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A PvP a Day...


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Had some good PvP with my PT today. I'm not high enough level to have rockets yet, but I still node guard all the time anyway. :D


First game, though, was of course and arena. It was 3 us v 4 them; myself, one healer and one DPS, vs 4 DPS (2 shadow, 1 scoundrel, 1 guardian). They demolished us. I mean, D E molished us! The focus fired so well it was ridiculous. I put guard on the healer, taunted, had almost 90K protection and they still burned him down in about 5 seconds! Round 2 we got another DPS, but they basically did the same thing. We might have done better, but I just plain forgot to put a guard back on the healer, or anyone! I'm embarrassed to admit that I had 0 protection the second round, and I was the last to go down. :o I think that requires another emote. :o Ok, there's probably not an emote big enough for that mistake.


Second game was better. We had an AHG, where I'm just fighting mid, taunting, pulling a healer from their back ranks. Then I notice "hey, no one went to cap the pylon". But just as I start to head that way, I see someone else also takes off, so I let them go. And then I also realize, "hey, they haven't capped THEIR pylon!". There was only about a minute left, and a couple of our guys were still over there holding them off, so I high-tailed over to help. That left us with a good lead after round one. Round 2 and beyond they got their pylon capped, and made several attempts at ours. But we responded well to inc calls, and 1/2 way through round 2 I just stayed there with another guard so we always had 2. The last round they hit us hard and we had to fight tooth-n-nail to get the cap, but we managed with about 45 seconds left. Was a fun game.


The last game was a NC, and it was INTENSE. Started with me going east for the off node, and everyone else going south. I'm about 90% of the way through the cap, and I see that another team mate stealth is slowly making his way west and then... BAM!!! three stealthers come out and attack me! I call inc, and the one guy that was headed west turns to help. Meanwhile they take south. I'm thinking we are in trouble if we can't hold them off at south with a number advantage.


After a brief fight where I'm in panic mode I die. I also see the stealth that helped me dies and is in respawn with me soon after, but most of the rest of our team has headed east to help, so at least the other side doesn't have a 3 cap.


And then it gets interesting... we fend off the 3 attackers at east AND take west from them as they try to over-extend! We hold that long enough to close the gap to something respectable (I think about 60% us 75% them?) before they take west back. I'm left to solo guard east again, and sure enough... BAM!! two stealthers this time. I panic a little less as I remember I'm a PT and not quite as squishy as the operative I've been used to playing. :D I call inc, and again they fail to take east or to distract us enough, because as they are messing with myself and reinforcements we take west back!


We hold west again until we have them at about 20% and us at about 50 I think. Then they take west from us, I won't say "because", but I notice that we have a few who went south on respawn instead of going back west. At this point someone on our team quits. <sigh> Really? You can hardly argue that we have an obvious loss at this point - that's completely just someone who is unforgiving of any "mistakes" in midbie... MIDBIE for goodness sake... and wanted an easy win. :( Oh, and, of course... bam! Just a little bam this time, because it's just one stealth, a scoundrel that keeps coming back. But I still call inc, and a sniper shows up to help. Also we get a replacement.


We have 8% left, with them at 20 when we RETAKE SOUTH! And then we hold that for a win. One of my more nerve wracking solo-guard jobs. I knew the stun and attack from that scoundrel was coming, just not exactly when. I threw around the stealth detect, and that spinning flame thing that I can often pop them out of hiding with, but not this one. Got me every time. But in the end I learned to panic less, and for the last couple times I just waited for my moment then hit 'em hard and made him scamper for the health pack (I wasn't ever quite quick enough on the grapple to pull him back though :( ), and we won. So over all a great experience! :D

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Just had an awesome hypergate...


Nice job!


I love and hate AHG specifically because it's possible to turn it around with one mistake. My most memorable example of this was when we needed the double cap to win, and their entire team had pulled back to guard. Obvious loss, right? But a stealth on our team suggested that instead of just accepting it, we all hit theirs, and specifically said "attack to distract them, pull them away and keep them turned away from the pylon" and it WORKED. He snuck around and capped behind the backs of 8 defenders for a win.

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AHG is stupidly complicated in my opinion (even though I like the ability to turn the game around so quickly). Points for kills, potential points for kills, points for orbs immediately, points for capping pylon, apparently more points if you recap (someone told me that), and then points for kills from previous rounds if you cap again and on and on. It's just ridiculous. I don't even think BW knows how it really works. I think the code got away from them, and they have not been able to corral it since. :)


They should have just make it points for kills and points for orbs when you hold a pylon. Period. (Or even just points for kills, if they wanted a "kills matter" wz.)

