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A PvP a Day...


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I rather believe that this is a way to tell whether a player had read the Patch Notes or not. :D


Er, maybe *your* patch notes. :D I just went and loaded them up (both 4.0 and 4.0a, just to be thorough) and did a search for "throw", "huttball", "ball", and "temporary", "quickbar" and "quick". There was nothing in there about any throw huttball ability or temporary quickbars. Maybe the German version is different? :p

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It was announced, definitively. I thought it was in the Patch Notes ... But then it probably was in the PvP blog ...


Anyway, the amount of experience points is just insane ! I went from level 38 to level 40 !


The bolster told me that I was bolstered to ... level 60 ? 65 ? Well, I did some good damage, I'm feeling a bit better now. :) I seemed to do more damage than pre-4.0 ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yep, the bolster now shows you as scaled up to 65. :) Glad you enjoyed a game, Alrick!


I have finally played my first game on Shadowlands, because the Harbinger kicked me out. Well, save for it being on SL it was unremarkable. It was a Pipeball.... Seriously, folks, if you REALLY love Huttball, I am, like, a person to group up with. And we lost the game 0:1, played on a republic side. Then, the pop disappeared (I am sure it was me), so... yeah, save for it being on SL, nothing really extraordinary.


Starting this Tuesday, if they do not release more hamsters into the Harbinger's cage, I might be playing a lot more on SL. I just get that feeling... I tried to untangle my free 60 there from the story-line, but it's on rails, so, I think I will just run through it and then drop into PvP on a fresh L65 (I know, I know, a collective groan of disapproval).

Edited by DomiSotto
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I don't like that about the new story stuff being so much on rails. I kinda got so fed up with that and the lack of anything useful for pvp that I went and bought Divinity: Original Sin. That game is a blast so far. I think it might end up cutting into my pvp time.


As for matches lately... besides the endless string of Huttball when queued with Domi, I've only had really one memorable match. Had an AHG where we got double capped in round one because none of us felt like guarding the pylon. Round 2 we kept it, but ended the round still down about 80 to 200-ish. They were not quite farming us, but pretty close.


Half way though round three I'm in spawn and I figure, what the heck, might as well go for theirs. I'm on my jugg, so I have no real chance of pulling this off unless the other team messes up completely. On the way there I notice another teammate has decide to join me.


And we pull it off! They had a defender there in stealth, and I actually saw him go by me as I was capping. But he didn't stop us. So we capped and held both for round 3!


Round 4 we rush theirs hoping to stop them from capping, and AGAIN pull it off! Round 4 ends with us going ahead by keeping our pylon, and preventing their cap.


Round 5 we are now enough ahead that we just need to take and hold a pylon. They rush ours and hold us off until about a minute left when we finally manage to cc the arriving reinforcements enough so that we secure the cap. And then hold for the win. One of the best comebacks i think I've ever had!

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I don't like that about the new story stuff being so much on rails. I kinda got so fed up with that and the lack of anything useful for pvp that I went and bought Divinity: Original Sin. That game is a blast so far. I think it might end up cutting into my pvp time.


I am basically feeling the same. Mass Effect that I've finally started, well, that is a completely incredible story. There is no comparison in how much more immersive that SP game is vs KofTE, and how much more I feel I own "my" Domi Shepard. What SWTOR offers, that is waaay cool, is basically the group content, and, yes, the vanilla 8 stories, in their complex intertwine.


OMG, Banderal, I can't believe that AHG can have a come-back like that, but wow. I dunno what I am going to do about the whole Huttball thing. Maybe I should just accept the inevitable, and purchase one of those Rotworm and Frogdog warm-up sweats and add them in the Appearance designer.

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Just wanted to poke my head in and say thanks for this thread.


I picked the game back up when the Revan expansion hit. I had played from Beta until right before Rise of the Hutt Cartel (I pre-ordered the expansion then never played it lol). At first all I wanted out of PVP was the ability to get Imp banners and Guardsmen for my stronghold. So I did the dailies and weeklies on a few characters and got that done. Then I just continued, and now it's my main drive for the game. Loving it and have seen HUGE improvements, though I'm sure I'm still far from being "good."

