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You need a shield for your guard. Just because you're not stacking shield rating doesn't mean guarding other players is ineffective.


Ah, I didn't know that. I always swap guard around as best I can, but I've never been without a shield, so didn't realize it was required equipment for guard to work. I knew I had to be in the proper stance, but not that actually having a shield equipped was necessary. Thanks for the clarification!

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Had a game with Domi today worth mentioning. A lvl 65 pub-side huttball on EH. We'd just come off a pretty easy win in a pipeball, and we had mostly the same team, so I was thinking "cool, another easy win!". I was wrong of course.


The other team was not running all over us, but they were converting opportunities into scores and we were not. They had that person ready for the pass up ahead almost all the time. We'd be almost in score range, and their spawn door would open dumping 4 of them on the one ball carrier... no score. We were stopping them a lot, but then they had the person right there by the spawn to grab the ball when we spiked it. Things like that.


So they were up 3 to nothing, with 2 minutes left (yes, just TWO minutes). And at that point Domi and I decided to just stick together... and apparently we should have done that all match.


First I used Domi as a leap target, and she was helping keep the enemy off me, and I managed a use that little-scamper ability to get the EZ and finally score! Then they killed me (I think they got Domi too, not sure, she might have escaped with stealth). However, while I was in spawn I see that we got the ball AGAIN. As I got to the spawn spot we scored to make it 2 v 3.


Next to spawn I spotted a stealth waiting for the ball, and I managed to cc em, and get it myself instead. We still had at least 2 people in their EZ at this point, so I made it far enough through the pit to pass up, and we tie it up! With, I think 13 seconds left.


Then, sorry for the let down, but they got the ball off the spawn and won the tie breaker. Still, was one of the most amazing almost-comebacks ever. :D

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You need a shield for your guard. Just because you're not stacking shield rating doesn't mean guarding other players is ineffective.


You can actually guard with a generator in your off hand, the guard mechanic is tied to tank stance not the shield generator which is why dps are able to guard by simply swapping cells. You want the actual shield generator because you give up incredible little force power for 20% shield chance and 5% absorb, while sure these stats aren't great for wzs it still is a lot of survivablity for not a lot of damage lost.

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Then, sorry for the let down, but they got the ball off the spawn and won the tie breaker. Still, was one of the most amazing almost-comebacks ever. :D


That moment you friend-leaped to me and scored made my day :) That was the kind of a match we play for. Actually was against a 4M from a guild I play with/against all the time as my Sorc (well, all the time meaning the whole week as an Imperial on EH, heh). I like them.


I feel that I sorely lack on 65 as a Shadow. I do not react fast enough to use the stealth escape (and seems to be kicked out of it right away anyway).


I am trying to make sense of the Phase Walk. It looks like you must reset it without it considered a use and sending it to the CD after every death. Okay, got it. Will do. But the mechanism where you need to mouse-over and click it off on your cool-down miniature icons to reset it… it takes me too much time. I wish there was some easier way to move it.


The problems with the Phase Walk will also make the Sorc unplayable at 65, because I have a very good idea now after playing the mids just how squishy a DPS Sorc is without the barrier and Walk.


I think I will run Shadow and Mando this week, hopefully get Mando to L65 and see which one feels as a better main for me. Fingers crossed I am almost there with picking ‘my’ DPS.


I do need to level that Sentinel because of her Synthweaving, but she can do the same thing as my Marauder. Just craft, not get geared etc. I don’t think I can level without playing PvP (I’d go stir-crazy), but I don’t need to worry about level 65. I just don’t have a good feeling about the Sentinel, since even the easiest melee specs leave me in the dust. :(

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(wince) Yeah. An embarrassing night on the Shadow. With three healers (2 sorc, 1 merc) the Republic managed to claw away a win in NC with contributory 2.1K DPS on my part (that's a highlight). Then I watched the notable EH guilds off the sidelines.


With that NSW whatever abbreviation could not split up or kill a healer on the node in AHG, despite interrupting Innervate as prescribed by that other thread on how that's the key to killing healers.


Then Core showed off a passing chain in the Pipeball (I saw that three-floors up pass for the first time, actually saw it, the guy with the ball and the guy waiting for it). I don't know why I got a ball at some point, but I've managed to force speed up the wrong ramp with it. Awesome sauce.


I also got how the Phasewalk is designed. In a quiet non-combat situation it works great. In combat, when you for instance want to get to the node in the AHG ASAP it refuses to function.


EDIT: Okay, I think now see what my problem with the Phasewalk is. When you are >60 m away and click it, it removes the PW. That looks like the grayed-out icon, but with the blue bubble still on. When it's lit up, and the bubble is in, you can teleport. If it's lit-up and no bubble, you can place. I need to be more careful and not click the bind for PW by mistake.


This is shaping up to be a great week.

Edited by DomiSotto
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After losing 3 matches in a row against some Pub premades (2 teams of 4 from the same guild queueing together) we rallied back and beat them 5 times. People playing matches objectively, sticking to healers, CCing and using stuns properly.


What madness is this?

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Did you guys have the same fairily steady comp all night? If so, I love when it happens, and folks start jelling together after a few tries. Heh, 4 healers. I'd kept it at 3, tbh.


Truly envious of anyone in the zones right now. I only had time to grind Raks on the EH on my 6 chars to start stockpiling the canisters. I will farm it this week, should have legacy gear for anything I'd ever level on the Hawk. Oh, and I am all enthused to get that radioactive green glow sabre for my Shadow. And for my Sentinel even. :) I bet those are not collectible, so gotta buy each one. Good thing Raks are monthly now.


