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A PvP a Day...


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Sounds fake, mate :p


Well, I might have been dreaming. I *do* sometimes have dreams so vivid that I'm not sure when I wake up at first... :p


I was so proud of me for being so useful other than as a Predation battery.

OMG, that's an excellent name for a mara/sent. "Predation Battery". hahahahaha


The rest of your post... yes, actually I do really like when I get into teams that are communicating, or even don't need much verbal communication, but are just synching up. Where the team is paying attention to the "board" and rotating correctly and that kind of thing. I still remember the first time I saw that from someone on the other team playing against us. It was on POT5, but I don't remember the toon name anymore... was my very early days of PvP many years ago. But I definitely remember thinking, "dang it! No matter where we go THAT person is right there stopping us from doing anything". So that's what I work towards still. Just being one of those people that's in the right place all the time. :D


That arena match I commented about though did seem unusual to me. I've seen a lot of arenas where the team will do some talking up front, have a plan, and sometime stick to it, sometimes not. And maybe try to change things up for round 2 if things go poorly. But I've hardly ever seen all three rounds be so obviously modified by both teams adjusting. It was actually very cool. And also a little sad, because I think too many PvP'rs tend too give up to quickly and declare the match "hopeless, lets just sit somewhere and collect medals", instead of thinking "what can we do different".


I can't move and fight at the same time. They always come after me after the first round. Someone's talking.


There's an old "D&D" cartoon, the party is walking along and the fighter looks up in panic and says, "I think I just failed a spot check!" I play a healer lately, so I'm always thinking, "I think I just got marked!" :D

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There's an old "D&D" cartoon, the party is walking along and the fighter looks up in panic and says, "I think I just failed a spot check!" I play a healer lately, so I'm always thinking, "I think I just got marked!" :D


Sadly Bioware never released the rules set they use for SWTOR as an pen & paper rules set ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Sadly Bioware never released the rules set they use for SWTOR as an pen & paper rules set ...


If you go to Amazon and search "star wars roleplaying game" there is a bunch of hits though. I don't know what they are like now. I remember the "original-ish" one (don't know if it was actually the FIRST one) which focused a LOT on a "scene". It was very action oriented, and travel-between-scenes stuff was minimized - basically just like the movies. I thought it was pretty cool, but never played it much.

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If you go to Amazon and search "star wars roleplaying game" there is a bunch of hits though. I don't know what they are like now. I remember the "original-ish" one (don't know if it was actually the FIRST one) which focused a LOT on a "scene". It was very action oriented, and travel-between-scenes stuff was minimized - basically just like the movies. I thought it was pretty cool, but never played it much.


The very first rules set were from West End Games (WEG), and I actually played with that for some time in a group.

They did all of the ground work. Nearly EVERYTHING that is "Expanded Universe" has THIS as its foundation !


The second rules set was from Wizards Of The Coast (WOTC), those who had the (A)D&D license, too.


This now is the third rules set. I don't even remember its publisher (Edit : It's Fantasy Flight Games), and I don't know it at all so far, but, well, it's the newest thing you can have now.

I don't know whether it overlaps with Bioware's rules set, I haven't got the slightest idea about that.

I'm just a little bit surprised that no nerd has ever tried to distill an pen & paper rules set out of what can be seen in SWTOR. Real nerds are known to do everything , but this ... ?


Edit : There's an overview on the systems : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_role-playing_games

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to drop in and state that I've finally unsubbed. I return to my favourite hobby now, and that is writing

("See ? All writers are bad PvP players !" :p ) .


I'll get into the game once in a while, but then I'll be F2P, if ever.


As my "last hurrah" I opened up a more general, RPG oriented discussion here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=914297


Good luck everyone ! May the Force be with you !

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Just wanted to drop in and state that I've finally unsubbed. I return to my favourite hobby now, and that is writing

("See ? All writers are bad PvP players !" :p ) .


I'll get into the game once in a while, but then I'll be F2P, if ever.


As my "last hurrah" I opened up a more general, RPG oriented discussion here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=914297


Good luck everyone ! May the Force be with you !


