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A PvP a Day...


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Hmm, I'd say to get more comms and deck out, you might want to play from 60 to 65.


That's said, you are a brave man.


I was looking at the AC lately, trying to decide if I wanted to give it a try, and what I see is a very tricky class. Because of the way the cover mechanic is added on top of everything else, you have to either be actively shielded by the team with a comp that will have the heavy melee upfront and the second slinger to coordinate with, or you have to have well above average awareness and reflexes to move to an advantageous position, re-crouch and restart the DPS.


And, I will miss ya. :) Sorry the timezones are a murder on grouping up.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, today my run on Mando started off on a great run of maybe 2 Alderaans, a Hypergate and Huttball Classique with some absolutely incredible folks, two healers, including one I have been avidly following in S3/4 (so, OMG, my fan-girl moment in the midbies!) It was awesome, winning for once. They were so hot, I ran out of ammo.


Managed to kill a merc counterpart, via my brave pillar humping in VS. S/he was left guarding the doors, and was in the Arsenal, I think, so I played a poke out, DoT, hide&heal up game. Then a Sentinel came over to finish the poor guy off, we planted, all good.


The Empire though had some crazy melee Juggeranut that seem to be able to cut down my Mando down to size before I can run away. And a duo of snipers, I think the same ones, since one is still engi, levels 60 and 63 I think.


And, of course the really good folks went off on their merry way, and my luck run out. To be honest, at least there was no three caps and stuff. We managed to hold mid in Alderaan, and blow one door in the Star. Hey, I planted, it was nice. And practiced pillar humping to n-th degree. Snipers, argh.


Oh, well, with all the wind, I hit my level 57, so now have double instacast. Not that it's gonna help against Juggs, Ops, Sins, Snipers, Maras, Sorcs, Powertechs (wait, I did not have a PT on me tonight, I feel out of sorts.) :p


And, there was a Mando who meowed.


Another typical day in PvP.

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Sorry, just need to right it down to not forget later. I kept thinking about trying to get to the mid down that long corridor in ACW with a sniper chasing me. I burned through my DCD and trying to get to the end of the wall to LoS, but I doubt anyone's DCDs save for the Warrior class work with the current iteration of the Marksmanship.


It's not just LoS, it's INTERRUPT. First thing I do when I get to play PvP again I am beefing up and moving those cast bars to be in my face. I was trying to remember to use Interrupt on the healers, but forgot about the snipers. I know about it, but I am not using it. To think of it, it is almost never used on my heals either.


Well, mando is a good character to start getting used to interrupts on since it is a ranged ability on them, so I am putting a sticker note on my desktop, and, yeah, going to change the interface.


Other control strategies are so much more obvious, this one is trickier. So, INTERRUPT. Have to develop a habit to. Or the snipers will continue to be unkillable.

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Ouch! about snipers being immune to ints when in cover. :p


I almost thought BW somehow improved PvP with the patch today. I mean, sure it took 1.5 hours to do the silly thing, but my first match afterwards was a solo insta-pop into a pipeball... how the heck that could NOT be a backfill I don't know, but it wasn't! Had a full game, with enough people that were actually playing pipeball that we even won it!


Then reality set in. :D Although, it was mostly imp vs Imp games, and we kept mixing up about the same 16 people into different teams. I really like that actually... one game I'm trying my best to help some one survive an onslaught, and the next game I'm trying to survive her attacking me! And even the games where I was on the side getting crushed, they actually kept the crushing to a minimum, and let us have some decent 2v2 fights and stuff like that, so it wasn't too bad.


And then I got to help out a new person! Got into an arena with my jugger-tank and 3 snipers! Vs a healer and 3 dps on the other side (which, to show how much I don't pay attention, I don't remember what the other DPS were). But we noticed that one of our snipers had 1200 expertise. Instead of getting all mad, we just went with it. I explained in chat how he wanted crap gear instead of his top level stuff. He laughed at how stupid bolster was. He went down pretty quick the first game, but come on... how long is the other team going to survive in the cross-fire of 3 snipers that focused really well, even with a healer? So we ended up winning (2nd round was a bit closer, but we still pulled it off).


After the game I whispered the new guy with a bit more about how to gear, and he seemed interested, so hopefully it'll work out.

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Ah, another perfect plan thwarted by the mundane reality!


