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A PvP a Day...


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Isn't that when you get invested in the relationships between the fictional characters and then realise BioWare doesn't give you any same-sex options til after the class stories and lose interest? :p


(No comment on whether or not I'm speaking from personal experience here xD )


I STILL haven't tried PvP, just need to head back to my ship and collect my final reward for Alderaan. I've picked up some decent new gear so far so I'm hoping it'll compensate a little for LOSING THE ABILITY TO TAKE COVER SERIOUSLY I'M STILL ANNOYED ABOUT THAT

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Novarre as backfill, fairly incompetent team. I just camped at mid and held it since my teammates were all capping and running so we weren't holding turrets. I didn't die, and sent five Pubs to their graves (one twice) before our bunker collapsed. Then Oddessan, where I was predictably rubbish. I really find navigating my way around that map hard. Me and a few teammates held an objective for an entire round once. We lost. Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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Decided to take my Sniper out of mothballs today. She was level 10, still on Hutta with one mission to go. Got to the Fleet at 11 and went straight for PvP. Popped relatively quickly, Civil War. It was sweet. Very little communication but I capped and guarded Snow, we took Mid fairly fast and then settled in for a grind. Defended Snow successfully with a little help from my teammates, and then in the endgame we ended up taking Grass too! The Pubs were in such disarray that I actually abandoned an objective for my first time ever (someone here advised me to cap and run if I wanted to improve my damage, but nobody else ever seems to guard...) and entered the fray at Grass. I got four solo kills, which isn't bad for a squishy who ended up having to do a lot of up-close-and-personal fighting, and if medals are your thing I maxed out my defender medals and got a couple of damage ones. I placed relatively high up the table, and we won by a mile. So that was fun. Might do another one later. Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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I started leveling another alt, a Jugg, because it's one of the only subclasses I haven't tried. What I'm realising is just how much leveling and character creation have changed in my time away. I read the patch notes, so I knew I'd be choosing a subclass at the start, but I didn't expect to get Jugg abilities before level 10. That must throw all the distribution of new abilities as you level up out of whack. I don't suppose anyone's come across a comprehensive breakdown of those kinds of changes?
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I played one round of PvP with my Jugg today. AHG. We won by a mile, at one point the Pubs suffered a total party wipe when the pylons discharged. I actually did pretty well, carrying orbs back and forth, dealing decent damage. No credit to me, of course, I'm still deeply mediocre at tanking. I was just lucky to - for the first time ever when tanking - be on a team with a competent and experienced healer who had my back. And it made me feel so damn powerful :D
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PvP report: shouting into the void edition


Logged on as my Marksmanship Sniper, played a few matches. Was doing dailies and weeklies mostly. All Imp v Imp except Oddessan which was as per usual

Civil War: we were winning, the match ended early because too many people on the other team quit

Oddessan: a win! And I contributed stuff! Maybe I'm alright at this whole Sniper thing! I also got a medal for dealing a large amount of damage in a single blow which I earned because a Jugg force-leaped from out of my field of vision and landed on me, and I was so surprised I accidentally threw a grenade at his face :eek:

Huttball - The Pit: Another win, some great teamwork. I killed a Jugg about 30 seconds in and she spent the rest of the match coming after me, which was hilarious because 1) I had the advantage of range and 2) all my teammates realised this was what she was doing so once we were well ahead we started doing things like having me stand near a firetrap, wait for her to attack me and then a teammate would force-wave (that's the name for the Sage ability, I've never played a Sorc so I don't know what it's called for them) her into the flames. Fun times!

Novarre: Our bunker was on 98% when we won. I got the most damage medals I ever got in a game, and the dubious honour of being called a "******* camper" in open chat. I mean, if I'm defending South of course I'm going to take cover being one of the low walls of sandbag things, and of course I'm going to pick you off as you run up the hill, I mean I'm a Sniper. It's not my fault none of your Juggs thought to try force leaping at me before I could whittle away at their health. :p

Civil War: I'm seeing a lot of posts on here about 5.0 making Mercs OP (I should dig my PvE Merc out of mothballs and see), and I myself have complained about Ops losing the ability to take cover and how it's a big adjustment to get used to for such a squishy class. But let me tell you, I went into this on a team of two Snipers, two Sins, two Juggs, an Op and a Mara versus four Ops and four Sins. It was a BLOODBATH. We couldn't hold onto any turret for any meaningful length of time. Worse still, only me, a Jugg and a Sin had any clue of viable strategies for the WZ and once it became clear that we knew what we were doing we got focused to hell. Couldn't get within 20 metres of a node without getting stunlocked.


At this point I switched to my Balance Sage because I had fun with her before. All matches were Pub v Imp

Arena Deathmatch, the one with the wooden bridges: we won! All of us were alive at the end of round one, and in round two I got a big heroic moment when our Guardian got focused by their two Sins down in the water and I jumped off a bridge down beside him, pushed the Sins back with force wave, healed him to full and then fought by his side, dying heroically (or so I like to think) right before we won round two and the match.