Edited by Banderal
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I took some notes again. Some interesting things. I was playing my mara early sunday afternoon. I Was going to play sentinel, but I sat in queue for a good bit (seemed like almost 10 minutes), so I figured maybe imp side would be better.


I started of with three arenas in a row. The first two were not so memorable. Lost both, but they were relatively competitive.


Third one, both sides had 2 heals and a tank plus a dps. Our tank left before reound 1 started, so it was 3v4. It went to acid, we just barely lost. Second round we got a guardian dps. We still couldn't kill any of them. Went to acid, but we barely won this time (our sorc healer had less than 5% health left). Our guardian dps did really close to 2k dps. I was just a smidge below 1.5k. :cool: Third round, same - went to acid. Our guy barely survived again. This was so long that one of our guys was saying "just end it" in chat heh. :p


Next up, civil war. It was not looking good from the start. It was one of those matches where it seemed like no matter which node we went after, they always had more players at that node than we did, cause we were dying so fast. The other 7 gave up fairly early and just camped grass for def points. I proceeded to leeroy my way into fights repeatedly. I almost took one of them out when I had all my cooldowns available, but not quite. I died a bunch, but was trying to learn something about fighting outnumbered as a mara. I learned many ways of not winning 1v5 as a marauder, so that's something. :D


Novare coast vs pubs. Started off guarding east. Pubs took west and quickly took south. A bit later, we took west and held it just long enough, They over-reacted and left south relatively unguarded. We took south and held it for the rest of the match. Interesting thing happened. At one point, I leaped to a sage and I think I was bubble stunned. Everything turned white, and suddenly I was falling underneath the map. I could see the grass from below, and it was like I jumped off a cliff. I fell for a few seconds, then died from fall damage. I don't recall seeing that before. Usually the leap bugs are just that you land a ways short of the target.


Then I decided to switch over to pub side and check for Banderal. Sure enough, there he was! He was on his 55 scoundrel, so I swapped over to my 59 commando. We ran a few that I can't remember a lot of the details for. I remember we won a voidstar. We started on defense, they planted with 23 seconds left in the round. The bomb exploded just prior to the end. Banderal guarded most of the time, and held them off quite nicely. For our turn, we battled pretty hard for a couple minutes. They put up a valient defensive effort, but we managed to plant with plenty of time left.


After that I remember a novare coast in which banderal said he was going west, and somebody said that he was a good guard. Not sure that is the best thing, since now everybody is going to want him to guard. :p I don't recall details, but I think we won.


Next was an arena. They had a healer and 3 dps. We had 4 dps IIRC....or did we have a healer too? Hmmm. Anyway, they died so fast that it didn't matter. I employed electro net, and it worked pretty well. The second round was much shorter than the first. In the first round, I electro netted their marauder, 'cause I was trying to neutralize what I perceived to be a large threat to my commando. None of us died. Second round, I decided to net the sorc healer, who was level 55 but unable to bubble due to net, and died in about 3 seconds. Game over.


Final match was a pipeball. I'm not exactly sure what happened, because I was mainly hanging out below and attacking them whenever they would go for the ball. I can only assume that banderal scored about 20 times with his scoundrel, cause we scored many times and fairly quickly. My commando hit 60 at the end of this round. Now I need another character slot so I can make another lowbie toon, I am all out except for my 29 gunslinger, which I am just having a super hard time enjoying. Really can't stand cover. It just feels so awkward to me.

Edited by teclado
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Then I decided to switch over to pub side and check for Banderal. Sure enough, there he was! He was on his 55 scoundrel, so I swapped over to my 59 commando. We ran a few that I can't remember a lot of the details for.


I can fill in some details. :D


I remember we won a voidstar. We started on defense, they planted with 23 seconds left in the round. The bomb exploded just prior to the end. Banderal guarded most of the time, and held them off quite nicely. For our turn, we battled pretty hard for a couple minutes. They put up a valient defensive effort, but we managed to plant with plenty of time left.


Yep. We basically switched sides on that one. I dropped west, like I usually do. I have that as a habit now because of a game very early on in my "pvp career" where a whole bunch of us got "flashbang-use-breaker-reflashbanged" by two operatives and we were all stuck up on the platform while the enemy planted the first bomb. So now I almost always drop immediately west and move right up to guard the door, so there is no question what I'm doing. :D


So I did that, and they all came west. We fought them off to the last man, except teclado who was watching east. Then he did the smart thing, which I've never seen anyone else do (including me), and said "no one is east, I'm heading west" as we were just finishing dying off. So I guess you stopped them planting west while the rest of us were in spawn.


