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A PvP a Day...


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Woot! Ran some WZs with both Domi and Alrik (who finally made it into s-key!). I'm sure I don't remember them all.


I think we started with a huttball. Much of the team seemed to be death matching. I tried my best to be the god-like-indestructible scoundrel, scoring at will. Instead I managed to score 2 times, once with the help of a tank. We got another score right at the buzzer, and ended up 5 v 3. Kinda dissappointing, but not too bad.


I got into a VS by myself, because it popped just as Domi was joining us, and her and Alrik were too chatty and Alrik missed the pop! I remember we won that one, but I'm fuzzy on the details.


Next, with all 3 of us this time, we got a NC. It started with me heading west, and everyone else south. I capped west while they fought, and noticed that the enemy did not go east. So I went east. 1/2 way there I see that 2 reds have popped out of stealth at west and are taking my turret! I hesitated for bit, but then continued east 'cause I'm not good enough to take 2 usually. I capped east. But we continued to fight at south, so they were able to come and take east back from me. Now they have east and west and we have south. Not looking good.


I think the first one we took back was east, but there was a lot of back-n-forth after that. We had them down to 8% the last time they took the 2nd one from us. But we were able to finally take them out at south and recap, and then hold for the win. I think we were at 20% or so? It was a very fun, fast paced game. And Alrik topped the charts, and then didn't even notice!


Also had a close VS. They got through the first doors towards the end of their timer. I *think* they did not make the bridge, but they might have just gotten it. I can't remember. Unfortunately, on our attack, we didn't make it through the first doors. We came SOOOOO close several times, but they always managed to respawn or arrive from the other side just in time. I guess that was a Cc problem on our part, come to think of it.


We had a miserable arena, where we just got crushed. Nuff said. :D


Me and Domi finished it up with a ACW, where we got constantly informed what morons the entire team was from joe-pro. :rolleyes: I guarded our one turret most of the time, until the 1/2 point was reached and then went mid and helped kill some things. But they were too well organized, they would not be pulled away form the turrets, and protected their healers, etc.


Oh, and I had a duel with Domi, both of us lvl 58 scoundrels, her a healer, me concealment. I could not bring her down. I think the best I did was get her about 1/2 way. :( Not sure what I was doing wrong. I was trying to interrupt the little "tweet" dot heal she had going, but I guess that does not do much good - since it's a DOT - who cares if you can't cast it for 4 seconds or whatever? Otherwise I couldn't keep her slowed/rooted/stunned enough to finish her off. I don't even know if she used any other heals than that one. :( But :) for domi.

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I just did the two heals that I call the two OCD probes, mezzed and LoS'd your comp and rolled/defensive probed, and, yeah, did the wave and the short channel while I could.


I started playing after I realised that I just can't take another run of Manaan Solo FP on my Operative, so I put in 3 pipeballs and 2 Alderaans on my Sage before Alrick came on-line. I did not do too hot in the zones, but it was great to be back. Hoping to get back into it, and, like put more than the embarrassing 1700 hps. :)


With the new comm system, I was able to finish the DR set completely on my Sage today. Even with all the losses. Hurray!


Teclado showed me around the Stronghold, and opened up the new balcony, seems like a great placement for a dummy maybe once BioWARE designs them. We'll need to put a few more decos as tasteful kiting and LoSing things. I am going to go through my abandoned alts to see if i can get a few more creds together to unlock the big outdoor veranda for an outdoor practice.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Indeed, watching Domi & Banderal do a duel ... It seemed to go on like forever. Don't ever allow 2 good Scoundrels to duel each other ! :D


And, yeah, I never noticed that I was at the top of the damage charts in the scoreboard. Because I don't even look there, being used to be bad and alw<ys be in the middle of the damage numbers made me skip the scoreboard as soon as possible. ;)

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Actually, what happened is that I am overgeared compared to Banderal, because I went all out with the full Arkanian get-up. So, since it is not bolstered, he can't hit me for full amount. Once we all get into Exhumed/Reaver, it will be much different.
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Ah, that's what you meant when you said "I see why you can't kill me" or whatever that was today. I didn't even think of that. I think Brer's in lvl 49 blues. I went all out to get the 162 gear from the pre-revan run for Flint, and then when I checked it in the bolsterizer it was about 0% different, so I figured why bother.


And right after you turned traitor both by switching sides I guess, and going to do PvE, I got several pops - I think the queue gods just didn't like you. :D The first was an arena, I don't remember what combo we had, but the other side was 3 sorcs and a mara, 3 of them levels 57/58, and one 50. I was 59, but the rest of our team was 30s and 40s. The other team melted. I could not believe how fast. I guess they must have been PvE geared way above the 162 (for the high level guys).