Queshball: Drew 2-2, we lost on possession at the end of the game. There is nothing quite as satisfying as force-waving the ball carrier into an acid trap right when he's about to score. Got focused a bit by a Jugg I'd already encountered (and killed twice) on my Sniper. Our Ops Leader threw a tantrum when she realised we were about to lose.

Huttball - The Pit: We lost, and I got focused by that Jugg again, but I think I did quite well personally. High damage and heals, won two 1v1 fights (which is impressive for a semi-healer versus deception Sins, methinks). I even scored a goal. It was the same group as Queshball minus the Ops Leader from that match, who quit when she saw us. Then got backfilled, quit again, backfilled... four times

Civil War: What's worse then a ragtag Imp team coming up against a team of Sins and Ops? An even more ragtag team of Pubs coming up against the same - clearly premade - team of Sins and Ops, that's what! 30 seconds in I healed the Shadow who was the only other player on our team who knew what to do, and promptly got focused. I got stunlocked 25 times before I stopped counting, and I spent most of the second half of the map dying, respawning, running 10 metres in any given direction from the speeder landing pad, dying, and so on. Absolutely depressing.

Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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So, random PvP of the day... I had a dream that I was in an AHG and my team was **protecting the healer** (me). It must have been a dream, right? I mean, it seemed so real, but protecting the healer?


We had just 6 of us for the first 2 rounds, and we were winning! I think we didn't have a single death yet. (I think they were short handed too, but I'm ignoring that in favor of my version. :p)


I did eventually die once, after I over extended myself into mid too far and got netted. Still... was a good game.

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PvP for me now is mostly getting tunneled by 3 arsenal mercs while chasing down a sorc because the butthurt from 4.0 carried over to 5.0.


I got 2.5 mil damage taken and died 11 times, but I killed that sorc.

Edited by Ruhun
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PvP for me now is mostly getting tunneled by 3 arsenal mercs while chasing down a sorc because the butthurt from 4.0 carried over to 5.0.


I got 2.5 mil damage taken and died 11 times, but I killed that sorc.


lol sorcs pretty much took mercs place in 5.0. most sorcs are just free kills, they are incredibly squishy and hit like a pillow

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lol sorcs pretty much took mercs place in 5.0. most sorcs are just free kills, they are incredibly squishy and hit like a pillow


I'm still mad at them, they also still have PW and bubble, along with the flash stun.


Once I stun a merc using his reflect Im good for the most part.

They can still hold a mod in Odessen with bubble and not lose the node.


The only good about this patch is it also ****s sorcs because there are more nets flying around.

Edited by Ruhun
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I'm still mad at them, they also still have PW and bubble, along with the flash stun.


Once I stun a merc using his reflect Im good for the most part.

They can still hold a mod in Odessen with bubble and not lose the node.


The only good about this patch is it also ****s sorcs because there are more nets flying around.


ya, I kind of main merc heals so i jut net them and watch them struggle :p

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I got 2.5 mil damage taken and died 11 times, but I killed that sorc.


A true hero.


I spent Monday and Tuesday leveling up an Infiltration Sage just to see what it plays like (I know I should stop jumping between classes but I'm still only figuring out what works for me). Did one match with her, Oddessan, which we won and I actually felt like I contributed something to for once.


I think I've figured out my problem with Oddessan by the way. It's a map made for premades. I'm not knocking premades now, bear with me.


There seem to be only one or two viable strategies that work, the map is divided up into chunks with no clear line of sight between them, and objectives change at random. It's not a map for a bunch of newcomers who don't fully understand their roles, don't have all their abilities and aren't great at co-ordination. The chat channel is fine for shouting basic information and instructions (calling incoming, for example) but complex co-ordination requires voice chat and/or a team who are used to working together.


I still haven't figured out why people treat the Pit as a Huttball arena and Quesh as team deathmatch.

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I think I've figured out my problem with Oddessan by the way. It's a map made for premades. I'm not knocking premades now, bear with me.


This map is also the most luck-based, imo. Get a good string of nodes popping right under you, and it becomes much easier to rack up points. But if the next round they all pop on the other side of the map... :(

I still haven't figured out why people treat the Pit as a Huttball arena and Quesh as team deathmatch.


Because they can. I was in a HB yesterday, and it was one of those where I grab the ball, get no support, die, and then watch through the spawn door and all the way back to mid in stealth as no one else from either teams grabs the ball. So I just stayed in stealth and wandered around the map taking the speed and health boosts and randomly mezzing people that came across my path. :p Someone called me out on it, and I'm thinking, "What? So, I have to NOT play the game the exact way YOU want me to NOT play the game?" :rolleyes:

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This map is also the most luck-based, imo. Get a good string of nodes popping right under you, and it becomes much easier to rack up points. But if the next round they all pop on the other side of the map...


