Also, such tunneling would threaten the structural integrity of the area.

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More like a dribble on their heads... Also, such tunneling would threaten the structural integrity of the area.
1. As I said before, it is highly unlikely Taris has AA turrets, its a backwater planet filled with snobs, not a fortress world. After all they didn't shoot down the escape pods, and the Sith wanted Bastila dead.


We really musn't overestimate the security on Taris, there isn't even any evidence of autoturrets here. We are merely guessing because they suppressed an uprising and held off some rakghouls, but you don't need turrets for that.


So again, lets not assume to much or overstate their capabilities


2. Heh, OK... so I'm guessing we are concerning ourselves with the general tactic of standing close together and raising your shield, then stabbing? So I'm guessing they would not have protection above at all? That does present new issues however, it means the Killiks can land literally on top of them and breaking into their ranks.


And given the shortness of vibroswords, the Killiks retain the advantage of reach.


3. Well you forget about the little guys for a moment, and concern yourself with the large one's strafing your forces.


4. Pretty sure I didn't. I'd assume that Muur would command the Rakghouls not to attack Joiners, or otherwise keep the Joiners away from the Rakghouls, either way once the joining is done their knowledge is absorbed.


5. *nothing happens* "What the hell is going!" "Er.. sir, we don't have any automated defences..."


6. Not sure how you can argue that a swarm of tiny little bugs will fail to spot a noisy army of droids marching on the sewers. Or anywhere around the city for that matter, they'll be crawling all over the place.


7. Don't need tunnels, ventilation shafts will do.

Edited by Beniboybling
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