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A PvP a Day...


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There are dummies in DK I think, they should be close to the cantina. The PVP one you have to buy for your ship, I'm not sure if there is a free PVP one somewhere.


The main thing is to get used to the key bindings until it becomes second nature.


There are also PVP dummies on the fleet and a bolster terminal you can use to give you PVP stats. But they aren't on the main fleet ship, they are on one of the other fleet ships you travel too, located on the bridge lvl.

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You don't need to keybind to be a good player. Some people are highly skilled with a mouse. It's usually the much older players who don't keybind as much.

I've only got 4 keys bound, 2 to my mouse and 2 to the keyboard. I've zero issues against key binders.

Do what feels natural for you.


I tend to go with the auto-bindings, the first 12 slots on the hotbar. Might move some powers around on my hotbars (in general I do heals and buffs in a small hotbar bottom left, traversal and stealth bottom right, large central hotbar for attacks). But yeah, I'm happy enough as it is for now.


Tanking can be a bit boring, especially if you don't have a dedicated healer to team up with. Most people playing tanks aren't that fantastic because they never learn to tank a healer in PVP, then it's random if you even get a healer. Which means guarding DPS who don't care or take you into consideration when they kamakazi into 5 guys.

Tanks can be good solo in some cases, but let's face it, if you are just pounding DPS or Healers and can't do anything meaning full to them, it gets a bit boring.


Exactly. Tanking is something where you're very much reliant on having a cooperative team. Might try tanking with friends or a guild at some point but if I'm going to be on a team with no healers or a healer who ignores me, what's the point?


Sages are the easiest class to play, but can take a fair bit of skill to be played well. Keep persevering on your sage and discover new and wonderful ways to play it.


There's definitely a learning curve, and I do wonder if part of why I like the class is the gratification of constantly feeling useful, but it's fun. Might roll a Sorc at some point, and get the benefits of healing on an organised Imp team, although I'll need to free up or buy a character slot for that.


Also, I read the 9 Layers of PvP Hell link in your sig and it's fantastic :D

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Tanking can be a bit boring, especially if you don't have a dedicated healer to team up with. Most people playing tanks aren't that fantastic because they never learn to tank a healer in PVP, then it's random if you even get a healer. Which means guarding DPS who don't care or take you into consideration when they kamakazi into 5 guys.

Tanks can be good solo in some cases, but let's face it, if you are just pounding DPS or Healers and can't do anything meaning full to them, it gets a bit boring.


Did you mean "Most people playing tanks aren't that fantastic because they never learn to tank without a healer? Otherwise, I'm confused about what you meant.


But I don't find tanking boring at all. Maybe it's a mindset? I love the feeling of being "that guy/girl" that's always popping in just in time to take the pressure off you when you've screwed up, or just the enemy decides to focus you. :D And if you don't notice, I don't really care. I know what I did.


It's not like you throw a guard on someone and follow them around. You need to prioritize your guard just like a healer prioritizes heals. If someone kamakazis into a pack of 5 enemy, I'm sure not going to follow them unless we are trying to delay the enemy from getting close enough to interrupting a cap/plant/ball-carrier or something. Or maybe in AHG, if I think we stand a chance of killing more of them than they kill of us.


My fav story... was in an AHG with a guardian tank. Came around the corner into mid, where a sent had just jump into the aforementioned "pack of 5" (was actually 4 I think). There was a healer standing back trying to keep him up, so I lept in and started "tanking". Guarded, taunted, cc'd the enemy like crazy. The were all focusing just the sentinel, who was wavering on a sliver of health practically the whole time. In the end, all of the enemy lay dead at our feet, and we were all alive. The sent types into chat "How am I still alive!?". Because tanks rock! That's why. :D (Ok, maybe some credit also goes to the healer :p )


Sometimes people notice too. I remember getting a whisper after an arena match by the opposition, complementing me on "what a pain it was for us to bring anyone down, because you were right on top of things with your guard swapping" (one of the few times I've managed to keep up, usually I'm just "trying to keep up". :D). So I think people who are paying attention notice. But, I'll admit that it's less noticeable than healing, for example... no big green numbers floating over your head to tell you how much damage the tank just took on your behalf. :(

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I can see where you're coming from with that, as that was the feeling I had doing a tactical flashpoint (Taral V) with some guildies. But in PvP... not so much. I know there's a steep learning curve ahead of me, but I have never felt more useless and pointless than when tanking. Fight-die-rinse-repeat, with low-level tanks not dealing as much damage as a low-level DPS, and healers nonexistent or not noticing I'm there. Imagine putting your guard on a healer only to get no heals from them for the entire match. Happened to me.


