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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A PvP a Day...


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I'm so easy to get frutrated. Up to the point that I just don't want to play any PvP any more. ...


Yipes, yeah, that sounds frustrating. :(


I just now, though, realized our different play styles. I usually play a tank, so I kinda see it as my job to ALWAYS be bait. :D I absolutely do not feel like I've done nothing, if my team scored 2 or 3 times (or capped, or planted the bomb, or whatever) while the enemy was busying trying to finish me off. I count that, in my own score keeping, as an "assist". And heck, MVP? Those never go to who actually deserve them anyway.


I can also put up with being focused in a game or two, because I can use it as practice. "How long can I stay alive against these 3 people!?". Which, with all the solo guarding jobs I get, is important. But, yeah, even as a "tank", after a few matches like that, and nothing else, it can get old.


Maybe you should just play a sorc/sage? Everyone says there are so many of them... so you will be just one among many and a lot less likely to be singled out. :p

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Yipes, yeah, that sounds frustrating. :(


I just now, though, realized our different play styles. I usually play a tank, so I kinda see it as my job to ALWAYS be bait. :D I absolutely do not feel like I've done nothing, if my team scored 2 or 3 times (or capped, or planted the bomb, or whatever) while the enemy was busying trying to finish me off. I count that, in my own score keeping, as an "assist". And heck, MVP? Those never go to who actually deserve them anyway.


I can also put up with being focused in a game or two, because I can use it as practice. "How long can I stay alive against these 3 people!?". Which, with all the solo guarding jobs I get, is important. But, yeah, even as a "tank", after a few matches like that, and nothing else, it can get old.


Maybe you should just play a sorc/sage? Everyone says there are so many of them... so you will be just one among many and a lot less likely to be singled out. :p


I have an level 64 Sage there, yes. :D


And playing as a tank ... I have an level 27 Jedi Tank out there, maybe I should try that out ? "How long can I survive ..." sounds interesting ! :D


I miss Domi /cries


I miss her as well, but I'm sure that if she wants to, then she'll show up here one day. :)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Lhance where are you queueing these days?

I stop playing on TEH during prime time because all my friends are on BC.


I went to Harbinger, but I am done now, I can't play the game in it's current state.


On top of all the other things, they can't even list my character I transfered to Harbinger on the leaderboards lol.


I didn't even bother petitioning that though because it's irrelevant now. I just have to take a break man.


Only way I come back is if some miracle occurs where they fix all of these assorted bugs, and balance the classes out better.


We know what the chances are of them doing that.

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Well, you could still do some PvE ... :D It might even be refreshing for you, to *not* have to be a quick thinker and apply fast reflexes ... :D


*lure, lure, lure* :D


I lost interest in pve a long time ago.

I ran a HM FP a few days ago because the pvp queue was dead, and I found it boring.

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Well, it's definitively a different cup of coffee, so to say. It is an entirely different kind of gameplay.

Some like apples, some like pears.


I started to dislike it when they made all the normal FPS into tacticals.

I can run a HM, but they rarely pop since it's better to run SM Ops for gear instead.

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I do miss the "normal" FPs nowadays, I must admit. Tacticals are indeed too brutal for the lowest levels, in my opinion. If you have a few high-level chars in it, and a few low-level chars, then the low-level chars will definitively become a problem - mainly because of too few available abilities and not enough DPS - but that's my personal opinion. I had had such a cas I think twice. I don't do Tacticals often anymore, I must admit.
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I miss her as well, but I'm sure that if she wants to, then she'll show up here one day. :)


I miss you guys too. :) I've just dropped what I had with my SWTOR Harbie guild, queued for 30 min while at it without the pop, and subbed for BnS.


I love BnS combat system, arenas and classes to bits, my server doesn't have the main problem that BnS suffers from (the bots) in a very pronounced way (thankfully), and the world is just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I just badly need to find a new gang to do 'em darned dungeons with to get the precious stuff. What drama they lack in PvP they make it up in PvE, even if their baddest dungeon is like a flashpoint. 6 vs 6 battlegrounds are coming there, and OW PvP also needs the @#NMRT$( PvE gear. Gearing and getting gold is, like, epic. No Huttball though. Just soulstones. :p


Oh, yeah, in a predictable move, I went from a Sorc to Summoner, but gonna try to level one of my two 'bad' boys, Warlock and Destroyer, to see if they are CEWL. Should you happen on Iksunun, wave at anything that starts with Last (Spark, Cause and Ward)

Edited by DomiSotto
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I miss you guys too. :) I've just dropped what I had with my SWTOR Harbie guild, queued for 30 min while at it without the pop, and subbed for BnS.


