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A PvP a Day...


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Ha! As always, ignore the haters. :D I doubt it was *the* Snave, since any video I've ever seen of his, he never stays just to guard. He's always at another node making something happen. :D But, of course, I don't know Snave from Adam, so who knows.


BTW, you can tell if your operative team mate is a healer (or at least likely a healer) by whether they keep their HOT on you even when you are out of the fight. It's important for their healing ability to keep their HOT's going, so if there is one nearby, you will probably have 2 stacks of that going at all times. A non-healer CAN put HOT's on you, but it doesn't help them with their DPS (as far as I remember), so they are less likely to be doing that during the down-time.


I'm still in midbies with my current toons, so of course "it doesn't count", be we had an AWESOME Nov Coast yesterday. Pub side Harby, no less, which, also "of course", never wins. (Actually, in mids, we win a lot.) But we went back and forth trading nodes through the whole game. A lot of action at all the different nodes - neither team settled into the "pound our heads against THIS wall that's not moving" type strategy, everyone always trying to surprise the other side and doing so. The final trade was we recapped south from them when we had just 2%, and they had 10%. It was actually kind of a lame cap by yours truly. In the middle of the melee at south I just walked into the bunker and started capping, because why not? The whole time I'm thinking, 'they'll stop this any second, they'll stop this any second", but they didn't. So we took it. :D


They tried rushing west as their last effort, and we got there in time to hold them off. Won it 2% to 0%.

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Ha! As always, ignore the haters. :D I doubt it was *the* Snave, since any video I've ever seen of his, he never stays just to guard. He's always at another node making something happen. :D But, of course, I don't know Snave from Adam, so who knows.


What? No, no no! I was talking about 2 different games and 2 different scoundrels. Dont know even how the second one was called..

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Continue going full Rep!


Had a pretty solid winning streak today (though ended with a loss), and one intense match I wanted to mention.


Queshabll, we start sloppy, but then tie and go one goal ahead (3:2). 50 seconds left, the fight for the ball is on the ground floor, and it’s a tough fight, our team decides to keep the ball. Imps do very good on focusing down carriers, so we pass the ball around until a VG grabs it and decides to stay with it for some reason with 30% health left. He gets globalled, and the ball flies up (or somebody from enemy team did grab & pass real quick) and at the same moment I go down shouting out curses on Vanguard’s head. I appear at respawn, 25 seconds to go it is opened and I rush to upper acid to push carrier (Jugg) when he approaches… but instead that Jugg, who was probably too desperate to win, runs blindly towards his goal line where he gets caught by mentioned VG and a Sage and gets killed. Then we score. Woa. 4-2 at 2 secs to go.


My laughter was so hysterical I had to make a break.

At the same time I felt really sorry for poor Jugg.:confused:


GG! :)

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Okey, this was the best Qushball in my entire life!


In the space of one single match I managed to:


1) Score once


2) Walk all the way to their goal line, pass the acid pit, and die, but not before passing the ball to scoundrel who stood there so he scored. (literally in half or second between me being stunned and me being dead) Thats quite the achievement cause I am a clicker, dont have "pass the ball" binded and generally dont have a good situational awarness. Oh and I was stunned and near death, did i mentioned that?:D


3) Got the ball and hold it for a minute until match ended, because we scored 3 times. then they scored 3 times. Luckly I was on Commando, guarded and healed:p And once again, 0 votes for all my efforts...


Also had 2 AHG witch, strangely, we won. A special mention goes to operative, who was very bad at killing me (So bad, that one time he attacked me I ignored him alltogether, killed a merc who was fighting somebody else, then switched to operative and killed him) I think I killed him 3 or 4 times because he kept coming to our pylon which I guarded. And it has nothing to do with my OP defense CD, because I saw many operatives easily shredding my Commando, running circles around me, and I couldnt do anything to them, while this guy just stood and dpsed me and then died. Pity, really.


Also had a string of arenas. Two arenas in a row had us with healer and them with tank, we won both.


Another arena had holy trinity on our side versus 2 maras, ops and sorc. We won 1 round but lost second. Probably because of me, I was last person standing and I forgot about my medpack and dcd:D 3 round was ours, me and a sent (I think) were only ones left versus a mara. Shooting yet another operative (completely different one) for 24k and killing him felt so good.

Edited by Gelious
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Played a few games with friends yesterday, prior to that did one game solo and came up against 3 eng snipes, 3 mercs, Jugg n sorc in midbies voidstar which was pretty hellish. At least one premade, literally died like 13 times or something.


So my conclusion atm is, unless my guildies or buddies are online, pvp is just completely unenjoyable. not just cos of losing, I don't mind losing, I just don't like chain nets and plasma probe spams all over the show.


Finding it hard to stay PvPositive...

