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A PvP a Day...


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Awesome, but highly unlikely. My least favorite AC so far, and frankly the only reason Juggernaut did not get deleted after I played Vigi for a bit was because LS Jaessa achievement when it still mattered, and he was my fan-fiction main back when I wrote fic. :o
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Awesome, but highly unlikely. My least favorite AC so far, and frankly the only reason Juggernaut did not get deleted after I played Vigi for a bit was because LS Jaessa achievement when it still mattered, and he was my fan-fiction main back when I wrote fic. :o


Free 60 next week. AC of your choosing :p

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Actually, that's a great idea, thanks. Will save me 90 cc. I can transfer my lowbie Shadow to carry on the Legacy unlocks, and create a freebie L60 Sin. Will give me at least one craft to max too right away. Love it.


Okay, I reworked my legacies to set up the Binger and the Shadowlands, and ended up with moving Shadow and Sage to the SL, and creating a Sorc to finish off the 16 chars on the Binger. So, yeah, I will be levelling this weekend to get her to level 25 to start playing. I will likely buy a Sorc rather than a Sin on the SL so I can grind FPs as a healer for comms to gear up the lower chars once I am on preferred. Well, if I last that long.


I was also curious as to how I did on different characters, so I pulled the totals for each of them. After I have prorated kills/medals stat per unit of valor, what happened was that my Sage/Sorc and my VG-Tank definitely had the best ratios, but then came my Merc, then - my Mando, even though her number of wins was quite a bit lower than the Merc's.


I think, basically what it might be telling me is that it's worth my while to stick to Merc/Mando, and that I should maybe focus on the Sage/Sorc DPS. I still want to try the DPS I have not played on at all yet, and bring them to valor 40 for comparison purposes, but I think I am getting some sort of answers here.

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Really wanted to try Shadowlands yesterday, so logged into my Shadow and played on a dummy on Coruscant waiting for pop for lowbies. It was about 6 pm EST, and I got no pop for about 10 min. So, I figured it’s super-slow time before the 4.0 drop, plus me being too-too early. Went back to the Binger.


Finished Korriban on my new Binger Sorc, she is level 13, so I will need to quickly rebuilt the former Scoundrel’s cunning L13 set for her, pick up Treek, and push her 12 more levels. Argh. The things I do for PvP!


With my new characters, I started copy-catting Banderal giving them funny names, so the Sorc ended up being called Mea'maximaculpa ('cause Mea'culpa was taken). And, speaking of Banderal….


I found Banderal on his Juggernaut after waving Korriban a relieved good-buy, and we had quite a run. His Juggernaut is now a super-serious tank in the mid-fifties. Which really makes a difference. We were running against the Republic steady comp of 4 Sages+1 Operative + 2 Sentinels + 1 Commando through a few zones. Interestingly, the Empire favored Mercs and Juggernauts. Where did all the Maras go?


We started with losing an AHG pretty badly (scoring wise, we held our node, thankfully), then as the zones wore on (another AHG and a couple of Novares I think?), and the folks on our side were starting to mix and match, we were losing less badly, until we finally managed to win a NC. An outstanding Sniper was defending the turret, and we had a really heavy fighting at mid, no attempts on West. Which I think we should have tried, because they had a L45 Sage guarding it, not the Scoundrel.


I crept over and checked after yet another skirmish on the East, but at that point the Scoundrel was back harassing the Sniper again, so before I decided that it’s a bad idea to yolo a Sage of a similar level (they would never expect that, right?!), I had to move on. Ye know, if I am the best we have as a merc (and a responsible adult) to guard dem node, why should not I try to yolo nodes too?


In respect to Sages, when they all bunch up and melee’s fronting them, why, my Double Dot Spread is a nice and pleasant thing.


We also had an arena, with our team running Banderal-as-a-Juggernaut, a sorc and an Op in the low 50s, and the Republic had a Shadow tank on 50+, two Sentinels (as I said, Republic is levelling a lot of Sentinels) in high 30’s-low 40’s, and a Slinger of L34. This Arena, I mostly practiced running around popping everyone of my many, many, many DCDs. Just like a Juggernaut, only with less impressive result. Heck, I even got down the line to Kolto Override! With guard from Banderal, it was not so bad. I did die in Round 1, but in the second round I have managed to dodge the Sentinel duo and live. Won, obviously, since the comp was stronger, but well, it was fun. 