I love BnS combat system, arenas and classes to bits, my server doesn't have the main problem that BnS suffers from (the bots) in a very pronounced way (thankfully), and the world is just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I just badly need to find a new gang to do 'em darned dungeons with to get the precious stuff. What drama they lack in PvP they make it up in PvE, even if their baddest dungeon is like a flashpoint. 6 vs 6 battlegrounds are coming there, and OW PvP also needs the @#NMRT$( PvE gear. Gearing and getting gold is, like, epic. No Huttball though. Just soulstones. :p


Oh, yeah, in a predictable move, I went from a Sorc to Summoner, but gonna try to level one of my two 'bad' boys, Warlock and Destroyer, to see if they are CEWL. Should you happen on Iksunun, wave at anything that starts with Last (Spark, Cause and Ward)


Hi Domi, how is the PVP there now, and how long did it take to lvl up to cap lvl for PVP? Glad you like it, and good to see you popping in still while you can. Takecare and have fun. :p

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What is PVP could change for the better? Think about this in arena every team is almost identical because you cant do well without tanks GUARD. If guard was changed to lets say 50% damage split up to a MAX of like 50,000 damage, then once again teams could have variety of teams and be imaginative. I believe that changing guard with a max damage and give it a cool down of a few seconds after swapping the game would change for the better. Then teams would not need to rely for time to expire and have long drawn out games.
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Hi Domi, how is the PVP there now, and how long did it take to lvl up to cap lvl for PVP? Glad you like it, and good to see you popping in still while you can. Takecare and have fun. :p


Lhance, I was rushing for the event and met the cap in slightly under three weeks to level 45 that was a cap then. Took me a few more days to get to 50, but I was dawdling. The main problem is not leveling per se, it's keeping geared as you do so, as you need a lot of different odds and ends for it.


Arena PvP technically have equalized stats, independently of gear, and has ELO matching from day 1, but does not match people by level, only ELO.


PvP is 1vs1 arenas, or 3vs3 arenas (tag team). The classes are all a variant on a DPS some with more self-heals than others r more tankiness built into.


From what I can surmise, 3 or 4 classes out of 8 are considered dominant (or 3/8 being not that great in PvP). But some classes PvP depends on the access to PvE materials, but I have heard a rumor that we'll be able to buy more of those skills with the currency earned in PvP (Zen Beans). All I can tell so far is that Summoner is very easy to play. I THINK it's Forcemaster, Warlock and Blade Dancer that underperform in PvP. Some classes are real opposites and brutal on one another.


Open World is PvE quests in the areas you flag yourself to enter, and that's open to griefing by opposite faction, depending on your gear. The latest oWPvP area is an elaborate 40 min long battle that starts every hour on the hour, that requires really good PvE gear. PvE gear is acquired vs materials accumulation, meaning you need to run dungeons, best with the group of friends, up to 6 people, b/c you can split the loot instead of having to bid-war for it.


The 6vs6 is supposed to have objectives play and pitch the groups against one another, but it is PvE gear dependent.


Anyway, game is F2P without the content restrictions, so trying it is very easy. The restrictions are all related to basically how much gold you are making (and a very small penalty on XP). I've played literally till yesterday without the sub, but I am really interested in alting so I want to earn more per hour of play.


Okay, that was a long post :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Lhance, I was rushing for the event and met the cap in slightly under three weeks to level 45 that was a cap then. Took me a few more days to get to 50, but I was dawdling. The main problem is not leveling per se, it's keeping geared as you do so, as you need a lot of different odds and ends for it.


Arena PvP technically have equalized stats, independently of gear, and has ELO matching from day 1, but does not match people by level, only ELO.


