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A PvP a Day...


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, including one Arena where a Shadow managed to elude TWO healers on the team. TWO healers, and it went off to do its solo thing and told us we were not keeping up when we tried to hint that it was not the desired course of actions


LoL. I really did LoL. :D I'm always sad when someone on an arena wants to do their own thing. Sure, I suppose some people can pull it off once in a while, but in regs it's almost always a disaster. And then, as you said, they often blame everyone else for "not keeping up".


And, I dinged 30 on my healer! :eek: With a companion chat. :D Then I did one more WZ, a little worried that I'd get yelled at for going into midbies with a level 30. But then I late-filled into a pipeball. No one had scored yet. I think it really had just started. It was looking to be a tough game. They were good with the Cc and kicking us off the ramps and generally keeping us from even coming close to scoring. They went up 2 to 0, but we were still trying. I got the ball a couple times, and immediately threw to someone else. But people kept passing back to me! Eventually we scored with a hard fought, pass-pass-pass chain and the last guy just powered his way through their defense up on the ledge.


And then something very weird happened. I got the ball down on the main level from knocking someone into the acid, and I just walked it all they way up the ramp and into the goal, right through about 5 of them. Not like that lowbie match, where they were pounding on me and my bubble and hot were keeping me up, I just walked through. They didn't even attack. Anyway, that tied it up. Then we won with, literally, a last second turn over tie breaker win. I got 2 MVPs, and no one complained that a level 30 healer was in midbies. :D

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I had a game with Tredici! :D And we kicked butt! We got all the way to planting in VS, and they only got through the first door. Sadly, after that, we got out of sync, and had no others.


Then things went down hill for me for a while. Had a couple AHGs where we lost big time. Kept getting double capped on us. :(


Finally I got back in stride with an arena, of all things. We loaded in, and made a plan, and tried to lure them to us by sticking behind the wall (the one with the ramps, and the walls you can hide behind - I don't know the names of the arenas)... and we got demolished. So round 2 we decide to rush them, and that worked MUCH better. They get flustered, and we demolish them. It was nice having a team that decide to try to adjust tactics instead of just giving up. Round 3 is a repeat of round 2.


Then a really close arena. We have 2 healers, a tank (me) and one DPS. I forget their exact combo. I know they had 1 healer. I think 1 tank and 2 DPS. We lost 2 to 1 (1st round lost, 2nd won, 3rd lost again), but the fighting was intense so it was a fun game.


And finished off with a good AHG. It was one of those where we had SOOOOO many healers that one of them went to guard the pylon - voluntarily :). We slowly pulled head to the point where I went to help guard because I like 2 guards when we have a good lead. Helped stop several cap attempts, and got a good win.

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Ha-ha. Next time I am going to talk you into a magic way of staying in sync, called queue as a group.


This was my first day back on the Guardian-DPS, and lett me tell ya, I was doing anything but DPSing. Running around, taunting, trying to sort out what enemy is which, getting into 1vs1s, being tossed around... in other words doing anything but DPSing. I have no clue what the Guardian is supposed to do in an arena. I have never had a winning one on this toon, and I am pretty sure it's me, not anyone else. Well, if by the time I hit 60 I am just as clueless.... yeah.


n the other hand, I have higher and higher confidence as a Sage/Sorc heals. Too bad the DPS side gets that nerf, for a while we'll be knee-deep in the Sage/Sorc heals.

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I would have queued with you. I didn't offer because I figured you were probably with your guildies, or your mentor or such. :D But no worries. Sometimes I like to be put against names I know too - but that didn't happen either. :(


Today - anything can happen Tuesday - I started on my healer with a Huttball - HURRAY! And then got disconnected! CRAP! Once I got all the way back in, I got into an arena. One of the Hutball teammates was in there, and he said he got dc'd too, so I wonder if the server or WZ wigged out. In the arena the other team focused me, and I managed to survive it the first round, with the help of a tank, and we won round 1 without a loss. The next two rounds the focused me even better, and man I died quick. So that was a loss. :(


Then I got another huttball! Hurray - and a great team. So we stomped the other side. Although, the other team was the kind that let the ball sit there in spawn for about 15 seconds while they just DM'd around it.


