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Barrel Roll Screwed Up


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It doesn't happen every time and it doesn't happen to the same degree each time it does happen, but I have noticed this too. You're on that initial mad dash to the satellite at the beginning of the match and you use barrel roll to help get there a little faster, and your ship comes out of the roll somewhere between 15 and 45 degrees rotated from where you started.


I find it to be kind of irrelevant. It doesn't impact my ability to finish reaching the satellite or anything. It's just odd.

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OK either you're all retarded or I am. I understood his post to be "Power Dive is the new Barrel Roll" because it gets you from place to place and has a short cooldown. You all seem to be taking him pretty literally, though. Blue, I demand answers!
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How the crap was that supposed to work anyway? Using power dive as a boost the way we've been using barrel roll? Granted, I barely messed with it at all before deciding I still preferred barrel roll anyway, but when I tried it it only resulted in fooling around near the spawn point a bit while everybody else captured the satellites. It accomplished absolutely nothing of any use for that purpose.


I can't remember offhand right now which direction power dive makes you turn... Doesn't it go up, even though the word dive would suggest going down? Either way, I know I veered in the wrong direction the first time and just sort of looped back at the spawn point, but I think the second attempt (at the start of a different match) where I veered the other way also ended badly somehow. I know I wasn't convinced that I had gotten anywhere any faster than if I had just boosted there in a straight line.



rotational offset

I read that part as rotation around your axis of travel, which is what you see your ship doing in a barrel roll. And while what I've seen at the end has not been anywhere near 90 degrees off, I have seen it ending rotated a bit off from where I started. It seemed pretty clear that that was what this topic was about. Right?

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How the crap was that supposed to work anyway? Using power dive as a boost the way we've been using barrel roll? Granted, I barely messed with it at all before deciding I still preferred barrel roll anyway, but when I tried it it only resulted in fooling around near the spawn point a bit while everybody else captured the satellites. It accomplished absolutely nothing of any use for that purpose.


I can't remember offhand right now which direction power dive makes you turn... Doesn't it go up, even though the word dive would suggest going down? Either way, I know I veered in the wrong direction the first time and just sort of looped back at the spawn point, but I think the second attempt (at the start of a different match) where I veered the other way also ended badly somehow. I know I wasn't convinced that I had gotten anywhere any faster than if I had just boosted there in a straight line.




I read that part as rotation around your axis of travel, which is what you see your ship doing in a barrel roll. And while what I've seen at the end has not been anywhere near 90 degrees off, I have seen it ending rotated a bit off from where I started. It seemed pretty clear that that was what this topic was about. Right?


It goes where it says it goes... You flip upside down and move forward a few KM and down (up) many KM... What I mean by "down (up)" is since your ship flips you upside down before doing its thing you ARE diving DOWN by comparison to your original position but it will APPEAR as if you are diving UP because your ship flips over before doing so even though you are IN FACT diving down.


The way it is used as a Travel power is people put their nose straight up... pointing the bottom of their ship at where they want to go.... they hit power dive... the ability flips their ship upside down and then goes forward a short distance and then shoots them to where their down used to be... since they put their down where they wanted the ship to go... the ship has now traveled a great distance TOWARDS where they want to go.... its not for every one its difficult to use, but those who have found a way to use it, have begun to use it like the Old barrel roll, not as efficient and when in combat a bit more risky, BUT ultimately gets you places massively faster. Hope that helps.



Edit: the Original poster of this is Bluerae, he is listed in the aces thread as a republic Ace... he knows what he is doing, this post is about Power dive and is a troll post :p

Edited by tunewalker
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How the crap was that supposed to work anyway? Using power dive as a boost the way we've been using barrel roll? Granted, I barely messed with it at all before deciding I still preferred barrel roll anyway, but when I tried it it only resulted in fooling around near the spawn point a bit while everybody else captured the satellites. It accomplished absolutely nothing of any use for that purpose.


The two travel powers are barrel roll and power dive.


To use power dive, you nose up while boosting, and press power dive. The dive pushes your forward (towards your target, but also "up", and then rotates you 180 degrees, bends you a bit angled below your target, and boosts you forward). The net effect is that your flight path includes a "V", but you transverse that "V" very quickly. It is definitely faster than going straight forward, and VERY much nicer on your engine power.


Barrel roll is better at this, of course- you shoot directly forward and very fast. Even with an engine cost and double the cooldown, barrel roll is still better at moving places. But excluding barrel roll, power dive is the best.






This topic has me pretty confused. Barrel roll lands you at the same or similar orientation as you started with, and if it changed I didn't notice it- and I use barrel roll on a lot of ships.

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