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Mara PVP - Rage spec????


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I've been leveling my mara. I just tried out Rage spec (I'm level 48) and it seems to work great in PVP. Can anybody let me know their thoughts on the spec. when it comes to PVP.


I know carnage is what most people are using. Just trying to figure out if Rage can be competitive.


Thanks in advance!

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I've been leveling my mara. I just tried out Rage spec (I'm level 48) and it seems to work great in PVP. Can anybody let me know their thoughts on the spec. when it comes to PVP.


I know carnage is what most people are using. Just trying to figure out if Rage can be competitive.


Thanks in advance!


Rage is still just as good as it has always been in a 1v1 fight, and can still overall be pretty effective. I would recommend against using it in ranked play as it gets easier to counter with coordinated groups on both sides, and the cleave AoE effect of smash is what made it viable in ranked. In regs it can still be quite good though.

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rage spec is probably one of the most boring and retarted fight styles I have ever seen lol. sure its good and survivable lol. but its also very dumb and if your looking to be a good pvper I would try mastering the other 2 specs first lol. they have a bit more respect in their fight styles.


I like to think of rage and focus spec as the spec for people learning to play the game and aren't good enough to play watchman or combat or annihilation and carnage for the sith lol.

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All the specs are fun but against good players Carnage just gets its gore windows shut down and Anni suffers from kiting. Smash deals its dmg and just keeps going. People like to look down on the spec but really no spec is truly hard in this game, just have to look at what will be efficient and give you the most possible up time on your target to deal your damage.
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True to an extent.. imo its fun but very simple.. and tbh there is a few of the smashers that went to combat after smash got nerfed and they should have just stayed smash :p


But the statement that smash is retarded really isn't true.


Yes, you can PLAY it retarded, but take a look at Marrat - he is playing smash. And he rocks. He is probably the best sentinel/marauder left that queues ranked on the Tomb...

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But the statement that smash is retarded really isn't true.


^This. Hilarious how I continuously stomp "non-retard specced" Anni/Carnage Maras on my Smash sentinel. There's much more than just Leap->Berserk->Smash...try waiting out a Carnage/Anni mara's Cloak of Pain out by using Obfuscate (your AoE mezz also works for that, 6 seconds isn't really long)...most of them will pop it at the start of the fight and won't realize that you're just waiting for theirs to run out, once it's over pop yours...after that even with the 30% AoE DR your smashes will still hit them for 7K, and Smash is still the spec that has the least trouble attacking through DcD's since its main sources of dmg are yellow.

Edited by Tevzz
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Exactly but it can't be denyed that on a baseline level its simpler then the other specs. Though watchman isn't exactly rocket science to play either , neither is combat if you are good at the watching for procs thing.

Actually i really enjoy rage but moreso on my jug/guardian then my sent/mara.. idk why :p theres just something about those extra hard hits xD. (if you disclude enraged defense that is)

Edited by AngusFTW
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Exactly but it can't be denyed that on a baseline level its simpler then the other specs. Though watchman isn't exactly rocket science to play either , neither is combat if you are good at the watching for procs thing.

Actually i really enjoy rage but moreso on my jug/guardian then my sent/mara.. idk why :p theres just something about those extra hard hits xD. (if you disclude enraged defense that is)


Idk, I prefer it on my Sentinel that my Jugg/Mara...probably because Slash looks so much better than Vicious Slash...though I've never actually specced my mara rage...always been carnage. I think it's because of all the added utility sentinels bring...heal debuff (I can actually solo kill OP healers thanks to that -_-), AoE slow that crits for 6k's and looks epic...Camo...Inspiration...accuracy reduce.

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Exactly but it can't be denyed that on a baseline level its simpler then the other specs. Though watchman isn't exactly rocket science to play either , neither is combat if you are good at the watching for procs thing.

Actually i really enjoy rage but moreso on my jug/guardian then my sent/mara.. idk why :p theres just something about those extra hard hits xD. (if you disclude enraged defense that is)


None of the specs of any class really are at "Level: Rocket Science" or "Level: Over 9000" in regards to difficulty :p

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rage spec is probably one of the most boring and retarted fight styles I have ever seen lol. sure its good and survivable lol. but its also very dumb and if your looking to be a good pvper I would try mastering the other 2 specs first lol. they have a bit more respect in their fight styles.


I like to think of rage and focus spec as the spec for people learning to play the game and aren't good enough to play watchman or combat or annihilation and carnage for the sith lol.


Whats with the weird "lol" at the end of most sentences? Someone once told me to never take a sentence serious that starts or ends with: "lol" , "! +n*!" or "? +n*?" Also... lol. It's not a part of punctuation lol.


Now considering that the hardest parts of pvp are class independant anyways, your post is, well, just sad lol.

  • Move and keybind ( obvious... still, look at the games!)
  • Communicate! ( call inc, warn others, motivate and be friendly & supportive)
  • Situational awareness ( where are the teammates, enemies, los-spots, ...)
  • Precog for enemy team actions in the larger-than-right-now-scale ( if there is only one enemy left at snow, start moving to middle - it's going to be next!)
  • Support and Succeed ( teammates + objectives > own score)
  • Knowing the other classes ( and how to quickly determine their spec and how to conter )
  • ...


After that one can worry about class and what spec to play and why and how. With the above, all specs are viable enough if played well. And the gameplay will STILL be challenging even if the class has an 'easy' system. To be quite frank - playing carnage is probably easier than rage. Unless pressing 3 buttons in a row when procs are up is a challenge... *shrugs* I like carnage... it's easy. I might actually give rage another chance, now that all the experts say it's bad. I think I have anti-fotm-syndrom. *g*


And btw: This was my post lol. lol?


(sorry JustinJK - lots of posters do it. You were just so... condescending right now, I simply could not resist. No offense!)

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for me it's totally viable. in ranked the new trend is 1 heavy burst+ 1 aoe/teamwide sustained, if you don't use carnage+madness, carnage+rage seems the second option..cannot really trust in death from above or lethality for sustained aoe.


i still think that the nerf was stupid, first because it was due to all the QQ and forum whines, second because avoiding aoe dmg is a thing you do since level 11..or not? ( halp need to kill this, wanna group for this solo mission etc.)


p.s. after having to avoid slash because omg wrong filler, rage is so relaxing X-D

p.p.s. the only hard thing about carnage it's the internal CD on gore refreshing proc, rest is as all the other specs..

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Whats with the weird "lol" at the end of most sentences? Someone once told me to never take a sentence serious that starts or ends with: "lol" , "! +n*!" or "? +n*?" Also... lol. It's not a part of punctuation lol.


And btw: This was my post lol. lol?


(sorry JustinJK - lots of posters do it. You were just so... condescending right now, I simply could not resist. No offense!)


Gawd so much win in the pvp forums early in the morning xD

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