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Well, that's a first. I met a troll in a warzone. I mean I heard rumors, stories, complaints, but I never actually experienced any of that myself. Until yesterday.


It began in Novare Coast. 3 people decided to go to closest side turret which was East - me on my Sin, Powertech, and some other guy. Powertech immidiately complained that only one person should go there. I didn't read anything into his words just then. So 3 people went to east, cap it, 1 person then went to West, cause most of others also were there. Mid was taken by enemy.


Me and PT stayed at east. That's when I noticed something really weird - PT was standing behind the bunkers right wall outside. And it was eastern bunker, so he not only couldn't see what was going on inside, he would miss any incomings from the west too. And I have a PT myself, I know all about shouldercannons, that allow PT to stop cap even when stunned. So *** was he doing?


Anyway, I assumed PT was a pro and had a reason to do things his way. West keep calling for help, so I left him there. As soon as I arrived to west, east got taken by enemy. No call for help was issued. No idea what happened, since I wasn't there. Anyway, we eventually took east back, but not before enemy got all other guns, so we lost the match.


At that point I still wasn't thinking PT was a troll. I decided he was a noob. Nothing wrong with that, right?


Next WZ - Civil War, PT is there as well. Me, Marauder and PT go to left gun and take it. Marauder runs of to opposite side, because mid is taken by enemy and most of our group are on right side. (I honestly dont remember, which side was grass and which was snow in this match) I decide to follow marauder, but half way there I open the map to make sure that the left is guarded.... it is not. PT is nowhere to be seen, he disappeared. There was no call for help, and not enough time to him to die. ***? I run back, There is no one at the gun, thankfully no enemies too.


Powertech suddenly returns, I don't know from where. This is when I notice his really weird behavior - he runs all over the area. Not just near the gun, literally all over the area, sometimes really far from the gun. Once again, I assume he knows what he is doing, my bad. I decide to pay a quick visit to mid, because one of us is there, and most of the fighting is elsewhere.


I arrive at mid just in time to see 2 defenders kill our guy there. Situation is clearly hopeless. I turn around to run back to our gun and see two horrible things a) PT was following me the entire time and now standing beside me b) There is a beam of light behind our gun. Of course I fail to reach the gun in time to stop cap. This is when my patience ends and I ask PT why the hell he left the gun? He doesnt say anything in chat, but he uses the "smile" action, whatever it is called. (Probably because everyone is on the other side of the field and out of range, so no once but me can see "character smiles" in the window log)


I no longer believe PT is a noob. I finally check his gear... yep, 129k hp, same as my fully 248 mara. And he was in 2 wz (that I know) Clearly not a new guy, just an ******e how doesn't need UC anymore and enjoys ruining everybody's day for no reason. Now I uderstand why he was so annoyed when 3 people went East in Novarre - he intended to guard it alone and hand it to the enemy and didn't want any interference.


I expose him in the ops chat. He doesn't even attemp to defend himself in any way, just calls me noob and blames me for everything. I spend the rest of WZ exposing him as a troll, because we can't take back our gun and now enemy has advantage. We lose WZ. Another member of the group who tried his best to reverse the situation later whispers me to stop talking to PT because he doesn't exist.


P.S. To all imperial players of Red Eclipse, if you ever find yourself in wz with a PT called "Neverbegood", do not let him solo guard anything, he will deliver it to the enemy team on the silver platter. Yes, I remember, that name calling is against the rules, but people must now about him. Unfortunately he didn't have his Legacy name displayed:(

Edited by Gelious
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That's when I noticed something really weird - PT was standing behind the bunkers right wall outside. And it was eastern bunker, so he not only couldn't see what was going on inside, he would miss any incomings from the west too. And I have a PT myself, I know all about shouldercannons, that allow PT to stop cap even when stunned. So *** was he doing?


Anyway, I assumed PT was a pro and had a reason to do things his way. West keep calling for help, so I left him there. As soon as I arrived to west, east got taken by enemy. No call for help was issued. No idea what happened, since I wasn't there. Anyway, we eventually took east back, but not before enemy got all other guns, so we lost the match.


As a node guard you always want to stand far enough away that a stealther cannot sap you and start clicking the node at the same time. This usually requires a distance of about 15-20 meters from the clickable object. Thats not as big of a deal on Novare coast since it takes a long time to fully reverse cap a node.


You can, if you are within 30m or so, hear the audible click noise of someone capping in Novare before they start. This is doubly helpful on stealth as the game doesn't render a stealther immediately when they destealth so they get a half second or so head start before you can see them. But you CAN hear the click when they start the cap.


If you are behind the node its very unlikely that a single stealther will be able to stealth cap you and get more than a single nugget or so of the cap before you can interrupt them.


