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[R] <Intrepid> Recruiting for NiM DF/DP


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Who are we?


Intrepid is a Progression Guild on The Harbinger - Republic side with active 16m and 8m progression teams. We are a collective of experienced players who have come together in order to assemble a productive Operations team. We strive to compete with the best guilds from around the world in downing new Operation content. If interested please see below, or check out www.IntrepidOps.com


Progression and Accomplishments



  • "From Beyond", "Dragonslayer" and "Eternal Warriors" titles cleared
  • World 2nd Clear NiM SV 16
  • World 3rd/US 2nd Clear NiM DF 16
  • 1-hour timed run "Gate Crashers"
  • 4/5 NiM DP



When do we raid?


16m (5/5 NiM DF, 4/5 NiM DP)


Tuesday 6:30 PST

Wednesday 6:30 PST

Thursday 6:30 PST


Each night of progression Ops lasts 3-3.5 hours. Additionally, optional Sunday or Monday Operations will be offered in order to further our strategy development and get additional exposure, gear, observe recruits, etc. We scale back the amount of hours during farm content.





Tuesday 9:30 PST

Wednesday 9:30 PST

Thursday 9:30 PST



What classes are we recruiting?


Currently looking for a Tank and DPS for 16m NiM content.


What do we expect?


In order to begin a trial process with us, your character will need to be geared appropriately (180/dread forged gear+). From there, we would like to see a completed application.


Keep in mind that gear does not make the player. We look for these things in our trials:

· Performance (first and foremost)

· Class, Advanced Class and strategy knowledge

· Attitude

· Reliable attendance

· Participation in discussions and guild events

· Social fit


If you have any additional questions feel free to contact us via our site or /who Intrepid to get a hold of an officer in-game.

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I would love to raid those later times. They would be awesome.


As for the 16 man, I wouldn't want to embarrass Dahl or Jawaki. ;) lucky for them the times don't work well atm. lol


Edit: on second thought, I'd like to start progressing, I app'ed.

Edited by Joran-Koon
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Also need a healer for our late night 8m group. Need a Commando or Sage healer.


Ability to walk while chewing bubble gum is required.


id be interested in the 8m 930pm group. The only issue is that due to work, 930p could be pushing it some times. I wait tables, so the time I get off the clock is variable due to customers. I have a 180 geared commando healer, as well as a 180 geared sage, though the sage gear is dps, i can heal with her.

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Go ahead and app...Spirella will get back to you if you're interested in the 8m group.




Still have a couple of DPS spots available in 16m group. Prefer range, but will take a chipotle powered dps regardless.

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I am scoundrel/Operative healer ive completed 4/5 df nim before the nightmare buff was taken off i just recently came back from a 3 month break please let me know if your interest Both 8 and 16man times work for me.
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