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A PvP a Day...


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@ruhun - yep, good operatives are a PITA. And that knife sound effect! <shudder>


@domi - (Or whoever else cares) So I started a shadow on EH, specd for DPS this time. Amazingly, I got my go-to name of Flintstones! Currently level 15. So if you want we can be the defective-stealth-dps-duo there. :D


That's great! I keep wanting to do a stealth+stealth, to see how to coordinate the cc's. I can co-play the Mando with you wile you level up, and if you like it enough to take it on L65, we can try to combo it there?


Yes, I have read similar thoughts on the Ruffian before, just never really thought of it until playing Serenity, always associating playing a DPS Operative with Concealment, & that's above my skill cap for playing well. I think I will keep Ruffian on my radar for when I feel like trying out something new. On the other hand, playing Rak's event with the Sentinel, I just didn't like it and don't want to play it. So, I am back to Sorc, Mando, Shadow and Vg, all of which I like play-style wise.


And, of course, I have something scheduled after work today, and the guild wants to run HM EV/KP, so I will need to parse and squeeze in as many Tunnel drags as I can, meaning I won't see insides of a warzone till the weekend. How am I supposed to get to 2.5K under those conditions?! BioWARE, fix that!

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Yeah, I can now see that happening. I went over 2K whenever healing is matched on both sides on every toon I have played last week, and that's with movement, off-nodding and what not. It's good to have heals. Just sucks not playing this week, but I want that gear supply assured. Well, hopefully, next week is better than this one and I can kill people to my heart's content.


Keen on the Shadow, 'cause pretty, Madness because she's just gotten her god bubble on 52; and want hot pink bubble-storm on the Mando as well as finally getting her to 65 & seeing what I can kill there. :p

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Ruffian is a very different play style from anything. You can do a lot of damage and a lot of healing, but you'll be hard pressed to burst anything down if there is a healer around.


As a ruffian, you should plan to play mostly from range, toss out lots of off-heals, and keep everyone dotted up. Dart in to burst a target, then roll away and heal up. Basically, you are a mosquito...


I got a lethality ops that is 61 lvl, and I am curious how much improved it gets in 65s.


As it stands now, it's fun running around, throwing dots, HoTs, and then using brutal shots occasionally, but wow. Talk about underwhelming damage for burst.


It's really an unusual class and seems to really lack killing power. I like how self-sustaining it is though, and when I feel like just derping around in a wz playing between the lines and focusing on objectives 100% it's a good class.


If I want to deathmatch hard, it's not the class the play though. In no way can I play lethality and unleash a killing rage on players in a warzone and have a big impact directly with my damage.


Anyway, that's what I get from it so far. I am hoping that by 65, maybe the class set will help, min/max will offer higher damage and burst, etc. If not, I don't think I could find much fulfillment playing it.

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Well, I could not resist, and played a few on my sorc (now 53) and one on my junior mando (38, I think?). It was actually amazing, nothing but wins. Well, we did lose an NC after a hard-fought match, but they had lots of heals which is hard even in midbies. I did not put any amazeballs numbers, but came up with top dps a couple of times, and it was a pleasure to play in coordinated pugs that called, responded and relocated. On my Mando we won an anti-Imperial Huttball Classic, which was cool, except folk kept passing me the ball, and a Mando with a ball is not a great idea even in the lowbies. But, stop for a moment. Passing. In Huttball. In lowbies. That was better than many 65s I had seen. :)
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Had a very interesting Civil War yesterday. Wasn't my wz originally, i was a replacement. Normally when this happens, I expect to find that both turrets are in the hands of the enemy and difference in ship's HP are big, but that was not the case this time.


They had snow, we had grass, and the middle was still fought over. But imps managed to get theirs seconds before we got ours, because the difference in HP was 10 points in favor of the enemy. Yep. I actually saw WZ being won with such close call at least once.


Well so I join, see what's going on, jump down and go grass, cause I see a lone Shadow defending it fighting 1vs1 with someone. I kill the enemy and remain near the gun, the Shadow buffs me and runs off.


So i defend. Middle is still (!) not taken, but I got a low amount of visitors, usually 1 or 2. My pvp skills are horrible, the only way I ever can kill someone, is if they have low hp/crap gear/ no idea what they are doing. But at least I can call the incomings and hold out until someone cooler comes around.


