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A PvP a Day...


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I had very bad luck maybe.


Like someone else said they quit as soon as anything goes south, or if the other team has a healer/tank on it in 4v4s.


In BC I've never had matches were my team quits before the 30s clock for the first round is even up.


BC = Bergeren Colony? Does it have frequent pvp pops? Always shows light when I looked.

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BC = Bergeren Colony? Does it have frequent pvp pops? Always shows light when I looked.


It has frequent pops, even though it says light.

Around prime time it gets to "standard" almost every day.

Large fleet instances, etc.


Just be ready to tackle Pub premades.

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I firmly believe that on a meta level these quitters will badly hurt PvP in general in the end.

I can't put it into words right now, but if you try to get into the mindset of someone who just has the feeling of having to fight against a) so much stronger players and b) like having to fight against a wall that is overwhelming one - then it's visible.


The meta is nothing but the long-term results of that - among which the heavy Empire side of domination is just a single facet. There is more on the psychology level of it. It is like a plant wanting to grow but dying (or quitting before i it dies) because of too harsh weather and climate. In the end, PvP will be like a Tundra. Only the Mammut and similar animals survived in that climate. And even they are now dead (probably thanks to the hunting human). And I not only mean this literally, but also in a symbolic way about SWTOR's PvP.

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I firmly believe that on a meta level these quitters will badly hurt PvP in general in the end.

I can't put it into words right now, but if you try to get into the mindset of someone who just has the feeling of having to fight against a) so much stronger players and b) like having to fight against a wall that is overwhelming one - then it's visible.


The meta is nothing but the long-term results of that - among which the heavy Empire side of domination is just a single facet. There is more on the psychology level of it. It is like a plant wanting to grow but dying (or quitting before i it dies) because of too harsh weather and climate. In the end, PvP will be like a Tundra. Only the Mammut and similar animals survived in that climate. And even they are now dead (probably thanks to the hunting human). And I not only mean this literally, but also in a symbolic way about SWTOR's PvP.


What I get out of this is humans ruin everything.

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LoL. I just had a classic. In a VS, on defense first. I'm the only one watching West, EVERYONE else is at east. I don't think anyone was in spawn. They plant east. We had so many quitters they got the early termination win. I'm like, *** - it was YOU GUYS over there. You can't hardly blame "the other guy is so bad, I quit" when YOU are the one standing right there and letting people plant. <just shakes head> I give up on humanity. We suck.
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LoL. I just had a classic. In a VS, on defense first. I'm the only one watching West, EVERYONE else is at east. I don't think anyone was in spawn. They plant east. We had so many quitters they got the early termination win. I'm like, *** - it was YOU GUYS over there. You can't hardly blame "the other guy is so bad, I quit" when YOU are the one standing right there and letting people plant. <just shakes head> I give up on humanity. We suck.


Everything is objectively terrible.

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Everything is objectively terrible.


Well, I am almost to 65 (63 1/2) - it will change at 65... right? LoL at myself. :p


[Edit: Ok, just to be fair for the "other side" - just had another arena. 3 dps and me (tank) vs 4 dps. They have off heals, we do not. First round we blow up their merc, and they kill the rest of us. Instead of quitting, my team talks it out, figures out we have to focus better, marks who to focus... and we pull out a WIN on the next two round! Yeah baby, faith in humanity restored! :D ]

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Well, I am almost to 65 (63 1/2) - it will change at 65... right? LoL at myself. :p


Depends on the server.

Low/mid pvp is a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone, but sometimes 65s is just as frustrating.

Both are awful in their own unique way.

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Depends on the server.

Low/mid pvp is a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone, but sometimes 65s is just as frustrating.

Both are awful in their own unique way.


Yeah, actually I have 65s on both EH and Harb. I've never found 65's to really be much different from midbies. Sometimes good games. Sometimes slaughters on either side. Often quitters. Once in a while good-natured winners or losers. I only have trouble when I get SO MUCH negativity over and over right in a row. Which, for me, usually involves either people raging at others in the game, or wasting a huttball with a deathmatch team. :p

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Yeah, actually I have 65s on both EH and Harb. I've never found 65's to really be much different from midbies. Sometimes good games. Sometimes slaughters on either side. Often quitters. Once in a while good-natured winners or losers. I only have trouble when I get SO MUCH negativity over and over right in a row. Which, for me, usually involves either people raging at others in the game, or wasting a huttball with a deathmatch team. :p


I find Lows and Mids dominated by premades. Even more than 65s.

At least in 65s I have all my tools and I can at least put in a decent effort.


I tried leveling a Mara on Harb through pvp and it was just unbearable.

That server in general is plagued with people dropping matches left and right.

I have joined more losing matches in progress than matches that haven't started yet, and in the brand new matches I saw people either dropping for no reason or dropping at the first sign of struggle.

I don't understand why that server's so populated.

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I find Lows and Mids dominated by premades. Even more than 65s.

At least in 65s I have all my tools and I can at least put in a decent effort.


I tried leveling a Mara on Harb through pvp and it was just unbearable.

That server in general is plagued with people dropping matches left and right.

I have joined more losing matches in progress than matches that haven't started yet, and in the brand new matches I saw people either dropping for no reason or dropping at the first sign of struggle.

I don't understand why that server's so populated.


I don't think it's due to pvp actually. If you believe the line about "only 5% of the players pvp" or whatever, then the population doesn't depend on PvP, but the other way around. Since the population is so low everywhere (relatively speaking) the pvp'rs have to go to the "masses" to get games. So Harby must be populated for the PvE parts or something I guess.


