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A PvP a Day...


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No, it's along the lines of Domi is too cheap to augment two main hands and tries to save time to roll on loot/minimize comms expenditures, so most of her toons go about sharing legacy everything like my grandma and her siblings used to take turns going to school because they had one pair of winter boots between the eight of them. So the blaster rifle is shared between the Operative and the Vanguard, Merc and PT share the blaster, PT will have the Vanguards Generator... if I ran a Gunslinger, Merc and she would swap the blasters too.


lol ok. Sheesh you cheapster. Spend some comms on those alts! Don't neglect them! :p

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It's a PvE Main Hand. I'd need to win a roll to win a 216 in one of the bosses that drop it. I have rolled on everything yesterday, and my best roll of 94 got beaten by someone who rolled a 100 (it's part of the fun), so I did not win anything in the whole run. I already have a fully Augmented 216 blaster so why waste rolls. I'd rather save it for the rest of his 6-pc, ear, plants and relics. Fingers crossed my guild is going to start trying HMs, so I will need to pick what I can run, and play that more than anything else.


It's not that easy to have 4 mirrors in both PvE and PvP gear & build a second legacy on another server. I don't own a single slip of PvE gear on EH. It's so much simpler. I also avoid raiding on my Pub toons on the Harbinger & PvPing on the imps, because if I try to have it all, I will end up in a doghouse.


Game-life balance, game-game balance... crazy, lol.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Wow, this thread took off in the last day. :D I don't know if I agree that lows or mids are more fun. I find "faceroll comps" in all groups. And also people who seem to think that everyone should already know how to play, and no one should still be learning. But anyway... just to show how silly games can get, below I'm going to astound you with what I ended with today.


At 65 you should know how to play.

Learning is what lows and mids are for, but thanks to the 20 WZ quest we have people that never queued up in lows and mids playing with the "big boys" in 65s.

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(Shrug) before that people complained it was the Conquest. And before that it was double wz comms. And before that it was a helmet iirc that the raiders wanted. And before that everyone was 10-50 in the same zone. People always came to PvP at high levels, and that's Okay. Bio did the right thing gating ranked.


That insane zone Banderal and I were playing yesterday? I have never wanted to have him on VOIP so badly, because the flow was so fast and so turbulent. We were not keeping up with it, and we are used to playing together, plus Banderal is the best warzone telegraph I've played with. I was so lost I was not watching his bar.

Edited by DomiSotto
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(Shrug) before that people complained it was the Conquest. And before that it was double wz comms. And before that it was a helmet iirc that the raiders wanted. And before that everyone was 10-50 in the same zone. People always came to PvP at high levels, and that's Okay. Bio did the right thing gating ranked.


That insane zone Banderal and I were playing yesterday? I have never wanted to have him on VOIP so badly, because the flow was so fast and so turbulent. We were not keeping up with it, and we are used to playing together, plus Banderal is the best warzone telegraph I've played with. I was so lost I was not watching his bar.


I remember 10 - 50.

What awful times.



All this Sin talk is making me want to play today.

I just want to get home already.

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Funny it must be a PvP thing, I am on TRE server and after I finished the 1 run on my lowbie assassin at the weekend some random person in the PvP section of the fleet whispered me on to complement the outfit my female assassin was wearing, maybe its something about PvP players as I never see that anywhere else.


I don't think that's a thing PvP-related. I'd rather expect this from PvE, or, more specifically, from RP-people.

Personally I have rather the impression as it it doesn't really matter to PvPers what their toons are wearing ... but on the other side I've NEVER seen any toon in the gear you can get through PvP Commendations, and that since 2.0 , I think ... I once saw one partially ? clothed in Obroan, and THAT was a sight in a thousand ! ( So to say. )

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So how, just how healing on an Operative is so smooth and the DPS is so clunky? TA is just there for the heals... I don't even notice how it generates. It's just there. Anyway, I reset my spare scoundrel to Ruffian, hoping it will be easier, but it also relies on TA for multiple repetition of the same attack. And starts off with a positioning specific one. I still really want to do stealth combo with Banderal's Infiltration, so I will run more of it on the dummy to see if I can get into it. If I can't get it fast, I'd just give up and go with Balanced Sage/Mando.


On the upide, Banderal and I managed to finally encounter Lhancelot on the EH, on the Imperial side (sigh). He's played ops heals with my madness for a bit. I could let go of the sudden overwhelming desire to offheal teammates. Well, folks were dying so fast! Faceroll Tuesday, eh?


Then I switched to my Mando and yay, got the procs right finally. But without any respectable DPS to show for that astounding success. Well, at least today my teammates and I managed to split up the Jugger+Sorc combo on the pylon in AHG, which was nice. Even won that one. Wins were few and far between, since Faceroll Tuesday is a Faceroll Tuesday. I left Mando at about half a bar from level 65, hoping to hit it in a warzone :) Ebon Hawk is nice, but Harbinger is home.

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So how, just how healing on an Operative is so smooth and the DPS is so clunky? TA is just there for the heals... I don't even notice how it generates. It's just there. Anyway, I reset my spare scoundrel to Ruffian, hoping it will be easier, but it also relies on TA for multiple repetition of the same attack. And starts off with a positioning specific one. I still really want to do stealth combo with Banderal's Infiltration, so I will run more of it on the dummy to see if I can get into it. If I can't get it fast, I'd just give up and go with Balanced Sage/Mando.


On the upide, Banderal and I managed to finally encounter Lhancelot on the EH, on the Imperial side (sigh). He's played ops heals with my madness for a bit. I could let go of the sudden overwhelming desire to offheal teammates. Well, folks were dying so fast! Faceroll Tuesday, eh?