And now... another arena. :eek:

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Wow, I have to follow up about that arena! Was 2 healers and 2 tanks. The other healer was a ghost infantry op healer, which if I remember some other posts correctly, is at least generally considered a good pvp guild. But regardless I already knew he was a good healer, having been in a couple other games with him. So, of course, first round I go down quick (I warned them I would suck). One of the tanks soon follows, be we did take out their primary healer (and by "we" I mean the other 3 :) ). The two of us that were left actually put up a heck of a fight. I thought they might pull if off for a bit. But they did not - we lose round 1. :(


Second round, I do better at staying alive, and convincing them to attack someone else. We manage to kill all of them, and not lose anyone. The last one was an assassin who stealthed out and we had to hunt for. Took us until we started getting the warning about the acid, but we found her just in time. I felt like I might have actually helped, but then I looked at the numbers. I did a whopping 100K healing... the other healer did like 2 million (pretty sure that was right, and not just 200K). OMG, in an arena.


Round 3 was a repeat of round 2. I almost felt like I was getting my "arena legs", but I know I was being carried. :D

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I guess, I have just missed you today again - next time, it's a group! Sensei left the game on the 28th (sniffle) and I haven't seen the other toon who plays PvP in my guild. Some of my Guildies do Conquest-related PvP and are quite good at it, but nobody does it thoroughly :) Basically, I had no pops on the L60'ies at all, so I spent the night working out on a dummy on Coruscant while queuing my Guardian. The midbies popped fairly well, and speaking of the amazing heals, gods, these two scoundrels were a total blast.


You gotta be kidding me, 2 mln in an arena??? What kind of damages you guys were putting out??? The day I hit 2 mln heals anywhere will be the happiest day in my PvP life.


As a Guardian, I still can't stay on target, though at least I have a somewhat less fuzzy idea about my rotation and I stopped trying to hide, instead I am trying my best to spread the blessed dots, lol. With pathetic results. Eh, well. Wish folks made a beeline for and crowded around my Guardian the way they do with my Sage/Sorc.


Fingers crossed, they will squash the bug tomorrow, and I will get the heals back into the fray!




I have asked in the past things like: “How people can run and shoot at the same time?” “When my Dirty Fighting Gunslinger gets the Shoot First ability?” and “Orange what? Do you mean the background or the border around the item?”


But now I am going to top it all.


Erm, does anyone know how you actually queue for a ranked zone? Do you switch the zone selection to the stats page and push the queue button there? Is that it? It's not urgent or anything, but the inquiring minds... :eek:

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Erm, does anyone know how you actually queue for a ranked zone? Do you switch the zone selection to the stats page and push the queue button there? Is that it? It's not urgent or anything, but the inquiring minds... :eek:


Yep, hit the normal wz button then click the ranked wz icon on the right then the join queue button, but be careful it will stay on ranked as the default until you click on the normal wz icon again.


Its not a good time to try ranked though until they fix the low slash bug.

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TY, I'll take a closer look. Nah, it's not an option for a while yet, and the longer I won't be able to get the reg L60 games, the longer it will take to prep. IWell, fingers crossed I can catch a few today or tomorrow.


Gotta run! Spring cleaning!

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I really don't feel like trying any longer on the DPS. I just can't move well enough for a Guardian. And drilling the Guardian rotation made me shaky on the healer rotation. I have managed the Dailies on the Republic side only, with a few extra zones for the Guardian because I was trying, really, really, really trying... and getting nowhere. And sixties were slow. Not a good day. :(


I am starting to think that learning to play other classes might not work for someone like me. Maybe it is time to stop trying all these classes and just do what I can actually manage.

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Dusted off my lvl 36 Focus Guardian today, and ran a couple WZs with her.


The most notable one was a Novare Coast. We had a total of 3 healers - Sage, Commando AND Scoundrel :p - surprisingly, and the lvls we were at were all mid 30s and low 40s. Opposing team was mostly 50+, Imps.


We go with the usual tactic of 1 N, others S, and manage to repel the attackers with little trouble. Two healers keep me alive as I jump around smashing stuff. I think I killed at least 3 of the enemies in that rush, and since I always taunt on CD I must have also scored some nice protection. ;)


The Shadow that went NW captured with no trouble, but never called an inc, so we lost the turret as 4 of us went there. After that, our Scoundrel healer charged NE solo, and obviously died. But, he bought some time to the NW team, who managed to recap and moved NE in forces.

