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A couple of Videos


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I generally record a couple of matches a week looking for flaws in my gameplay. Sadly I find depressingly many. I thought I would share a couple if anyone is intrested with Wisp gameplay, one in lowbie and two from last night. Mostly Arena matches because I lack Monks video editing skills and wouldnt wait the hours for upload on raw video.




If anyone has ui tweaks let me know. :p

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Only thing I could see from what I watched is make sure to use mass mind control a little more and not just when taking damage. It's cd is low enough that the 30% reduction it gives you can be used for the AOE taunt for the groupwide damage reduction. Now say if the team is trying to do a hard cleave on you cause they know you've wasted resil and saber ward then yeah keep it. Also maybe try to avoid going downstairs and just go through them with blackout. You lose visibility if you go downstairs. UI choices are just Playstyle if you like your comp set up like that it's fine if you want to have it look like someone else's then go for it doesn't effect gameplay if you are used to it.


Edit: Watched another video and one a little harder. Don't use project and spec out of double project. Project costs to much force compared to its damage. Double strike hits harder and costs less and almost procs your force technique every use. The only reason to ever use project would be on a target that has you rooted away from them and they are within finishing range, that is about the only time and even then your dots or force in balance could do that better.

Edited by windogie
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Thanks for the great feedback on rotation. Project is a known bad for me, but I don't have the ability that will end up in that slot yet and my previous assasin was deception so its hard to break the habit.


I dont have the aoe damage reduction skill yet, so right now I mostly just use it when I get into a tight knot of enemies while darting through.


I've also noticed I am not getting mind crush off every time the buff is up and I missed force slow on the sorc from the ship arena. There was a good chance to have ended that fight about 15 seconds quicker that I missed.


Thats the nice thing about video you can watch every mistake you missed in the frenzy of the fight.


Again thank you for the great feedback.

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Posted a couple more videos from the Mid Bracket.


Really wish I had been recording the voidstar match I lost last night as well. Their Healer had an 800k output under pressure and there were 4-5 really good players


The operative in the voidstar I did manage to record did a great job at stalling on the opening rush, I might have used sap rather than go 1v1 and take the risk, but his/her defensive usage was a problem all through that match. Love players that know to use dodge to dump force dots.

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