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Some of these LS choices make no sense


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As a preface I'll be using a couple examples from the story. They're extremely early on (I myself have never played a trooper past the very beginning of Tatooine) but still thought I'd mention it because some people are very finicky with even the smallest spoiler.


I started a new trooper and I've just come to realize a couple LS choices that just don't add up to me. Namely it seems when you're put into a situation with enemies who are either defenseless or surrender your options are to either kill them anyway or let them go. That's it. You can choose to let them go...let. them. go.


When you assault mannett point and come across the injured separatists in the medical bay you can either kill them or let them go. First time I played a trooper I let them go because it seemed the honorable thing to do. They were unarmed and in no condition to fight. However why would I just LET THEM GO? Walk out the door scott free? The LS option couldn't have been to capture them instead as POWs or something, or even a third neutral option to do so?


What does the trooper think is going to happen by letting them go? They're going to see the error of their ways through your act of mercy and turn over a new leaf? No way! They're gonna go get patched up, rearmed, and back out there trying to shoot you in the face!


Or how about on Coruscant when you're tasked to hunt down that cyborg operation. Your choices in dealing with the "cyborgs" are to once again kill them or let them go. And once again why would you just let them go? As far as I remember they offer no concrete evidence that they aren't cyborgs. You have the upper hand so of course they'd try to weasel their way out but again why can't you place them under arrest until it's verified they aren't in fact cyborgs? By choosing to just let them go you're basically reenacting a star wars version of this:



(sorry it's sped up, all I could find)


Them: We're not cyborgs!

Me: Really?

Them: Yes!

Me: Really really?

Them: Yes really!

Me to Jorgan: Well that's good enough for me...

*2 weeks later Coruscant is in flames. All hail our robot overlords*


I mean I don't mind the DS options. It just irks me that from a logical standpoint your ONLY other options are just...so...dumb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Or, even better, letting Imperial colonel(who's a war criminal btw) just go. And arresting him being a Dark Side choice :confused: Whatever. LS/DS choices are so random at times.


So what would I suggest? Turn off the alignment change on mouseover and just pick what your character would do. Trust me, the story is at least 50% better that way.

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This was something I hated the first time I leveled a trooper. Choosing all the LS options because most of them were the honorable choice. This time though, I actually have a little backstory built up in my head where my trooper is fiercely loyal to the chain of command and to the republic, but not to anyone who might be a threat in any way and he despises traitors. So there is no moral dilemma about shooting the cyborgs, for instance, in the face just to make sure they pose no threat later. I also did turn off the alignment change on mouse over option as well though so I don't always know which option will get me which points.
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The one i hate most is that One on Ord Mantel where the you have to either give the Medicine to a room full of Republic Troopers (heroes)... or one sick kid... and the LS choice is choosing the stupid kid.. i hated that. Edited by SirMoody
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The one i hate most is that One on Ord Mantel where the you have to either give the Medicine to a room full of Republic Troopers (heroes)... or one sick kid... and the LS choice is choosing the stupid kid.. i hated that.


I agree, if it were the smuggler then yes LS points for giving up profit for refugees is a selfless act, but as a trooper you follow orders and all you are really doing is returning the medicine to its rightful owners, regardless of how corrupt people may thing that Fort Garnik is, its not run by complete idiots such as Jorgen and General Vandar (yes he does use Jorgen as a fall guy but then gets him a place on the republics most elite special forces squads where chances are he knows he will be able to get redemption).


But I think on the whole LS/DS seems a little off at times with all classes, I mean why are all the LS choices stupid.

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There's a lot of dumb choices on both sides of the fence.


I tried to play my Trooper as Dark Side, someone who ruthlessly pursued their mission, executed dangerous enemies instead of arresting them, and was willing to sacrifice people if it meant putting down someone likely to kill more people than were sacrificed. Basically, Renegade Shepard.


And yet I only ended up as Dark II, because there were just so many dumb or pointless DS choices I couldn't force myself to take. Stuff like saving a planet from the Empire by... destroying the planet. Or releasing potentially apocalyptic entities on the galaxy. Or forcing unarmed slaves to fight giant death robots. Or making orphan kids starve to death.

