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Target autolock improvements


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Everytime I get a chat I have to take the mouse and click on the guy who's attacking me / can you please just make it so that when you get a chat you don't have to take the mouse and click on ya to me that's texting you you can just hit your quick bars to attack them directly without having to click on him first. It would make attacking NCP's and surviving them much easier to do
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Rephrase in smaller sentences please.


Is your problem with responding to chat or with re-targeting an enemy.


I cannot decipher your post.





I can't decipher it the I can't decipher it the print is too small can you please make the print bigger stop



Then I will be able to answer you stop I am freezing my sentences with the word stop at the end it to show the truth stop in the sentence the word stop is like a. . Kind of like a hell of a telegram is praised stop

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Rephrase in smaller sentences please.


I know you use a voice to text program, but you may need to learn to 'dictate' to your program instead of 'speaking' to your program.


Your text is often rambling, like when a person is just speaking on and on. Instead of being in short, concise written sentences.


Just trying to be helpful.


Anyways: is your problem with responding to chat or with re-targeting an enemy.


I cannot decipher your post.


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Rephrase in smaller sentences please.


I know you use a voice to text program, but you may need to learn to 'dictate' to your program instead of 'speaking' to your program.


Your text is often rambling, like when a person is just speaking on and on. Instead of being in short, concise written sentences.


Just trying to be helpful.


Anyways: is your problem with responding to chat or with re-targeting an enemy.


I cannot decipher your post.





Thank you very much for the information I will try to keep in mind stop


I am putting the words stop at the end of my sentences like an old-style telegram. Stop




for others to distinguis what my sentences ar what my sentences are like stop


proper punctuatio and grammar was going into m and grammar was going into my senses t stop.


But I do not think that is the case. Stop. Please let me know if this is a better way for others to understand my post.


If you can make better sense of this new way of posting. Stop.


I will post in this manner from now on on stop



Actually I have problems with both things to answer your ingame question. Stop. if I was trying if I was trying to put two separate topics in two separate post. stop.


Correction I mean two separate house inside two separate topics of my own creation stop


It just turned out that way stop

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the sentences ar the sentences are corrupted with words that are with words are not meant to be in the sentence on the first place stop


This is not meant to happen but there's nothing I can do to correct the mistake. That the program is making stop. in a perfectly normal manner. And he comes out littered with errors stop

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The chat text for communicating in standard lowercase print inside the game is too small stop


Targeting feature for targeting enemies doesn't work like I think it should when an when an enemy attacks you. You must take your mouse and click on them before you can attack them back stop


I think you would be better if you did not have to do that and you could just hit your attack keys with out having to do that step. Stóp


As I have had to experience of hitting the hard keys in battle. And my inputs on the commands The effect of atta The effect of attacking an enemy stop


I press the attack he is on the quick bar and nothing happens stop. Then my HP goes down 50% because of this. Stop. Stop. Please let me know if this works for you stop

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Ah, yes. Almost all attack skills require you to have your opponent targeted.


The only exception is are of effect skills, like a bounty hunter's Death from Above.


You do not have to click on your enemy to target it though. You can do what is called 'tab targeting.'


Next time in game, face towards a group of enemies. Start hitting your tab key. That will cycle through the enemies. Usually it starts with the one most centered in your screen. But tab targetting is tricky and can lead to many, many issues of you attacking the wrong enemy.


I suspect the reason your attack skills just don't automatically force you to target a mob and fire the skill is: 1) to make the game user-safe; and 2) to keep you from automatically entering PvP when in proximity of players of the opposite faction.


Also, regarding your program: frankly, it is a challenge to understand what you write at times. It repeats text almost always. I don't know what you can do, but, just so you understand that people may not respond to you since it often takes so much work to comprehend your posts.


Good luck.

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There's a setting in preferences that will autotarget what would have been the next target up in "next enemy" keybind (for most users this is the keybind for tab, since this is the default setting). There's also a keybind for Target Nearest Enemy which is not set by default (I set it to T since that key usually isn't occupied by default). There is one thing I will say about autotargeting though, you will drive raid leaders nuts if you have it set to on since it always seems to autotarget something that is completely outside the kill order.