Thank you for pointing it out.


I think someone has told me to interrupt Ambush in the past, but they must have meant a cc while Entrench is not up. I would have made a pretty silly sight standing in front of a sniper trying to interrupt that 30K crit.


I am out of ideas save for hugging dear beloved pillars. I don’t think they can self-cleanse, that’s about the only other thing I can think of.


@Banderal: well, at least you have managed to get into the game. I did not want to patch it till Bio fixes the problems. I should have tried this morning, but duh, forgot. Fingers crossed stars align and I manage to catch up with you in the game!

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Well, I finished my Commando's class story today, and he became level 51 during it. NOW I finally have that fabled Electro Net !


I think I'll try it out on my home server in PvP, but first of course in PvE.


I do wonder whether it is really the great thing people speak of it here in the forums.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Well, I finished my Commando's class story today, and he became level 51 during it. NOW I finally have that fabled Electro Net !


I think I'll try it out on my home server in PvP, but first of course in PvE.


I do wonder whether it is really the great thing people speak of it here in the forums.


I know it's a PITA when I get hit by it on my shadow. My jugger... well, it seems to just make him a bit slower. :D


[Edit - oh great. I go pub side. See Alrik is on. Whisper a quick hello, and the next thing I see is "Alrik has gone off line." What a blow to my self esteem! I drove the poor guy away from the game! :D ]

Edited by Banderal
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@Banderal: well, at least you have managed to get into the game. I did not want to patch it till Bio fixes the problems. I should have tried this morning, but duh, forgot. Fingers crossed stars align and I manage to catch up with you in the game!


Yeah. It was either wait for the patch to download, or start the (I guess) 26 GIG download of battlefront. I figured the patch would be quicker. :D I'm not so sure it turned out to be. :(

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Back into the fray tonight, I had some nice WZs on my ol'good Lightning Sorc... Now I need only gloves, boots and Implants for a full Expert Set. :cool:


A few WZs were fun tonight, all of them with at least one Guildie in the opposing team - yes, we didn't do a Premade to see how many times we'd be together. Answer is, 50% of times. :D


Incidentally however, the one WZ I'd like to share, has no Guildies of mine in it... :o

Alderaan Civil War. Imps vs Imps. Things start nicely with one of ours asking if we're ready to lose, as she (female char) hasn't won a single WZ tonight. She's a Merc, casually, which I know is terribly tough to play in PvP, especially now that we have so many gap closer/makers. At any rate in general the team is all very supportive, just asking her to give it her all and we won't be mad. :)


Well, things start nicely, although the opponents cap both Mid and their side, Grass. I help repelling two Stealth, an Op and an Assassin, from Snow right before we cap it. Then, the team splits up. Our stealths try to cap Grass to give us time to steal Mid, but without success as our only Healer, an Op, seems to enjoy guarding Snow, regardless of 3 times I tryed to relieve her... :rolleyes:


At any rate, at a point I stage a ruse Grass, as I often do. One of our Ops comes along and helps me a lot staying alive, so much in fact that the front moves Grass as we are being successful in the cap... And we do get it. :D


Now with Snow and Grass, however, we were at a point where we needed at least 2 ticks of triple cap to win... And boy, we got those too! While me, an Op and two Juggs were keeping everyone from the other team busy Grass, our two Assassins managed to cap Mid too! And we kept all three till the end too! We ended that ACW with a 50-0, with all three turrets on our hands. :cool:


I gotta say, that was a lovely WZ. Everyone complemented each other there, and at the end the Merc was so happy you could feel her cheerfulness through the monitor. :)

My stats at the end are not particularly relevant, but just because, I'll report them here... 780k damage. About 659k Heals. 4 Deaths. 36 Kills. And something like 6k Objective Points. Pretty regular for me save for the Kills, who were very high. :o

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Ah, we are losing you to Battlefront, Banderal? Makes me sad.


Heya all! Looks like we have a little Merc/Mando theme going. Here is a few comments on that.


@Alrick - actually, the level I felt was really cool is 52, because to add to the fabled electronet you also get the Decoy that gives you your not so shabby defensive :) And, Banderal, the Juggernauts/Guardians... yep, not fun on a merc/mando. Between the saber ward, reflect and enraged/focused defense it prob does more harm than good trying to shoot one down.