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I don't like that about the new story stuff being so much on rails. I kinda got so fed up with that and the lack of anything useful for pvp that I went and bought Divinity: Original Sin.


Yeah, I can recommend it. I know the devs ... ;)

When I played it, I felt 10-15 years younger ! ;)


Besidey, Qysen looks very "big" in his Rotworm shirt ... :sy_armor:

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Just wanted to poke my head in and say thanks for this thread.


I picked the game back up when the Revan expansion hit. I had played from Beta until right before Rise of the Hutt Cartel (I pre-ordered the expansion then never played it lol). At first all I wanted out of PVP was the ability to get Imp banners and Guardsmen for my stronghold. So I did the dailies and weeklies on a few characters and got that done. Then I just continued, and now it's my main drive for the game. Loving it and have seen HUGE improvements, though I'm sure I'm still far from being "good."


That's how PvP pulls you in! LoL. You think "I'll just try a few", and the next thing you know you are yelling at newbs for standing on the ledge in huttball and letting the enemy leap to them for the score. :D


I had, I think, my first full-on 1v1 duel in a PvP match today. AHG, I'm on a juggernaut. I go to the pylon, and cap, and guard. Right away I'm mezzed by an assassin. I call for help, and I have to break to be able to stop the cap in time. So I do my leap, which grants me a few seconds of immunity, but then that ends, and he combat stealths and mezzes me again. I have nothing left, and no one is even LOOKING in my direction as far as help from my team goes. So he caps with no problems.


Then we finish the fight. Even after the pylon was lost my team didn't bother to respond at all, but his didn't send reinforcements either, so it was just me vs him. It was pretty close. I really have no idea if I should have beaten him easily, or he should have cleaned the floor with me or what. But I think we both exhausted our CDs, and we were both at less than 10% health when it finished. I got him just in time to recap our pylon, and then the timer went off.


I felt totally bad-***... but he respawned in time to mezz me when I was on my way to mid after the timer went off, and I died in the explosion. :eek: Cowardly assassins! :p

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A Hutball story. What else, right?


Anyway, I go on my Commando, level 41. It has one perma spell stuck on the trainer, says instant, but empty and not trainable. 'Cause, BioWARE. Plus, my casted heal is gone. Like, I need it. Seriously. Annoyed, after a couple of the uneventful AHGs, I get into the huttball, bind the ball. Empire cleans the floor with us, controlling the mid approaches. The Shadow Tank that single-handedly won s an AHG by capping and holding for 15 sec against like 5 of their team (I was coming and watching as I was laboriously making my way, the Hold the Line on the forever cooldown....) announces it's time to queue with guildies and leaves.


I stifle a sob, and make a resigned breakthrough to the mid by the time we are losing 3:0, pick the ball and stroll to the goal line. They send a Sorc that beats me to the ball, they score, but I have just picked the ball and scored again. At that point they finally leave my guys alone enough for a couple more to break through the mid. We battle a little, whimper and lose 6 to 2. One sorc force-speeds, second pulls.... yeah, you know the drill.


It felt unreal, walking across that court to the finish line unopposed. I can't remember if I scored twice in a game before, but certainly not on a Merc/Mando. Got 3 MVPs, I guess from the guys who did care enough to break through to the mid.

Edited by DomiSotto
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A Hutball story. What else, right?


Anyway, I go on my Commando, level 41. It has one perma spell stuck on the trainer, says instant, but empty and not trainable. 'Cause, BioWARE. Plus, my casted heal is gone. Like, I need it. Seriously. Annoyed, after a couple of the uneventful AHGs, I get into the huttball, bind the ball. Empire cleans the floor with us, controlling the mid approaches. The Shadow Tank that single-handedly won s an AHG by capping and holding for 15 sec against like 5 of their team (I was coming and watching as I was laboriously making my way, the Hold the Line on the forever cooldown....) announces it's time to queue with guildies and leaves.