And once I started grouping with Domi, Lhance, Tecl or anyone that will have me :D I found that you get almost no backfills when you queue as a group. Which makes sense (people tend to quit one at a time - usually), and you probably already knew that. Doesn't stop you from being in matches where people quit, but at least you don't usually start that way.


I might have anti-rose-colored glasses too, but I don't remember a lack of quitters when I was on POT5. Or maybe my memory is bad. :p

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I don't think it's due to pvp actually. If you believe the line about "only 5% of the players pvp" or whatever, then the population doesn't depend on PvP, but the other way around. Since the population is so low everywhere (relatively speaking) the pvp'rs have to go to the "masses" to get games. So Harby must be populated for the PvE parts or something I guess.


And once I started grouping with Domi, Lhance, Tecl or anyone that will have me :D I found that you get almost no backfills when you queue as a group. Which makes sense (people tend to quit one at a time - usually), and you probably already knew that. Doesn't stop you from being in matches where people quit, but at least you don't usually start that way.


I might have anti-rose-colored glasses too, but I don't remember a lack of quitters when I was on POT5. Or maybe my memory is bad. :p


I need to group with those guys then.

I can't believe that BC is this Pug friendly compared to the other servers, even with the premades that steamroll everything with extreme prejudice very few people leave matches. I guess we're all united in our hatred for Sorcs and Sages.

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Merc pvp tutorial: roll a merc, have fun, pvp till 40 lvl, delete your merc, repeat :sul_smile:


Sent/Mara PvP rotation (works for all specs!):



Logout button (cursor is more efficient than keypress)

Select other character


Alternate rotation (Advanced users only! Requires simultaneous key presses and complex keypress chains!):


Alt + F4 keys.

Log back into SWTOR (This is where things get really tricky; this is a priority list that can require use of 3-4 bars worth of key presses)

Select other character

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The only thing that makes me more mad is when people quit with 5 seconds left in the game. That's just a totally dick thing to do, to give the next person in the queue the big "final-score-screen-middle-finger". No, "I just couldn't take it anymore" is not a legitimate reason. The reason you did it is because you are a *******. :mad:


Banderal after entering a warzone with 5 seconds left in the match.

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I freely admit to quitting regs when I come up against the same premade for the umpteenth time in a row. I don't mind losing. My favorite matches are those ones that are 50/50 hard fought either way. I get just as disappointed when it's a premade on my team against pugs--I'll take it for getting my dailies done fast if I need them, but ultimately I'm PvPing to have fun, and stomps aren't.


I also freely admit to quitting 8v8 regs if the opposing team has decent healers (especially multiple healers) and my team has none; these are generally lost causes from the get go. I like to think I'm doing the team a favor by giving them a chance to queue in a healer.


Leaving isn't always bad. Just don't be a dick about it. I stick with plenty of obvious lost causes, too; sometimes enough is just enough.

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Sent/Mara PvP rotation (works for all specs!):



Logout button (cursor is more efficient than keypress)

Select other character


Alternate rotation (Advanced users only! Requires simultaneous key presses and complex keypress chains!):


Alt + F4 keys.

Log back into SWTOR (This is where things get really tricky; this is a priority list that can require use of 3-4 bars worth of key presses)

Select other character


But I like my Mara. :rak_04:


Leaving isn't always bad, it was just so jarring to see my team of two healers and one dps quit as soon as they saw a trinity comp. We got backfilled 4 times, and all 4 times they left.

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Just know that if you group with Domi you'll get a ton of huttball games :D She attracts them like flies to honey. :D


Yep, I do tend to :) I am trying to work out which AC I get more Pipeballs on, and which ones - the Classiques. Maybe that's why I remember PTS so fondly. I did not have to play the Huttball League of My Own there. :cool:


Honestly, though, I expect that the strong feelings I am developing for Tattoine Arena will get me to break into song when Pipeball loads in.

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I got sparks to 65 literally just as Domi came on line! So we did one regs match together, and did not get a huttball. :D. We had a nov coast, which we won. Then I had to sign off because it was a "school night".


On the way I had a couple interesting matches. Had an ACW that we lost by 10. We held two, but people were doing that "not satisfied with just two" thing. So we lost mid just before the magic half way point, and never got it back. :(


Had an arena where we'd basically lost, but our last guy standing hit a bug and fell through the floor. He might have been able to stay there and trolled them to acid, maybe even surviving through it. But he did the good thing and used /stuck to get out, so they could finish their well deserved win. After he popped back into existance, with about 5 percent health left, they all just stood there doing nothing. So he attacked them to get things going again. Then he finished dying. :D

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I was so excited to see Banderal on-line! I am not sure why we did not get a Huttball, but I am absolutely stunned how come we did not get an arena, seeing Banderal was doing a virginal 65 in no gear, augments and stims, and I have not been on the merc for a couple of days. Like perfect reasons for the RNG to put us in an arena!


My Last'spark is 64 now, so I should have a level 65 Imperial toon on the Hawk in a matter of hours. :) But, boy, do I need to figure out how to do damage on the AC. The survivability, the utilities on the AC are absolutely fabulous, but I am not getting over 1.5K and it is unacceptable.


I also gonna 'fess up to downloading Blade and Soul. The new Warlock class that is coming on March 2 sounds like my thing, and I want to see if I actually have enough MMO savvy now to play another MMO. 1x1 PvP & no Factions also feels like something different enough to try. So going to be noobin' it on Thursday creating the first character and seeing if I could manage it at all. :p

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