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A PvP a Day...


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@Banderal: I'd keep an eye out for you on the Binger.


My Sage/Sorc healers were my main for a long time because, well, that is how I played when sensei was in the game. He carried like he breathed, so I had that false idea that I could actually heal well enough to do ranked if I heal a lot. Well, pocket healing a good player in regs is very different than healing solo ranked.


I do not even PvE on my Sorc atm unless my raid needs a healer and my Operative is locked out or the cohealer is an operative. My Sorc makes me miss the good old times too too much.


For DPS, I think Merc/Mando is my favorite class atm, and then it is either Vg or Shadow, but I have not played either enough to decide which one I do better on. I have not DPS'd to max level on Sage/Sorc, but for almost the same problems the classes face in the regs (regs only!), Merc/Mando for me is more satisfying in terms of jackpots when things go your way. I am also far more aggressive on the Merc/Mando, b/c I have never played heals on that AC. And aggression is something I really need to ramp up as a DPS. If they do nerf the Merc/Mando damage, well, then Sorc/Sage it is.


Guardians/Juggernauts may be better now, but what I was not coping with was staying on target, and well, that's not going to change, so I am better off with the two mid-ranged Disciplines (yes, yes, I know how very much against all things pure and honorable it is to pursue it). But, seriously, I am not the FOTM people cry about.

Edited by DomiSotto
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OMG, Bio as always messed all my well-laid plans up! But in a good way! Yep, I know I am gonna be food on the PTS, but I wanna at least be slower-digested food, so, I am going to try to play my Vg/Merc 65s on the Binger, while accumulating the mats (Mando has only one gathering skill). I do want to play Mando and Scop on the Hawk too, but OMG, I won't have the time; certainly no time for the Sage/Sorc.


I am guessing that Bio would drop both new zones for the testing on the PTS, so I will have to drop all the arenas, but oh, well, it's still the PTS coolness with cross-faction added in.


Anyways, I guess, I will have to send Commander Shepard on a leave of absence. And what to do about GSF?! Argh.


HAPPY! (Don't judge)


Is there news for PTS stuff to happen soon?

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The Developper's summary reads:


New Warzone•Coming in April with Chapter XII

•Cross Faction Alliance teams fight together with players from opposite Factions on the same team

•Lana Beniko will be voicing this Warzone

•2-5 control points throughout the map

•Collect power-ups that affect the control points

•PTS is planned to start in 2-3 weeks (I will pass on info as I have it)


So, 2-3 weeks till PTS is how I understand it. And once PTS is up, I am playing only on PTS, because it's going to be both cross-faction and cross-server. I really hope everyone copies to PTS to experience that. :)

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FPS is improving, just had a match with several Sages and Sorcs, usually that murders my framerate but I had 60 throughout.


Also, please call before they cap. Calling when you die is as useful as not calling at all.


Jesus christ.

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Jesus christ Harb is terrible.


What kind of guild runs healer heavy premades in midbies?


**** this.


When were you on? I was playing Imp mids last night from about 7 - 9 PM EST, and it seemed fine. I was solo pugging the whole time. I only remember running into one "premade" (i.e. some team where we got stomped because they seemed to always be everywhere at once - I got even though, I pulled one of them up to the ACW landing platform and stunned him, and got to watch him explode :D ). And I don't remember any games where there were so many healers that people were not dying. Had a lot of imp vs. imp games though. :(

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When were you on? I was playing Imp mids last night from about 7 - 9 PM EST, and it seemed fine. I was solo pugging the whole time. I only remember running into one "premade" (i.e. some team where we got stomped because they seemed to always be everywhere at once - I got even though, I pulled one of them up to the ACW landing platform and stunned him, and got to watch him explode :D ). And I don't remember any games where there were so many healers that people were not dying. Had a lot of imp vs. imp games though. :(


He was prob in 65s bruv.

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I've spent all my gaming pre-raid time going at a dummy with my merc, trying to get down the Blazing bolt proc, but the max I got to was 5.1K which is too low. I will probably try him in a battle today and keep parsing to minimize the mishaps, because I could see how much the dps drops whenever I mess up on a parse. I will leave the Vg alone for now, and then do the same thing on him.
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He was prob in 65s bruv.

I got tired of leveling Azaxul so I used my free 60 token and created Narqath.

I leveled to 65 through pvp on Harb.

Oh and I created her on BC, transferred a ******** of coms and then moved her to Harb.