Then I back filled (you know what's nice about queuing as a group - you hardly EVER backfill) into an AHG where my team kept trying to take and hold both pylons right off the bat. Which I guess is a strategy, if you have a team that can call incs, and has some speed boosts to make it back -n- forth to the pylon that's being attacked. But we didn't have that. We never held both, and they steadily went ahead in both kills and orbs. For the final round, we capped both and then they ended up taking both from us. Kinda humiliating. :o


Next was a VS, we were on attack first. I suggested "<--- that way first?". I started to use the arrow-direction today, because too many people have different opinions about which direction is "left" and which is "right". :D I've done the "I'll smuggle us right" before, only to have part of the team go one way, and part the other. :eek:


Anyway, I smuggled us in "<---" that direction, and the other team hesitated coming down off the platform. A team mate went for a plant. I mezzed the first guy that dropped our side, and someone else flashbanged the group. Someone else must have slowed them. In any event, they did not make it down-n-around fast enough and we planted! That set the stage. We pretty much walked right through the rest of it, and I finished it by rolling to get the data core. :D


On defense I think they made the first door with about a minute to go. I remember they got through some of the doors, but eventually it was no risk because even if we had let them just plant and go, they would not have had enough time to finish.


Finally another VS, we were on defense first. I've noticed, that for me at least, VS has the lag glitch where the guy that comes out of stealth capping on the first door, for the 1st attack round, doesn't show up until he's already 1/2 way through capping. I don't know if that's a glitch for just me, or if that's a VS glitch, but in any event I try to start defense sticking really close to the door, and pretty much ignoring everything else.


And that worked... they came in force to West, which is where I was. Sure enough, after a few seconds someone shows up right by the door with the plant 1/2 way done already. So I stopped that nonsense. :D


Then it was a good fight. Mostly they stayed West, and we were successfully defending. With about 1:30 left they must have sent 3 stealthers over to east, because I was watching that lone defender's health, and it never dropped and they suddenly the had a bomb on the east door. When I headed that way there were 3 reds there defending the bomb. But then we held them at the bridge for a long time. I think they eventually got it with about 10 seconds left.


On our attack run, they held us for a couple minutes, but eventually someone got a plant on the east door, and then we got the bridge for the win. Hurray!

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Ah, drat, I was impatient. Well, my Operative is L58 now, so I can just run him to 60 tomorrow, and switch back to my adorable Captain. I am feeling so excited about finally seeing the end of levelling, and being able to just enjoy L60 content, that I think it will be a patent bad idea to level Mando-Merc straight away. I think I just want to take time to enjoy the end of the road. I mean, yeah, 12xXP is great, but i am sure Bio will give us some sort of an interesting levelling experience after October. I am also thinking, maybe I should take sensei's advice and if I do level a mando-mer, level as a DPS and then L2Heal. He keeps teasing me about levelling as heals!!!
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Woo hoo, Brer is 60! The PvP to get him there was not very memorable for the most part. Only 2 seemed to stand out, both NC, and both backfills. :( The first I backfilled into we were down to about 80% and the red guys were defending 2 turrets. I went to "our" off node (west), and helped take it from them almost immediately, and now we started ticking their clock down. After that it was back and forth between the nodes, calling incs, the usual stuff. The only reason it was somewhat memorable was because at the end, even though I was in the middle of the pack everywhere, I got 3 or 4 MVPs. So someone thought I helped somewhere. Or maybe people just auto-grant MVP to s-key because they know we are that good. :D


The second backfill NC was much worse. It was almost comical. I came in with us at about 40%, and the red gals held all three turrets. I went west again, and we attacked with I think 3 of us and 4 of them there. We quickly got demolished, but I managed to stealth out with a bit of health left. At that point, just by wandering around and mezzing one now and then, I managed to keep all 4 of them there for about a minute! But we still could not take anything back, even with that number advantage elsewhere. Ah well, sometimes you are the bug. :p


That game did finish my daily though (which I kept forgetting to pick up through the previous games) and put me within striking distance of 60, so the last game was an AHG. We just had a normal "take pylon", "guard pylon", "kill them at mid", "run orbs when sensible" kind of win. A bit anticlimactic. :)


But wow, the top-teir combat proficiencies all look so dang useful! I had trouble picking my final one. I finally went with the reduced cooldown on Escape and Defense Screen. We'll see how that works out.


[Edit: And full dark reaver right away. Wow, gear is cheap!]

Edited by Banderal
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I killed my morning trying to kill UL. No dice, and no decos - I keep hoping to get something nice for the Guild!


But I am dropping my folks at the airport in a couple of hours, then I sit myself down, and don't get up till my Operative and Scoundrel are both 60. Then, fingres crossed, I can get good pop going to get the left side geared up.