I dropped east then to take over solo guard of that side, and defended that the rest of the match, got a few fights as one or two of them tried for the door. Eventually they cleared west again, which I saw, but I stuck east. Maybe if I had raced over to west there at the end I could have prevented that last second cap they had. Luckily it didn't matter.


After that I remember a novare coast in which banderal said he was going west, and somebody said that he was a good guard. Not sure that is the best thing, since now everybody is going to want him to guard. :p I don't recall details, but I think we won.


We did. We took west and south, and held them the whole game I think (or maybe they got south for a bit at the start?) You roamed back and forth between south and west as needed. There were a couple enemy players that kept coming back to east, but they were never really a threat because we always had two there watching. :D


Next was an arena. They had a healer and 3 dps. We had 4 dps IIRC....or did we have a healer too? Hmmm. Anyway, they died so fast that it didn't matter. I employed electro net, and it worked pretty well. The second round was much shorter than the first. In the first round, I electro netted their marauder, 'cause I was trying to neutralize what I perceived to be a large threat to my commando. None of us died. Second round, I decided to net the sorc healer, who was level 55 but unable to bubble due to net, and died in about 3 seconds. Game over.


LoL. I forgot about that arena it was so short! :D I actually remembered to use smuggle for a change. I think in round 2 we actually successfully "smuggled" right up to them, and everyone opened out of stealth. I remember their first guy going down so fast I felt sorry for him.


Final match was a pipeball. I'm not exactly sure what happened, because I was mainly hanging out below and attacking them whenever they would go for the ball. I can only assume that banderal scored about 20 times with his scoundrel, cause we scored many times and fairly quickly.


Actually, I only scored once. :D I did the same thing I mentioned in the pipeball I had before we grouped up - I mostly followed along in front (is it following if you are in front?) and threw HOTs and peeled for the ball carrier, and tried to make myself available for a pass if it was needed. I think we had a sage that did most of the scoring, or maybe it was another scoundrel. I do remember at one point, standing and waiting for the acid to stop so we could go through, and there must have been about 3 people with the little HOT "wheeeeeeet" sound going off as we all threw them on each other. (Related side fact, in the pipeball I had before we grouped we also were scoring really fast on them, at which point they started cursing at us in /say about being a premade... which we were not, we were just a bunch of scoundrels that ended up being thrown together and all knew how to play the game.)


I had 2 AHG after you hit 60. Both were really close. One was either side's game right up to the last round, with kills and orbs, and them just finally puling ahead right at the end. One of our guys really showed his/her sportsmanship by calling us all "tards" afterwards. People are never happy.


The second game almost the same thing happened. They kept sending a stealth or two to attack our pylon, so the last few rounds I was there helping a sniper defend. We were at the last round, and they had a solid lead, and then we double capped them for the win!

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I had a quite good Arena - of course my level 30 Gunslinger died first :D - but I gave them the two main commands with which everything worked just fine : "Stay together !" and "Support each other !"


With my Gunslinger lying dead on the ground, always. :D


Then I had an awful AHG ... We got farmed ... Well, it was not THAT terrible, but terrible enough. A certain Marauder was constantly after me ... Like a PT as well ... And, curiously, I even got an guild invite while being in the respawn point. *** ??? I refused, because "S-Key To Victory" is my only home on that server. :D


AS an level 30, PvP is really terrible. With all respect, but : What did the devs smoke when they decided to group level 30 with level 59 together ? Or level 30 AGAINST level 59, which is even worse ?


And I REALLY felt as if I was in fact nothing but a burden ... So I decioded to follow my Gunslingers' class story instead ...

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Well, seeing at how there's not going to be Maintenance tonight, I decided to actually log in and run a few WZs. About 5, three of them were great. For me at least. PvE Geared ppl galore! :D


First notable WZ was a Novare Coast. Imps vs Imps. But you could call it PvP Geared VS PvE Geared, me being in the PvP Geared team. :rolleyes:

Nobody in the opposing team had less than 50k HP. It was the epitome of faceroll. Our lone Assassin capped E, while us 4 S - yes, we started 5 vs 8 :eek: - capped S. Then one of ours went E to help the Assassin guard, which allowed the Assassin to cap W aswell. Notice that the 3 of us S were still repelling the rest of the opposing team save for their lone guard, an Operative. Tank+Healer+DPS in PvP Gear is apparently a great check for twice as many ppl in PvE Gear. :p

At any rate, at a point the guy who went E returned S, a Sniper. Our Assassin returned E to guard, but at this point we still have three turrets.