Also, as the poster above stated, it's hard to understand you with the voice to text program you are using. Might I suggest trying Dragon Naturally Speaking (I've never used one but people I know that do swear by that particular one), it seems to be the best one out there, though you'll have to train it for your particular accent and inflection. Easiest way to do that for someone like yourself would be to open up MS Word or such, increase the font size so you can read it easily, then try having it work inside MS Word. You could also try doing that if you get less text errors in word, then cutting and pasting into the forum WYSIWYG editor. Seems to be randomly repeating phrases inside phrases something like this: which I don't think anyone talk which I don't think anyone talks likes like (that is really this: which I don't think anyone talks like, repeated inside itself).

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There's a setting in preferences that will autotarget what would have been the next target up in "next enemy" keybind (for most users this is the keybind for tab, since this is the default setting). There's also a keybind for Target Nearest Enemy which is not set by default (I set it to T since that key usually isn't occupied by default). There is one thing I will say about autotargeting though, you will drive raid leaders nuts if you have it set to on since it always seems to autotarget something that is completely outside the kill order.


Also, as the poster above stated, it's hard to understand you with the voice to text program you are using. Might I suggest trying Dragon Naturally Speaking (I've never used one but people I know that do swear by that particular one), it seems to be the best one out there, though you'll have to train it for your particular accent and inflection. Easiest way to do that for someone like yourself would be to open up MS Word or such, increase the font size so you can read it easily, then try having it work inside MS Word. You could also try doing that if you get less text errors in word, then cutting and pasting into the forum WYSIWYG editor. Seems to be randomly repeating phrases inside phrases something like this: which I don't think anyone talk which I don't think anyone talks likes like (that is really this: which I don't think anyone talks like, repeated inside itself).


Please re edit your post so it can be in large print format I cannot read it. Because of the size you made it. /


I was only barely able to read the other person's post but still it was much easier to read that one then yours sorry but its true. / if you change it when I can answer you or at least read your post

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Ah, yes. Almost all attack skills require you to have your opponent targeted.


The only exception is are of effect skills, like a bounty hunter's Death from Above.


You do not have to click on your enemy to target it though. You can do what is called 'tab targeting.'


Next time in game, face towards a group of enemies. Start hitting your tab key. That will cycle through the enemies. Usually it starts with the one most centered in your screen. But tab targetting is tricky and can lead to many, many issues of you attacking the wrong enemy.


I suspect the reason your attack skills just don't automatically force you to target a mob and fire the skill is: 1) to make the game user-safe; and 2) to keep you from automatically entering PvP when in proximity of players of the opposite faction.


Also, regarding your program: frankly, it is a challenge to understand what you write at times. It repeats text almost always. I don't know what you can do, but, just so you understand that people may not respond to you since it often takes so much work to comprehend your posts.


Good luck.


I understand that and I do not like that my program keeps corrupting my post


Also on the other side of the matter. People cannot understand my posts because if the corruption and I cannot understand other people's posts if it's not in big text.


the othe the other user that posted above you thank you for posting your text in big size

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I can't decipher it the I can't decipher it the print is too small can you please make the print bigger stop



Then I will be able to answer you stop I am freezing my sentences with the word stop at the end it to show the truth stop in the sentence the word stop is like a. . Kind of like a hell of a telegram is praised stop


I can't believe people are still falling for this...

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I'll be honest, I have my suspicions. But, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Do you have 'proof,' or was this a drive-by mudsling?

In another thread I looked at last night he claimed to be using a tablet. If that's the case, then his tablet might be the only one in existence to not have the "pinch zoom" feature. I mean, if you think about it, its pretty clear. If he couldn't read the normal text size of this website (the size it uses for the forums) then how could he have ever setup an account in the first place? How does he login to post things? The website doesn't cater to him and make things all caps. I could have almost bought it if it was just the text size, but asking for all caps decreases readability, and when he was originally posting he was only asking for all caps, not an increase in text size. The three pixel height difference between capital and lower case letters couldn't viably increase readability.

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