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A PvP a Day...


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I don't understand why class-stacking (on purpose or not) is supposed to be so effective. Why is getting focused by 6 sentinels worse than getting focused by 2 gunslingers, 2 sages, a sentinel and a guardian, or whatever mix you want? Seems like focused by 6 would be focused by 6 no matter what class. I'm not denying that it works. I'm just wondering why it should be so.


On a completely separate note, had a good match against Close Shave! Was an AHG. I actually don't remember which side won. :o I remember it seemed like a tough match either way. I kinda-impromptu-paired up with a healer for a lot of the match, trying to help peel for him and bring the red guys down with my sniper, while he healed us and kited a lot. And then I dinged 65. Time to gear for the "big leagues". :D

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I just had most awesome Novare Coast ever! What made it awesome is that every single gun kept changing hands. Both sides even had 3 guns at some point. We won, in the end and our bunker was 20%. It made a nice change of pace from usual Denova, where I am dying of boredom guarding west while watch us losing because enemy has both east and mid.


Also caught a nice Voidstar. We lost the first door and bridges and though the battle was fierce, we hold the line and kept the second door. On the second round I planted the bomb and lowered the bridge myself, and apparently did it faster then they are, cause we won immideatly after that.


Queshball was annoying. We were ahead by 1 score, but they managed to even the odds, while I watched from a spawn point, helpless, and then they got the ball. We were unable to kill the carrier before the timer run out;(

Edited by Gelious
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Seems like focused by 6 would be focused by 6 no matter what class. I'm not denying that it works. I'm just wondering why it should be so.


Because BioWare balanced everything. Obviously.


Went on SWTOR yesterday, played a bit of story with my Agent. Dreadful lag, but I figured I'd chance the daily with my lvl 20 Hatred Sin. Queshball. Great fun, we won 6-0, and I didn't come bottom of the mvp table. But I'm pretty certain I did nothing worthwhile and I got focused by a Sage for the entire match, which was humiliating. Still though, reached lvl 22.


I have noticed that both lag and queue times have been a lot worse lately.

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God, I've never seen so much violet lightning in my whole life ! It must've been a complete, almost double Sorc / Sin premade, the whole match consisted - on their side - of nothing but incredibly fast switching around ( I don't dare saying "running" anymore ), and 1 Sniper and I think 1 PT or Merc. It was dreadful. Nothing but lightning.


Rep side player ( not me ) : I wish I could play the most op premade as good as you

Imp side player : no not allowed


I'm so glad I'm not playing on Harbinger anymore.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Well... I don't know what that was like on other servers, but it sure was weird on Red Eclipse. Opened the client, got that weird update. Opened the game, got a message saying my version of the game didn't match the servers so I needed to restart. Restarted, same message. Ignored it, sent a ticket. Ticket disappeared and wasn't in my sent list. Picked my toon (Hatred Sin) and logged in. Noticed that lag was less bad (even though it was giving the usual figure of 27ms) than usual and graphics were a lot better. Everything was running smoother. Queued, got a quick pop. AHG, Imp v Imp. We got creamed. Absolutely creamed. Sometimes I felt like I was the only one of my teammates playing. Three people dropped out and got replaced by backfill over the course of the match. Massacre.

Then Novarre. Massacre again, the scoreboard actually didn't reflect how badly we performed. At one point near the end, the Pubs had all three turrets. 7 of my teammates were fighting to reclaim Mid (I'd been killed solo defending and despite my loud calls for help in chat they all arrived too late). They weren't having much success, and I'd counted 6 or 7 attacking me, so when I respawned, I stealthed over to East to see what the deal was, and got jumped by 4 Pubs. FOUR. So that meant my 7 teammates were having their asses handed to them by FOUR PLAYERS. [DELETED DUE TO FOUL LANGUAGE]

Then two 15-minute warnings for server maintenance, five minutes apart.

Then AHG. Finally, my luck turns. Imp v Imp again. They cap their pylon early and come for us, and I bring the lightening, literally and metaphorically. Rack up some kills, cap the pylon myself and guard. Back into mid for discharge and there's like three of them there. Cap and guard again, booooooring, nothing happens. Hit mid for discharge again and literally none of the opposition had made it. Run back to cap and two of them come for me, get them myself. Then four come, but I have backup. Then dead silence. Hit mid again and we win after the discharge. But honestly we could have been fighting against a team of ghosts for all I could tell.

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I reached my goal two days ago.