Seeing at how I was sure I broke any sort of personal record in dmg, I decided to move W and annoy the opposing team, because why not? We never had other ppl join our team, so we were still outnumbered, but it was no biggie. :D

I moved W just to get Stealth CCed by that Operative I mentioned. I let it drop by itself, then get CCed again. Most of the times a stealth CC comes from the rear, so I CC break and Overload while turning. The Operative gets hit, and I get to destroy it in a few attacks. Ranged Op in PvE gear, using Snipe, of all things... Sigh. Facepalm moment there. :(

We won it 100%-0%, with everyone in our team with 0 deaths, tons of kills and lots of dmg. I myself had about 1.5 millions. :cool:


Second nice one was an Arena, the Tatooine one. Team were pretty balanced, with the other one having a fairly well-known Sniper of my server. One of the best, actually. ;)

Well, their issue was a PvE geared Sorc who never used Force Speed nor Static Barrier, and got destroyed right after his godbubble was used - as soon as he got any sort of dmg, including AoE of any sort. :o

Pretty much, it was a 3vs4, though in the second round I was focused by their good 3 and downed. This made them win the second round, but right after we managed to win the Arena itself. I got top dmg regardless, which is surprising, and top healing thanks to my selfheals. :D


Last notable one was an Ancient Hypergates. Likely the best for tonight, for how crazy it was. :)

We start off as Imps vs Imps, 8vs8. As soon as we start, I get in my usual routine of gathering orbs, but... Our pylon gets capped! :eek:

First round we don't manage to recap it, but I mentally mark a few notable players to keep an eye on. The only two PvP Geared ones, pretty much. :rolleyes:

Second round we cap, and I get a couple orbs there. At this point we're close to their energy level, but not enough, and the round ends with both teams having a pylon.

Third round I decide to gather orbs again, but I notice right away the opposing team has capped their pylon and is sending a sizeable force to our one. I decide that I don't care anymore for Orbs, it's going to be too great if my crazyness works... And seeing at how their team is composed, there's a high chance it will. ;)

So, I gather an orb just to be more shiny, and begin moving towards their pylon. I get stealth CCed by an Assassin as soon as I get in range for a cap, and remember they only had 1 Assassin, a guy I actually wanted to take there. Then I get stealth CCed by the Operative, and since they still have only one, I realize the two most dangerous players, teh PvP Geared ones, are exactly where I want them. At this point, I let the CC drop, then start a cap. They engage, and I start kiting. They don't come to get me, as I move away from their pylon, but I see someone else shooting me. They called hte inc and everyone else came to defend! :eek:

Solo vs 8 I still kite, and for whatever reason manage to survive long enough for the discharge to happen. At that point, my team had recapped our side and took all orbs in there. We then have a fourth round where we hold our pylon and win. My team couldn't believe they all left our pylon alone on round 3, just to come and get me. I got 7 MVPs off that one, for the lolz I guess. :D


So, let me say something, as a conclusion. Playing like this in Regs is fun, I admit it. Especially if you need a couple fast wins due to time reasons, as I did. Still, I'd rather have more competitive players, so... If you plan to PvP at top level, please, do gear properly. ;)

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I had a quite good Arena - of course my level 30 Gunslinger died first :D - but I gave them the two main commands with which everything worked just fine : "Stay together !" and "Support each other !"


With my Gunslinger lying dead on the ground, always. :D


Then I had an awful AHG ... We got farmed ... Well, it was not THAT terrible, but terrible enough. A certain Marauder was constantly after me ... Like a PT as well ... And, curiously, I even got an guild invite while being in the respawn point. *** ??? I refused, because "S-Key To Victory" is my only home on that server. :D


AS an level 30, PvP is really terrible. With all respect, but : What did the devs smoke when they decided to group level 30 with level 59 together ? Or level 30 AGAINST level 59, which is even worse ?


And I REALLY felt as if I was in fact nothing but a burden ... So I decioded to follow my Gunslingers' class story instead ...


I'm constantly amazed at how many people run off on their own in an arena. Grats on herding the cats. :D


I keep watching for you online to give you an invite. I wish we could mail invites.