I stifle a sob, and make a resigned breakthrough to the mid by the time we are losing 3:0, pick the ball and stroll to the goal line. They send a Sorc that beats me to the ball, they score, but I have just picked the ball and scored again. At that point they finally leave my guys alone enough for a couple more to break through the mid. We battle a little, whimper and lose 6 to 2. One sorc force-speeds, second pulls.... yeah, you know the drill.


It felt unreal, walking across that court to the finish line unopposed. I can't remember if I scored twice in a game before, but certainly not on a Merc/Mando. Got 3 MVPs, I guess from the guys who did care enough to break through to the mid.


Feels pretty good, huh? I had a Pipeball game, 60 regs on a Tank Guardian, a while back where I loaded in late to a match losing 2-0 and ended with 5 MVP votes after scoring 4 times and being completely objective oriented. Had a couple whispers later to the effect of "you carried us!" It felt great, but then of course I loaded into an arena and get yelled at for not guarding someone (who was the wrong guard target anyway - I guard swap often) so it evened out.

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Well, on a personal level, yep, seeing I also leveled from 41 to 42 inside that zone, so I was on the worst class, worst level in the worst bracket, with everyone being on level 60... but of course we still lost. :)


Ah, don't worry about someone having an opinion on how to better play your character. You can always say you have the other target on focus, that's what I did anyway, between the two that will most likely need guard (healer and the squishiest DPS).


Cheers, welcome and thank you for the story! I am so glad folks are dropping by and say they enjoy getting in and staying in PvP.

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Well, finally outfitted my Lightning Sorc in a new PvP set after getting to 65 a few days ago, yesterday, and decided to jump in and try a few WZ. Ended running the full Weekly, because why not? :D


Anyway, experimenting with the new Utilities is kind of interesting, I may change my former build slightly. Had a few nice WZs last night, and three invites to premades. Once the first disbanded after 3 WZs and I ran a 4th, another premade called for me. Pretty much, had a total of 3 WZs as solo queue out of about a dozen. :p


At any rate, loving Phase Walk, and finding very good that they disallowed the placing on the top level of Quesh Huttball. It could have been a problem, otherwise. Plant Phase Walk in front of the score line, pull up the ball carrier, port there, get the pass, score. Too easy. You have to at least get through the acid pits, which is... fair, I guess? :p


Anyways, after this consideration, let's jump into the first one. You guessed right, Quesh Huttball. We had a stacked team. 4 Sorcs, 2 Assassins, 2 Ops. Role-wise, we were balanced. 1 Tank, 2 healers (Op and Sorc), rest DPS.

I started off testing Phase Walk. Where I can put it, how to position to use it fully... You know what I mean. Planted it halfway through one of the ramps to the enemy score line. Then went on hte middle level and saw a huge brawl on the bottom level, with our 2 healers and the Tank protecting and keeping up our ball carrier, the second Assassin. Pulled him up, Phase Walked. Got the pass, Force Speed, score. This happened twice, before I had a chance to use Phase Walk defensively. Found a few nice spots to port to, as I got focused pretty often after the second score I procured. :D

Still, 6-0. Win. Afterwars, I got the first invite to premade of the night. :cool:


Ran a few more WZs, but with that team the most notable one was a Novare Coast. The premade was made of an Assassin DPS, a DPS Jugg and a Sorc Healer.

Our team had no tank, while the opposing team had three. And we had a single Sorc healer, against the three (2 Ops, 1 Sorc) the other team had.

Still, we gave it our all. Our only Assassin went guarding our off node and capped it, the S node remained contested for a quite long time. At a point, I wondered if we'd even manage to bring someone down, as 3 healers stacking heals are pretty tough to get through... The opposing team decided I was the main threat as I kept interrupting, stunning and pushing back their Sorc Healer, though. I got focused, and killed. After respawn, I waited a moment before moving out. I counted a total of 7 ppl S. We had our guard W who didn't report movement, so they must have had their guard busy E. I decided to stage a ruse, and warned my team to not move E. Then, I moved out.