That led to a triple cap, while me and a Vanguard Tank that remained S and guarded me farmed the three Snipers that kept charging at us one at a time. Damn, rest needs to happen faster, 15 secs is too slow! :D


The enemies reorganized quickly, and charged at us 2 S. We were 2 vs at least 5 for a bit, but luckily our Commando and Sage healers arrived and kept us up. In the end, we defeated the wave. :eek:


WZ ended with a triple cap, 80% for us and obviously 0% for them. Me and the Vanguard that stayed with me got 15 medals, rest of the team all got between 14 and 12. Not sure how, but me and the Vanguard Tank scored 40k protection each. We also got top kills - 16 for me, 15 for him - and I got top dmg too, but that's not that important in Objective WZs. :cool:


Other team still got nice numbers though, average 10 medals and 250k dmg each. Healers were very close to ours. But they either had no tanks or nobody used taunts, because protection was so low it was neglectable - less than 1k between all tank-able classes there, I think 3 chars. :)


Gotta get used to jumping around again, I guess, but considering how long it was since I last logged her, I'd say I can't complain for the results... :D

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Aww, Cox_the_Beast, thanks for coming through with an inspirational story J Wow, winning by 3 caps, that’s a huge one!


I think I will try to put in a few rounds on a dummy, but then go find myself a crowded area on Coruscant and just try to Leap/Guardian Leap around, because that movement mechanics is very different. Oh, those lowbies on Coruscant don't know what's coming their way! :p


EDIT: Pugged zone before having to run again, and we won, and everything. Except I forgot to use the Guardian Leap and I... went to guard the West. It got intermittently attacked, my guys came to reinforce, and what did I do? Used my DCDs, taunted off and well, attempted to do damage. So, here I am, ending at below pathetic 156 thou damage, 20,000 in protection with 3 MVPs. I am glad we won, and I am glad guarding W was so much appreciated, but I gotta stop playing a frigging tank and start playing a DPS!!!

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Nice stories of the wins with your dusty guardian. Sounds like the enemy kept trying at least, so you got to fight the whole time. :D


@Domi - dang it. I saw you on Tredici and dropped out of the queue to wait out your match and group, and you went off line! :( And double :( :( (for you) I then got into a good string of matches with solid wins in NC.


Ugh... now an arena.

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Oh, zut, I've missed you. It did not pop a friend alert for me. Okay, now we are starting to work this thing out, I am keeping fingers crossed the stars will align tomorrow or over the weekend. Okay, I am going to try to not fall asleep before I finish the Sage at least. I think the Empire will have to cope without me tonight....
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Yep, I had a round of great wins on Flint. I'll keep watch for you next time. :D


Although in the middle of that had a couple of rough AHG. The first hint was when two of us went to cap, and I saw one red headed our way. I hit stealth and went to intercept. I mezzed him, which he immediately broke, and lept to my team mate who was capping. Then proceeded to tear us apart. Was a level 59 jugg. I realized too late I did the "keep attacking him when he has that HTF thing going that regens his health when we attack". :( He got one more helper, or maybe two. But really they just kicked our arses, and before I barely realized the round was over, it was, and we'd never capped at all. That game I think even went down hill from there!


Then the next one was another AHG against the same group. The jugg came as us again, but this time I got the cap in JUST before he lept and then I remembered to cc him after he popped his heal thing, instead of continuing to attack - and we took him down much easier! They still kicked our butts overall, but I was glad about that small improvement on my part. :D


And then back to good games, which we won.


Switched over to my lvl 30-barely-into-midbies healer. Had two rough games to start. An arena where I just totally screwed up royally and basically forgot to heal my tank. :o We had 2 DPS, a tank, and me as heals vs 4 DPS, and I was so convinced they'd come after me first that I was trying to maintain LoS from them and didn't even notice they were killing the tank until it was way too late. She commented and quit before I could finish my long-winded apology, and I don't really blame her for that. I sucked.


Next was an AHG where we got double capped 2 times in a row. The first because no one stayed to guard, the second because the solo guard didn't call out inc (and we didn't notice in time). Which was twice bad because we were owning mid, and based on just DPS we should have won. But 8's are not based on just DPS. :)


I don't know if there are just not many midbies imps on Harb or what, but I keep getting into matches with a lvl 55+ op healer that remembers my toon. He was in that one above that we lost. Pretty good player (he was that 2mil heals arena I mentioned before, although as I play more midbie game I'm thinking that MUST have been 200K, and I misread it!), and I try to act as "off heals" for him. But, especially in AHG, it seems like he's rescuing me more times than I'm worth. But the next game was another AGH, and I actually mentioned it in chat... said I could go pylon if that made more sense. He pointed me back at mid, and so there I went. Healed like crazy and tried to stay out of trouble (I did get 600K heals, a new record for me :) ). This one was one of those really close, back-n-forth games, intense, but we stayed in it partly because THAT healer stayed to guard the pylon a couple times and ended up stopping caps - but leaving me as the only healer at mid, so there were some deaths I'm sure that could have been prevented. We lost the final game by about 10-15 points (I don't remember exactly). Basically a kill or two, or a couple orbs. :(


Afterwards he pm'd me to comment that I'm hard to heal when I run behind walls... and I told 'em, yah, I realized that too mid game. Seems tough balancing act that I'm trying to learn - to LoS the red guys, but not LoS my own healer. Made me have a bit more sympathy for the people that LoS me when I'm trying to heal them and they are under a lot of enemy fire.