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Enjoy your time, Alrick :) I am just tired of levelling atm. :)


I managed to push Operative to Level 60, basically as I was doing those first 2 dailies that open up right after defeating Revan for the first time (groan). So, I could not face doing the same content again on Rhodion, and decided to PvP on him instead! Right after I changed him into a Togruta. And, I met Teclado's Togruta Sentinel. :)


I had tons of fun, including (to my surprise) a couple of winning arenas! And, I finally got a classic Huttball! Overall, the Republic was winning, actually (always a pleasure), but my healing was miserably small. I kept being chased around, and I did not yet master the art of finding my moment to set off AoE heals. Not to mention finding good LoS spots. Also, apparently, folks do not like waiting for the convenient smuggler's smuggle. They just charge ahead, and I feel like an idiot chasing after them with stealth bubble. Duh. Gave up on stealth bubble.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Also, apparently, folks do not like waiting for the convenient smuggler's smuggle. They just charge ahead, and I feel like an idiot chasing after them with stealth bubble. Duh. Gave up on stealth bubble.


Nope, they do not (like waiting that is). I found that out too. About the only place I try it anymore is in VS, where once in a while a group plays along at the start of the attack round. If they do it usually goes well, although that may have more to do with having a group that is playing as a team (thus sticking with the smuggler) than it does the stealth bubble itself.


But even in arenas, where I usually start with "I'll smuggle us, above or below bridge?" Or something like that. I often get no answer and then everyone goes their own way. Sure seems to make what should be an awesome utility into nothing. :(

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When S-Key to Victory plays together we will smuggle Teclado!!! Unless he is on Scoundrel.


I put in a couple more hours just now, hit level 59 between doing tiny bits of Rishi story and zones. Going to take a short break and get right back to it. Awesomely, today is a holiday here in Alberta!


The zones started as very poor (just routed by high level Empire), but then there were a lot of imps probably switching to pubs, and yay, the tables have turned. I started getting MVPs again and recovering my senses in terms of wz flow, but my healing and anti-focus defense is poor.


Note of the day: 3 Healer scoundrels in Pipeball makes for a very easy match. We all rolled, offhealed and cleansed all over the place. One of the guys would carry the ball, and the other one would follow, cleanse and heal, plus throw AoE heals on the other DPS. Total wipe-out. But I got rubber-banded back into the trap on the Classic Huttball once, and really did not like that. :D On the other hand, a Mara who missed his jump as I rolled away was hilarious!


You know what's super-great though?! Not ONE AHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ONE!


I am going to pull all wz comms with the current awesome transfer system, to see how far into the Exhumed I can get Rhodion, then keep grinding for Runt. OMG, gearing is now a tale!

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Apparently not if the other team also has a Scoundrel/Operative. That causes a team to bunch together, which earns them a flash-bang, causing either a long cc or a cc-break. Brought to you by sensei. He demoed this with a devastating result to the opposing team today. In both rounds. I guess another learning experience is that if it doesn't work, don't do it again!


And, I was playing with sensei and a couple of guldies from my PvE Imperial guild on my sorc, and OMG, I don't know just how many Commandos they were running, but I must have been electronetted a dozen of times. Gonna go say thank you to Hottie for the electronet tutorial.

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Oh, no, not my whole life. I also do levelling, pug Ops and farm dailies once in a while! :cool: I pondered opening a different thread, but couldn't come up with a cool name. Actually, we just love to chit-chat about PvP on a PvP forum.... Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, no, not my whole life. I also do levelling, pug Ops and farm dailies once in a while! :cool: I pondered opening a different thread, but couldn't come up with a cool name. Actually, we just love to chit-chat about PvP on a PvP forum....


This isn't pvp chit-chat. This is you, for over a year now, responding to random bs from random people. LOL.

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Of course you must not get too close to the other team while being smuggled. That's clear.


One tactic I could imagine is 1 playing as bait, running a completely different way, and the rest of the team being smuggled from the other side ... Meanwhile the bait works, the rest of the team strikes from behind ! ;D :mon_trap:


Psychology ! ;D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Of course you must not get too close to the other team while being smuggled. That's clear.


One tactic I could imagine is 1 playing as bait, running a completely different way, and the rest of the team being smuggled from the other side ... Meanwhile the bait works, the rest of the team strikes from behind ! ;D :mon_trap:


Psychology ! ;D


Might backfire though. It forces the focus n one character... I don't know how people deal with full team of stealth. It's just uber-scary.


I actually used that tactic a few times, and it works if the bait has a way to move to the others fast (Intercede/Guardian Leap or Phase Walk are perfect) or if someone in the smuggled team can pull the bait away (Sorc/Sage). ;)


Then again, you MUST make sure that the bait knows how to earn time for the team. Kiting, using DCDs, mass-mezzing... Everything goes, but if the bait goes down, that's just a wasted team member. :p

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True, your team has to know how to use bait, and the other team has to be fish... er, I mean to fall for it. :D And, as always, if it blatantly fails against them in round 1, I wouldn't try it again!