I write and if I'm not talking myself down, I'm at least competent at PvP. I know I'm better than 'okay' but that doesn't stop me making stupid mistakes when I get overconfident so I'm passable. I'm sorry you're leaving but hope you have a nice juicy idea to write and play with.

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Yes, I've already begun pla<nning and writing on something I haven't seen so far - not in this form.

I'll need some time to get this thing right, though. As I was rather a short story writer, planning and doing longer texts was never something I could do well. But now I'm "byting myself through it", so to say.


It is interesting : That "will to win" that all PvP players are kind of required to have, that self-confidence - in writing, I have it.

But interestingly not in PvP.


In writing, I know what I can do, what I'm good at and what I can achieve. I know myself quite well, and I have full control of the situation.

In PvP, it isn't so - there are far too many variables called "other players".


I think that this is really something I'm much better suited for.

But, well, I don't think I can make PvP players think "I wish I could write things this way". ;) In contrast to PvP players making me think "I wish I could play this way" ( it's about bragging time ! ;) ).


Well, it's time to move on.

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Wonder when we get the first pvper from Austin into this thread? Just how this thread seems to have outlived its OP by a year or so . . .


I often find it refreshing to find my way back to this thread, the honesty, joy and passion for the pvp in this game really shine thru here . . . :)


. . . I'm at least competent at PvP. ..


Anyone is in a decent combined team . . .

Edited by t-darko
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Wonder when we get the first pvper from Austin into this thread? Just how this thread seems to have outlived its OP by a year or so . . .


I often find it refreshing to find my way back to this thread, the honesty, joy and passion for the pvp in this game really shine thru here . . . :)




Anyone is in a decent combined team . . .


The key is teamwork as long as we're talking decent players than classes- yes I can do a lot, hold myself more responsible when I know that I'm better than tunnel vision or carry a certain map but at the end of the day, you can have a bad class setup and still win as long as you're working together. And I'd say not everybody which is why you have to be careful- I blame myself for one loss after needing to go and defend another node because the two other guards on ours kept fighting away from the node we were guarding when the other team was pressing with one decoy/one stealth that kept coming back.


I did take that loss and learn from it- and have the 'playing decoy' wins to show for it where I took what they did and applied it to many a win afterwards.


I think our passion for PvP- what they did with Bolster and gear irks me but despite myself, I can't help but play on because I love it is something Austin shouldn't be taking for granted.

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Just wanted to drop in and state that I've finally unsubbed. I return to my favourite hobby now, and that is writing!


Aw. Sorry to see you go Alrik. Good luck with the writing though! That's kind of inspiring actually. I often feel like I'm "wasting time" just playing this silly game. I really should be doing something more productive. :D



I did take that loss and learn from it- and have the 'playing decoy' wins to show for it where I took what they did and applied it to many a win afterwards.


Heck, yesterday I had to relearn a lesson I know all to well. Was fighting a close ACW, and I was running under the tunnels to get to snow. I came out of the tunnel, and saw some red guys and some green guys at the node, and one red guy right at the tunnel exit with low health. And I thought, I have enough time to finish this guy off!


I fought him for a bit, noticed that NO, actually we were about to lose snow. Broke off to run to snow to stop the cap... and he lifted me. I had no breaker, and got to spin in the air helplessly while they took the node. And the whole time I'm spinning round and round, I'm thinking to myself, "crap, I just became one of THOSE people that fight off the node". So mad at myself. :(

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Aw. Sorry to see you go Alrik. Good luck with the writing though! That's kind of inspiring actually. I often feel like I'm "wasting time" just playing this silly game. I really should be doing something more productive. :D


We have akll become too much consumers, instead of productive people. Just take a look at the iDevices : People use them to be passive, not to create something (yes, talking is something active, but that's not what i mean).


My fear is just that we all might get driven or nudged into a more passive state - just take a look at Wall-E, the movie, to see what I mean.


If we become consumers, that's great for the firms that are producing content : The more consumers = the more passive people = the more profites.


The underlying problem of that is psychology : What kind of personality makes those at the top of a corporation wanting more and more money = profites for themselves and their kind - and withholding their share from the workers, unless the workers become shareholders, too ? That's a model I'm currently working on.