Anyway, I was trying to cheat my merc into Level 65 yesterday, so started an Op with him with my guildies. But had to switch to Operative at Malaphar, 'cause well, 16M might have been still bugged (it is), so we were going to break up in 2x8M (we did) for Revan. But we did a quick TC run after, and the guys let me run to level 61 and like 2/3 with him at the end of the day. I looked at him in PvE on a simple boss vs PVP. I am certainly not big on sustained, managed to overheat, and then was prob doing a lot more basic attacks to keep the heat down than I should have. Plus, the heals wanted me on the boxes, instead of just standing on the platform and dps'ing. So, did 3K DPS on a somewhat bolstered guy, not happy. :(


Okay, I am going to go an untangle the Mando levleling (may the pop be with me!) and what I need to do to prep the basic PvP sets for Pt and Vg (which obviously involves playing a mara. This game!).

Edited by DomiSotto
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... Last set of dailies before I go into PvE ...


Queued with Domi, and had some fun :p with a few quite good matches. Lots of work, though.


And one particulat Jugg followed me through several matches. I was his primary target.

In the last match, VoidStar, I had one PT who defeated me 3 time in a row - but his team lost, because his superior damage power was directed towards ME and he couldn't - or didn't want to - join his team ! :p

His team didn't get through all doors as well. :p


I'm not sure whether I should be proud to have been hindering him from joining his team where his damage surely would have been more devastating - or whether I should feel himiliated because he beat me 3 times in a row ... But good PvP players would of course say that I hould have beating him instead of the other way round, I guess, L2P ... :p


Apropos L2P : I did *not* manage to get a certain Sorc down ... but that was mainly because he had sprinted to the nearest health popup ...

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Of course you should! you know how it is. If we win, it's 'cause you carried! Seriously though, good zones all day long, and the additional bonus of queuing with Alrick in the end. Yeah, there was actually like 3 of them on him just as we planted and rolled on. Take that for killing out gunslinger!


I also tried the targeting options and stuck to a sorc healer with interrupts and stuff. She (toon) was guarded, but the team had her marked and prioritized, so woot! No unstoppable tank and heals!

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Yeah, there was actually like 3 of them on him just as we planted and rolled on. Take that for killing out gunslinger!


Yes, I often don't understand why SO MANY want to whack me down - meanwhile their damage is needed elsewhere ...


If I was a masochist, I'd happily decide to help my own team by assuming the bait role ...

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It is very easy to overextend on a slinger, Alrick. And once people see a lonely squishy, they pounce. My Mando/Merc is more mobile, and still I get caught out. Life...


I, well, I feel a bit odd going all bubbly when the general mood is somber, but boy, yesterday was unbelievable. I played on my sorc, hoping to catch up with Teclado, and... felt like what people say about sorcs. Invincible. I have not felt like that playing solo ever. Reminded me of the times with sensei.


Started with a 3DPS+Heals reg arena. Not what I wanted as my first zone after mando'ing. And, my utilities were set in the "Don't Die, Heal Hard" PvE mode. My DPS were 2 Juggs and a Mara. My counterpart was a Sage, with a Mando for a DPS and two others (shows you how much I was paying attention). Well, I knew the electronet was coming. It was Makeb, and we fought in the corners, not on or under the bridge. Basically, I got the focus I gather, because I was healing self mostly, my three brave melee getting mended. I tried to kite but stay close, and about the only two tricks I did was the whole Reverse Polarity-Deliverance-Potency-Benevolence burst on self (felt like a cheeky bastard because a melee was pounding on me while I was at it, I LoSd the ranged) and breaking net/god bubbling in Round 2. I felt like an idiot because all three DPS MVP'd me, despite their DPS being higher than the Republic's being what sealed the deal.


And that's how it went for a few 8x8 zones. Not dying, healing with mostly instants, bubble, channel and puddle. And know it's not me, it's the imbalance of the DPS.


So it made me want to work like a donkey on my DPS. Right now I got ~11K comms, so I will try to do a weekly on my Operative, add dailies on Sage and Sorc tonight (or as much as I can manage) and will be building a set for my PT and VG this weekend. Got some prefabs on my mara, to start churning out overkill augments, so hopefully by next week one more mediocre FoTM will be ready to get into 65s. I know, the community is now holding its breath in anticipation! But that will be my first DPS on 65! :o


Also, started arranging my affairs on the Shadowlands to hopefully start my stealth DPS 101 next week.