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There's a lot of dumb choices on both sides of the fence.


I tried to play my Trooper as Dark Side, someone who ruthlessly pursued their mission, executed dangerous enemies instead of arresting them, and was willing to sacrifice people if it meant putting down someone likely to kill more people than were sacrificed. Basically, Renegade Shepard.


And yet I only ended up as Dark II, because there were just so many dumb or pointless DS choices I couldn't force myself to take. Stuff like saving a planet from the Empire by... destroying the planet. Or releasing potentially apocalyptic entities on the galaxy. Or forcing unarmed slaves to fight giant death robots. Or making orphan kids starve to death.


Are you me? I ended at Dark II as well and I was fully committed to the dark side -_- . i'll just make up everything by dark siding flash points.

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The one i hate most is that One on Ord Mantel where the you have to either give the Medicine to a room full of Republic Troopers (heroes)... or one sick kid... and the LS choice is choosing the stupid kid.. i hated that.


Not to mention that it's LS to give it back to the person who stole it from the troopers - who are also your own comrades! - but DS to give it back to the rightful owners. I like playing my troopers but their story is probably the worst in terms of really awful LS/DS choices.

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I think you're more not understanding the reasoning of it. Those injured soldiers you let go, did indeed seem quite grateful and respectful of the mercy shown. Perhaps it will inspire them to show mercy in the future? Let's not forget many of them are jacked up forcibly on stims and made to fight against their will. Then again, maybe it's NOT a strategic decision, more a human one where the player character put aside the sides and came the moral conclusion that it wasn't fitting to shoot someone in no shape to fight. You don't shoot prisoners or those in hospital beds, that's just a given in the rules of war.


As for the instance with medicine going to soldiers or refugees, I agree giving it to the soldiers should'nt necessarily be DS, but there is a reasoning behind giving it to refugees. Popular support (A major factor in any Civil War, but especially on Ord Mantell). It's not just going to one kid, that kid is just the personification of all the sick refugees that the medicine would help.


The cyborg one though, I have to agree. There should be an option to take them into custody to have them medically examined and helped. It's worth noting though, you CAN let them go but also get their identification to keep tabs on them.


Just my two cents.

Edited by Humanrevolution
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There's a lot of dumb choices on both sides of the fence.


I tried to play my Trooper as Dark Side, someone who ruthlessly pursued their mission, executed dangerous enemies instead of arresting them, and was willing to sacrifice people if it meant putting down someone likely to kill more people than were sacrificed. Basically, Renegade Shepard.


And yet I only ended up as Dark II, because there were just so many dumb or pointless DS choices I couldn't force myself to take. Stuff like saving a planet from the Empire by... destroying the planet. Or releasing potentially apocalyptic entities on the galaxy. Or forcing unarmed slaves to fight giant death robots. Or making orphan kids starve to death.


Are you me? I ended at Dark II as well and I was fully committed to the dark side -_- . i'll just make up everything by dark siding flash points.


that's why my trooper ended slightly evil. good thing i had M1 to support me



So it's not just me! :D

It was the same thing when I played trooper. I tried going darkside, I really did, but I could never pass Dark II, either because of really stupid darkside choice, or Elara's constant nagging. Don't get me wrong, I liked Elara, but sometimes it just felt ridiculous. You get one darkside choice she agrees with in the whole game, and that's before you even recruit her. Other than that, everything gets you a lecture. Not a peaceful, quiet -1 affection point like Vette or Mako. Oh no. She practically court martials you.

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So it's not just me! :D

It was the same thing when I played trooper. I tried going darkside, I really did, but I could never pass Dark II, either because of really stupid darkside choice, or Elara's constant nagging. Don't get me wrong, I liked Elara, but sometimes it just felt ridiculous. You get one darkside choice she agrees with in the whole game, and that's before you even recruit her. Other than that, everything gets you a lecture. Not a peaceful, quiet -1 affection point like Vette or Mako. Oh no. She practically court martials you.


I'd let Dorne court martial me any day! ;)

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