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A PvP a Day...


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I was so excited to see Banderal on-line! I am not sure why we did not get a Huttball, but I am absolutely stunned how come we did not get an arena, seeing Banderal was doing a virginal 65 in no gear, augments and stims, and I have not been on the merc for a couple of days. Like perfect reasons for the RNG to put us in an arena!


My Last'spark is 64 now, so I should have a level 65 Imperial toon on the Hawk in a matter of hours. :) But, boy, do I need to figure out how to do damage on the AC. The survivability, the utilities on the AC are absolutely fabulous, but I am not getting over 1.5K and it is unacceptable.


I also gonna 'fess up to downloading Blade and Soul. The new Warlock class that is coming on March 2 sounds like my thing, and I want to see if I actually have enough MMO savvy now to play another MMO. 1x1 PvP & no Factions also feels like something different enough to try. So going to be noobin' it on Thursday creating the first character and seeing if I could manage it at all. :p


Just keep in mind Domi, according to Alrik's scientific data, gamers perform best in their 20s due to having superior reflexes!


You do have one thing though, us oldies have better strategic utilization. Basically because we lack the athleticism younger kids do, we rely on our savvy fox-like wits.


When you play B&S, rely upon your craftiness! Do not try to beat those young whippersnappers in a contest of speed, they will win everytime.

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Been playing a lot on TEH, getting carried by Lhancelot and the wrecking ball he calls a Merc.

Fun games.


I am an average merc but thanks. If you want to see a wrecking ball you should see Zachariah. I pepper him with questions whenever he is on to compare gear or utilities etc. I am surprised he hasn't put me on ignore yet. :D

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I am an average merc but thanks. If you want to see a wrecking ball you should see Zachariah. I pepper him with questions whenever he is on to compare gear or utilities etc. I am surprised he hasn't put me on ignore yet. :D


I'm trying different sets to optimize the damage output on my Mara.


Can't seem to hit the sweet spot of damage/speed that put me at around 2.5 - 2.9 before.

Getting trashed by all the ranged dps on TEH.

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Ha! I will be transferring sparks back there next. So if we can all meet up he'll have more weight to carry. :D


We can actually have a small group with Domi and Ruhun if you guys log on similar times... he's great on the marauder and usually when I group with him the matches are pretty competitive. It's amazing what one other competent player can add to a warzone. And, with our combined damage, maybe we can kill some of the sorc healers. Maybe. :p

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Down with the Server hopping! Let's Hawk Empire then. Okay, forget B&S, I will get my sweet B organized enough to have my Madness set up, and start saving comms for a gear set for my spare 65 Sorc for heals. Just in case. Oh, and purchase a level 60 merc as a back up if I don't start pulling my weight on Madness pronto.


Though if you guys are doing burst DPS, having DoTs added to it will be beneficial.

Edited by DomiSotto
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We can actually have a small group with Domi and Ruhun if you guys log on similar times... he's great on the marauder and usually when I group with him the matches are pretty competitive. It's amazing what one other competent player can add to a warzone. And, with our combined damage, maybe we can kill some of the sorc healers. Maybe. :p


My eternal hatred for Sorcs fuels my every move.


I can get on after work, around 6 - 7 PM EST.

If we can get a group going that would be awesome.

Edited by Ruhun
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Speaking of which, I got to give Furian a shoutout here. He probably never even reads forums, but the guy is awesome on the sniper.


Me and Ruhun had the (bad) luck of facing Furian in the warzones last night, and I swear the dude reads minds, he has to be a jedi or something.


I say this because, whenever I even began to think of pinning him down to try to melt him, he seemed to anticipate my attacks before I even got on him! He would roll away to some spot where I could not target him, and then I was forced to have to target someone else.


My damage took quite a hit too, because I would end up wasting time trying to pin him down the whole time doing no damage anywhere. Very adept he was.


The dude also put out nice damage, generally topped the DPS for the warzone. Buff snipers please. :D


Anyway, nice gameplay on his part. Both me and Ruhun commented to one another how it was impossible to pin him down because of how slippery he was.

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I'll push for 65, and try to be geared if not for tonight, then for tomorrow. I'll stick with Madness for now, to have the off-heals, force cleanses and DoTs rather than pure-heal for now. I'll let Banderal make a call if he wants a full healer for his tank. It worked great for us before.
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I'll push for 65, and try to be geared if not for tonight, then for tomorrow. I'll stick with Madness for now, to have the off-heals, force cleanses and DoTs rather than pure-heal for now. I'll let Banderal make a call if he wants a full healer for his tank. It worked great for us before.


Play what you want that's most fun for you. :D

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I was thinking about trying out TEH, but i was going to transfer pub toons. do you guys run pubs at all? I like SL imp side too much to transfer right now, but pub side there is spotty at best.


If you guys run Pubs I wouldn't mid leveling a Sent or something to try it out.

It would take me a while though. Leveling is a hard and frustrating process.

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That's how I started, by running Imps on the SL, and Pubs on the Hawk. I've ported all the Imps to TEH, because I can't do three servers.


Thing with running Pubs on TEH, the queue is slower, and at least during my play-time impacted by the Pub premmies. Plus, it is not secret that the Pub guilds is where all the good Pubs go, so a plain Jane like me ends up in the lowbies/mids with the folks that want to prove it to the world at large that wearing gear is not at all important compared to their super-amazing skillz.


I love Pub, I really do, there are some really cool guys that side of TEH, but I strongly prefer it when the players are wearing a helmet by level 53. Call me weird.


That's said, I will be leveling my Mando there whenever I have time through the great fun of midbies.

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Lhance originally pulled (lured? :D) us over to TEH with the promise of good pub games. I have a 65 guardian (tank) and a gunslinger in, er... still in lowbies I think, but maybe mids. Can't remember.


@Domi - I concur with Lhance about advanced cass. Play whatever you like. To get all self righteous about it, I group with people, not ACs. :p Besides, more than half the time we queue as the "unstoppable heal tank combo" I end up solo guarding while you heal mid anyway. :D

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Yeah, but when we have a stealth that decides it can manage to guard off-node, it's frigging awesome.


I have a Shadow at 65, Mando-DPS and Scoundrel heals in the 40's and I do have a character that qualifies for lowbies, but I am not qualified to play it (blush). Okay, it is a Sentinel. My dirty secret.

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Yes. The problem is that people do not bother with filling the slots, and some still believe by an unfathomable reason that empty gear bolsters better than the gear with stats (I think that might have been true a few years back). I was told that by my guild, which I respectfully g'quitted upon receiving this advice, added to all-around agreement on how they hate Pubs, and how Pubs are awful. It was a Pub guild. I am not joining another one. I can live w/o 10% XP boost. Edited by DomiSotto
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I'd transfer and/or make an instant 60 over on Ebon Hawk if I thought that I could play with you guys. I'd likely never see you, though (I get on after 10pm EST typically).


I think that the pubs have been picking things up on harb during my playtimes at least. It seems like there are many more groups queuing pub 65s now. I've lost to many pub teams recently when playing my Mara. Lots of Sages, particularly of the Seer variety. Banging head on wall. No fun. But kudos for the pubs getting some wins and actually making imp v pub not an automatic win. :)

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