I want to see 2K DPS. WANT IT. Heh, maybe I unsubbed too early.

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Ah, we are losing you to Battlefront, Banderal? Makes me sad.


Nah. I got pissed off about the poor delivery method of BF and actually ended up sending it back to Amazon. I mean, ***, they have 3 buttons... 2 "download" versions and a "standard edition". And the standard edition is ALSO a download. They actually sent me an EMPTY DVD BOX (had the activation code in it on a slip of paper). ***? :confused::mad:


In fact, I read you cannot get any disc version for this part of the world. I have a bandwidth limited internet connections, and what I read was a 25+ GB download is too big a chunk for me to do at once, so I waved a big middle finger at Origin and sent the thing back to them.


However, you might lose me to piss-poor BW infrastructure. Been waiting for the "one time" stupid code thing I have to get EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN TIME I ENTER THE GAME - for about 15 minutes now. Hurray stupid-*** game companies that don't give a **** about customer service. :mad:

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OMG, hugs!


And, you gotta hear this! I was playing after Banderal left :) with a guildie of mine, who is a healer, and there was one more there, so anyway, we are short on DPS. So, for a while we go close, we are a bit higher because a slinger and I take turns to grab our node fast. Then the Republic makes a brave move and keeps us from capturing the whole turn! We are behind.


Next round. A bit over a minute left, this time we beat off the attack, and a Sin and I take a look atthe mid, see how many are fighting there... we head for the tunnel and walk over to their node. Vanguard. Pish-tosh. Double break AND shoulder cannon. We are screwed.


We mezz him, I guess on the premise he'd call. Maybe? Anyway, sent comes over. We mezz him. Then, by whatever reason sent leaves. Vanguard runs around throws detection probes. We remezz him (by now he probably wants to kill us real bad, because by now I annoy even myself). So, less than 30 sec on the clock, I think nothing for it, unstealth and start capping.


Well, my scrawny healer operative must look real tasty because he breaks the mezz instead of shooting me down! The Sin whirlwinds him. The thing of beauty! Cap registers, 5 secs! We win.


So cool. Note to self. USE SHOULDER CANNON!


Despite this little bit of awesomeness, my heals were... unremarkable. About the only proud healing moment was healing through on gunslinger in a tandem with another SIn (a tank) to take offnode in Alderaan.

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So, Teclado was trying to round us up to do the group ranked.


As we had our guildie heals, and a guildie DPS Jugg, and Tec was on a tank, I went and build my PT her very first suit. It is a nightmare. It is basically a fill in for my Vanguard's old tanking set, so it is augmented with old fortitude (186) and accuracy (since he used it to go through KotFE as a DPS)... and it just occurred to me that the legacy offhand he had would have been shield....


So, yeah, my FoTM started in a partially augmented RS 204 with unaugmented LS. I am catching up on making Overkill Augments.


The zones we loaded in were against completely new folks though. Because in the most memorable VS ever for me, I, erm, went to help with the off door, we blew up the defender, and I capped as 2 other guys held off the arriving help. Then I had an existential experience of going through the bridge, the second door, the screen and the last door to the datacore in a complete solitude. The battle raged on somewhere in the distance, and there I was a lonely PT on her Day 1, in her hydraulic overrides cruising the empty spaces. Weird.


Then on an Alderaan I felt like a complete jerk by noticing a sentinel trying to go help his buddies on the grass by running past mid... I gave chase, reeled him in and killed the poor soul. I am afraid I have contributed to the whole legend of the OP PTs.


The best DPS I put out on my FoTM run was OMG, 1.7K. I should have been a free kill... Both happy I was not, and sort of embarrassed about it too. :o


I am sure once i got into serious matches I will be back to role-playing cabbage in the game of coleslaw.

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I wanted to try out new mods for PvP - seeing if it was worth anything modding for PvP at all ...


So I took another daily ...


I'm quoting myself :


I think I've met them. Got horribly farmed as I tried to try out my new defense-heavy mods (in the hope of being not so squishy with my Gunslinger.


One PT hit me first with 12040 damage (Railshot, according to the chat window), and then with 20358 damage (heatseeker) Me at level 48, all-new level 48 Mods from the mods vendor.