The level 30 thing, I dunno. I don't think I've ever felt like a burden, but that probably just my ego getting in the way. :D When Jetson was 30 I was grouped with another 30, and we got into a AHG and some guy started hating on us about being just cannon fodder, and why were we there, etc. etc. Then I guarded pylon, and the other 30 stayed back just outside mid and did support runs. I got a bunch of MVPs at the end I remember, so not everyone thought I was wasting their time.


On the other hand, yes, you are totally right. Lvl 30 vs 55+ is just ridiculous. Sure, a skilled 30 can take down a not-so-skilled 55+, but that's not what's normally going to happen. On the third hand, in a perfect world both teams would be a mix, and as many have said before, it's not supposed to be a 1v1 dueling game.

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Well, seeing at how there's not going to be Maintenance tonight, I decided to actually log in and run a few WZs. About 5, three of them were great. For me at least. PvE Geared ppl galore! :D


Hey, I was just thinking... what ever happend to Cox! Nice to see a report from you. :D


So, when you do your "going to distract the enemy" thing, do you announce it in ops chat or something? Because, in my experience, MOST of the time when I try that, I end up with 1/2 or more of my team following me, and then it doesn't really have its intended effect.


And boo on the postponement. I mean, hurray for not putting out something broken, but boo. I was really looking forward to the XP and credit increases for PvP, which I assume are still included in 3.3? (And I have vacation this week, so had plenty of time to take advantage of it. :( )


So, let me say something, as a conclusion. Playing like this in Regs is fun, I admit it. Especially if you need a couple fast wins due to time reasons, as I did. Still, I'd rather have more competitive players, so... If you plan to PvP at top level, please, do gear properly. ;)


Well, if you've seen the influx of posts on this forum about "so confused about gear", I think that's indicative of BW screwing things up. I doubt there are hordes of players running around who WANT to suck at doing PvP. I will grant you that there probably are plenty who don't want to put a lot (or even any) effort into figuring it out, because they just want to do a match or two maybe.


On the other hand, maybe I'm wrong. Based on a couple other threads here there seem to be at least some people who are in the "I can play the game any way I want" camp, which I get... yes the game lets you do it. But we are in a MMO, which, in my opinion, is a social game with some expected social "rules" that, even while not enforced by the mechanics of the interface, should still be respected. One of those is at least listening to advice and trying to gear for the part of the game you are going to participate in.


But I'm going to shut up now, because if I get going on this topic I think I'll end up with a soapbox so high that I can't jump down from it. :D

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I keep watching for you online to give you an invite. I wish we could mail invites.


I watch out as well ... DDO has mail guild invites in the form of Tokens : If you use it, you become a member, if you don't use the toiken (and throw it away), you don't ...



The level 30 thing, I dunno.


Well, Gunslinger is currently the most squishy class after the Commando - if there is no support, that is.


But because in that 1 % that is Ranked the Gunslinger is quite good, he doesn't get any dev's support for the 99% rest of the game ... That's the power of vocal Ranked players ! :D


On the other hand, yes, you are totally right. Lvl 30 vs 55+ is just ridiculous. Sure, a skilled 30 can take down a not-so-skilled 55+, but that's not what's normally going to happen. On the third hand, in a perfect world both teams would be a mix, and as many have said before, it's not supposed to be a 1v1 dueling game.


Someone else here put it like this : "If there are more 50+ in the other team than in our team, then it is an guaranteed loss."

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Awful. This is what I call "farming".


Well, it's not like we had a choice. I'd gladly have had an 8vs8 with good PvP Geared ppl on both sides, but... :o


We were also outnumbered, but that didn't make much of a difference, so... Yeah. I guess farming could be a name for it. :rolleyes:

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I had some good PvP games today. A couple HB where I'm starting to learn the rhythm of using scamper to get across the fires (before I would always end the scamper still inside the fire, and then take a ton of damage). Or to escape and live to fight another day. The scoundrel really is a boat load of fun! Or a VS that went to the tie breaker after they disarmed our one plant, and their one plant was too late for the time they had left.


And then I made my mistake. :(


ACW, and we take grass and mid. We are holding them pretty well, but most of the fight is a mid. At one point they attack grass, and I head there for the inc call, along with another team mate or two, and we fight them off. And then I stay at grass to be the "2nd guard", but I should know better. That just invites the other guard to leave. But, well, that's OK I think, because we responded so well last time. Foolish me.