I had an arena to practice that in today actually. We were 4 DPS against 2 healers and 2 dps. I smuggled our guys, and they followed along, and then we all got hit by one shot-in-the-dark aoe and it spoiled the whole thing. (Probably not quite a shot in the dark - I went up the ramp, and I know that smuggle "glitches" when you change levels, and sometime shows your crew. :( ). So round 2 I didn't do smuggle, but trying going around back myself to get into position to go after any stragglers or people trying to escape. Neither ploy worked, and we failed hard in that arena, but still... :D


Had some good, intense games today too, with teclado and domi popping in and out. Had a VS where it was a huge melee at the first doors for quite a while. We got a plant when our team assaulted the "other door", and I black-out'd back to the original door to find that the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM had rotated... so I planted easy. But it was to no avail. Both teams eventually got to the 2nd doors, but they did it first. :(


Also had an AHG where we were getting crushed. At the end of 2 rounds we had 150... exactly the score from our 2 pylon caps. And exactly ZERO kills. :o And then we split and went both pylons. The first time we capped both and held all round for a double cap to put us ahead! The second time we prevented them, and they prevented us. It was a no-cap round! Never had that before. The final round we tried to prevent them, but this time they caught us stealthers and killed us off, and then capped in peace. And we ended up losing. But what a great game. :D

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I've played Swtor on and off casually for about a year. I seriously PvPed for my first time last night. I wanted to feel like a bad *** so I rolled a Juggernaut. The forums shouted Vengeance but I said nay.....Rage rolls off the tongue better. Got to level 10, queued for a warzone, and got massacred. The next 3 matches, I told everyone in the ops channel I was a newb and asked if they had any advice. The ops leader asked if I knew how to make pancakes....I said yes...he said do that. At that moment I was determined to figure this **** out if it killed me, so I played for 4 hours straight until eventually everyone on my server fell asleep and queues no longer popped.


Result? I started dying less, earning more medals, winning more matches, and climbing the scoreboards at the end of my matches. Am I a PVP god? Hell no! Was I playing against "bads"? Maybe. But if there's hope for a guy like me then anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.

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I've played Swtor on and off casually for about a year. I seriously PvPed for my first time last night. I wanted to feel like a bad *** so I rolled a Juggernaut. The forums shouted Vengeance but I said nay.....Rage rolls off the tongue better. Got to level 10, queued for a warzone, and got massacred. The next 3 matches, I told everyone in the ops channel I was a newb and asked if they had any advice. The ops leader asked if I knew how to make pancakes....I said yes...he said do that. At that moment I was determined to figure this **** out if it killed me, so I played for 4 hours straight until eventually everyone on my server fell asleep and queues no longer popped.


Result? I started dying less, earning more medals, winning more matches, and climbing the scoreboards at the end of my matches. Am I a PVP god? Hell no! Was I playing against "bads"? Maybe. But if there's hope for a guy like me then anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.


I was lucky the first time I did PvP was with two guild members. They told me to stick close to them. It was the best advice, because I could focus on them and not on the pure chaos that was going on around me (Voidstar). It definitely helped with the confidence-level, if nothing else.


Really, don't know why it's so hard for veterans (especially in regs) to take a couple seconds to give simple instructions when someone new asks for help. The PvP community needs more people for more pops, and the vocal minority of vets with bad attitudes like your ops leader is only hurting themselves by pushing people away.

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Really, don't know why it's so hard for veterans (especially in regs) to take a couple seconds to give simple instructions when someone new asks for help. The PvP community needs more people for more pops, and the vocal minority of vets with bad attitudes like your ops leader is only hurting themselves by pushing people away.


I agree 150% if that's even possible. You don't have to baby people, but you don't have to rub their faces in defeat, tell them to unsub, and general treat them like "why are you even HERE in MY warzone?" If you are a vet in a WZ and you see some newbs, why not take that as an opportunity to set an example, show them how good play happens, instead of just quiting?


I've seen plenty of examples of good players yes, CARRYING, their team. Giving helpful instructions, being where they need to be to get the job done, and generally just making a win for the team without crowing about it. A node gets taken, go help take it back. The first door goes down quick in VS? Well with the 2nd doors so easy to get back and forth between, go be that person that always seems to be there to stop the enemy from planting at the last second when they think they've cleared the field. All the "newbs" left the pylon unguarded, instead of typing into chat "BAD TEAM NO ONE GUARDED", instead type "hey, pylon's ungaurded I'm going there now" and go guard the thing yourself.


Ok, sorry, I got on my high-horse a bit there. :D


And grats to Exude for sticking with it! If you are on Harb, I think I'm safe in saying feel free to hit up any "s-key to victory" members any time for some grouping and/or if you have questions. We may not be serious when we PvP, but we take PvP seriously... er, wait, did that come out right? :p

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