As I got there, I planted my Phase Walk as an assurance, and went in. Nothing to be seen, so it was 100% a stealth. As I often do, I moved in front of hte turret, quickly turned back - using the mouse, of course :p - and Overloaded. Which got their Op guard out of stealth and in battle with me. :D

I began DPSing him down, until I saw anotehr Op come along. A Healer. So, I Whirlwinded it and kept DPSing the DPS Op again. Barely took him down, only to see their second Op Healer come along... I kept kiting them for a fair bit, until I noticed their DPS Op was back as it backstabbed me. And that's when I notice the 7vs5 at S is still happening, with no changes. :rolleyes:

I use all I have to stay alive, and manage to break the minute-and-a-half barrier from the moment it became a 2+vs1. Still, the enemy team manages to cap S, much to my amusement. I die, but not before killing one of their Op Healers. Got no help, but pushing ppl off the ledge is a viable strategy, don't you think? ;)

At any rate, we lost it pretty badly, as it then became a stalemate S. No team could really get close to the turret long enough to even get a single stack of that to change. But at the same time, nobody really died S anymore. If someone did, nobody noticed. :o


After a couple WZs, the premade disbands, and I run a solo queue WZ again. Then, I get an invite from a second premade. Still good ppl, the premade was a Jugg DPS, a Madness Sorc, and a Sorc Healer.

We got an Arena, 4 vs 4. Balanced, actually. 3 DPS and 1 healer vs the same, their team being Sage DPS, Scoundrel DPS, Scoundrel Healer, Sentinel. We lost round one as our Madness Sorc was annihilated in seconds - not even the time to godbubble, and he was lying on the ground. :eek:

We then proceeded to destroy them the otehr two rounds, though, as now we knew who was the main threat: the DPS Scoundrel. We focused it down both rounds, and after he was down the opposing team got all crazy.

They simply started running like headless chickens, attacking at random, throwing random attacks and the like - their Sage tryed to stun me when I was whitebarred with a channelled Force Lift, as a reference... :confused:

Still, good one, all in all. Perfect example of how a guy can keep a team in line. :cool:


After a couple more WZs, we disbanded the premade again. Another solo WZ, then back to premade, as I got the third invite of the night. Sorc Healer, Deception Assassin, Jugg DPS. :rolleyes:

Most notable one with them was an Alderaan Civil War. We started nice getting our side, but the battle mid is tough. So tough that our Healer struggles to keep ppl alive. So, I throw in some offheals. During that WZ, I was experimenting with the speed boost off Dark Heal. So my team was running around like crazy, and that made the whole "focus the Healer" much easier. :D

We capped mid and I was left guarding as the opponents were attacking our off node. I called Incs as proper, and thanks to Phase Walks got reinforcements very fast, when I needed them. We won without too much trouble, and I had some fun as three Ops were adamant in their desire to kill me. All the time, as I was guarding, it was those 3 ppl that came to attack mid, and all the time I was able to survive their attacks. Thanks, Phase Walk. Scored a nice 0 deaths in that one, which considering I haven't played at top lvl for a while I'd say is good. :cool:


Just a few ones I wanted to share, as it was really fun testing the changes since 4.0. Staying on target is much harder now, but on the other hand, escaping is easier... Guess I can't complain, as I do both things fairly often. :D

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Rough huttball the other day. Other team quickly scores 5 times on us without any trouble. Then suddenly, is unable to score the 6th and final point. Instead, I notice that there are 4 of them spawn camping us, padding their kill and dps numbers, while two others are running lazy circles in the back with the ball.


I called them on it in general chat and then suddenly they score again to finish the game.


Reminds me of another game of quesh hutball where the opposing team quickly went up 2-0, and then their entire team just sat on the bottom level passing the ball back and forth, not trying to score, just killing anyone who came down and waiting for the timer to go out.


