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A PvP a Day...


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The closest I have to a Main is my Sage/Sorc heals.


I have been advised to level and play every other AC to know their strengths and weaknesses, so I've played Slinger/Sniper (DF/Engi); VG-tank, Guardian-DPS, Mara-Anni, Sc/Op healer and right now trying PT-DPS, most of them from level 10 to 55/60. I am leveling a Merc/Mando pair right now. I am not playing a Shadow/Sin, because melee is beyond my ability, as is DPS in general. I am just not fast enough and die whenever I step out in the open.


I understand that. Do you actually want help though? Because if you do, I can help you become decent fairly easily. I'm not sure if you can send a personal message on this site, but if you can, send me your server name and a character name. I will take the time to help you do whatever it is you want to do in this game. If you don't want the help that's fine, but it would not take long.


I sent you a pm. Message me back if you want help. I have plenty of time.

Edited by lavatsunami
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To be honest, sincerity wasn't the answer I was expecting. I refuse to believe that a semi intelligent person can't get decent at this game. What server are you on, and what's your char name. If you are still struggling I will personally spend time with you to get you where you want to be.


There are essentials that cannot be fixed. For example, I cannot process movement while adjusting facing, while executing a rotation. So, for example, if I move my PT with just a mouse, but the target can do the figure 8 around me, while continuing to execute the stubs etc (as any decent operative would), I will not be able to hit the target because I will not be facing it. I am not fast enough to back through a Sin before he backstubs, even though I know I should.


I cannot use double binds because I always have to look where the Shift is, I can't quickly/blindly find its position simultaneously with, say, where the A is located on the keyboard. All my binds are single, but I have to glance to verify where the 12 buttons are positioned on the mouse, and to, say, hit 10 or 11 on the side button, I would stop moving.


If you and I were to try to approach a chest and click it from the same distance, you would be the one getting the loot, because it would have taken me more time to approach, dismount, point and click.


In other words, what comes natural to a person who is good with the game, requires looking and thinking for me, and that is not allowable in this game. It's that simple, and it is not trainable past a certain point.

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There are essentials that cannot be fixed. For example, I cannot process movement while adjusting facing, while executing a rotation. So, for example, if I move my PT with just a mouse, but the target can do the figure 8 around me, while continuing to execute the stubs etc (as any decent operative would), I will not be able to hit the target because I will not be facing it. I am not fast enough to back through a Sin before he backstubs, even though I know I should.


I cannot use double binds because I always have to look where the Shift is, I can't quickly/blindly find its position simultaneously with, say, where the A is located on the keyboard. All my binds are single, but I have to glance to verify where the 12 buttons are positioned on the mouse, and to, say, hit 10 or 11 on the side button, I would stop moving.


If you and I were to try to approach a chest and click it from the same distance, you would be the one getting the loot, because it would have taken me more time to approach, dismount, point and click.


In other words, what comes natural to a person who is good with the game, requires looking and thinking for me, and that is not allowable in this game. It's that simple, and it is not trainable past a certain point.


Jesus christ , You just haven't met the right people. This is coming from the guy who you can find Super Old Youtube Videos of me PVEing and Clicking.


Seriously whats your toon's name , I can't believe you made this thread before I quit , I came back , this thread is still active and you have this problem , **** it I'll fix it for you , are you on Harb?

Edited by tunnelhottie
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So, how long ago did you give up on being good at pvp? All I'm hearing is that it's not possible for you, which makes no sense if you have any level of intelligence. You seem to be able to articulate well enough which implies intelligence. If your attitude is that it's not possible, then obviously it's not possible, and if that's true, why have a year long thread talking about pvp when you believe its not possible for you to be good at it.


It is possible, and very easily possible for you to be really good at pvp. It seems like there are plenty of people willing to help you, and I'm even willing to meet you in game and help you achieve whatever it is you want. Pick one:


a) take the help and get better

b) believe its not possible and ****



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I don't use double key binds as well, because in the panic of a fight it just takes FAR too long to remember the key compination I just need. It's fractions of seconds time wasted, so I rather use my own key selection.