Then I switched to my Mando and yay, got the procs right finally. But without any respectable DPS to show for that astounding success. Well, at least today my teammates and I managed to split up the Jugger+Sorc combo on the pylon in AHG, which was nice. Even won that one. Wins were few and far between, since Faceroll Tuesday is a Faceroll Tuesday. I left Mando at about half a bar from level 65, hoping to hit it in a warzone :) Ebon Hawk is nice, but Harbinger is home.


On operative i find the complete reverse, healing is clunky and the set dps rotation i have is smooth. Advice, never come to Begeren Colony, you'll get ERPed to death, and then PvP trolled by 1 class premades in regs to death.

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Heh, no, I never considered BC. Banderal and I started on the Ebon Hawk because we want to team with Lhancelot and play for the Republic. May two aims for PvP is to play a couple of ACs decently enough to pug and win, and eventually become a part of a 4M that jells. My experiences in PvE were such that a guild with a sufficient core raider group is incomparably better to a pug. Both in the camaraderie and in the outcomes departments. I love my raiding guild. PvP is no different.


I also have a few toons on the SL, but probably will move them to EH if I want to play them. If I had enough time, I would play on SL as well. It is very businesslike.


But Harbinger is what I love. It's rag-tag, rough, multi-national, 24-7, and vibrant. As hard as it sometimes is on a Republic player, nothing feels better than beating the Empire there.


After sleeping on it, I think I might just leave the Ruffian alone, co-level one of my familiar non-stealth with Banderal, and play my Shadow with him once he hits 65. Just need a bit of a break from figuring new things out.

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On operative i find the complete reverse, healing is clunky and the set dps rotation i have is smooth. Advice, never come to Begeren Colony, you'll get ERPed to death, and then PvP trolled by 1 class premades in regs to death.


Speaking of ERP, I was once in a 'party' that went from duels to slave girls dancing in tubes.


I was so confused.

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Created a SW on Harb, but didn't level because I was too tired.


On BC I had a few matches, lost a few.

Hit 2.7 DPS in one, that's like 2.4 Mil or so. I don't remember.


Me and another Mara had this unspoken connection, **** Sorcs. **** them hard.

We tunneled every Sorc in sight.

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Oh, I try to kill sorcs, even when I play one :) Actually, there is simply no avoiding it. It's more of a "which sorc you want?"


I was doing my first day on level 65 on mando/merc. Took some adjustment, and oi, gotta use those cooldowns faster. Overall though, it is a very satisfying class to play when your team has 2+ Juggers/Maras and theirs don't. I will be playing my Merc a lot because I am trying to level his crew skills between matches on Yavin and stack L8 mats due to the announced changes.


On the Hawk, I ran on my L41 Mando, and decided to sacrifice damage for mobility basically going with rapid shot, demo and using the channeled/casted attacks only when I could. Comically, I managed to kill a level 63 mara by simply running circles around it spamming rapid shot. It was silly and took a while, but better him than me. Of course the Assault Specialist would have been much better on these levels, but oh, well, I am almost hitting the level range of the rapid increase in coolness on the Gunnery, so I'll stick to it.


Another really funny snapshot from a warzone was from a couple of days ago, on the same Mando, in lowbies at the time, in the VS at the foot of the bridge. My team was on the offensive, we just got the bridge down, and as I was coming onto it, a Sentinel and a Sorc were engaged in the whole lighting vs plasma eternal Force Users' spit-out of a showy ******ness. Eh, well, I just hit the 'toss me' button on the run, feeling a bit like Indiana Jones when he fires a gun into the face of an awesome swordsman.


Did not have much luck on the sorc, only played a couple of matches, and my teams were too heavy on support DPS with no-one to spearhead the charges. Zones like that make me wish I was any good in true melee class.

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Was in a match with a premade last night, I won't mention the guild but they were Imps.


They were on my team, a group of 4, and then 2 more popped up.


Me and a sniper ran to get orbs at mid, two of them went to our pylon and the four others went to theirs.

Well the 4 died about as fast as they went there, we got farmed at mid and the two that went to our pylon just stayed stealthed and never capped it.

It's one of the few WZ that ever quit, but I do think they were *********** with us.

The other team was a Rep Pug for ****s sake.

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Was in a match with a premade last night, I won't mention the guild but they were Imps.


They were on my team, a group of 4, and then 2 more popped up.


Me and a sniper ran to get orbs at mid, two of them went to our pylon and the four others went to theirs.

Well the 4 died about as fast as they went there, we got farmed at mid and the two that went to our pylon just stayed stealthed and never capped it.

It's one of the few WZ that ever quit, but I do think they were *********** with us.

The other team was a Rep Pug for ****s sake.


My favorite is when you get guild premades and none of them are bad enough to guard, so they will even cap a node, then run off it to go fight at mid. You know, their dps is so awesome the team would lose without it.


Of course most of these matches are losses, because those "awesome" premades never communicate with the team, and they also refuse to play objectively.


Oh, and they usually have 1-2 of them from that guild who will communicate to tell the team how awful they are, and that their guild cannot carry all the bads.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Oh, I try to kill sorcs, even when I play one :) Actually, there is simply no avoiding it. It's more of a "which sorc you want?"



Actually I make a point to zone in on a sorc or sage, they usually manage to heal up before I can kill one but on the off chance I succeed I see it as a personal achievement.

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Actually I make a point to zone in on a sorc or sage, they usually manage to heal up before I can kill one but on the off chance I succeed I see it as a personal achievement.


There are A LOT of bad Sorcs and Jugs now though.

Sorcs that don't even bother to pop a DCD, heal, or LoS.

They just stand there and get hit.

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