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The old Damage Overcharge. Good thing it was nerfed.


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There should be much more reward for the powerups IMO. Specifically:


1)- The yellow one is probably barely ok. You seek it out when low on resources. It could honestly add +20% to blasters or whatever.

2)- The blue one needs the duration doubled or whatever.

3)- The purple one is actually good and is the level that all of these should be at.

4)- The red one is a lot of effort for a rare spawn that should just be more game changing.



I like when teams respond to powered up players correctly.

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Tbh, haven't noticed that big a difference between the old and nerfed DO. Still worth chase down, for me anyway.


2)- The blue one needs the duration doubled or whatever.


Agrees, it needs some sort of buff. The blue one is the only one I won't pick up even if its in my flight path.

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Not only is "a lot has changed since then" factually worthless- not much has changed at all, we are on exactly the same patch that changed the DO- but such a contentless post just seems to me to be primarily for the purpose of getting your referral link out there.
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I like the change. Star Wars space battles shouldn't focus on playing Pac-Man, they should focus on destroying the enemy. Power-Ups should be as they are now.




Basically TDM games could go one of two ways: 1- Everybody focus on fighting each other, and you could win the match by duking it out with the enemy and proving the better pilot. Or 2- Somebody (maybe 2) would be flying the Pac-Man build and gobble up red glowies and slaughter everyone then go and gobble up the next one, and the only real way to win that match (unless the other team was completely outclassed) was to do the same thing, effectively making actually fighting the enemy a secondary goal.


For my part, I'm glad this was finally changed. And now I don't feel so bad when I see a DO nearby and grab it, before the nerf I felt like I was cheating. :)

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We call it the Pac Man build, but it's a very 3D and PvP form of Pac Man.


The thing I like about the powerups being good is that they offer SOME encouragement to stray off the beaten path and fight at different spots in the level. The fact of the matter is that we don't really get to engage in much flying the ships around without either dogfighting or moving on one of five broad lines, and powerups offer novelty because you can do other stuff. I would say of the five maps, the two TDM maps offer interesting playgrounds only in that there are powerups, and only Denon offers anything resembling depth of play between nodes (and it does pay for it by giving you plenty of time 70km away from the action!).


But I get why Stasie doesn't want to feel like he SHOULD go run away and eat a dot, and maybe- I'm not sure here- maybe he doesn't want to have some barely decent player boost ten million miles, grab a red, and then tunnel him and have way more of a chance with x3 damage or something than he otherwise would have.


I just think that there's a way to split that difference, a way where going into "find a powerup" mode isn't very costly or bad, while also not feeling mandatory or like you are cheating.

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