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A PvP a Day...


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And - this could be used as a real strategy as well ! It dawned upon me ... At least if the other team is that dumb. :D


Absolutely! Was on a team that got our momentum in a lowbie VS that way. It started as one of those matches where they come up front to farm us at the spawn spot, and yet they seem to leave just enough decent players behind at the doors to stop the ninja sneak caps. :(


But then I see one of our stealth kinda just hanging around the door, waiting for an opening. So me, on my operative, sneak by the main force in stealth, and engage the defender at that door. But the trick for this thing is to make sure you always stay so the defender has his/her back to the door. If you circle around them and they turn, it just gives them that extra chance to look right at, and notice the cap going on. I mean, if they are paying attention anyway it's not going to work. But if they are not paying attention, no need to assist them. :)


So, anyway, while I'm distracting the guy, our stealther finishes the cap. Then our team pulled together, and did a good job of slowing them down. We got the bridge and the next door. On defense we stopped them at the 2nd door, and ended up with a win.


So never overestimate the attention span of the person guarding the door/turret. At least until they prove otherwise. :D

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That Sorc I didn't meet again as an opponent, but I had him a few times on my side, so it was my top priority to have anyone but him guard. Usually me. :rolleyes:


Did you ever get a chance to ask him "***"? Might have been a PvE'r who just didn't know any better. He was probably thinking "dang it, why aren't you standing still for my force storm like you are SUPPOSED TO!!!???". :D

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Did you ever get a chance to ask him "***"? Might have been a PvE'r who just didn't know any better. He was probably thinking "dang it, why aren't you standing still for my force storm like you are SUPPOSED TO!!!???". :D


I actually thought about asking him, but I levelled 1 Sorc to 60, and I'm in the process of levelling 1 Sage and a second Sorc, so I know the Class, or at least I like to think I do... :o

And Force Storm/Forcequake has always been a situational AoE, not something you spam till you end with no resources, especially on a single target. :eek:


Even a PvEer can figure that much... I guess I'll give that guy some pointers if I see him just Force Storm spamming again, though, because it's painful to see your favourite class be destroyed like that. :(

Side note: I fear what he must have gone through while levelling, since starting lvl 20 Force Storm spamming is not enough to pull throuhg mobs... :rolleyes:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Side note: I fear what he must have gone through while levelling, since starting lvl 20 Force Storm spamming is not enough to pull throuhg mobs... :rolleyes:


... Or got bad advice ... Like : "Spamming Force Storm is all you need, bro."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Slandering other players is wrong. Advising to go against ToS is also wrong. Not to mention not clever, because it is a violation that BioWARE very easily identifies and punishes. We have someone post about being banned literally within a few days of using macros.


We don't cheat. We just play a game.

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Just get yourself a macro keyboard and couple hacks. You will be good. It is what everyone else is doing. No need to actually play it. Just mac and hack. That is what Leet swtor pvp is.


Slandering other players is wrong. Advising to go against ToS is also wrong. Not to mention not clever, because it is a violation that BioWARE very easily identifies and punishes. We have someone post about being banned literally within a few days of using macros.


We don't cheat. We just play a game.


What Domi said. And also, we play this game to have fun. If we wanted to do something else, we wouldn't even bother playing. :cool:


Btw, playing without playing seems pointless, at least to me. :confused:

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And, what time I had this weekend, I was playing my scoundrel. I love the story and the character, so it's hard for me to switch off of him. I am not sure if the bolster is better or what, but I feel fairly comfortable in the midbies. One zone, I backfilled a what seemed a losing Novarre, but we won in the end! I am sure it was due to my magic touch... nah, I was actually mostly trying to shuttle in stealth as there was tons of movement, and only had a few periods of heals. I was being blown out of stealth a few times... need to figure out HOW (not AoE, I guess just proximity?). But yes, I noticed it takes a few DPS to kill me. An AP PT was a bane of my existence in that zone! Magnetic blast, darn it!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, i finally made it to the zones with my L60 heals, and oh, boy, what a day! I hooked up with Banderal, and we've played against hardened premades. We were losing zones, but the good thing was that Republic fought on, even against a Hustle remade that sported 3 sins, 3 PT, a jugg and an op comp generously peppered by the Best of the Harbinger names. Banderal and I, a tank and a healer, were bursted into oblivion by two node stealers. I also fought one reg arena, where I fought tooth and nail, but only managed to survive the burst long enough for my team to win in one round. In both consequent rounds, I had Jug and In cornering me and killing me off way too fast. I am still not sure how a healer supposed to heal through 2 DPS. (Sigh)


I gave up and went to do Ravagers with sensei when a sniper critted me for 14,683 damage. :o

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even against a Hustle remade that sported 3 sins, 3 PT, a jugg and an op comp generously peppered by the Best of the Harbinger names. Banderal and I, a tank and a healer, were bursted into oblivion by two node stealers.