Time goes on. Middle still not taken, but the grass is also safe. Then we take... snow. No idea how this happened, since I was stuck on the other side of the map, but it did! I immediately type into chat that I wont hold grass alone. Alas, as soon as i finish typing and hit enter, we lose snow and back at squire one. Except... for that brief time we had 2 guns and enemy had none, the situation has been reversed! Now we are leading by 10 points! Its a close call, but it can be done... unless they get middle or grass.


But the middle remains untaken by anyone! Eventually I start getiing more and more incomings. I still call them out and help defend. but the enemy doesnt give up. By the end of the match at least half of their team is at grass, including at least 1 sorc-healer. I start dying, and have to go back. But the good news is - mid still not taken, and enemy has like 40 hp left. The victory is within out grasp!


Or it was. Because then the grass finally falls. I am powerless to stop them, because I died and is on the speeder. When I arrive near the nod its way too late - grass is taken, swarming with red names and the game is seconds from finishing. I turn and run away, only to have some over-enthusiastic Sorc to chase me down and kill me with dots, or whatever that exploding thingy of them is called.


It was extremely frustrating to lose after being so close to victory, but it was an interesting match neverless. Also, the middle was not taken even after the grass fall! I think I saw 1 or 2 people still fighting there. Never saw that before.



Another interesting WZ was an Arena. Normally I don't like them at all - my own lack of skill + horrible match-making pretty much guarantees that whatever team I end up in will always lose (unless they have tank and heal and enemy doesn't)This one looked to be one of such cases - we got tank and 3 dps, they got 1 dps, 1 tank and 2 healers (one was Sorc, other was probably merc)


One guy on our team quit ASAP. Other one dissaproved, to which I said it doesn't matter since we have no chance anyway. He pointed out that we at least should try. And so we did. And won both rounds. No idea how thats happened, shouldn't a team with 2 healers and a tank be basically invincible? Especially since my DPS is crap. But we won. A pleasant surprise, especially since it was the only WZ reps won yesterday night.

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One guy on our team quit ASAP. Other one dissaproved, to which I said it doesn't matter since we have no chance anyway. He pointed out that we at least should try. And so we did. And won both rounds. No idea how thats happened, shouldn't a team with 2 healers and a tank be basically invincible? Especially since my DPS is crap. But we won. A pleasant surprise, especially since it was the only WZ reps won yesterday night.


In regs anything could happen. If your tank was an experienced guy in heavy endurance DPS gear, and theirs was not & did not know how to swap guard, there was a gear discrepancy, and the healers were not really used to healing in the wzs.... kudos to you for indeed trying. The important thing in the arenas is to try to keep up with the action, so you have an idea what have happened, even when you lose :)


@Ruhun: A team of 8 lightening sorcs? So weird.

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Were they a premade? Maybe they find lighting fun...


It was a Pug.

Not a healer among them.

Not Madness Sorcs. Nothing.

Just arcs of Lightning making caps really, really hard.

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It was a Pug.

Not a healer among them.

Not Madness Sorcs. Nothing.

Just arcs of Lightning making caps really, really hard.


Maybe they think lightning is cool... I recently rolled a plasmatech for the slow + fire animation. It won't be a serious toon, but it's hella fun :p

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Tried to play PvP with my Commando on Vanjervalis CHain a bit.


First was an 1v3 Arena. The one was me ... Seriously. I left ( or rather : stayed in the respawn area ) after the first round ( I lost, of course ), because that was too stupid even for me.

Second was me being a backfiller into an Voidstar match which we won. I had been defending one door (together with a Scoundrel whi appeared from time to time) and did every6thing right. Only 2 attackers there, strange.

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Hey, I was running my Mando as well! Got her to L64, and we won one cool arena (ranged pawned the Juggers and Maras!) & I think we pulled a crazy win on the AHG when the determination to go off-node did pay off (first time the guy sapped at 1.36 min, and no dice, but the second time s/he managed at 36 sec, and we held both). I had so much fun shooting Bubblestorm! We really did good in the other zones, Empire just was better.


I also started trying GSF, and heh, it's mellow compared to the ground PvP.