The problem with that position is that two stealthers now have a HUGE advantage over you. Reason: You get sapped back there, then sapped again, then slowed/harassed and you cannot gain line of sight to the other guy capping during this time possibly giving them enough time to fully take the node. If you are not directly against the wall or a sin/shadow tank pull then KBs you off the ledge, your node is done.


The only time I'd recommend even considering that position is if you were a Sorc/Sage and had your phase set inside the bunker.


Otherwise, it just makes more since to be on the open side of the bunker, 20-30m away from the activation point. I like the turret area personally, as the turret and the empty ammo pallet (with the 4 posts) provide some hazardous terrain that impedes direct travel to the node after sapping you.


Best thing to do is when sapped, Type out your inc and include that its a stealther and even that you are sapped (implies stealther), something like "EAST 1-2 Sapped!!!" Takes 2-3 seconds of your 4-8 second CC.


When you come out of stealth you'll want to interrupt them and keep doing so. If they vanish, try your best to do an AOE, a knockback aoe with dmg is preferred. Hoping to immediately reenter combat. Obviously a stealth scan is great here if you are quick at it. mines bound to Z, so its easy to hit.


If you get whitebar 8 second mezd and they are capping, then break it.


I try to get them to break a 4 second stun during my white bar so I can 8 second mez them as its wearing off with position that allows me to immediately click the node.


After I've initiated click, I then go back into spam, if necessary to relay the urgency of my need for help.


As a merc, the last thing I do as mez wears off is put a sticky grenade on them so that if I get CCd again, thats a few more seconds of interrupt.


And thats about all I can do. If they are really good that probably only took 30 seconds. If they are less good that may have taken over a minute.


It takes about 15 seconds to rotate from East to west and vs vs, it takes about 20 seconds to rotate from S to E or W (most classes can -3-5 seconds from that with movement enhancement).


If I get Sapped and I note that there are two stealthers I'll type "E NOW NOWNOWNOW!!!" or something and spam it.


As with any node guarding, you're guaranteed to lose vs. two stealthers (unless they are horrible, which we have to assume they are not).

Edited by Wimbleton
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Well, that's a first. I met a troll in a warzone. I mean I heard rumors, stories, complaints, but I never actually experienced any of that myself. Until yesterday. ...


This is why I wish /ignore would work for WZs. And rank people in the queue as those who have the most /ignores (add both against them, and their own) at the bottom, maybe legacy wide. Yes, it would make queues longer. I. Don't. Care. Also, another argument for getting into your own premade. At least 3 other people you are sure of that way.


Although that guy was obviously a troll, or maybe a bot (I don't know if you can script stuff to make your toon reply in chat - probably), some of the behavior is legit I think.


I've seen people guard from beside the bunkers, and it's legit because on that WZ you can hear the "click" of someone starting to cap it. So you don't actually have to have the cap spot in sight. Although, I will admit this has failed me on occasion, but you can also see them capping in the "who owns it" icons on the score board, so you can keep an eye on it that way too.


Also, I almost always run all over the place in NC (and other WZs too) when I'm solo guarding. Even if I'm in stealth. I figure any super-secret hiding place that I might stand in, everyone else has already thought of it too. And even in the 5.0 era of super-steatlh, I've still been found and mezzed while standing in stealth. So if I move around it makes it just that much harder for them to find me. If I have another guard with me, I still run all over, but usually not near the other guard. That we we can't both be hit by some random lucky AOE mezz.


But no calls, and maybe what looks like him/her setting his toon to just follow you... yeah, again, I wish /ignore would work.

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My all-time favorite huttball match was the time I killed the ball respawn script. After scoring the second of two goals, the script broke, and as soon as the ball would respawn, we would score.


Haha. So if you scored, you got two, and if they scored, you got one anyway? That's like the old money-counting joke. 1 for you, 1 for me. 2 for you, 1 2 for me. 3 for you. 1 2 3 for me... :D


We had a lovely, picture perfect steal in a lowbie AHG today. Back and forth match, with us up, then them up, then we tied it up. Then they were pulling ahead at the end. They were going to win it, so I announced I'd try ninja theirs. They had 2 guards, so I called that. One mate came to distract. He pulled one of the guards way away, and beyond some LOS obstacles. I mezzed the remaining guard, started the cap. He broke it (had to, his fellow guard was distracted :p ). Then I did the slow lift cast. Got it off with 7 seconds left, and capped with 1 second left for the win.

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So if you scored, you got two, and if they scored, you got one anyway? That's like the old money-counting joke. 1 for you, 1 for me. 2 for you, 1 2 for me. 3 for you. 1 2 3 for me...
I guess in theory it could work that way. In practice, it scored automatically every time it reset. I don't think it even visually spawned to be picked up by anyone, before I would get credit for scoring again.
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