Besides, Lava, you are now on my ignore list.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I guess I'm unaware of forum rules then, because I would assume a personal blog to be against them.


It also baffles me that a person wouldn't know how to pvp in every aspect and every single way after a year and a half.


It takes probably 30 minutes to read and understand the tooltips of a class. It's very self explanatory. You can learn additional things with guides, but the rest is experience. If after a year and a half with knowing everything about everything in the game, you're still struggling, then pvp is not for you.



It is clearly stated in the PvP Forum guidelines that "Thread topics in this forum should be directly related to PvP – discussion of Warzones, PvP combat, and Open World PvP belong here!"


This thread directly discusses Warzones and PvP combat. It belongs here. Giving a account of one's experience in PvP is well within the rules. Hell if you wanted to remove every post of someone talking about their personal PvP experiences you would need to delete a quarter of the PvP subforum.


Besides this thread has been open for over a year. If it was against the forum rules it would have been removed by the moderators ages ago.

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I am actually very happy to meet and try to play against a few folks in the game. I was about to post thread offering a trade of kill count on Yavin in exchange for dueling experience. I keep trying and will certainly continue to do that till the very last warzone I queue up for, or the very last Op I go on.


But only recently the Harbinger got the influx of truly good players in the regs. My illusion that I was holding my own went away real fast. I am a bad, but I am good enough to see the class.

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I am actually very happy to meet and try to play against a few folks in the game. I was about to post thread offering a trade of kill count on Yavin in exchange for dueling experience. I keep trying and will certainly continue to do that till the very last warzone I queue up for, or the very last Op I go on.


But only recently the Harbinger got the influx of truly good players in the regs. My illusion that I was holding my own went away real fast. I am a bad, but I am good enough to see the class.


The good players on Harbinger , don't que regs for the most part.

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I am actually very happy to meet and try to play against a few folks in the game. I was about to post thread offering a trade of kill count on Yavin in exchange for dueling experience. I keep trying and will certainly continue to do that till the very last warzone I queue up for, or the very last Op I go on.


But only recently the Harbinger got the influx of truly good players in the regs. My illusion that I was holding my own went away real fast. I am a bad, but I am good enough to see the class.


Ok, cool, i got your info in your pm, and I'll add you today. I'll be on tonight and we can hang out.

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We had a few good and not so good matches together. From one I had to quit because sudenbly ground textures were missing and after trying to minimize & maximize, the screen was completely black. Had to ALT F4 and restart the whole PC.

Lesson learned : NEVER have an active internet browser still in the background for hours when playing SWTOR !


One particular thing I noticed was one or two Sorcs ( in 2 different AHG matches ) being extremely low on health - and then fleeing from the middle "chamber" in AHG to the outside.

Their problem was that they did it AFTER the pylons had exploded.

With me being so evil and shooting a leg shot (or how it is called) after one of both.

Someone commented this as "fleeing to death". Cynical, but technically correct.


The other thing I well remember was this : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=834062

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Oh, lords in heaven. So, okay, I was queueing lowbies on the Imperial side. And most of folks, even level 21+ did not have earpieces, relics, implants, and... offhands. I did not check right away, but after losing a few zones, really, really badly, I looked... and well, I typed up that they would need to fill the slots up not to gimp themselves, and quit the zone. I've got a whisper that it does not matter till L60, and got ignored when I pointed out that empty slot did not gain expertise. I am not going to queue till midbies. I will take that from the beloved Republic, but not from the Empire. I understand not being able to do things, of course I do. But not picking up a couple of green bits to fill the slots, that's just defy reason. Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, lords in heaven. So, okay, I was queueing lowbies on the Imperial side. And most of folks, even level 21+ did not have earpieces, relics, implants, and... offhands. I did not check right away, but after losing a few zones, really, really badly, I looked... and well, I typed up that they would need to fill the slots up not to gimp themselves, and quit the zone. I've got a whisper that it does not matter till L60, and got ignored when I pointed out that empty slot did not gain expertise. I am not going to queue till midbies. I will take that from the beloved Republic, but not from the Empire. I understand not being able to do things, of course I do. But not picking up a couple of green bits to fill the slots, that's just defy reason.