I get one guy coming to grass. I actually have a team mate on "grass side" of the big wall around mid, and I type "1 inc grass" into chat. That team mate just keeps running to mid, and I guess you can see where this is headed. No one shows up, and I get my butt kicked by a juggy. (I said the scoundrel was fun, I didn't say I was any good with him. :( )


So we lose grass, and then it gets even worse. We could not even keep one turret at that point. It's possible they had some quitters and got better players, or maybe our team just fell apart. But given that we kept losing mid, even while I could see 2 or 3 purple icons there, I'm guess we were so confident we "had this one" that no one was bothering to watch.


At that point I was just kinda angry about the whole thing, so I quit for tonight. I'm sure tomorrow, after the patch, with the cheap PvP gear, everyone will suddenly be great players with great gear. Me included. :D

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I didn't do PvP yesterday, but on the other hand I witnessed the first FULL "Jawa game" in SWTOR ever ! :D


I mean, I wasn't on an English-language server for 4/5 of my SWTOR play time ... And when I arrived at Harbinger, the "Jawa" thing was new to me. Just doesn't exist on Vanjervalis Chain.


It was quite impressive for me how many Jawa movies were made ! :D I could add a bunch of them as well. ;) Of these entries I did screenshot and screenshot and screenshot ... ;) Sad that Bioware still wasn't able to include any chat log function, despitre combat log function being there from day 1 on, so to say ... Cynically put it says a lot about the dev team's focus of the game : Combat. Needs to be preservede into eternity. Chat ? Social talk ? Not so much. :rolleyes:

Puzzling is for me why Bioware did "RP-Servers", but no chat log function. Doesn't compute.


Maybe I should post these Jawa movies, but that'd mean I'd have to type them down from the screenshots. Well, time will tell.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Haha. I like the Jawa movie thing. I know some people think it silly, and it is - but who cares. Jawas are in everything! :D


PvP wise had several games today. Hooked up with teclado, and did some lowest of the lowbies, with me a guardian and him a sent. We kicked butt, of course. Actually, I barely remembered what my abilities were, let alone the keybinds for them. Hadn't played the guy in about 3 weeks. :( But I still remember more wins than losses I think.


Then went back to my scoundrel (midbies). Had some good matches there. Interestingly, the best ones were all losses. A VS that I backfilled into after they had already breached the 2nd set of doors. We held them a bit in the last room, but not for long. But then, to my surprise, my own team started strong and we actually made it to the last room before time ran out, so it was pretty close.


And speaking of being down, and trying for a comeback, my last game was an AHG. The other team was pretty strong, and was basically kicking our butts. One of my team makes, with 3 rounds to go (it turned out) suggested "go for their pylon", and so we did. Me and her... only. No one else on the team bothered. But we almost stopped them from capping anyway. She got killed once, and respawned, but I was able to vanish and then stealth-hold-them-off until she got back (I know, I know, scoundrels are OP). She got killed off again, and they capped finally with 9 seconds left, after hitting me with an 8 second mezz that none of them broke, and I had no stun breaker left. :(


Then with 2 round left I guess the team was inspired by our heroics :D, and a bunch of us went to stop them from capping theirs this time. We actually capped our pylon and held them both from capping theirs and from taking ours. That put us in the lead by about 100 I think... but it was not to be enough. :(


We were able to take and hold ours the next round, but they still had enough kills or whatever the heck the score is based on to go ahead of us (by about 100 again) when they capped theirs. So they won, but it was still a fun game.

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Hurray, Hutttball is back! But first there was a backfill into an ACW. Really not much of a chance in that one. We were getting owned, and it just continued. We did at least keep trying, and I got to keep practicing my scoundrel moves (which are not very good at the moment :( ).


After that loss came a VS. We started Ok, and defended the doors for a minute or so when they got a plant. One person, of course, immediately quit when that happened, because we all know you can never win a VS if the enemy gets a plant on the first door. :rolleyes: They got through the bridge, and then we came together and held them off at the second doors with no problem. On offense I tried to sap cap west, but they had 2 defenders. However, they over-rotated and ended up with 4 there trying to finish me off, and we got a plant east, so that was cool. Finished up the game getting the bridges fast enough that we didn't need to go any further, and a win!