PvP is 1vs1 arenas, or 3vs3 arenas (tag team). The classes are all a variant on a DPS some with more self-heals than others r more tankiness built into.


From what I can surmise, 3 or 4 classes out of 8 are considered dominant (or 3/8 being not that great in PvP). But some classes PvP depends on the access to PvE materials, but I have heard a rumor that we'll be able to buy more of those skills with the currency earned in PvP (Zen Beans). All I can tell so far is that Summoner is very easy to play. I THINK it's Forcemaster, Warlock and Blade Dancer that underperform in PvP. Some classes are real opposites and brutal on one another.


Open World is PvE quests in the areas you flag yourself to enter, and that's open to griefing by opposite faction, depending on your gear. The latest oWPvP area is an elaborate 40 min long battle that starts every hour on the hour, that requires really good PvE gear. PvE gear is acquired vs materials accumulation, meaning you need to run dungeons, best with the group of friends, up to 6 people, b/c you can split the loot instead of having to bid-war for it.


The 6vs6 is supposed to have objectives play and pitch the groups against one another, but it is PvE gear dependent.


Anyway, game is F2P without the content restrictions, so trying it is very easy. The restrictions are all related to basically how much gold you are making (and a very small penalty on XP). I've played literally till yesterday without the sub, but I am really interested in alting so I want to earn more per hour of play.


Okay, that was a long post :)


Thank Domi, I will try it again. :p

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Took me a few more days to get to 50, but I was dawdling.


I love the word "dawdling". One of my favorite ever lines in a game is in DDO, in the intro dungeon where this cleric is leading you around, and at one point you're a bit late getting somewhere with one of the other NPCs, and the cleric says, "Come on you two, quit dawdling...". Ahhh, good times. :D


And good to see your words Domi. Sounds like you are having fun over there in BnS. Awesome! (for you. for us its sad. :( ).

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Well, apart from problem with trinity system and low population we have exactly that - yolo/group ranked :)


Well, I understood it so that people are grouped there according to their ELO ... I don't remember that being the case in Ranked here ... Maybe I'm wrong, but there are so many complaints about "bad people" which means that they must have a lower ELO value than others in their group ... Or did I misinterpret something there ?

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Well, I understood it so that people are grouped there according to their ELO ... I don't remember that being the case in Ranked here ... Maybe I'm wrong, but there are so many complaints about "bad people" which means that they must have a lower ELO value than others in their group ... Or did I misinterpret something there ?


The game looks for players with similar ratings and groups them, when there aren't enough players on the queue it casts a wider net, then starts the process again with the other team.


Problem is that you can get a team of 1700+ rating vs a team of 1200.

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I'm cursed ! No matter which class I play, I'm in the middle area of damage ... Even with my Commando ! Top of this Alderaan Rep vs. Rep match were 2 Guardians ... And no side could get mid !


Well, I had been guarding a node, which meant I was not contributing much except saying 4 time that someone was approaching ... But when I was finally going into the middle,m I noticed that literally no-one died ! I've never seen such an Alderaan match before !


My illusion was that I could do something there, with my good firepower as a Commando. I couldn't.


Last insult was a whisper - maybe even from the person who had taken my node guarding role : "What are you doing, anyway ?"


Someone was so clever to take up their eastern node, so we got both in the end, but also until the end no-one got the middle, even although the pressure from the other team was strong.


Although we won, that was one of the most boring Alderaan matches I've ever had - because no char died.



In an earlier Arena match, we won the 1st round but lost everything elose against a combo of 2 Sorcs - 1 Healer, 1 Damage", 1 PT and 1 Merc. :(

I hate Arena. :(



Besides, if you don't want to play OPG anymore - move to a smaller server ! I've NEVER seen OPG during the last few days on VC ... :(

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Well, I understood it so that people are grouped there according to their ELO ... I don't remember that being the case in Ranked here ... Maybe I'm wrong, but there are so many complaints about "bad people" which means that they must have a lower ELO value than others in their group ... Or did I misinterpret something there ?


It's supposed to group you against ppl with close rank but since the playerbase is small when it can't it expands the range until it finds a match. Someone posted it here in pvp section but it seems that because there are not enough players queuing it groups the better healer with the better dps against lower ranked ones.

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