You're starting to sound like these guys on here. Don't let it get out of hand...

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Okay, I decided to commit to doing one War Zone a day. I hate PvP, so I figure my only chance to do it is to go public with my fears. Let's see how long I shall last. So, who thinks I will manage to not unclick the WarZone before it pops today? :)


Oh, and of course, anyone else with PvP phobia wants to try to overcome it?


get the **** out and don't que pvp thanks.

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You're starting to sound like these guys on here. Don't let it get out of hand...


I know. I will just drop quietly on the Imperial side if the group is gimped, and stay on on the Republic side. :) By whatever reason the absence of the offhands was what really got to me.


get the **** out and don't que pvp thanks.


Thank you for your opinion, and the suggestion, but, well, no. I am not playing ranked PvP, but regs are too much fun normally to miss. Turning people away is going accomplish nothing. Better the yelling of the newborns in the night than the stillness of the graveyard. Cheers.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, Domi and I did 2 or 3 matches together yesterday. ... Her Commando being level 30, I think I remember, and my Gunslinger being level 36 ? now.


And, boy, where the Republic groups bad ! That was so depressing ... In one match, Domi even had the highest damage number ! At least that's what I remember.


We didn't win a single one of them. The imperial side was always so much better - miles ahead of us ...


get the **** out and don't que pvp thanks.


Ooooh, someone who thinks he leaves an "cool" impression on others by trash-talkinmg someone with 100+ pages of her own thread out of PvP ? Sometimes people who post here are SO MUCH naive ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Had an Arena today - with 4 Snipers on the other hand, and the other one was a Bounty Hunter ... a PT, maybe ...


It was so awfully fast over ... They were beaten within seconds, each round didn't last more than 5 minutes maximum ... That was no fight, it was ... a mess. Simply inbalanced. A pure mess for them. With my level 36 Gunslinger being a real threat to them - surpassed ( and that by quite a lot ! ) only by our Commando ...

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Heh, I actually had an arena with 4 mercs today against a 3 dps and a heals. I think it was a jugg, a sorc heals... something, something. Amazingly, we won. Only in the lowbies.... but I got my guy into midbies, and managed to guard node on a L30 merc. And I thought I am playing the only spec available to humanity that will not be left to guard. Luckily, the team saw the light and swapped me after I've begged. But not before I had to kill someone coming after my turret. How, I don't know. I got off with a tiny bit of health left. I think it was a fellow merc....


Lava is going to come back and say that I should not be posting about how my day went, but I must say his instructions were very helpful :o I feel slightly less pathetic and actually getting a few solo kills here and there. Doubt I will be able to make it all the way to the coveted Manhunter title, but, oh, well.

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I know. I will just drop quietly on the Imperial side if the group is gimped, and stay on on the Republic side. :) By whatever reason the absence of the offhands was what really got to me.


I know it can be painful to lose because your teammates aren't properly geared, but just remember that you started this thread to have fun; don't worry about it and just do as you said and drop quietly.


Anywhosen, I just had guard duty:




Amazing how everyone always rushes to the middle and forgets that we have our own node, lol. The Guardian and quite a bit of the others assisted me when I required help after a few attacks, but we managed to hold the Imps off pretty well.


I only saw it late, but at the start of the match they (the Imps) did not capture their own node and I was like, "Dangit, I should have stolen that!". Oh well...

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Yay another win:




Thought it would have been tough against three Operatives (esp since two of them were 55+) but we managed to take them out pretty good after we got down their Powertech and lower leveled sibling.


Just one more until my Weekly is done. Let's hope for another win *crosses blaster and scattergun*!!!

Edited by DeLaaNie
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We got our asses beat, lol. The smelly Imps moved as a team and basically destroyed anyone who came within range of their teammates. A couple of times I had some peeps down when they would flee for backup and then whoever I was either assisting or was assisting me got wasted when about four or more of them showed up, lol.


I think I may have gotten one or two kills, but I was unable to get any orbs whatsoever. Oh well...

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