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We were running against the Republic steady comp of 4 Sages+1 Operative + 2 Sentinels + 1 Commando through a few zones.


Excuse me, but Republic doesn't have Operatives, it has Scoundrels. ;)


I thought of logging in as well, but a) I was too tired and b) I had to drive my sister & our parents to the airport, as I was the only available family member to do that.


I was getting my NY Cantinba Tour Codes instead. ;)


I can't say how much of me you'll see this weekend, since this is my very last chance to get my Karagga & Chamber NIM achievements done.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Really wanted to try Shadowlands yesterday, so logged into my Shadow and played on a dummy on Coruscant waiting for pop for lowbies. It was about 6 pm EST, and I got no pop for about 10 min. So, I figured it’s super-slow time before the 4.0 drop, plus me being too-too early. Went back to the Binger.


Sorry to hear you didn't get a pop. Two reasons that i can think of: First, you might have been slightly off the rotation. What i mean is that since SL is imp heavy (it's getting better though recently) there may have only been enough pub side for 1 match to pop at a time. Sometimes that first pop takes a while, then you are in rotation and the pops come quicker. Second, we are down to the wire for 12x XP. People are either skipping the PvP to get the levels or have gotten the alts they wanted done and are in 60s. Keep trying. We are there, I promise you :p

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Oh, yeah, I figured that. If 12xXP was not a limited time offer that I need to take an advantage of, I'd just play around, and wait to see what the prime time is and all that. Once my Sorc is done, I will try to quickly bring up the Sin on the Imperial side on the SL, so I have 4 to start with and see which bracket/faction fits the best into my play-times.


I am also wondering if you guys actually start a little later, and I will have a better pop around 9 PM EST.

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How sad this game has become.


I was just doing Voidstar with my level 37 Gunslinger.


3 or 4 Assassins were literally beating me down. I mean - not 1, not 2, no, it was 3 or 4 ! The thing was so fast over it just wasn't fun anymore.


I mean, I have seen this same behaviour sooooooooo many times now : imp side players just stopping by ... they don't even press forward trying to stop our team from getting to the datacore !

Instead they all just stopped by, assembling as many of their strongest burst classes as possible - and happily whacking down a Gunslinger - a class from which everyone knows how squishy it is without proper support ! And at level 37 Gunslingers don't even have their own roll yet !


Of course they won - because they had the biggest damage numbers, of course. Because their side was so much full of excellent burst classes.


( If I remember correctly, Voidstar makes that side to the winner which achieves the highest number of kills, if none of both sides reaches the datacore. So, if this is correct, then you you win Voidstar with deathmatches alone ... )


I really should roll a class that is one one hand excellently sturdy and at the same time giving out best damage. This way I'll have my fun back, I assume. But not with a squishy class (squishy without healers and no support) that gets beaten down by 3-4 Assassins AT THE SAME TIME because he is soooooooooooooo much of a threat !


That's not fun anymore. I shall play Vanguard or Assassin instead - or even Sorc.


How sad this game has become - that 3 -4 Assassins just stop like going into a drive-in to beat down a single Gunslinger ... As if 1 wasn't enough ... no, mass-overkill is the new meta ... ( But on the other hand, mass-overkill has never been away from the meta ... It was just a bit more silent as long as Operatives as a strong duel class were so strong ... )


How sad ...



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If you are looking at a self-sustained class with maximum control over choosing his battles I think it is a Scoundrel, Alrick. Sages are on defensive a lot and stack well, and Assassin, well, I think Assassin is now less of a potent class. I dunno, I think it won't hurt for you to check out a stealth class. :)
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I have a Scoundrel, yes, but he sits at level 16 or 17 for months now. So many alts, so little time to play them. :D


Plus, as a duelling class, I'd *definitively* need a 10 keys mouse because I just wouldn't be fast enough with duelling with my keyboard ! :D

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Dusted off my second Sorc today, lvl 52 Healer. Haven't played him in ages, and I'm in no rush to take him to 55+, since he's the only character I have below 55 now... :D


Anyway, being rusty made mye performance less than good... Or so I thought. Judging from compliments, medals and MVPs, I'd say I was decent in general for a rookie. Ran a whooping 3 WZs on him today, two of them wins. :cool:


First off, a Novare Coast. We have 3 healers counting me, with another Sorc and an Op. And we have a PT Tank. Rest are DPS of various sorts. We go in with everyone mid save for a lone Assassin DPS that played like a pro. She achieved top DPS in the WZ, and second protection with something around 25k points. Which considering she was guarding the offnode solo 90% of times is a nice score. I got about 1.5 million heals total. Top of the WZ. 360k dmg, mostly through Afflictions, Force Storm and Overload. Also 35 kills, likely because of Overload/Force Storm to stop caps. :D

I died 4 times, which considering the focus I had on is not surprising. All the time I was focused by a Shadow, a Sentinel and a Vanguard who kept pulling me around. Still, we won that WZ nicely. The Assassin guarding NE also thanked me profusely for moving to help when Incs were called. Well, with 3 healers it's a good idea to have one move where needed, right? ;)


Second one, an Arena. I was kind of scared, tbh, I'm not that great in deathmatching, especially if I lack practice as in this case... Still, we won two rounds with some nice teamwork.

We had a 2 healers 2 DPS company (me and an Op Healer, with PT and Assassin DPS, this one from the Novare Coast above).

The opposing team had the perfect trinity from Rep Side. Shadow Tank, Vanguard DPS, Sentinel, Scoundrel Healer.

I noticed some funny issues on both teams during the WZ, but tbh I can't blame ppl for them. After all, we're still in levelling brackets.

Both the PT and the Assassin not Taunting at all, the Scoundrel not using his HoT Probes, and the Shadow Tank not swapping Guard where needed are not a big deal there. Still, funny to see I got another million heals... In an Arena, no less. :eek:


Third and last, yet another Novare Coast. Imps VS Imps, this time. Balanced teams.

I was the only Healer on my side, with a Tank and 6 DPS. Other team had a Sorc Healer too, and a PT Tank. Nobody I knew already was with me. Well, the opposing team was pretty much filled with ppl I had in my team before. So they knew I was the Healer. All the WZ I had 4+ ppl shutting me down. I really became envious of the other team's Healer at a point, because their team's Tank actually used Guard and Taunts... Unlike the one I had with me. Jugg Tank that scored an outstanding 0 protection at the end of the WZ. Which we obviously lost. :rolleyes:

Still scored half a million heals... On myself, though. :p


Taking it easy atm. What I aimed to do before Tuesday being done, I really feel no need to rush anything up. Just having a laugh at what I see in game from new players. :)

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Still on my jugger tank, level 56 now. Had 3 note-worth-ish games...


Had an ACW that was the closest I've ever seen it. We traded turrets back and forth a bit at the start. Then we kept 2 until we had almost exactly 1/2 their score when they took one back from us. It was "us winning", "them winning", "us winning", "them winning" as the turrets fired off. Came down to 10 to 10, with them having 2 turrets still. But our one fired first, and so we won! But really, you can't call that anything but a tie. :D


Then there was a huttball. Memorable only by how sad it is to play a huttball when the rest of the team is deathmatching. :( At one point I was down in their pit with almost their whole team on me, stunned, health going down and I see a team mate up on the catwalks above. I'm thinkin "awesome! score waiting to happen". Just as the stun wore off and I clicked the 'throw" button, he jumped down to "help". I was pretty much screaming at the monitor at that point. But I'm over it now. Someday, I swear though, I'm going to go into a AHG and play it like it's a huttball (gotta take this orb to THEIR pylon!), and then the next arena play it like it's an ACW (this spot here is a turret, I'll guard it and call inc.). I hope no-one will care, because, you know, I pay my subscription, so I should be able to play any way I want. :cool:


Then we had an arena with BW's classic mismatching. I guess you can't blame them that people just get the pop and don't accept it, but we had a 4v2. Me as a tank, and 3 DPS, against 2 DPS. So, feeling all self righteous and virtuous, I announce I was going to sit it out. And another one on my team joined me! So they got a 2v2 fight, which our 2 guys won. By that time the other side had a full team, so we all fought 2nd round. And we still triumphed, for the full win. It felt much more like a fair win than if we'd just went in and trounced them during round 1. :D

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Oooo, Banderal, let's do it! We gotta play an AHG that way! YEAH!