Then a huttball! It starts out looking bad, with them scoring 2 quick goals on us, and our team hardly even remembering there is a ball in the game. :( But then, WOOT, a team mate gets the ball. He's in their pit, INCHING towards me, who has run to their endzone for a pass. He gets the pass off just before dying, and I scramble in for a score! Another score from us ties it up. And then they go into turtle mode, with about 4 & 1/2 minutes left. Why do teams do that? Granted, they did manage to keep the ball for about 2 and 1/2 minutes by passing it around. But eventually we caught one trying to go through the fire, and we got it back. Then the ball bounced back and forth between us with no one scoring until it came to me with 12 seconds left, and I had all my defensive CDs up and full health. Yeah, we won that one :D


We also had, apparently, a completely new person. Was asking in chat at the start how to throw, and at the end wondering why we won. He actually got decent answers with no trolling! :eek: I whispered him afterwards to see if he had anymore questions, but he was questioned out. :D


And finally came a heart-breaker of a NC. We split east and west as normal, and had a big fight over south. Eventually we took south, and I immediately scampered away and headed to reinforce west, guessing they'd make an attack there. And they did. We fought them off. Eventually we had what looked like a win, with us at over 50% and them counting down... 8%... 6%... 4%... 2%... NOOOOOOOOOO! They took west from us by spam capping in the midst of a big fight. :( And then we could not recover, and they ended up winning by 2%. Grats to them, was a good game. :)


(I leveled to 58 at that point, and there was an AHG after that, but I would prefer to just forget that game, so I will. :o )

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Well, seeing as today Ranked PvP was happening on my server, I decided ot zone in on my Lightning Sorc.

I'm proceeding quickly to augment my whole PvP Set, and atm I'm pretty much halfway through. As for the gear itself, it's full Dark Reaver, "optimized" for Power and Surge. Not a big fan of Alacrity tbh, as I prefer to have the casting times I'm used to. My hits are quite consistent though, so I can't complain. :D


I had a total of 3 Ranked WZs, before queue stopped popping and I decided to move to regular PvP. 3 wins, mind you. One because of one DC on the opposing team, and two where the opponents decided to focus me and allowed me to kite. The three ppl in my team actually played awesomely, destroying those chasing me one at a time, and also pulling me when I had my Force Speed on CD (we had a Sorc Healer with us which did a great work keeping me alive, and a Tank guarding me and taunting them all on CD). :cool:


In regular PvP, I had a Novare Coast and a Ancient Hypergates where we actually had little opposition, regardless of the fact the opponents had more healers than us. :confused:


In Novare, my team capped S with little trouble, and after two of ours went to help capping E, it was pretty much done. We lost E at a point because of no call, but we easily recapped it and managed a triple cap for half the match. After that everyone in the opposing team just sat down at their turret, which we let them recap out of pity, and waited for their % to get to 0. :o


Hypergates saw me guarding for the whole match, and not gathering orbs as usual. It was pretty easy, tbh I have no idea why but their only Assassin - it was an Imps Vs Imps - seemed to be scared of me. As soon as I engaged, he'd just stealth out or run away. :p

Sure, they capped both pylons twice at start of the second and third round, but guess what?

We recapped ours with little trouble both times. The first time they had an Op and that Assassin, the second one they also sent a PT Tank and a Merc Healer. Not much changed though, we pretty much owned them regardless. :D


So yeah, still gotta get used to the changes of last patch, but... Not bad up to now. :cool:

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I'm still kinda afraid to go into ranked. :o I think I need to learn to watch the enemy casts and know what to interrupt better. People that know how to do that tear me to pieces.


On the other hand, I'm getting this sap/ninja cap thing down. :D Had two good lvl 60 AHG back to back. The first we were getting hammered. I went to their pylon as they were about to win it with just over 600. I had messed around there at the tail end of the previous round, and knew that they pulled back extra guards as the timer ran down, so I figured my only chance was to cap it early and pray we could hold it. So I went in and mezzed the loan defender with a minute and 30 left. Sure, it was way early, but that was the point. They only had the one defender there. Then I was able to stealth out before he came out of the mezz, and I held them off for quite a while solo, and just as I thought I was going down I see heals arrive! Hurray! We held them off for the rest of the round, and left it almost tied!


The next round that healer and myself went to theirs right away, and kept them from capping. Eventually our whole team joined in, but it wasn't enough and they finally did kill all of us off and capped for the win. But it was nice turning a "definite loss" into a much closer game.


Next one was pub vs. pub. I was the only stealth on our team, and I went to the pylon to guard the first round. No one came to bother me, but we were slowly getting behind in score. Also the team leader-orange-text-guy had suggested to try for a ninja cap at about 30 seconds. So round 2 I ignored our pylon, and stayed mid. With about a minute left I combat stealthed out, dropped my guard off whoever I had it on, and went for their pylon. Just as I'm exiting mid I see the call go up for defense at OUR pylon! Oh no! I hesitated, but figured, well there's no way I'm going to get to ours to do any good from way back here on the other side, so I continued with my mission.