Defense-heavy modding doesn't seem to pay out. I need more health, then. MUCH more health !


And then this :


pt has lots of hits that hit consistently hard THEN they hit you for 28k... balanced class! xd


1000 times this ! I have been at the receiving end of this far too often ... PT players seem to believe that they are the counter to EVERYTHING - but in 1st place against Gunlingers (MM type) ...


On the other hand, my Gunslinger critted against one Jugg with 13.000something today ... I felt as if I was cheating ...

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Had some fun games with my guardian tonight. Although, logged into a completely empty guild. :(


First one in is an arena... uh oh, haven't played in a couple days. Going to be rusty! We end up with 3 tanks and 1 dps against 4 dps. I thought we might be in trouble, but we won pretty easily. TANKS RULE! :D


Then came a huttball, which was a very back and forth game with both teams pushing for the score. In the end they got 1 goal, and we didn't get any. :( We came pretty close a few times, but then they came close to getting more points too. Was a good game.


A couple VS followed that. First one, two of us guardians just stuck east while the rest of the team battled west. And it was a good thing we were there, since they came a couple times with 3 stealth all at once to try to trip us up. But we held fast, called incs, and stopped them cold! When it was our turn it looked for a while like it might be a tie-breaker match, but finally one of our guys managed a ninja cap on the off node for the win!


The second VS was more fun for me since I didn't have door-guard duty. I got to actually be in the big fight. We didn't have any healers, but we had a really good sniper that was paying attention and really helping keep them off the doors. So I made it my mission to keep her alive. :D At one point she had I think 3 DPS on her trying to finish her off at just a sliver of health. I was mezzing, and pushing, choking, taunting... and in the end we took them down and she survived! TANKS RULE (with a little help from others :p)! At the finish we got through the second force-field-gate, and they only got to the 2nd doors, so we won that one also.


Then thing started to go downhill. :( Had an AHG where it started off somewhat promising... we tried the "stop them from taking their pylon" strategy, and it worked up until there was 8 seconds left in the round. Then they got it, and were ahead of us 90something to 80something. After that we couldn't catch up, and in the end they finished us off with a double cap.


The final game was a ACW against one of the really well coordinated teams... they were pretty much crushing us. I had my moment to tweak their noses though. Toward the end I went around to the back side of mid, and started just messing with the guy they'd left there to guard. Tossing my saber, but not actually leaping in at him. Eventually 3 or 4 of them started trying to chase me down. They had about 20 seconds or so to try to kill me off, but I was STILL ALIVE PEOPLE when the final buzzer sounded. Take that! TANKS RULE! :D

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Had some fun games with my guardian tonight. Although, logged into a completely empty guild. :(


Well, not so yesterday, amiright? Was great to play the 3M games! I was so tired, I barely registered which tank Banderal was on, but I think his Vanguard. I'd venture Teclado was on his Sentinel, and I dusted off my Scoundrel. So, OMG, trinity. Just needed a second DPS. Awww.


We started off in the midbies by being gloriously smashed by a team of 3DPS (2PTs, a merc, and a sorc healer). Must have been the sorc healer. Yep. That's it. :) Went into the next arena, and redeemed ourselves, though the Shadow that joined us made unfavorable commentary about our play when we wanted to get those PTs from Arena #1. They were not reinforced by the healer though, and lost their electronet-enabled merc, so yep, we got it! Then we backpedalled the Empire into oblivion for a couple more zones... my fierce HPS of 1.8 to 2.7K made me facepalm after every zone, but hey, poor Imperials....


Then we went the Dark Side, with Banderal rocking his Juggernaut (at some point he was single-handedly keeping half the Republic team on the offnode), Teclado was on the Marauder (and for one Alderaan we sported that 4 marauder set-up), and, I of course, I have no shame, so sorc it was! HPS went to some 3.7K and we only get defeated once.


I have to say though, the games were very uneven yesterday. Hopefully, better today if I can get into the zones. Raiding night and the winter had come, so everything is slow and miserable outdoors in RL :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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I decided to og "back" to pvp here, to secure M1-4X Companion, one of my all time favorites by the way.

I have stayed away from pvp for about 2 years, as I found the atmosphere in the unranked war somes so poisonous and anti-social that the mer thought of pvp made me crich.