And, yep, DLN, that's the reason I stopped playing heals. Though I am glad Cox was doing great on his healer.


Anyways, I have been doing support leveling, just in case I decide that developing the crafting will be worth it on the Shadowlands for my Shadow and Sin. So, I brought up the chars I created to level 15 with 2 companions each, enough to start crafting. I'll try to get my Sin all the way to 25 as well, so I can rotate Shadow and Sin daily. From the little snippets of conversations that I caught while leveling around is that Republic is weak on the SL, so I can expect nothing but losses. Time to dig out that tragic hero attitude. Maybe the Sin will manage a few wins here and there.


Tomorrow, after the repatching I am going to be back on that Merc with the bad haircut & see if I can get pop on the SL on the Sin & Shadow (they, at least, are both bald!). Getting really interested in this class. Another char that is specific to SL that I am curious to try is a healer Mando (my PT there is a tank), if I see that the Pub does not run any healers. I know that it's not a great choice (to put it mildly) but, well, it is what it is.


Still trying to think in terms of what I want to play as a main eventually, because I think I passed the point when trying different classes was helping me. Now, I think, it is time to put my playtime behind one class.

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I did not really have a chance to play after the game patched, and I spent two days reading the comments. Ha-ha, you could imagine how badly it messed up my mind!


I am looking forward to loading the game and trying to figure out just what I can play now for a DPS. Kind of paralyzed by far too many choices and all the contradictory information!


Well, you know, one thing at a time. I think I will play my Merc in midbies, then once I have had my PvP fix, I will start setting things up on the Shadowlands to support my Serenity/Hatred.


All and all, I keep telling myself that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Ha-ha, I just want to get back to playing. And I still have almost 3 hours at work. Mea culpa, not doing my best, that's for sure. Good thing I have a day off tomorrow. Who would have thought that having your buttocks seared, then shredded and handed back to you is such an addictive pastime?
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Had a few exciting zones on my Merc, nothing particularly incredible. I can't say that the abilities from the 60+ were really in the play. We won a couple, I did not quite managed to survive focus in the reg arena (pulled it a bit too early in the sequence), but Novare and Alderaan were tons of fun. Unfortunately had a few Hutt/Pipeballs too, and that's always a wash for me.


However, the experience gain seemed to have boosted, because after sitting for a while at level 45, I leveled 2 levels in those few zones. :eek: Well, i also managed to do like, half a quest on Taris, but he was overleveled so I doubt whatever mobs were killed contributed a bunch. So, pop is back at least on the Binger!


Harbinger crashed right after we killed the first boss in TfB (ARGH!!!) so I went to Shadowlands, and started slowly working on the legacy set-up. I discovered that the Implants and Earpieces were now craft-able for levels 10 and 12. Hurray! I might throw my younger alts in the fary earlier, except they will prob level like crazy via BH contracts. The XP gain is unreal. One contract took me from 25 to 28, and from 15 to 20 (!)


Also someone was chatting that the bounties now include PvP bounties. So, OWPvP rejoice, I suppose.

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Domi is full-blown-cursed now (or blessed, depending on how you look at it). There I was, queuing solo, getting some nice ACW and NC, an occasional AHG. Then I group up with Domi and we get 3 huttballs in a row (2 pipes, one original). Or was it 4? :eek:


I've decided you can tell how good the team is going to be by how many people ask "what happened to 'throw huttball'". :D If someone asks, you know you have at least one other person who knows how to throw, and will at least be trying to play HB. If no one asks, you have a team of death matchers. I figure that will continue to be a good rule of thumb for a week or so until everyone has cycled through that map. :p

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They just need to group up with me, and they will cycle. :) It was 3, 2 pipeballs, and one Hutball Classic. :p I have been cautiously optimistic about making some tweaks (like discovering an ability that gives me an insta cast, duh) and going over 1,000 dps, but then, of course, there was that sniper rolling 2,200 + in the midbies. I know, I know, all the numbers got higher. I guess, I need to find my socks first, then try to pull them up.


But the games were really odd, going from total fun matches to complete facerolls. I now got to level 49, so will be switching to my Mando. I guess it will be her fate to strive for the new benchmark of 1,500 dps....

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