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A PvP a Day...


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Oh, I meant the Harbinger guys :) The snow duo did not afk; they seriously just fought on, just with a very limited success. IIRC they did not have full expertise and they let the Sentinel have a field day out by being penned right at the spawn, despite having a bunch of DCDs against a melee between them. They jumped right in for the slaughter even when I was manning that turret and the Senti stood there waiting for them. Oh, well.
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I wanted to say though, that I thought it was a challenging venue to try to stick together with you two, and coordinate the DPS, and I would like to continue trying to do so. I am going to stay on madness, even though I understand that my damage is not up to snuff on it. I might level Hatred and Balance, as the mirrors for my toons.


Yeah, sorry about that. I tend to watch and go where instinct tells me if I don't see any signs of what nodes need defended or tried for a taking.


I think Ruhun might do the same, so sometimes we end up at different places in the map. That's not always bad, sometimes it's good because the team needs people at different areas.


If we ran around like a blob all the time, one spot maybe too weak and we could lose it.


I am so used to playing solo queue I think that's why I rarely communicate where i am going etc., everytime I think I need to head somewhere. It would be much easier using VOIP for that, for sure.

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I wouldn't object to VOIP.


I go where I think needs the most support, since people calling for help is such a rarity these days.

I also count players at nodes, if I see 8 Mid I'm going to theirs.


In Voidstar if there are more greens than reds where I am I go to the other side, etc.

Edited by Ruhun
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We can use VOIP, I think Discord is free. But I think because we are all used to do solo queue it is important to start with sacrificing those habits for a bit to simply learn to fight as a unit, run together & target together. That's what those scary premmies are so good at. :) Well, I might be wrong and all, but I think it is something I really want to try, and if this week keeps going on like yesterday, it's a really good time to solidify.


EDIT: with off-heals and a bubble Ru should be able to select one target and we should be able to finish it very fast between the dots and the burst.


So, I move for practicing killing people fast and watching each other's back.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I tend to target Sages and Sorcs, because **** them and everything they stand for.

Followed by Snipers and Mercs. I have a pretty predicable pattern.


I also try to keep people off Lhance's back when I see him in the chaotic mix of greens and reds so he can burst away.

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I was trying to bubble and off-heal you, guys, and pull Lance out but it was not as smooth as I wanted it to be. I am happy to keep trying if you guys are. I am off game tonight, but back tomorrow. I think if we focus on that we'll be better long term than by just trying to win this or that one match.
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Dang, I missed all that with not playing last night! Well, it was probably later than I'd have been on anyway. :( Bummer for me.


We actually were on during your usual queueing time & I cross-checked servers and factions for ya. Here, I've just rubbed it in. :) Let's keep trying!

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Truth be told Banderal was on his pub fighting us. He just refuses to share who his pub alts are!


Did you ever lose to a well organized, benevolent, only beat you by as much as absolutely necessary team? Yeah, I was on that team! :p


Today I got all deathmatch teams, and finally quit. I probably should have grouped with Ruhun when I saw 'em on line, but we were never "out of a match" at the same time I don't think.

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Did you ever lose to a well organized, benevolent, only beat you by as much as absolutely necessary team? Yeah, I was on that team! :p


Today I got all deathmatch teams, and finally quit. I probably should have grouped with Ruhun when I saw 'em on line, but we were never "out of a match" at the same time I don't think.


You *********** whisper me if I'm online.

I didn't notice anyone but Lhance when I was on, and we queued together.


Got my Sin on TEH, ran some matches with it.

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Okay, I decided to commit to doing one War Zone a day. I hate PvP, so I figure my only chance to do it is to go public with my fears. Let's see how long I shall last. So, who thinks I will manage to not unclick the WarZone before it pops today? :)


Oh, and of course, anyone else with PvP phobia wants to try to overcome it?