And I leveled to 31. :D

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I was tank-tunneled, and it is not fun, but really, healing through 4 DPS even on a tank.... (Hugs). It takes a bit of time to switch from one character’s mindset to the other’s too, and an Arena is a hard start when you just logged in, cause Arena’s are FAST!


As for the guarding, sensei told me that with another heals or two, s/he’d go guard because s/he can manage 2-3 DPS on a Sorc. An operative has more build-in slipperiness, so I imagine your op was trying to optimize. According to sensei, the healer is a force multiplier who controls the flow of battle (I know, I know, s/he’s a poet of the PvP).


A sage/sorc does have to run around and LoS a lot since that’s how we don’t die, and once we get out of the diapers we can heal back while left alone or with 1 DPS on us.


Which heals are you playing again, sorry, I have never seen you the Imp-side; it is a sorc, or are you a Mercenary? I’ll try to level my PT during the 2xXP week enough to cross into midbies with you there too. I think I am L27 now, so should be able to level to be close to you there. I’ll send you a hail there after the 2xXP week.


I’ve just realized that my Guardian-DPS and my Healer Sage is about as opposite as it could get play-syle wise. I did another game on the Guardian, with mostly L30’s folks on my side, who held up admirably, even though we lost the AHG. I tried to keep the 50+s from picking on them and ended up with some 400 thou DPS, still pathetic, but better. Managed to Guardain Leap once (and figured out why I was not having any success before; wrong targeting option, DUH). I think I will try to get to 500 thou per zone as the first step, and if I am not hitting it consistently a couple weeks after getting to L60, I am done. Getting close to L58 now. I keep trying to imagine the handsome with that black-core & blue saber to keep going.


I switched to my Sage, was about to start the Daily when I saw in the chat on the Fleet that they are gathering forces to hist Section X. I went and spent about an hour healing the Republic contingent trying to scale a hill by the Imperial Base. That Other Guy from my Guild Who Plays PvP was there, and I think one more. It did not work out by the time I had to log in, but I got ~3 Belsavis achieves. Fun, but I am so behind on the gear acquisition quest this week, it’s not even funny.


Gonna go grind now.

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I have a sorc healer (cry, in my sig below). I did my daily on Flint, and then switched to the healer hoping to get another level (way up to 32!) But the games were just terrible. Lots of deathmatchers in HB. I backfilled into an AHG where there was already the blame-argument going on in chat between two people, "xxx lost us the game... no you left the pylon first... ok person who lost us the game" <-- that kind of junk. Then the culmination was an ACW where I got stuck in the scenery. I was hung up and couldn't move at all. /stuck would not work. I said, "well, it's not meant to be tonight" and quit the game. :(
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Ouch, sorry to hear that. But, yeah, better drop it when things start going south like that.


I was playing on my Heals going from an absolute cutthroat zones were every move was bought with blood, and I felt like the ranked was cancelled or something, 'cause z names, z names... to the: 'Attention all personnel, there is the second door on the Voidstar map..." I got my fan moments in between getting killed by the Republic's newest hope.


But here is your feel good story. Coming into a reg arena, trinity against a triple DPS with heals. I look at my tank, my heart sinks - 186 gear. Ask him/her to drop the guard if s/he gets tunneled. The toon goes: what's tunnel? Well, thankfully they decide I am the tastiest thing out there, so I do the whole sorc thing. We win the first round. Before the next round tell the guy tunnel's when all the DPS on you. Lose the second (when a certain sage bubbles too early and my VG and Sent ran in the opposite directions), then cleanly win the third. See, the raiders ain't so bad. :)


In gear: FINALLY got my off-hand, and then I think I made a boo-boo. I replaced one of my crit/alacrity enhancements with power/surge, 'cause the recommendation is 4 P/S to 6 Alac/P but now my Alacrity is at 488. So if I see negative impact I will have to throw away 400 more reg comms to fix it back.

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Aww, Cox_the_Beast, thanks for coming through with an inspirational story J Wow, winning by 3 caps, that’s a huge one!


I think I never had that. I'm so jealous. :p

Somehow the system seems to place me into teams that are not that good - or me that bad - just to troll me.

"Player harassment through MatchMaker system programming" :p

Or the system does it to throw me out.

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I think I never had that. I'm so jealous. :p

Somehow the system seems to place me into teams that are not that good - or me that bad - just to troll me.