In terms of fame, the coin has been turning :


Nowdays it's not even "Yay ! I played against THEM !" People are no longer proud to have been playing against well known names - and this is why :


In terms of fame, DomiSotto, you already have gained your own kind of fame -


- which means that people should now be proud to play against you !


Hustle ? Uninteresting.


DomiSotto's characters ? They are celebrities now ! :D;)

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(Gulp) I sure hope not. The leaderboards fame is backed by one hell of a skill. I burn whenever a bursty DPS pays closed and undivided attention to my toon. Just another pugged healer, trying to do stuff. Heh, I should have kept my big mouth shut :) Shoudda, wouldda, couldda


Speaking about recognition though, I think we actually played with Tux in a few zones. :cool:


Okay, I need to set up the interface on my Vg and Guardian on the PTS and then watch the vids/do a few zones, because we might be trying ToS again tonight. I am not sure if I am afraid more of Harbinger's PTs or Underlurker....

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Okay, so I went to PTS, and tried my Sage for a zone. With a lot of other Sages. So, I switched to my Guardian and... well, I can't stay on target, and get killed by Sorcs despite all my lovely DCDs, lolz. Basically, 200 thou damage was what I was doing, win or lose. I should stop even considering DPSing. :D But I will play it for all 3 days on PTS, because, why not? Plenty of Sages to test the Sages. :) Maybe I will manage to eek out 500 thou damage! YAY!
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Yep, I saw Tredici on the PTS, but we never sync'd - and with limited time I didn't think it was worth either of us waiting for the other. :D I found the level of play on the PTS actually better than normal. I don't know if that was just chance (after all, only 1 day), but there seemed to be a lot of good players there. I prefer to think it was not chance, but that everyone brought their "A" game. :)


Anyway, I was holding out hope for the aoe changes to make a positive diff, but so far my experience has been that people either ignore it and fight as usual... or they decide to try the spam cap for HOURS on end (ok, minutes) which is really boring.


Anyway, hopefully will be on tomorrow night again with Flint.

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Okay, so I went to PTS, and tried my Sage for a zone. With a lot of other Sages. So, I switched to my Guardian and... well, I can't stay on target, and get killed by Sorcs despite all my lovely DCDs, lolz. Basically, 200 thou damage was what I was doing, win or lose. I should stop even considering DPSing. :D But I will play it for all 3 days on PTS, because, why not? Plenty of Sages to test the Sages. :) Maybe I will manage to eek out 500 thou damage! YAY!


Yep, I saw Tredici on the PTS, but we never sync'd - and with limited time I didn't think it was worth either of us waiting for the other. :D I found the level of play on the PTS actually better than normal. I don't know if that was just chance (after all, only 1 day), but there seemed to be a lot of good players there. I prefer to think it was not chance, but that everyone brought their "A" game. :)


Anyway, I was holding out hope for the aoe changes to make a positive diff, but so far my experience has been that people either ignore it and fight as usual... or they decide to try the spam cap for HOURS on end (ok, minutes) which is really boring.


Anyway, hopefully will be on tomorrow night again with Flint.


Oho, so Domi was Tredici, huh? I'm positive we met each other on the PTS, a few times. I was on my Lightning Sorc, myself. Possibly the only one sporting a Dark Reaver set and a yellow-bladed lightsaber... :D


You did well, from what little I saw as your opponent. Keep it up, and let's see what will it be in the upcoming days... :cool:

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Yeah, I saw you, Banderal, but I had my kid's school concert, so I could not stay to say hi. I'll be on tomorrow, swearing at pesky opponents not waiting long enough to appreciate my super-awesome rotation, courtesy of Zetsuma and Vesev!