Partially thanks to Banderal :)


Now I'm going to switch to mercs. Not fotm but I prefer the gameplay.




I'm having fun in 65's with my sniper now. I was a bit worried that I'd be rendered useless (more than normal) by all those people who really know what they are doing that are in 65's. But that really only happens once in a while. I never do top DPS, but I annoy the H*LL of the other side with my little plasma probe with slow. I love that thing!


I'm discovering, though, that I need to rebind "take cover" to "take cover in place". I kept positioning outside the heal circle because I'd take cover while inside it, and the game would roll me to a nearby "cover spot". Then I'd die. Grrr.... sorry healer... I really was trying to pump up your numbers! :D

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Yeah re binding the default cover into cover in place is a must for gunslingers/snipers, even in PVE, you don't want to roll at stupid places.


However I tell you, I'm never doing any huttball again. So unfun.

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Do huttball with a leaper or an operative with roll and you'll love it. :D


Edit: Actually, if you pvp mainly for the dueling and the pve achievements, I can understand not liking huttball. That game is less about killing the other side than any other map I think. I had one a couple nights ago where I planted myself at their EZ, with a healer behind me. A jugger kept taking the ball, running and leaping or passing to me. The healer kept me up, and we won 6 to 1. The few people on the other side that were remotely interested in actually playing the map could not dislodge our sniper-healer duo, but most just ignored us as they ran out of spawn. Our team overall was pretty low on the numbers board. I was bottom of the list. :D

Edited by Banderal
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I've just had my first genuinely bad PvP experience.


Logged in as my Balance Sage, got Queshball as my first pop. It was a very mixed group, which is often a bad sign, ranging from lvl 19 to lvl 39. We were 2-0 down pretty fast, and there was a problem with some of our less experienced players getting the ball in our endzone and not passing it out, which obviously leaves you open to conceding goals. A couple of the higher-level players are giving out about it in chat and telling people to pass and run.


So we're 2-0 down, and there's a major charge on our endzone. I'm healing our tanks, using my CCs and AOEs, generally helping out where I can. I get stunlocked by a Sin (force lightning, yaaaaay) and as I'm breaking the stun I see one of my teammates engage the ball-carrier at the other side of the endzone. I should probably go help, but decide to dispatch that pesky Sin first. As I gleefully push her off the ledge, my teammate kills the ball-carrier and then tries to run straight through a group of enemies. He's killed and we concede again. One particular high-level teammate is capslocking in chat, but I ignore it and focus on dealing with the enemies still swarming our endzone (they scented blood and spent most of the match trying to hold our endzone with only one or two of them staying in mid to get the ball). Right as I get pushed off the ledge myself, high-level capslocky teammate whispers me telling me to learn to pass. I reply, politely, that I didn't kill the ball-carrier and didn't have the ball. He tells me no, I had the ball. Meanwhile he's giving out about "******* DvLers" in ops chat. I'm dead and in the spawn zone, so have time to whisper him and tell him that no, I didn't have the ball, and I'm 100% sure of that because 1) I was at the far side of the endzone at the time and 2) I didn't have the pass the ball prompt or any of the other indicators of ball possession. All the while he's giving out in ops chat. He replies "You had the ball, you dumb s***" (that's not the 4-letter word for manure, it's the one with an l and a u in the middle that's directed specifically at us girls, not sure if BW mods would punish me for typing it or not) and ragequits.

We go on to lose 5-0.

Now, in fairness, another high-level teammate was giving out to him for not being patient with the newbies, but the whole thing was pretty unpleasant, not least being singled out for criticism for a mistake that had nothing to do with me.

In the end, I came mid-table, so there was that.

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That happens. I had a game a long time ago as a shadow tank, was guarding the off node in an ACW with a team mate. We get attacked. I proceed to help with guard and taunts, and cc, and a little damage, and we take down that enemy. I then heal up and stealth back out... at which point said team mate informs the squad that I am AFK.


I typed, "I am? I right here. Just helped you defend off that attacker."


But s/he wouldn't hear it. I was just AFK, they were sure. Despite the fact that I had better number than them on the end scoreboard (one of the few situations where I like to actually look at the numbers, to see where the loud mouths are :D ). And they followed me into the next WZ still spouting the same stuff.


Best you can do in those situation is just ignore them. Play your game. Do your best, and be pretty damned confident that the other 6 people in the WZ know what an idiot the loud mouth is. Because chances are they do.