"Player harassment through MatchMaker system programming" :p

Or the system does it to throw me out.


Yes, I think the system probably hates you. :D I've had a 3-cap-win-after-it-was-written-off-as-a-certain-loss once. It's really an uplifting experience, and helps to keep you going through those horrible matches where you can't even keep one. Sort of like those last second hypergate pylon caps for the win, but even better because it's more rare.

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It's rare, but I find is less of a rare occurrence is a zone that initially looks bad, ends up being stellar. That's because some core tams do not utilize standard tactics, and might want to say win Hypergate by capping both nodes, send a strike team to the off-node after seeing what's up on the mid, taking side nodes in Novare by only putting up a token resistance in the mid, letting the first ball through in the huttball, to position their passing chain....


And, oh, yeah, I had a sleepless night over my loss of Alacrity, and I am pulling out one of the power augments, an replacing it with Alac. That was, I traded critical for surge compared to my previous set up. ten, OMG, it's just a datacron run before I qualify for the minimum player-feedback based requirements for solo ranked. But, uhm, a Datacron run... yakes!

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... letting the first ball through in the huttball, to position their passing chain....


OMG - I was against a team that did that to us. I got the ball at the start, ran up to the first "middle catwalk" fire, passed across and watch the 3 defenders after me all run right into the fire and die. My team mate scored, and I thought "well, this is going to be easy". Then they scored 6 on us in like 2 minutes I swear. Was an eye opener for sure. :D


But, uhm, a Datacron run... yakes!


Ugh. I think I would like datacrons better if it were like a treasure hunt where they actually gave clues/riddles about where they were. I'm not a fan of jumping games. But ESO has... uhm... skyshards? something like that - where they have a whole list in your "journal" with riddles about where they are, and I like that a lot better.


And great games today. Had a lot of fun. Some details for all of our viewers (all 3 I'm sure :D)...


Domi & I finally queue sync'd (ha!) into a premade! Of two. :D Started with a VS where we were both just warming up. Turned into a really close game, both teams getting through the first door, and holding at the second. They ended up winning. :( But Domi & I were at the top of the charts! :D


Next was... what? An ACW I think. I took the off node, but it wasn't lonely for a change. I got the chance to make lots of inc calls. And the enemy had several stealths and tried some sneak attacks, baiting me off the node, all kinds of stuff. Luckily I remembered all the lessons from this thread and others on the forum, and kept my eye on the turret at all times! Plus the team responded to incs, and we had a good healer. So we won.


Had a few more good matches after that. There was one were we had an intense battle at south (NC) going almost the whole time, with a few thrusts at east. We had awesome heals though - one of the few matches I've been in where I had 0 deaths. My apologies to Domi for that one, because I did not MVP her, which might be a breach of protocall, but that healer really deserved it! (And I saw you got an MVP from someone else, so I didn't feel so bad.)


Unfortunately we ended on a bad note, where we got one of those teams where 3 people stand at the off node from the start. :( And one "troll", I guess (that's what Domi called 'em) who was a cons without an advance class. We lost that one hard.


Still, I usually solo queue, so it was nice to have at least ONE other person that I knew was going to be doing the right thing. :D

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AH, yes, lots of fun! Well, I was kindda excited about that Consular without an AC - a real troll on the Harbinger! It was karma we've got the toon though in that last game, 'cause it was with the other team a couple of times. :(


I spent a good 3 hours collecting End/WP datacrons, and the Taris WP4+ almost defeated me. But yeah, I managed, so it's Quesh next. Tomorrow. Gonna take a break and then play the Heals in the evening.

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Sort of like those last second hypergate pylon caps for the win, but even better because it's more rare.


I even got that a few days ago ( I think it was Friday evening or Saturday ) :


Lowest bracket, being farmed by the Empire faction - Hypergates - lost both gates in one round ... The next one they were attacking our own gate whiole I desperately - not knowing what else to do because we were already beaten so much - went to their gate - and actually managed to take it ! Meanwhile they tried to take our gate ! Yay ! :D


It didn't help us, of course, because we were getting farmed so much - but seeing them running to their gate - we got 2 at that point ! - was a fabulous sight ! :D


Plus, as I tried that before that last round I was of course beaten by trying to take their gate - but was able to bind so many of them that I think 3 of them were killed by the gate explosion coming only seconds after they had killed by character. :D


These are the moments I love - being able to do some serious damage. :)

They are rare, though ... :(


Edit : I'm not talking Ranked, of course. I was an experiment to see how different PvP Gunslinger Saboteur is from PvE Saboteur.

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