It just felt depressing. I don't want to swear off tanking for good, but I doubt it'll be much fun until I hit at least level 40.

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I can see where you're coming from with that, as that was the feeling I had doing a tactical flashpoint (Taral V) with some guildies. But in PvP... not so much. I know there's a steep learning curve ahead of me, but I have never felt more useless and pointless than when tanking. Fight-die-rinse-repeat, with low-level tanks not dealing as much damage as a low-level DPS, and healers nonexistent or not noticing I'm there. Imagine putting your guard on a healer only to get no heals from them for the entire match. Happened to me.


It just felt depressing. I don't want to swear off tanking for good, but I doubt it'll be much fun until I hit at least level 40.


Oh, I've done that "put a guard on a healer who doesn't know you are there". It's certainly frustrating, but in my experience not to common. Most of the time I find that healers notice ANYONE trying to help them out. I'll often plunk my sniper I'm running now down next to a healer, and use my various "dissuading" tactics to keep the bad folks away from both of us. Guess who that healer usually heals when push-comes-to-shove. Yep, you guessed it, his guildies - but after that, then me. :D


On the other hand, maybe with the influx of new people that everyone is talking about, you may be running with people who just don't know that much about how tanking works in PvP. I've run into, and explained how it works, to plenty of people who don't even know how the guard and taunt mechanics really work in PvP vs. PvE. (And, from the other point of view, I ran an operations with some folks once, and had to be taught how PvE tanking worked - luckily they were very patient with me. :D ).


Also, DEFINITELY you are not really a tank before you at least have your guard and first taunt. When starting a new tank, I always equip a focus instead of a shield for several levels. Without my tanking tools, I figure that's a better choice, so that I get the higher DPS instead. However, you can still *act* like a tank, with any peeling tools you might have, and using them or just general peskiness, to help take the heat off of someone else.

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Group with a 60 Sin and a 61 Jugg I met on the fleet for a few goes of PvP. Got wins in Odessan and Voidstar, and my first time planting a bomb. Lost a game of Huttball and a 4v4 but had fun. The other two had to go offline for a bit and I got another Voidstar where the Pubs breached the first doors 1 min in, at which point our Ops Leader abused the whole team and ragequit. In the end, we held them off the data core until there were only a few second to go. Didn't breach the second doors ourselves though. Then Odessan, won and came up against the 60 Sin, who had come back online, so we grouped for one final 4v4. Lost but fun.


So tonight was enjoyable, and I made two SWTOR friends who are interested in teaming up in future. Go me!

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Oh, I've done that "put a guard on a healer who doesn't know you are there". It's certainly frustrating, but in my experience not to common. Most of the time I find that healers notice ANYONE trying to help them out. I'll often plunk my sniper I'm running now down next to a healer, and use my various "dissuading" tactics to keep the bad folks away from both of us. Guess who that healer usually heals when push-comes-to-shove. Yep, you guessed it, his guildies - but after that, then me.


On the other hand, maybe with the influx of new people that everyone is talking about, you may be running with people who just don't know that much about how tanking works in PvP. I've run into, and explained how it works, to plenty of people who don't even know how the guard and taunt mechanics really work in PvP vs. PvE. (And, from the other point of view, I ran an operations with some folks once, and had to be taught how PvE tanking worked - luckily they were very patient with me. ).


I'd say this is a big part of it. And it works both ways. Playing as my Sage I've often been the 'healer' despite choosing a DPS discipline, and regularly go whole matches without seeing any help. Hopefully there are enough PvPers out there willing to be teachers for it to make a difference. Look at how much help I got back a couple of weeks ago from that Merc I praised so much!


Also, DEFINITELY you are not really a tank before you at least have your guard and first taunt. When starting a new tank, I always equip a focus instead of a shield for several levels. Without my tanking tools, I figure that's a better choice, so that I get the higher DPS instead. However, you can still *act* like a tank, with any peeling tools you might have, and using them or just general peskiness, to help take the heat off of someone else.


Got them both in my first ever match with my DPS-discipline Guardian, I guarded someone activating a bridge and used my mass taunt to force door defenders to attack me instead of my bomb-planting Sin teammate :D

The focus tip is good advice, I should try it!

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... and used my mass taunt to force door defenders to attack me instead of my bomb-planting Sin teammate :D


Just because of the way you worded this... do you know that in PvP taunt does not make the other side attack you? It makes them do less damage if they don't attack you, but it doesn't actually force them to switch targets and attack only you.