So, for now I've decided not to be a consumer anymore - but rather to create something.

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  • 3 weeks later...



People not watching the nodes is becoming a serious problem for me. Here are the examples from last couple of days.


1) CW - we hold snow and mid and go head-to-head with the other team in hp of the ships. Me and the other guy are guarding snow. I write in chat, asking people to watch the guns and fight near them. Then we lost mid, because there was only 1 guy there and he was not near the gun. But second later after losing mid we gain grass, so no big deal. Me and a PT still holding snow (no one tries to take it), I think about going grass, but decide that since other six guys all there they are quite capable of holding it without a lousy skilled Marauder helping them. So i write in chat (again) about keeping an eye on the gun. Then I look on map, and guess what? All six are far away from the gun, not a single player near it. Naturally, the gun gets taken, we lose the WZ.


2)Novare Coast. Pretty much the same thing with the middle gun. Hell before they took it from under out nose I nearly took it myself, cause no one was stopping me. And we capped it only to lose it.


3)That one time when we were better at it, then the enemy, Voidstar, 1 round we defend, they never got anywhere. 2 round - after 5 minutes we still haven't get anywhere either. Emerging from spawn point I see a big battle on the left, and 2x2 battle on the right, pretty far from the door. So I hit Predation, engage Force Cameo and Mad Dash to the door. I plant, just as someone in chat suggests to focus on one side. Victory.


So please, people, dont just fight in the general vicinity of your node, keep an eye on it.


P.S. In another, totally unrelated news, Huttball and Queshball were horrible this week. 6:0. Probably didnt help that the latter had me in almost completely melee team, (1 sorc, all other melee), and in the former the enemy had 3 people visiting our own base on a regular basis.


P.P.S. Please watch the nodes.

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Two amazing ACW matches for me today. The first one, constant fighting at all the nodes, and we ended up losing 0-10 while holding two nodes and coming up from slightly behind in a very close game. It wasn't clear until the very last tick who was going to win. By far the closest ACW match I have ever been in.


The second, another close one, we won 60-0 coming from *way* behind because we only started with 6 people and the other team 3-capped almost immediately. Fought back, eventually got backfills, won in a super close finish. Epic.

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People not watching the nodes is becoming a serious problem for me. Here are the examples from last couple of days.


1) CW - we hold snow and mid and go head-to-head with the other team in hp of the ships. Me and the other guy are guarding snow. I write in chat, asking people to watch the guns and fight near them. Then we lost mid, because there was only 1 guy there and he was not near the gun. But second later after losing mid we gain grass, so no big deal. Me and a PT still holding snow (no one tries to take it), I think about going grass, but decide that since other six guys all there they are quite capable of holding it without a lousy skilled Marauder helping them. So i write in chat (again) about keeping an eye on the gun. Then I look on map, and guess what? All six are far away from the gun, not a single player near it. Naturally, the gun gets taken, we lose the WZ.


2)Novare Coast. Pretty much the same thing with the middle gun. Hell before they took it from under out nose I nearly took it myself, cause no one was stopping me. And we capped it only to lose it.


3)That one time when we were better at it, then the enemy, Voidstar, 1 round we defend, they never got anywhere. 2 round - after 5 minutes we still haven't get anywhere either. Emerging from spawn point I see a big battle on the left, and 2x2 battle on the right, pretty far from the door. So I hit Predation, engage Force Cameo and Mad Dash to the door. I plant, just as someone in chat suggests to focus on one side. Victory.


So please, people, dont just fight in the general vicinity of your node, keep an eye on it.


P.S. In another, totally unrelated news, Huttball and Queshball were horrible this week. 6:0. Probably didnt help that the latter had me in almost completely melee team, (1 sorc, all other melee), and in the former the enemy had 3 people visiting our own base on a regular basis.


P.P.S. Please watch the nodes.