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Do huttball with a leaper or an operative with roll and you'll love it. :D


Edit: Actually, if you pvp mainly for the dueling and the pve achievements, I can understand not liking huttball. That game is less about killing the other side than any other map I think. I had one a couple nights ago where I planted myself at their EZ, with a healer behind me. A jugger kept taking the ball, running and leaping or passing to me. The healer kept me up, and we won 6 to 1. The few people on the other side that were remotely interested in actually playing the map could not dislodge our sniper-healer duo, but most just ignored us as they ran out of spawn. Our team overall was pretty low on the numbers board. I was bottom of the list. :D



Love that in HB when you are the only one or one of the only ones trying to score. End up with almost no damage, no kills but 10x the objective points of anyone else and quite often end up with 0 mvp votes. I just SMH and go on to the next game.

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Mine was on Red Eclipse.


Queued again twice afterwards, got two more Huttball pops. Another Queshball that we lost 5-0 and I reckon I was the only one doing anything. Then that arena with the flamethrowers where we lost 1-0 at the last second. That's an unusually high frequency of Huttball.


I'm starting to hate Huttball, more specifically playing Pub side. I've been on a few Imp teams where people have tried to actually play the game, but my main experience whether I play Imp or Pub is playing on a team of people who want to treat it like a deathmatch bout, against a team of people who want to treat it like a deathmatch bout. In circumstances like that, if there is even one more person on the other team than on mine who knows what the purpose of the game is, or if me and/or any other sane teammates are playing a squishy class, it's effectively game over from the moment we line up in the spawn zone to start the match.

Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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but my main experience whether I play Imp or Pub is playing on a team of people who want to treat it like a deathmatch bout,


In my opinion, that's so to say the Legacy of Arena. Or, in other words, of Arena-style play. I blame Bioware for that.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Mine was on Red Eclipse.


Queued again twice afterwards, got two more Huttball pops. Another Queshball that we lost 5-0 and I reckon I was the only one doing anything. Then that arena with the flamethrowers where we lost 1-0 at the last second. That's an unusually high frequency of Huttball.


I'm starting to hate Huttball, more specifically playing Pub side. I've been on a few Imp teams where people have tried to actually play the game, but my main experience whether I play Imp or Pub is playing on a team of people who want to treat it like a deathmatch bout, against a team of people who want to treat it like a deathmatch bout. In circumstances like that, if there is even one more person on the other team than on mine who knows what the purpose of the game is, or if me and/or any other sane teammates are playing a squishy class, it's effectively game over from the moment we line up in the spawn zone to start the match.


A lot of people are tired of Huttball and just want to kill things for a few minutes.

I rarely see a full team going after objectives in HB, only premades.

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In my opinion, that's so to say the Legacy of Arena. Or, in other words, of Arena-style play. I blame Bioware for that.


A lot of people are tired of Huttball and just want to kill things for a few minutes.

I rarely see a full team going after objectives in HB, only premades.


I've been seeing a lot of AHG and Civil War tbh, Huttball often comes as a welcome relief.


I will say that this is a pattern I've been seeing across all maps (keep in mind I'm playing unranked and all my PvP toons are level 20-45). People not understanding objectives or assuming someone else will deal with the objectives while they murder fools. People in Novarre Coast repeatedly throwing themselves at the same heavily-guarded turret. People in Civil War congregating in mid for an AHG-style free-for-all and ignoring calls for help at snow/grass. People in AHG congregating at mid and not realising the enemy pylon is unguarded. People treating Queshball as a deathmatch arena (never seems to happen withe the flamethrower-y Huttball arena). People in deathmatch running in all guns blazing, ignoring basic tactics like 'kill the healer first' and running directly into the LOS of the enemy sniper. People just... wandering around the Odessan map like it's a starter planet, killing enemies when they see them.


If people are sick of the RNGod throwing up certain maps too often when they just want to go on a killing spree, I get it. But couldn't they go work off steam in PvE for a bit and come back to PvP when they want to play tactically?


I'm sure some of it is new players, and as someone who is relatively new to PvP myself, I should be patient with them. But equally, I looked up all the maps and their tactics before I started, and I listened to tips and instructions that came up in ops chat.


As it stands, every single time I play PvP I end up having to do the boring but tactically-important things. Node-guarding even if we have three other stealthers on the team, healing with my DPS-specced Sage... A few weeks ago someone here advised me that if I wanted to try getting my damage up and having more chances at PvP combat I should ignore node guarding and run to the action. Whoever that was, you were right, but a lot of the time it's a choice between a chance of getting my damage up and maybe winning some medals vs a chance of not losing the match.