I am almost tempted to fake a sudden bout of summer cold to get off work a little early. Or maybe I left a spot under the garden bench unswept and my OCD is acting up? Or... it's an important spiritual afternoon for all of us, of Jedi faith, and we gotta meditate at exactly 3 pm in view of a lilac bush, and unless the management can provide....?


Oh, that would be fantastic to finally meet you, Cox! I would log on my Imp to say hi :) It's a Sorc, so I am not going to play it, since the Empire is not experiencing a dramatic shortage of Sorcs, but I'd love to put avatar to forum name. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Pvp is simpler than most make it out to be. Simply know your role and how that applies to the wz. If your not dps don't dps. If your a tank sit on the node. If your heals do that. Most importantly DO NOT CHASE!!!!!! The obj is the key to winning. If it takes 2 to win learn how to hold 2. Don't be a cowboy. Guard what you have. Also if stealthers are grabbing the door do not run your attacker to them. If you must die to distract do that. Be a team player.
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Yeah, I saw you, Banderal, but I had my kid's school concert, so I could not stay to say hi. I'll be on tomorrow, swearing at pesky opponents not waiting long enough to appreciate my super-awesome rotation, courtesy of Zetsuma and Vesev!


I am almost tempted to fake a sudden bout of summer cold to get off work a little early. Or maybe I left a spot under the garden bench unswept and my OCD is acting up? Or... it's an important spiritual afternoon for all of us, of Jedi faith, and we gotta meditate at exactly 3 pm in view of a lilac bush, and unless the management can provide....?


Oh, that would be fantastic to finally meet you, Cox! I would log on my Imp to say hi :) It's a Sorc, so I am not going to play it, since the Empire is not experiencing a dramatic shortage of Sorcs, but I'd love to put avatar to forum name. :)


Haha, well, I should be around tonight aswell, Domi, so perhaps we can meet. :)

If you decide to log on Imp Side, feel free to /greet Khayar. That's me on the PTS. ;)

Just tell me who you are though, because I've had some ppl greet me without understanding who they were, and it was a surprise when they told me. Friends from my server that I didn't expect to meet there, of all places. :D

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I'm troubled by my PC trying to install the PTS - I switched on when I went to work, in hope that it would be done - on TWO dsays I get an interrupt in installing / receiving the data ... I'm short before giving up. Plus, the Launcher is very, very un-intuitive to people who want to install the PTS in any other language than almioghty English ... It doesn't even an "manually retry" button when the connection is suddenly cut, but can be restored later ... :(


I'm not sure what the Launcher downloads right nopw, and I fear that full 2 days of trying might be in vain. :(


And worst thing is that I even can't play SWTOR meanwhile it downlods those heavy huge GBs of data ... :(

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Thinking about rolling a toon on the harb... is pub side playable? I've gone through all imp stories so I want to 12x a pub toon.

Yes, pub side can be playable at times. It can also be really bad at times. I play pubs quite a bit on the harby, but I keep my imps around so that if I get to the point where I just can't take it anymore, I can give in to my anger so to speak. :p It varies based on who is playing which side. There are a lot of good players that play both sides. It's not like some servers where it is all imp all the time. Ranked on the harbinger, however, is all imp all the time, sadly. Lowbies can be quite pub dominated. The server used to be very much pub dominated in all brackets, but the recent influx of players from e.g. PoT5 has skewed things more imp side. Overall, I'd say it's fairly balanced now if you average things out.


That was a long and kind of rambling paragraph, but the bottom line is: give it a try and don't be discouraged if you get stomped several times by the imps, because the tables will turn at some point in the day/week based on who is playing.


I still have to DL the PTS stuff...been really busy with RL stuff this week. I'll try to do it overnight tonight and hopefully get in on the pvp with devs tomorrow from the 11-2 timeframe. That is, unless I have the same problems that you are describing Alrik. :(


I got my sniper up to 55 last night. I had been doing marksman for leveling and I ran a few zones with that spec. I quite liked the burst from ambush, follow-through, etc. After I hit 55 I decided to give Virulence (DoT spec) a try in some zones. I played 4 or 5, one of which was an arena. In the arena, it was 3xDPS and a healer on both sides. Our side had me (sniper), commando dps, operative healer, and something else that I can't recall. The other team had sorc heals, 2x operatives, and a jugg. I think both of those operatives were concealment spec and there was certainly a target on my head. I managed to survive about 8 seconds I think and did about 3500 damage. The second round, I did a much better job of popping my cooldowns before the engagement began, used my mezz grenade, roll, knocback, entrench and such. We still got wiped out, but I lasted longer and we almost took out their healer (about 5% health when the sorc used barrier).