The to my horror, I felt forced to pvp, or rather "tricked" into it by dearing to venture into the outlaw's den, back then it was a genker's heaven, max leveled character camped just short of the vendor we need to Reach for the HK mission...With the result that you had to QT back to a safe zone, deflagg, travel over land back, only to never Reach the vendor...........very very encouraging to make players WANT to pvp.

SO I became a "hater", and even more so finding more often then not that class skill changes also affected the PVE skill usage and Power, all to facilitate a more ballanced, fun and better pvp, the very thing I had now been thought to hate, so my hatred grew.


Now, just a couple of weeks ago I again faced the festering sesspool of poison called pvp on here, or at least what I remembered as such.

I decided F-it and went to the PVP mission, 20 in all.........and prepared to swim in "****" as that was my "sole" experience With pvp here from before.

I qued up, my Level 65 sentinel, "de-geared " to facilitate "Bolster". I said I was here for 4X, I was inexperienced With pvp and I couldn't care less, but I would at least try.


First, round was huttball, I SUCKED at it, but that was the real "edge" of my team, I did good damage, had no idea where to og or what to do, BUT i presented such a tempting target.........that I secured "room" for the rest of my team that did know what they were doing to score......we won 5-2 favoring Rep side.


I was on the loosing teams for the rest of the night, but it was still not at all the bad experience I remebered from before, the poisonous "complaints" and elitist "blame game" was almost non present......It was there, naturally....some MUST spew out poison in the PVPzones.......is just their thing, but it was almost nothing to my great joy.


I had fun, in anything from huttball to Death matches and objective maps, like prortecting nodes and placing explosives.......all was actually fun.


I would be lying if I said I have seen the light, but I did decide to give pvp at least a few more shots, and the 18 total rounds I ended up With to get 4X, made me do both the pvp weekly and daily for the extra comms and to buy pvp gear sets.


I haven't done much pvp the last weeks though after recruiting 4X, mostly becuse I have been focused towards getting the base in ship shape, ans "making" a little Money and crafting, but my recent total With the weeklies and dailies pvp re introduction, I am not at al hater any more, still a careful sceptic, but one With an optimistic future pvp aspiration.


Oh and on this note....I hve to be "good enough" to even worry about winning or loosing, so fa I have enough With simply "being".

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@Domi: Those were some fun games though, even if they were mostly a bit lopsided. But they were only lopsided because of our completely overpowered "trinity". Lol.


@Yorioko: Grats! I hope you continue to find it enjoyable. If you are on Harb feel free to PM me if you want to group up. I'm not that great either, but at least if we are losing any ragers will have 2 people to rage at. :D


And I had some crazy matches today. One Hypergate was really fun. We started the match with no one going to our pylon (I was sticking to our healer like glue!), so, of course I'm thinking this is not going to end well. Then with about a minute left in round 1 I hear that we suddenly have a pylon. WTHeck!? We took THEIRS!! And still, no one at all was at ours. So I broke from the healer, and went and capped. BAMN! Double cap first round! We rock!


Next round we cap one and prevent them from capping theirs. BAMN again! They still have zero!


Round 3 ... BAM... wait, crap! They double cap US! Holy crap! How'd they do that? Well, we'd gotten over confident and didn't send anyone to either pylon again at the start. And then we couldn't decide which one to take back, and so kept trying both and taking neither. :(


Round 4 looks like a double cap on their part, but at the last second our guys manage to take theirs. I congratulate myself on being particular tasty bait on that one. :D I was respawning with about 40 seconds left, and decided to go to the "light" node. We have 2 already there, fighting their 2. But wait... no, actually only 1 of us is fighting, the other is in stealth waiting for a chance. So I rush toward the our visible attacker, who's is a bit away from the pylon and has about 1/2 health. I'm making a bee-line to help him... making it very obvious! And they hated me so much by that point I guess that they both turned to cc'd and burned me down... while I watched our stealth guy capping behind their backs. :D He finished just as I died. Woot!


Round 5 it's anyone's game, and there is a big melee at "our" node. They had both of them at that point, just by cc'ing us better in the mad dash to cap at the start of the round. I thought, again, that we were in trouble, because they had been good at stopping any cap attempts if they were in range, and there were a lot of them there. But someone on our side managed to sneak in a cap in the middle of the big fight. And then we held it for the win!


What a see-saw match.

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