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Well, my Commando's cannon has a pink crystal in it, I hope now you'll understand why I don't like the Bubblestorm animation at all ... :D


By the way, I had found out that my Commando has now that "artillery backwards" function. :D

I tried it out on the fleet. First thought : "WOAH !!!!" :eek:

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Well, my Commando's cannon has a pink crystal in it, I hope now you'll understand why I don't like the Bubblestorm animation at all ... :D


By the way, I had found out that my Commando has now that "artillery backwards" function. :D

I tried it out on the fleet. First thought : "WOAH !!!!" :eek:


Well, that's exactly why I love it! I dropped 200K to change from green to pink-and-purple one. To be honest, I think it looked awesome to start with, but it is that much more fun in pink. :)


I don't think the healing beam changes color. The default shot and the Boltstom do.

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do commando heals take into account color crystal or are they always green, as I've only ever seen green. i think it would be hilarious to see giant pink beams everywhere :p


Healing is always green, don't know why, but rather for symbolic reasons, I assume ( green = life ).


@Domi : I still have an unused Kyber Cannon from one flash sale ... I do wonder how a pink miniature death star beam might look like ... :p

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Well, that's exactly why I love it! I dropped 200K to change from green to pink-and-purple one. To be honest, I think it looked awesome to start with, but it is that much more fun in pink. :)


Pink? "You are such a girl." haha :D


I"ve been leveling a dps assassin, inflitration spec. It's weird, because it's ALMOST like having the tank spec (in the level 20s anyway), but the procs are a bit different so it's a pain going back-n-forth between them. And I"m trying to get used to not having my first thought be "SAVE THE HEALER!"... I try to make that my 2nd thought now. My first is "KILL THEIR HEALER!". :D

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What are you levelling, a Shadow or a Sin? I've totally lost track of you :( . I've ran against a bunch of the premmies today, on my Sorc, my junior Mando and on my Shadow. Good for practice, but not for winning or kill count. In the end though I had a weird Huttball Classic where us, two sorc where trying to outpull one another bringing our Jugger all the way :) To be honest we did not need to, the other team was not holding it together.


But I am happier and happier with my AC choices, they work well for me.

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Played a few matches against Pubs.

I won a 1v1 against a very, very poorly played Sage.

Never popped bubble, never ran, didn't even use Phasewalk.


Must have been one of those instant 60s.




On the other hand I keep getting my *** handed to me by Operatives.

How many stuns does an AC need?

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I"ve been leveling a dps assassin, inflitration spec. It's weird, because it's ALMOST like having the tank spec (in the level 20s anyway), but the procs are a bit different so it's a pain going back-n-forth between them.

Infiltration is not worth playing before lvl42 when you get low slash. Even then you're playing a burst spec, except without any burst. Damage in lowbies/midbies is abysmal compared to Serenity.

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A rare post by me in this forum on my PvP matches I ran at the weekend, for Major Pierce on my sorc, I played 5 matches and won 2 so I am currently on 7/20.


The first thing I can say is I hate Huttball, its by far the worst of the PvP options, we lost a match 5-4 after going 2 up with a guy on my team screaming *** are we playing at, I can't help it if I can't play huttball.


I can't remember all of the 5 matches I played I know I was on the winning team on a 4v4 on makeb (I think) there was actually a guy on the team who "took charge" and flagged the target orders for us and the enemy went down real quick which was good for me (it probably also helped we had an actual designated healer).


We also got the hypergate one which somehow we won.


I had heard a thing or 2 about sorc before going in but not sure if its only really sorc heals thats being complained about but I know that while I don't like PvP anyway I really hate it on my sorc.


Funny though I took a assassin I was levelling later that day (Level 15) and got the Alderran one?? the one with the gun turret that shoots the ship down? and while I was only level 15 and only really had 5 moves of any use (Thrash, Discharge, Whirling blow, Death field and Creeping Terror) it was easier than my fully levelled sorc, in fact it was easily my best warzone to date got 20+ kills, decent damage and because we did not stray far from the turret lots of objective points.


Its really funny how I can have an easier time in a warzone with a level 15 Assassin (1 match is the quickest way to complete the left hand side of my gear), than I do with a level 65 Sorc. I have no idea if I was playing better or whether the other team was just poor, but on that one I was almost borderline enjoying that match, almost anyway.


I think I am only going to do the 20 warzones for companion once per faction and see what may lie behind this quest in the future as while I really, really hate leaving things incomplete, I cannot fathom doing 20 matches on each character I send through kotfe.

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