This week was kind of odd(particularly Tuesday). With the increase of UC i think there is a renewed wave of new people doing pvp. I'll make a top 3 of this week so far:


3- Odessen: There is usually one or two that does not know how to actually play this WZ properly (i used to be one too at first), but this week was really bad. Almost every OTG WZ ended with one team 600 and the other less than 200, yesterday i finally got one balanced. In one there was an enemy sorc holding a red mod and doing absolutely NOTHING with it while fighting in our controlled zones; and it wasn't a bad player as he (plus 1) could hold his ground against 4 people for over 2 "rounds" without much problem.


2- Voidstar with a few noobs is actually more fun, as little mistakes are what makes this map progress :p

Sometimes is good for your team, sometimes not; but it does provide some refresh from usual healfests.


1- The worst WZ i ever played. CW: It started actually good, Middle for no one and we got both Snow and Grass. But very soon we loose one and everything changed. I was in middle so i didn't see, but what happen is that apparently it was an Stealth Cap (by a sin, actually a very know JC player that some people consider to be an AFKer, clearly he wasn't AFK). Eventually the enemy also wins middle after our healer leaves the WZ (don't know if it was an angry quit or a disconection). Soon after that, the other seven players (including the replacement) decided that the other team were cheating, that they were tired of that and ALL SEVEN went to our only turret and sit there. I'm not joking, SEVEN of eight players doing nothing in one node waiting for the WZ to end. I was in my hatred sin, without a healer arround i usually die quickly so being alone against 3+ merc/sniper/etc was just sad. The only thing i could do was mind control a few and see how they went crazy tring to find me (that was the only fun for me and the other team). Before the WZ ended I apologised to the other team because even if it wasn't me i was actually ashamed of my team behavior.


Bonus track: Huttball, most of the HB WZ i played this week were very balanced, Odd.

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Two amazing ACW matches for me today. The first one, constant fighting at all the nodes, and we ended up losing 0-10 while holding two nodes and coming up from slightly behind in a very close game. It wasn't clear until the very last tick who was going to win. By far the closest ACW match I have ever been in.


The second, another close one, we won 60-0 coming from *way* behind because we only started with 6 people and the other team 3-capped almost immediately. Fought back, eventually got backfills, won in a super close finish. Epic.


Those kind of matches are the best. Too bad those are also rare.

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I know what you mean about OPG. I was in one today where two people ran right by a battlemod to go camp in a taken node and didn't even bother picking it up. I grabbed it (accelerate) and finished the node early.


Another guy had the activate mod and was camping in a taken node too.


It's my favorite WZ, but it's not very noob friendly I guess. It took me a while to learn it myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Best stomp so far, won Hypergates in two rounds on Shadowlands (imp v imp).


Here is how it happened. We start with 6 players going for our pylon and me and another guy (both Deception Sin) going for theirs. Teammates cap ours immediately. The other sin and I arrive at their pylon, we have a straight up 2v2 fight, we kill their two players but by that time enemy reinforcements arrive, I end up dying only to see that all of my teammates have gotten to their pylon (save for one guarding ours). We destroy them there and cap both with 10 seconds remaining. We are up 274-0 in the first round. Second round, we have 2 go for ours, 6 go for theirs. We cap ours, then my teammates stun/slow every player on the other team while the other sin caps theirs. They send about 3 hopeless waves to recap theirs (they all die each time). Then they try to cap ours with 30 seconds remaining, our guard holds them off until the cavalry arrives. We win 636-0 after two rounds. Best team I ever had, they knew exactly what to do at what time and that was hands down the easiest hypergates victory. Also got top DPS with 3000.1 DPS :D.

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  • 1 month later...

I channel the power of the Dark Side to bring this thread back to life!


So I grew bored of grinding t 4 my marauder and facing firing squads of mercs and snipes (seriously, one wz had 3 mercs and 2 snipers) and decided to PvP a bit on my own Commando again, since it was pretty fun before and i decided to make her my republic main anyway.