This is very true.


Because they can.


I don't get why they do it more with Queshball than with The Pit though :confused:

Equally, I don't get why people don't just follow the damn rules. They do on every other map. Maybe we could have a separate deathmatch queue so people who want to do deathmatch go and do deathmatch.

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PvP Report, 'I played way too much PvP this evening' edition:


All using my Infiltration Shadow


Civil War: Almost everyone was screwing up bar one Sent. He was just angry a lot. We lost.



Oddessan: Booooooooorrrrrrring. We lost. I capped some objectives. Eh.



Novarre: I would say this was the single worst example of terrible PvP I have ever seen, but this evening just kept getting worse. We went from capping two nodes and fighting for the third to half the team struggling to defend one while the other half of us were being mowed down at the Imp node. Mowed down so hard that when I respawned I decided to do some scouting around. Went into stealth and checked out mid (one Imp) and West (four Imps). So my five teammates desperately screaming for help at east were being overwhelmed by THREE IMPS. I ignored their pleas and single-handedly took mid out of spite. And then got curb-stomped by pretty well all the Imps on the map who weren't attacking east. At that point I gave up and just tried to keep my damage up.


Civil War: Back here again, with that Sentinal again. This time we're doing better, holding two turrets (Snow and one other) for most of the first half of the match. Then we lose grass, and I die. As myself and the Scoundrel who were holding it respawn and run back to it, the Sent calls incoming at Snow. We ignore him, figuring the rest of the team are nearer, and take grass (literally the Scoundrel runs up to the two guards, who are not standing on the dias, and attacks them, and I merrily stealth up to the node, cap it and then help her polish them off. I crow about it in chat). Next thing we lose Snow. The Sent comes to help me guard Grass while the Soundrel runs off to try to cap. He sits down. I ask him in ops chat if he's giving up.

"Nobody came to Snow when I called."

*brief interruption while we fight off an Op and a Mara*

"Sorry I didn't come, I was capping Grass. Where were the others?"

"Fighting between Snow and Mid..."


...and that's how a bunch of newbies turned Civil War into a team deathmatch.


Queshball: I would say this was the single worst example of terrible PvP I have ever seen, but this evening just kept getting worse. This is what happens when a Pub team who want to play deathmatch come up against an Imp team who want to play Huttball. At least it was mercifully short. A Sniper decided to focus me.


Queshball: The Sentinal turned up. The same Sniper focused me. We gave them a game, scored a couple. I made myself useful guarding ball carriers when we had the ball and throwing people into acid traps when we didn't. I got very high damage and protection scores and even placed mid-table.


YOU GUESSED IT... QUESHBALL: Sentinal again, plus some familiar faces from the last round. The same Sniper focusing me. After some early incompetent play, and me being focused by the same Sniper, the Sentinal was getting frustrated, but I asked him to keep at it for pride... We won, I got the highest protection and second-highest damage scores on the table. I came within inches of scoring twice. I escorted the Sentinal all the way from the ball spawn to the Imp goal line once. It was amazing. I was so happy. He called it quits for the night at that point. I should have. Because...


Rishi Arena: I would say this was the single worst example of terrible PvP I have ever seen, but this evening just kept getting worse, and besides we weren't bad per se... It was a team of four Pubs from Queshball (three Shadows and a Sentinal) versus three Snipers and a Jugg (featuring the Sniper who kept focusing me). Bloodbath. As soon as the round would start they all spammed AOEs to break our stealth, and once that was done we were getting cut down before we could close to melee range. 2-0 loss inside of three minutes.


Novarre: The single worst example of terrible PvP I have ever seen. A Pub team even more incompetent than my Novarre experience earlier, versus an Imp team who camped the spawn zone. I pulled the highest damage and objectives on my team and still came below every single Imp player. At one point the Imps held all three turrets.


So sadly I finished today's PvP on a bad note, but I didn't have the appetite for any more after that one.

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PvP Report:


Logged on as my Shadow, hung around chatting with my guildmates for 20 minutes with no pops. Switched to Hatred Sin. Played two matches:


Queshball: Halfway through this match I think I finally cracked being a good all-rounder on this map, threw myself off the goal line platform in pursuit of an enemy ball carrier, murdered him to death, force-ran half the length of the pitch with the ball, passed it up to a guy by their goal line and cheered in triumph while turning on the poor fools who were pursuing me, healing myself back up to half health with Death Field, and then jumping down to the ball spawn to pick it up and pass it on. Having said that, we lost 4-2.