65s are way better.


In mids no one gives a **** about objectives. I saw someone leave a now empty node to go somewhere else to dps more.

We lost that one.

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I've played a bit of 65 this morning, though did not see Banderal. To my surprise, won a couple of arenas even with me as a DPS (I hit a PB of 2.4K DPS on the toon, but still missed my target of 2.5K), I guess the carry was strong with the Empire. But in the 8x8 warzones we got facerolled, so I decided to go lose with the Republic. Lost one, won one.


Heh, the last one had 5 sages, 2 sentinels and meself. So funny :p Lots and lots of melee wanting my sweet b. Felt a bit overwhelming, but I hope I get back into the swing of things.

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I've spent all my gaming pre-raid time going at a dummy with my merc, trying to get down the Blazing bolt proc, but the max I got to was 5.1K which is too low. I will probably try him in a battle today and keep parsing to minimize the mishaps, because I could see how much the dps drops whenever I mess up on a parse. I will leave the Vg alone for now, and then do the same thing on him.


use priming shot but don't instantly use the TM proc. go straight to blazing bolts then instant TM and back to blazing bolts. this may not be what you meant, but it's what i do.depending on your utilities you can make the next couple TM instant as well to proc blazing bolts again.

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Oh, what I meant was timing the TM in such a way that BB always procs and as close as possible to the internal CD it has. I am also trying to insert the rapid shot to get the supercharged gas where I have time between the BB procs (and yes, along with the other 2 instants and net). My build is a copy of Zach's and he does not use the double insta-cast on the tech override. I do understand the priority system, but I still do mess it up sometimes by not procing BB once in a while, or casting when I should have used a rapid shot and had priming off the cd instead, or hitting a wrong key, what have you. I am pretty positive I can do better :) Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, what I meant was timing the TM in such a way that BB always procs and as close as possible to the internal CD it has. I am also trying to insert the rapid shot to get the supercharged gas where I have time between the BB procs (and yes, along with the other 2 instants and net). My build is a copy of Zach's and he does not use the double insta-cast on the tech override. I do understand the priority system, but I still do mess it up sometimes by not procing BB once in a while, or casting when I should have used a rapid shot and had priming off the cd instead, or hitting a wrong key, what have you. I am pretty positive I can do better :)


did you take the defensive proc for supercharged gas? Saw Chasso(zach) mention that in a forum post and tried it out. I liked the added survivability quite a bit.

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Yes, I've pretty much build the chars on 65 as exact copies, and yes, the toon feels a little sturdier. Well, that's when not facing a potpourri of mara and juggers.


I am starting to develop a barely controllable desire to post about how RO should be useable when hindered, but that point was made a fair number of times.


EDIT: Oh, forgot to add. I put a Karraga's Palace raid helmet on my merc, so he now looks exactly like one of the chars in my kid's Wizardry 101. The same pencil neck and a big bell-shaped hat with a silly pattern. It is hilarious. I am sure some focus might be explained away by him looking beyond stooopid. :) But hey, it covers the haircut that the operatives disapprove of!

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mids is awful on TEH too, hate it so much.


WHAT MIDS!?????? The last time I tried to get into mids on EH I remember sitting in the queue and nothing happening. And that was with YOU! I think you are delusional that you are actually having "mids" matches on EH. :D


Which, BTW, convinced me to transfer Strikes'Twice over to Harby. I lost my cool name though. So I had to rename her, and she is now "funWith'Sparks". Which is way not as cool a name. :(

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I've played a bit of 65 this morning, though did not see Banderal.


I haven't really been "on-line" today, just a few forum browsings/postings. Last night I was on Harby, and bounced to Imp/Pub a few times looking for people. Didn't see anyone, so finally stayed on the Imp side and level Jetsons a bit.

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I haven't really been "on-line" today, just a few forum browsings/postings. Last night I was on Harby, and bounced to Imp/Pub a few times looking for people. Didn't see anyone, so finally stayed on the Imp side and level Jetsons a bit.


I am either on Glean or Glaen, or on my GSF toon, Yvolgar (yeah, I know, I finally play a toon with the lightsabre, not hair-driers, and I use him for GSF).


I'll ad your FunWith'Sparks to the friendlist, but I have nothing playable in the midbies on the Binger. Just a bunch of abandoned toons on L60.


By the way, FunWith'sparks and Last'spark would have made a menacing combo!

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