Since it's monday, I decided to finish the entire weekly. The results were pretty depressing. Don't know whether I was just unlucky, or all good Rep pvpers of Red Eclipse are not playing on Monday, but we won 4 wz (out of 17) And even then, 2 of them were arenas, where we got good class composition and a healer, and 3rd was OPG, where besides me there was only one vanguard and 6 imps. The one pure victory was Huttbal, 6:1 (and the only reason imps ever managed to score because they had to pass ball 3-4 times in a row)


The highlights are:


1 arena. We had 3 commandos (lol, but one of them was heal) and a sent. They had PT, sorc-healer, jugg and mara. Since PT was guarding Sorc, he was focused. I honestly felt bad for this player, running around under heavy fire, but he didn't go down easy.


2 arena was fun because there was a merc heal who i got to shoot in both rounds, and enemy team never tried to stop me.


I hate queshball, but at least its actually engoyable on ranged char. We lost, but it was a decent 6;3 (compared to usual 6:0 and the fact that i was the only ranged char on team) It actually looked like we were gonna win for some time, cause we got to 3 points first, but then Imps started scoring...


Also nearly the first arena had an enemy team of a tank, healer, and one dps operative named Snave, while we just had 4 dps. I don't need to tell you how that turned out.:D

Edited by Gelious
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This is a shout-out to the participants in a truly fantastic BC queshball match last night. Final score was 3-2 (we lost), and the entire match was well-played and hard-fought. No death-matching, no AFKers, no trash-talking, nada, zip, zilch. Solid, objective-oriented play from every player on both teams. It's the kind of match that restores my faith in PVP.


And, to the sage who pulled me up for the (potentially) tying goal, and the sin who knocked me out of the way and prevented me from scoring just before the buzzer - hats off to both of you. Would have been nice to win, but I can't complain. That was a great time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanna do the same as Kurj. Just two great game for me on Harby imp side. They were not as picture perfect as the ones s/he described, but both teams came to play, and both kept playing through to the end of each.


A "healer heavy" Void Star. We started on defense, and it looked like we were going to stall them at door 1, and then we just plain and simple messed up. 1 person on the other door, the rest of us on "west" and we just let them plant west while we were all right there. I don't even think it was a "oh we were deathmatching" mentality. Just that perfect storm of no one happening to check quickly enough, or those that did happened to get Cc'd at just the right time, and bam! They planted. They ended up making it through the bridge, and stalled out on door #2. Amazingly, no one really complained, or even left!


On our turn we banged our heads against door #1 for a while, and, again, it looked like the heals were going to take the day with no excitement to end it... but then we caught them with a couple defenders at west. They had just come out of spawn, and stopped our plant-in-progress, and I think they just didn't expect us to try it again right away. So while two of my mates kept them busy, I just immediately started the plant again right behind their backs. :p Then we got through the bridge, and managed to explode the bomb on door #2 with 23 seconds left!


Second game was a ACW. I went for the off node, while the rest went mid. I have it just about capped, and I can see a guy approaching, but he's too far back to actually get to me in time to stop the cap. I call 1-inc anyway, and I get mezzed! Damn, 2 of them! It turned out there were three. I got some help, but not enough. We stalled them for quite a while, but they eventually took it. Meanwhile, though, we had already taken grass from them. Mid was still being fought over.


We got mid after a bit, and it looked good, but then we had a rash of non-inc-calls and late-inc calls, and we kept losing nodes. At one point they had us 3 capped! We got grass back (big thumbs up to the sin that helped me with that - and then stayed to guard!). We were still withing 1/2-way territory at that point. It looked like mid is where we were attacking, so I went there, but upon arriving I found the defenders streaming in back from snow. So I just stayed in stealth, up the ramps, and on to snow. A couple team mates were headed there also, and we managed to cap it (I didn't see who this time, but I was chearing when, in the middle of my cap, and the enemy rushing to stop it, I see that someone lifted him! nice!).


We spend the rest of the game literately rushing in off the landing spot to stop caps in progress. They tried for grass with a few seconds left, and we even managed that without over rotating. So we pulled a win out of that one too, 0 to 30 was the final score.


Love games like that.

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Had to take a long break from gaming bc work and thesis, but returned to SWTOR the other day and jumped into PvP with my Jugg. Did a Novarre where everyone was terrible, the Pubs were camping the spawn zone and I got focused for being a tank, but then had some fun in a nice round of CW. Having said that, I think I've forgotten how to tank...

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