Civil War: Imp v Imp. Befriended our very-good-at-coordinating Ops Leader, a Sniper, while we sat at Snow guarding. For a chunk of the game we held all three turrets. It was a walkover, everyone had fun, and with about 20 points of health left on the enemy dropship, we abandoned Snow to hunt down and kill a Jugg together. Very low damage etc because of camping a node, but worth it for a great team effort win. The other team weren't all the great of an opposition sadly.

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PvP Report:


Logged on as my Shadow, hung around chatting with my guildmates for 20 minutes with no pops. Switched to Hatred Sin. Played two matches:


Queshball: Halfway through this match I think I finally cracked being a good all-rounder on this map, threw myself off the goal line platform in pursuit of an enemy ball carrier, murdered him to death, force-ran half the length of the pitch with the ball, passed it up to a guy by their goal line and cheered in triumph while turning on the poor fools who were pursuing me, healing myself back up to half health with Death Field, and then jumping down to the ball spawn to pick it up and pass it on. Having said that, we lost 4-2.


Civil War: Imp v Imp. Befriended our very-good-at-coordinating Ops Leader, a Sniper, while we sat at Snow guarding. For a chunk of the game we held all three turrets. It was a walkover, everyone had fun, and with about 20 points of health left on the enemy dropship, we abandoned Snow to hunt down and kill a Jugg together. Very low damage etc because of camping a node, but worth it for a great team effort win. The other team weren't all the great of an opposition sadly.


Good report I say, looks like a trend on the less populated server; pvp going one faction, a pity really . . .

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The thing is, I'm on The Red Eclipse, which is fairly well-populated. If there are 120 in one instance of the Fleet (and bear in mind they create a new instance each time a zone's pop goes over about 200), I should be getting pops for PvP. I guess I was just spoiled by starting PvP during Dark v Light when everyone was doing it for the rewards...
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PvP Report - "God I hate people" edition:


Playing as my Hatred Sin


Novarre: Imp v Imp. Rubbish team. People rushing around like headless chickens. No discipline. A Jugg who knew what she was doing, and a Mara who was giving out in chat about how everyone was rubbish, and me.


Voidstar: Imp v Imp. How I hate this map. No-stop horde mode point defence. Might as well be playing Destiny, which has less lag and better motion controls. When we started, there were four on our team, and for a good while people kept popping and then leaving immediately, it was about 2 mins in before we reached our full complement. Jugg and Shouty Mara were on my team at pop. He quit, and popped back up on the other side. I took a grim, vindictive pleasure in focusing him. We barely held out at the last set of doors, but didn't let them through. Then on our go attacking, we made it to the data centre with seconds remaining! I was actually the first one in there.


Novarre: Imp v Imp. Slightly more competent team, that Jugg was on the other side. No sign of the Mara. We lost, but not badly, and I got high damage.


Voidstar: Imp v Pub. Steamrolled them. Like, held out without the second set of doors being breached, and then won with time to spare. I think I did a good job. Jugg on my team.


Huttball - The Pit: Imp v Imp. Jugg and Shouty Mara on my team. He's shouting at everyone in chat but more politely. We win 6-0 in half the allotted time. I grab the ball from spawn 5 times, do a decent amount of guarding, throw myself into the fray at every opportunity, set up two goals, use my taunts and AOEs to help my teammates out, and generally try to do good. I die 12 times, which is ridiculous for a stealth class on a large map, but it's because I'm effectively tanking to get stuff done. Frustratingly, I place last of my team on the table.


Novarre: Imp v Imp. Mara and Jugg with me. He's in a great mood, guarding one node for a chunk of the game with one other Mara against waves of 5 enemies at a time. At one point, I respawned from death to see that the two enemies left guarding Mid (their sole node) had been drawn down towards the spawn zone fighting one of my teammates. I stealthed past them and capped their node without them even realising, then casually killed the first enemy who came rushing up from spawn to take it back. Got jumped by 3 more and killed, but got a congratulations in chat for drawing them away from their attack on West. I also ran to West at one point in answer to an incoming call, to find one of my teammates going down to 4 enemies. I single-handedly stopped them from capping in a heroic last stand, dying just after reinforcements arrived. That all sounds awesome, but again, I placed last of my team on the table. Still though, we won, and I was in the mood for one more. My mistake.


Civil War: Imp v Imp. I love this map, but really... I was backfilled into a game where we were 500-350 down. We only had Snow. We lost it while I died fighting at Mid. I respawned and ran back to take it... to find it unguarded. Myself and one other ended up holding it against waves of 4-player attacks led by that Jugg I'd been repeatedly on the same side as. I repeat. FOUR PLAYERS ATTACKING SNOW AND BEING HELD OFF BY TWO. That means our six remaining players couldn't manage to take a node from a team who had four players spread between two nodes. We lost spectacularly, about 4 minutes after I first arrived. Four minutes. And I placed second-highest of my team on the table because the rest were doing nothing. Ugh.

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