While playing through my 6 chars, I was actually surprised just how different my Mando is on level 37 than the level 63 one. But I also feel that I am going level him on, instead of buying a 60 Sage. I am starting to cool down to the idea of all DoTs all the time. Mando's level 38, so it should not take all that much efforts & he is a cyber, so grenades will help a lot. I really came to like the whole concept of "I shot, they die' on the Mando. :)

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Did you guys have the same fairily steady comp all night? If so, I love when it happens, and folks start jelling together after a few tries. Heh, 4 healers. I'd kept it at 3, tbh.


We did, but no one was angry.

We were just joking around about WZs being hospitals with all the healers running around and /tickling them every time we got a kill.


It was such BS you couldn't help but laugh.

Edited by Ruhun
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Dusted off my dormant L25 pyrotech, revamped into AP, and boy oh boy - does she rock :D


I admit the opposition in TRE lowbies probably isn't world class, but I'm piling up solo kills, sometimes even 2v1, and that without the second stun, HO or increased RS damage atm. Curious what that'll give when I'm top level in lowbies. Now it is just the bleed, the punch, the shot and then the blasts untill punch and shot come off CD, if needed at all :cool:


That said, this might again be due to poor opposition, but in the ACW I had today, I guarded by /sleep-ing just around the steps, partially disappearing (on my screen) into the wall, and each and all enemy cappers simply didn't see me. Needless to say they all perished before the help I called for even arrived :p

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It's free Legacy Gear for just running through the tunnels and clicking cameras, and a cool Expertise crystal!


Alrick, a virtual chicken soup for you to combat the infection. :) Don't explode!


Agreed. Don't explode. That would be gross, and we wouldn't have your gunslinger to pvp with anymore. :D


You know a great feeling in PvP? When you go to ninja cap in AHG... and just as you mezz the lone defender, your "helper" - who has been "the complainer" in several previous matches, attacks 'em (and said helper was also a stealth, so not sure what was going on there). And then 3 more defenders show up before we can take out that sniper, and you fail to take the node. THEN, that helper quits the match... so next round you go ninja cap successfully, and your team rallies and keeps the node all round. :D We lost that match anyway (backfilled into a no-way-to-actually-win-this loss), but it was still a satisfying feeling.

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It's free Legacy Gear for just running through the tunnels and clicking cameras, and a cool Expertise crystal!


Alrick, a virtual chicken soup for you to combat the infection. :) Don't explode!


Does Rakghoul infection damage break a mez?

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Chances are you will die from infection before you gain any tangible benefits. It's easier to have a healer/cleanse-capable class nearby to cleanse it off you. I know it does not always work out that way, but well, it's the most reliable.


@Banderal: Ouch. But yes, that must have felt good to finally succeed without the silliness like that. And, I've just realized your stealth is on the wrong side from my stealth to tag-team so you could teach me. (Groan).


I am hoping to actually see a warzone today. Of course, I have something going on Friday afternoon as well, so this week is not really very gaming. But I had time to watch a lot of vids on the Mando and Shadow play. Hopefully this will help me with trying to get my act together. I've got that radioactive crystal on my Shadow now, so she looks so pretty! Too bad the Rakghouling does not really involve fighting :)


And, to continue with the crystal theme, I now HAVE to get a pink crystal for my Mando for her level 65! I want the Real Bubblegum Bolt storm effect!!! I think this one should do nicely:



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It just occurred to me that what I should try is a Ruffian. I really love Scops, but Concealment is not for me. If Ruffian to Conc is like Serenity to Deception, maybe I can actually manage it?


Well, something to think about, I am overextended as is. But yeah, I have the second Scoundrel, lol, and playing with it for Raks reminded me that I have it. And an Op on the Shadowlands.

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Fixed for you.




+1 for you ! :D


Alrick, a virtual chicken soup for you to combat the infection. :) Don't explode!


Agreed. Don't explode. That would be gross, and we wouldn't have your gunslinger to pvp with anymore. :D


I'm trying not to. ;)


However, today is the first day I feel better. Tomorrow I've got to go to work again.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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@Banderal: Ouch. But yes, that must have felt good to finally succeed without the silliness like that. And, I've just realized your stealth is on the wrong side from my stealth to tag-team so you could teach me. (Groan).


Well, I'm not sure how much I can teach anyone. :p I do have Flintstones on the pub side of Harby. And I could always make another stealth toon on EH, but on the pub side. I've never done an assassin DPS though. I suspect the tactics are a bit different than the tankassin?

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@ruhun - yep, good operatives are a PITA. And that knife sound effect! <shudder>


@domi - (Or whoever else cares) So I started a shadow on EH, specd for DPS this time. Amazingly, I got my go-to name of Flintstones! Currently level 15. So if you want we can be the defective-stealth-dps-duo there. :D

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It just occurred to me that what I should try is a Ruffian. I really love Scops, but Concealment is not for me. If Ruffian to Conc is like Serenity to Deception, maybe I can actually manage it?


Well, something to think about, I am overextended as is. But yeah, I have the second Scoundrel, lol, and playing with it for Raks reminded me that I have it. And an Op on the Shadowlands.


Ruffian is a very different play style from anything. You can do a lot of damage and a lot of healing, but you'll be hard pressed to burst anything down if there is a healer around.


As a ruffian, you should plan to play mostly from range, toss out lots of off-heals, and keep everyone dotted up. Dart in to burst a target, then roll away and heal up. Basically, you are a mosquito...

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