I got a few voidstars which allowed me to really test out the DoT spreading. I quite enjoy the feel of Virulence over marksman. More instant hitting abilities opposed to the long windups of MM. Basically, Virulence vs MM feels kind of like Balance vs TK on a sage. MM and TK are much burstier, but can get a little awkward with the long windup. I lost all of the matches badly (pubs were doing really well), but still had fun trying out the spec.


Overall, I like the sniper and I like Virulence. I have never really cared for the cover mechanic, and I still think I would very much prefer to be playing something highly mobile like a PT/VG, but the sniper has some really fun attributes. I think I'm going to play Virulence most of the time now, maybe swapping to MM every now and then for kicks. I haven't tried out Engineering spec, mainly because I have read it's not all that great. I'll give it a go at some point anyway.

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To my pleasant surprise, I'm ready for the PTS now. :)


The server used to be very much pub dominated in all brackets, but the recent influx of players from e.g. PoT5 has skewed things more imp side.


"We are the Borg err Imps, resistance is futile." :rolleyes:

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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@teclado: from the pre-3.0 specs I liked Dirty Fighting the best. It was mobile and just felt like crazy fun. I loved the 50% speed boost after hitting with a blaster and the dirty kick. Engineering has a huge advantage of the animations being really intimidating. I’ve never really played it post 3.0, too much on my plate.


@Alric: Yay, it worked! Yep, let Banderal and I know when you are on.


@ Qarast: Yes in regs, No in ranked. You will always run the risk of being facrolled by a premade on either side. What we have though is real 24/7 action, particularly now as we added more East Coast from Pot5. Used to be quieter before 7 pm, now it’s almost faster pop at 4 pm than at 7 pm.


@Cox: Oh, yeah, I am pretty sure I brandished my Lightsabre at you across the battle lines! Okay, if I don’t catch you today (I’ve stayed up till 2 am trying to find @UL run, so was late for work), my Imp is Ruvvoy, and I will come say hi tomorrow. :)


I have a day off on Tuesday, and I am sort of wondering if I can actually finish levelling my Scoundrel and Op over Sunday-Tue. I have so many comms from running ops, that I don’t really need to level Merc and Mando in parallel, I can just level Mando till Togruta becomes available, then catch up as a Merc, on already learned rotation. So, push to level or catch up on PvE? Once I get my Sage’s boots, I really don’t feel like getting more wz comms….

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@teclado: from the pre-3.0 specs I liked Dirty Fighting the best. It was mobile and just felt like crazy fun. I loved the 50% speed boost after hitting with a blaster and the dirty kick. Engineering has a huge advantage of the animations being really intimidating. I’ve never really played it post 3.0, too much on my plate.


@Alric: Yay, it worked! Yep, let Banderal and I know when you are on.


@ Qarast: Yes in regs, No in ranked. You will always run the risk of being facrolled by a premade on either side. What we have though is real 24/7 action, particularly now as we added more East Coast from Pot5. Used to be quieter before 7 pm, now it’s almost faster pop at 4 pm than at 7 pm.


@Cox: Oh, yeah, I am pretty sure I brandished my Lightsabre at you across the battle lines! Okay, if I don’t catch you today (I’ve stayed up till 2 am trying to find @UL run, so was late for work), my Imp is Ruvvoy, and I will come say hi tomorrow. :)


I have a day off on Tuesday, and I am sort of wondering if I can actually finish levelling my Scoundrel and Op over Sunday-Tue. I have so many comms from running ops, that I don’t really need to level Merc and Mando in parallel, I can just level Mando till Togruta becomes available, then catch up as a Merc, on already learned rotation. So, push to level or catch up on PvE? Once I get my Sage’s boots, I really don’t feel like getting more wz comms….


We missed each other today aswell, Domi, unfortunately... I'm not sure wether I'll be on tomorrow, but I'll try. :o


And I'll keep your character's name in mind. ;)


A little suggestion I'd like to give, however, is to focus mostly on the character you plan to use the most in PvP, on the PTS. Right now getting to know the limits you'll have if this goes live is quite useful. :cool:


In my case, as a Lightning Sorc solo guarding is going to be pretty much impossible. :(

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