Interesting how a game can turn some people into abusive jerks.

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Hoarding the ball when it's a tie, and the match is about to end, I get that. But hoarding it for 15 min... kind of boring for everyone. But if everyone death-matching, what can you do, but practice dueling.


Oh, I forgot to add, I ran SnV yesterday on my PT to level her to 65, and I think I will pick my Vanguard to try to level 60 to 65 through PvP. I really like the combination of the charge and the overrides, and pounding 'em buttons like mad. (glances furtively over her shoulder to see if the PvE guys are watching) well, I kindda liked putting over 4 thou DPS on the Cartel bosses, but I am guessing it is laughable for a PvE guy. I am sure my PvP dps will be the usual. But hey, I have not played my VG forever.

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Plus, my casted heal is gone. Like, I need it. Seriously.


According to today's Patch Notes, it should be there back again ...


Hoarding the ball when it's a tie, and the match is about to end, I get that. But hoarding it for 15 min... kind of boring for everyone.


I don't believe so. It was psychological warfare : Farming people at their respawn point to express how much those in the respawn point are dominated. The farmers were power-hungry, sadistic people.


That's my interpretation - and yes,Imp player4s do this "psychological warfare" far more often thatn Republic players do it ... I have *never* experienced Republic players doing it, no matter which WZ, but Empire side players from time to time.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I have *never* experienced Republic players doing it, no matter which WZ...


I have. First game I ever left I was on my shadow on POT5, and my team started doing that crap in a huttball. So I got all preachy and said I didn't want to play that kind of PvP and left. :D I've left a couple other games where our team just completely outclassed the other side, and were being jerks about it. Winning solidly is one thing. Beating the other team into the ground so they have absolutely no chance to catch their breath, that's something else entirely. Those are about the only kind of games I leave, unless some real-life thing comes up.


Speaking of winning solidly... smooth transition there, right!? :D ... I'm really liking the jugg/guarding tank! I have my juggie up to 61, and I think I'm going to take my level 60 token and make an insta-guardian. I had a couple matches today with a lvl 60/61 sorc healer, and OMG, we were seriously a force! Or at least it felt like it. That friendly leap really helps me stay with my guard target, and that's one of my biggest problems. I'll be trying to help the poor healer, and they start kiting, and suddenly I"m like... "where the heck did the poor healer go!?". But now I just click [edit: KEYPRESS, keypress of course, no clicking! that would be too slow :D] the friendly leap and I'm right back with em. And they get a bit of damage reduction as a bonus! :D


Plus I had another duel with a different assassin at the "off node" again, and won again. If that gets to be a habit, I'll start thinking I'm awesome, and blaming everyone else when we lose a match! :p

Edited by Banderal
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Oh, do that, the level 60 Guardian, and it will give me incentive to see if I can still remember how to cast a Wandering Mend on Tuonel. It would be great to be on the same level for once.:)


From what I am hearing, I already have far better characters for both PvE and PvP than my Merc/Mando, so my poor Glean/Glaen seem to be the dead-end guys. Maybe I should play on my Sage, Scoundrel and VG instead, maybe even put my Slinger on a dummy for a few days to get the basics, and leave Glean/Glaen be for now, even though Merc/Mando playstyle is faaar more to my liking.


But, damn, Glean is probably the coolest looking of all my chars. Well, my Mara is as well. Argh! I can't play my Mara either. Funny that.


I did get my Med Probe back, but did not have much time, so I was regearing my PvE guys, as I was maxing out comms on like 3 of them/reloading slicing (since Crit is now new Power).


Seriously, is it the 'sleep is overrated anyway' time again?


EDIT: I think I am going to throw in the towel on the Pub toons & Merc/Mando for now, guys. So, going to see if I can play a sniper, try the PT out on 65 and maybe dust off that Sorc on l25.