The absolute best thing that you can do is learn the WZs. How they are won, lost and typical strategies. Do this, you will be ahead of about 96% of the "pvp" population. Most just run around and deathmatch anyway, so if you are doing objectives and fighting where you should while making calls, etc, you will be FAR ahead of the game. If it is a 4v4, pay attention to who the group says to focus and do so. If they don't say anything, target one of the group that seems to have a clue and (assuming target of target is on), assist them on their target. This, again, will put you far ahead of the typical pvp player in most WZs. Best of luck to you! PvP CAN be a lot of fun ESPECIALLY with a group!

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The absolute best thing that you can do is learn the WZs. How they are won, lost and typical strategies. Do this, you will be ahead of about 96% of the "pvp" population. Most just run around and deathmatch anyway, so if you are doing objectives and fighting where you should while making calls, etc, you will be FAR ahead of the game. If it is a 4v4, pay attention to who the group says to focus and do so. If they don't say anything, target one of the group that seems to have a clue and (assuming target of target is on), assist them on their target. This, again, will put you far ahead of the typical pvp player in most WZs. Best of luck to you! PvP CAN be a lot of fun ESPECIALLY with a group!


This would be an incredible rez if this thread was dead...

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Well, it grew in telling. That's said, can't say I can play arenas regardless.


Unfortunately, my yesterday's gameplay in SWTOR went this way: Start Uploading PTS. Go play BnS. It finished uploading by the time the lights went out. I took a look to make sure my chars copied to PTS, and discovered that my Merc showed up on the loading screen wearing a Rak event helmet, bracers and boxers. The different kind of fantasy genre. But almost felt just right after the sojourn in the BnS.


My chars on PTS are a Merc (to test arenas, of course!) and a Madness Sorc ('cause my third day on 65 gotta be on PTS!), names are Glaen and Last'Spark.


I'll try to start queueing right at 4 PST, and go on as long as I can take the beatings.


EDIT: and since mega-servers turned out to be too good to be true, I suppose I will be buying merc and leveling commando or something. Or not... kindda lazy now.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Today i got reported for cheating again. In 40-64 wzs.

On my alt(merc). Some guy wisped me after a warzone that he ''reported me to BW for cheating - leaping across the map like a Jugg) Guess the guy/gall haven't heard of Rocket Out.


When i tried to mock him i found out he had ignored me.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Today i got reported for cheating again. In 40-64 wzs.

On my alt(merc). Some guy wisped me after a warzone that he ''reported me to BW for cheating - leaping across the map like a Jugg) Guess the guy/gall haven't heard of Rocket Out.


When i tried to mock him i found out he had ignored me.


I haven't been on BC in a while, but some Sage there always reports me because I use speed hacks.


He apparently doesn't know about Predation. My old laptop ran like **** too, I have no idea how anyone could accuse me of speedhacks when I used to get 15 fps in 8s.

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Today i got reported for cheating again. In 40-64 wzs.

On my alt(merc). Some guy wisped me after a warzone that he ''reported me to BW for cheating - leaping across the map like a Jugg) Guess the guy/gall haven't heard of Rocket Out.


When i tried to mock him i found out he had ignored me.


Haha, I love that image... here you come leaping towards your foe, butt first! It's like the ultimate "moon". :D


"Everyone" seems to think they know it all, and if anyone does something they don't recognize it's always "HAX!". I was in a VS the other day, and an operative made it across "the bridges" before any bridges were extended. Someone started asking about, "how the heck...". I chatted, "I think operatives have a teleport now - probably 30m, same as a leap, and those reach across the gap". They acknowledged, so at least that person was willing to listen to legit possibilities as to how someone could do that.


I love the people who accuse and then ignore though. It's the equivalent of "lalalalalalalala - not listening". So childish. :rolleyes:

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I just got the PTS, none of my settings copied over.

My UI! :(


EDIT: Fixed it, I'm retarded.


Anyway now with mix faction I have the pleasure of going against both Sages and Sorcs. Played 4 games and in each one there were 6 on the team.

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