So, if you are trying to help someone planting a bomb, you are better off using Cc. It takes only 1pt of damage to stop a cap, so the taunt, while giving you protection numbers, and helping your team mate stay alive, doesn't actually stop any interrupting of caps.

Edited by Banderal
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Okay, I decided to commit to doing one War Zone a day. I hate PvP, so I figure my only chance to do it is to go public with my fears. Let's see how long I shall last. So, who thinks I will manage to not unclick the WarZone before it pops today? :)


Oh, and of course, anyone else with PvP phobia wants to try to overcome it?


A Warzone a day keeps the Nihilus away, lol.


PS. Sorry to go off topic, but I'm also the famous/infamous SWTOR player on the Shadowlands server, Rated-T.

Edited by ethanredmace
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I've been so much focused lately , I don't feel any emotion, so jaded. I think being a sorcerer in regs is suicide.


But the positive thought is that I reached 54 valor rank. 6 More to go !! The longest ones. 27k points to reach 55.

Edited by Ethern
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Playing a Sorc should be torment! Since Sorc is my arch enemy :) I always focus them haha even if it means spending half a game in bubble stun or knockback root. Arrogant class, pff :)


And tanking can be great and rewarding but mostly when you play in group or at least with healer friend. Then it makes cool plays cuz you can guard swap and actually survive for abit, you can peel and cc. I mainly play Sin tank so also have great objective capabilities. But lately I ve played solo mostly and with skank Juggs everywhere and most healer I know not playing its just been pointless. So sad :(

Ps lowbie tanking is horrible. Better off lvl as dps Vanguard and start tanking in late lvls like over 60 :)


By the way this is great thread I read it when I 1st started playing and this thread was well advanced already so it helped me lots at start :)


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Nah live us alone , we're so squishy :(


If even seen a sorcerer healer named "get off me" today in two warzones.


Anyone in the Ebon Hawk willing to help me grind the 5 valor ranks left? :rak_02:


Which bracket are you in, and when are you on. I can if you are there around 6PM-8:30Pm-ish EST. I've just finished for tonight though. :(

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Which bracket are you in, and when are you on. I can if you are there around 6PM-8:30Pm-ish EST. I've just finished for tonight though. :(

Sorry I haven't answered earlier; those last days were kinda chaotic swtor wise.

I'll add your toons on the Ebon Hawk on my friend list and will whisper you.

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Is that one on TEH? I think I've run into you:D


Yep, on TEH. Please say I at least didn't embarrass myself. :p


I ran with Sparks some tonight with Ethern. Totally embarrassed myself for about the first 5 matches (I think we played 5 total :D). Cripes, I forgot how to play a tank! :o

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Still not 65... And I'm a shadow.


In any case I think you were ok. I hope I make your life miserable with my low slash :)


Ah, you're a pub! Almost every time we face pubs we lose. So probably I was busy having my arse handed to me. Kind of you to describe that as "ok". :D


Back is sill 50-something (57 I think). Sparks is 65 though. I'll be watching for you now! (Close shave, right? I think I remember that name from games and not just from forum posts. )

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Ah, you're a pub! Almost every time we face pubs we lose. So probably I was busy having my arse handed to me. Kind of you to describe that as "ok". :D


Back is sill 50-something (57 I think). Sparks is 65 though. I'll be watching for you now! (Close shave, right? I think I remember that name from games and not just from forum posts. )


Yup. I'm thinking about transferring a toon from TRE, I'm really enjoying the PvP on TEH.

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I just had an AHG with 6 (!) sentinels. Six sentinels, Carl! And no healers, just a vanguard and me (DvL balance Sage)

Naturally we lose, even without them taking our pylon. At last round someone suggested taking their pylon and we actually did it and got ahead but they retook it. (don't know how, I guarded our own pylon)


Still, 6 sentinels! I once had 3 marauders on a team, maybe even 4 (and i was on my main, who is a marauder), but never so many:eek:

Edited by Gelious
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I just had an AHG with 6 (!) sentinels. Six sentinels, Carl! And no healers, just a vanguard and me (DvL balance Sage)

Naturally we lose, even without them taking our pylon. At last round someone suggested taking their pylon and we actually did it and got ahead but they retook it. (don't know how, I guarded our own pylon)


Still, 6 sentinels! I once had 3 marauders on a team, maybe even 4 (and i was on my main, who is a marauder), but never so many:eek:


I've been seeing a lot more Maras and healing Sorcs.

Last week I was in a match with 6 Maras (including myself) and two healers on our side.

It was no contest.

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