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If people are sick of the RNGod throwing up certain maps too often when they just want to go on a killing spree, I get it. But couldn't they go work off steam in PvE for a bit and come back to PvP when they want to play tactically?

There is a huge difference between facing bots in pve and facing a person in pvp.

ALso I haven't done low/mids in a while, mostly talking about 65s.

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Well, that was weird. Played my Sage again, got Civil War three times in a row.

First time, we get beaten. One of those ones where the tide turns 3/4 of the way through and there's no bouncing back.

Then I'm Ops Leader. One stealther goes to cap grass, the rest of us go mid. I'm squishy and get killed quick. As I respawn and grab a speeder, I realise that we still don't have grass, so I run to grass - at the same time as a Mando - and find two Imps attacking it. We dispatch them, stealther caps, I run mid again to heal, AOE, etc. We're getting our assess handed to us at mid, and then Imps cap. I keep going back to mid, and every time I die, respawn and charge there I feel like I'm dying faster. Eventually, when the score is very much not going our way, I see why as I fly back into the fight: a load of my teammates are sitting at grass. At this point, I reckon it'd take a miracle, plus all three turrets, for us to win, but I'm not going down without a fight. So I type in chat "Go mid!" and charge back up that slope, realising as I do so that there are only three Imps there. We could take them! But not without help because there's a Sniper sitting on the balcony cheesing me. As I die alone on the balcony fighting a Mara, a Sin and said Sniper, I glance back at chat. A bunch of higher-level (by which I mean in the 30s) players are replying to me

"Go to hell!"

"Yeah, and make it quick."

"And don't continue with PvP."

"Yeah, we want to win our next one."

Like, the reason we are losing is that these morons are sitting at grass moaning instead of trying to complete any of the objectives. I'm debating responding to them when the highest-level player on our team, a Scoundrel who had been in the previous round with me too, interjects.

"Come on. Lowbie PvP is just having fun."

"Yeah," adds the Mando who helped me save grass earlier, "and easy xp."

By this point I'm flying back in from the spawn zone and about to land. The Scoundrel lands behind me and the Mando peels off from grass, and the three of us charge mid. It's a glorious battle. With some actual support I no longer feel completely squishy and vulnerable, and the three of us end up engaging six of the Imps. We haven't died by the time the battle ends in a defeat for our team. I topped the table, with 1k DPS, 11 medals and massive heals, and got two MVP votes I assume were from the Mando and the Scoundrel.

We could've won if half our team hadn't just given up three minutes in.

The final round was a walk in the park, where our team were really co-ordinated and ended up controlling all three turrets. The friendly Scoundrel was in that round too, so it was nice that we both finally got a win.

Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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I'm surprised you had that much venom just from trying to rally people. But then, I guess there are lots of players who are always ready to blame the other guy. I had an arena with my sniper. We had the "trinity", with a tank a healer and one other DPS, and the enemy had the same (yes, both teams were even!). Round 1 goes down, and we get trounced. The tank is the last one standing, and was untouched until they finished us other 3 off. I look at the score, and I see he has ZERO protection. Round 2 ends with our defeat also. And then the tank types into general to the other team, "why do I always get put in with **** teams!". :rolleyes: Maybe you should look at the common factor in all those teams YOU are on mr. "tank". :D


And yeah, I hate the give-up at the first sign of any difficulty in a WZ. Myself, I had a back fill into an ACW, where they had 2 turrets and we had 1. The scores were around 500 still, so the game had just started. We ended up taking 2 (we even had 3 for a short while, kinda by accident) and holding off until JUST barely the "got double their score" mark - as in, if it held that way, it would come down to who's cannons ticked first (like, 130v60, 110v60, 110v50... like that). But the then we took another back long enough to make it a sure thing. At the end, one of original team types into chat, "I'd like thank the quitters for this win." :D


I also back filled into a NC where they, at the time, had 2 turrets and we had just one. Again, fairly early in the game. I think it was around 80%-ish v 100. And, since I wouldn't put the story here otherwise :p, of course we rallied and won that one too.


I wish the game would do something like put a "mark of shame" on anyone that quits a match, but then their side ends up winning. It should hover over them for everyone to see, and last until they back fill into a game, and then win it. :D

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If you guys think SWTOR has venom you obviously haven't played League of Legends or World of Warcraft + some other games.


SWTOR is like a heavenly island of good manners and maturity in the gaming world.

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