And they had only one defender. Just as I start my sap-cap move we lose ours. :( But I manage to take theirs, and then we take ours back almost immediately. I'm betting the lone defender they had was mad after this ended, because she actually outplayed me trying to get it back, she caught me in an 8 second lift right after I used my breaker to get out of something I should not have. And she had it. She would have taken it back with nothing I could do but float there and watch... and then a sentinel lept in to "help". :D So I was able to hold them off until the bell.


Then a bunch of people on their side apparently quit, because we started getting the WZ shutdown message. I've never thought of it from the point of view of the person who has just turned the game around on them (because I'm hardly ever that person), but I was actually a little mad. I'm like, "Hey! Don't you go quitting on me and denying my victory over you!" :mad: They got backfills, so the WZ didn't end early, but their team never recovered and we ended up winning that one by a landslide.

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A few days ago I had a match with my Level 30 - now 31 - Gunslinger where I felt bad and rather as a burden, because I could do so little and was so easily defeatzed. Even although we won in the end.


I think there must be something wrong with me if I get out of a match rather depressed because of no personal achievements, even when the own team had won. I should rather be cheering *because* we had won.

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Alrik, Alrik, Alrik (shakes head). We've discussed this. If you win, it's because YOU were awesome, and carried your entire team. If you lose it's because everyone ELSE was so bad that even someone awesome like you could not carry them. ;)


But yeah, being 30 in midbies is a crap-shoot. Look at it this way though... you were the "red shirt" that allowed the rest of your team to live and be the heroes. :D


I played some 60 PvP over lunch today. The pubs were on a winning streak up until the very end. Started off with a Huttball Classic match where the first thing that happened was the operative on the other side got the ball and scored twice in a row. Less than a minute in and we are down 2 already. :( Then, OMG did we fight for it. It was like pulling teeth to get through their defenses, be we managed to score. At that point I think "as a team" we were paying more attention to the operative. He tried several more times, and we stopped him each time. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and you can also stop Operatives in Huttball! :D In the end we rallied big time and beat them 6 to 2!


Then we got our comeuppance in my final game, an AHG, against an imp team. They pretty much owned us. I hope to get reve... wait I'm a Jedi... er, not revenge, I mean, uhm... oh heck, REVENGE tonight. :D

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(Waves) I am back :) Looking forward to catching up with you folks, and trying to make a sense out what happened with the healer changes and catch up on the Season 5 results and all that! Going to check my legacy, and try to press some buttons..... oi. That's gonna hurt.


I think my first order of business is to test out the Sage and get my Scoundrel and Operative to level 60.


I am leaving alone the Commando and PvE for now, I need to get back to remembering everything.


EDIT: Yay, you guys got the Stronghold, AWESOME!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Domi, your first order of business is to check out the awesome guild stronghold that s-key has (mostly thanks to you and teclado). :D


[Edit: oops, I see you already did! Oh, and welcome back! :) ]

Edited by Banderal
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Domi!!! Welcome back!!! :D:D:D


Yes, we have a Yavin SH, and it is pretty awesome IMO (both pretty AND awesome, in fact). Feel free to move things around as you see fit. I have no decorative skills whatsoever - won't hurt my feelings at all. There are still more rooms to unlock, but I figure we can do that over time.


I've been playing my sentinel and marauder a lot lately. Both now have full DR, and it is kind of nice. I am still ever so slightly tweaking some mods and enhancements to optimize for 95% accuracy, a little crit, rest power and surge. It seems to help. I'm also playing sage and sorc, working on getting them full DR next. They make for a nice change of pace over the pure melee of sent/mara.


I've done some ranked with my mara and sent. It's tough going on pub side. It does actually pop, but it's really hard to get a win. I know that when I am playing my marauder, seeing a pub team is like a free win, basically. :( Poor, poor pubs. I think he is 2-6 or something like that. But, I'm going to keep going with him anyway because you still get tokens, although not nearly as many when you lose. You can get up to 140 for a win, less than that for a loss. I would love to get the black/silver crystals (3600 tokens) and weapon box (20k tokens), which I think is very doable.

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Yay! I need to figure out what I can put as decorations. Seem that personal stuff like PvP pictures and bnners are not allowed? Not sure, I will ask.


Teclado, grats on working on the ranked. I am going to see how I play before deciding to try again. I am going to be useless for a bit, but hopefully the PvP memory is going to come back. Really hope to put in a game or two with you folks.


Okay, off to level up! I need to gear the Scop dynamic duo ASAP, so have t be 60, have to be 60....

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