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(Waves) Got my Merc to level 54 yesterday, through a series of faceroll or be facerolled zones. Heh, managed to hit my PB DPS of a pathetic 1,4K (there are folks putting in solid 2,2 K in midbies) in... what else... Pipeball. My team was facerolling, so I sat on the pipes, and pew-pewed the whole match. A Shadow and a Sent made a tentative attempt at dislodging me, but did not persist. I can now reached the climax of the Merc development, by gaining the Electro Net. So, I am mildly irritating every 2 min or so!


Day off today, so I am going to go and slog through the story on my Vanguard to have a mirror to my PT on level 65. I am of a mind of trying them, and also a Merc vs Sniper, once Merc hits level 60.

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Had some interesting matches whilst trying to obtain M1-4X:






First time I managed to score over one million in the healing category whilst using pre 4.0 PvP gear (Exhumed, non-augmented). Got our butts kicked since no one really tried to take any nodes. I took grass (comme toujours) and then left to heal at centre.




Did well on healing again, but the filthy Imps got to the doors in record time so we would not have been able to beat them. T'was fun though as I got to do a wee bit of damage between my heals, and used Interrupt as much as I could on the planters.






Man, once they found out I was a healer, it was nothing but a beeline for me, lol. I made sure to use both Bubble and Mend on meself figuring the Shadow would come for me and I was right both times. My teammates managed to take out their healer (who forgot to use Barrier) and then it was pretty straightforward from there.



All I can say about this one is lookie all the medals!!! *sparkly eyes*




Made it to rank forty on the final match of the evening. At one point we had all of the nodes, and once again, as soon as I started casting heals, everyone made it their business to send me to the afterlife (especially after I received "Unbeatable", hehe).








Now this was one for the books! We had both nodes at first and seemed to be doing well, until the Imps turned the tables and managed to secure South. We fought tooth and nail to get it back and only managed so when the score was 16-Republic:54-Imperial. We held at 16% and brought them down to zero like the bosses we are. One lad quit the match as soon as South was taken from us, and I am glad he did since it allowed us to garner the win! Also, lol at my healing score.



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Had some "interesting" matches with Domi today ("interesting" was her word :D). First was a huttball that we got owned in. I don't know if we fought *the* krea, who was on a sniper with a very similar name, but I saw myself killed SOOOO many times by that name that I just decided it must be. Otherwise, it was kind of embarrassing. At one point he was in cover on our ramps targeting me out of spawn, and I try to LoS down into the pit, only to find a team mate of his waiting for me also. It's nice to be loved. :D


Had a couple arenas where we also got crushed. We even lost a 4 (us) vs. 3 (them). :o


Had another arena where we finished round 1 with a win after a bit of touch and go. Then round 2 we were each waiting for the other side to charge, and we waited until acid. And they figured out where the exact middle was better than us (and were already set up there), so they won that round. Round 3 we tried "charge!", but we charged in different directions and got split up. :( So we blew that one and lost it.


Then we finally got a balanced team (someone at BW must have screwed up for that to happen! :D). We had me (jugger tank), domi (dps merc), a sorc healer, and... shoot... another DPS, I don't remember what. :( They other side had 3 dps and a healer (I didn't say *they* got a balanced team :( ). The fight was intense, but it was one of the few times I've been on a team where it felt like everyone was doing their job. :D The healer healed (and ran around a lot - she got focused heavy). I concentrated mostly on just guard, taunt, and peel for her. And the two DPS burned through their heals and took everyone down. It didn't feel like we were dominating them, but we manage to go 2 for 2 with everyone standing at the end both times. Although, it's true that they didn't really vary their tactics much - I didn't even have to guard swap, since they just went after our healer both times.


We had just about every other type of game too, but Domi was lamenting that we were not getting any ACW...


And then the very last game was an ACW! I went to the off node (snow), and saw that 2 more went with me. At first I was thinking "well, that's a bad sign - we might be having trouble here". But then the other team actually came at snow with a stealther plus one, and we had a fight on our hands to take it. So it was good that we "planned" that out. haha. :p After that we fought over mid for quite a while - maybe 5 minutes? We finally took it, and then we defended well for a win.

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