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A PvP a Day...


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The day before yesterday I had some great fun. :D


I was with my level 20 Saboteur Gunslinger in several WZs, 2 of them being Huttball (Classic), 1 being Denova, 1 Voidstar.


As long as I stayed outside the range of melee, I had some great fun. :D

As soon as I got attacked by them, my fun was no more.


I really felt as if "I could do something", as if "I could contribute something to the game / match". Almost everything melted soomner or later : Especially my most hated classes. :D


I lost a few duels against a Jugg (or several of them, but 1 in particular", against a Sniper, and ... well, I don't remember getting defeatzed that much anymore. In Denova, I never died for 3/4 of the whole match, I think.


And, as usual, I was never at the damage top of the scareboard. :D I never am, no matter which class I play. It's like a curse, seemingly.


I think it was that Denova match, or was it the Huttball match, in which I at least was the number 2 or 3 of all kills, and the number 2 or 3 in medals & objectives at the same time = in the same scareboard.


That felt good. :D


I levelled into level 22 within these 4 ? matches. I'm sure that at later levels, the glorious "everything goes !" is gone,

as like the glorious "I can do that !" in terms of beating Juggs, PTS and what not. :D Only Operatives and Assassins were a real danger to me - well, and melee in general.


My next experiment is to train my melee chracters in PvP, and take a look at what might become out of them. So far I had withheld them all, because of horrible experiences in the far past.

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A 4-man sorc premade? I'm not surprised...

3 Madness 1 heal.


I just found it funny that they literally ignored objectives to kill me, after a series of pug matches.

They lost that match.

Edited by Ruhun
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3 Madness 1 heal.


I just found it funny that they literally ignored objectives to kill me, after a series of pug matches.

They lost that match.


That's hilarious... Why would they even bring heals, though? 4 madness for maximum trolling.

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That's hilarious... Why would they even bring heals, though? 4 madness for maximum trolling.

Healer would heal the madness sorcs, because I would occasionally burst one down.

I could never get the healer though.

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Healer would heal the madness sorcs, because I would occasionally burst one down.

I could never get the healer though.


Carnage is probably the best spec for killing sorcs, except for arsenal mercs maybe. But out of interest, didn't they have the bubble stun? That usually makes me break my keyboard.

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Carnage is probably the best spec for killing sorcs, except for arsenal mercs maybe. But out of interest, didn't they have the bubble stun? That usually makes me break my keyboard.


Saber Ward with a utility makes you immune to stuns for a bit, so they usually try to push or stun to no avail while I bring them down.



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Saber Ward with a utility makes you immune to stuns for a bit, so they usually try to push or stun to no avail while I bring them down.[/url]


May I just say, as someone who has wasted many a stun or knockback, I hate that ability. :p

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For me, I had an excellent run for a bit yesterday. Six huttballs, with an arena and a hypergates to split them a bit. Most everything was fun, with good humored people - even the losses. :D


It didn't start great, with a quesh-ball which started with 4 of us on our team. We only had 2 of us up until about 5 seconds before the start, because everyone that came in kept quiting right away. I know people say that if bioware were to let us pick/exclude WZ that queue times would get really long, but come on - I think the majority of people just don't want to play queshball at all. And most that stay just deathmatch through it. By the time we had a full 8, it was still only us first 2 that were paying any attention to the ball at all. We manage to score once, because that healer was really good, and kept me up while I muscled through the red mob to the goal. The rest of our team was no where near us (and not in spawn either). I guess they were busy taking down the 2 other enemy who were not trying to stop me?


But then it got better. :D


Had one huttball that was a good, knock down drag out fight. Back and forth score the whole time, with lots of sorcs on both sides pulling people all over the place. Good last minute saves, and last minute hallelujah plays on both sides to end in a 6 to 5 victory!


There was a game with Ruhun, which we cleaned up on.


The AHG started off looking troublesome, with no one at all going to our pylon. We fought in mid, until the message came with about 1.5 minutes left in round 1 that "the enemy has both pylons!" We rushed to take ours back, and managed it with about 15 seconds left. By that time 3 people on our team had quit. As if they were not among those of us who ignored the pylon. :rolleyes: But they must have been the dead weight on the team, because then we went on to a good solid win, by just holding our pylon each round, responding to inc calls, and killing them more than they killed us.


Damn this game can be fun sometimes. :p

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That's hilarious... Why would they even bring heals, though? 4 madness for maximum trolling.


Had an Arena yesterday, with my Commando :D we all 4 wrote into the chat that we either hated Arena or were new and inexperienced, and oputright bad. :p


The other side had 2 Sorcs and 1 Merc. One of both Sorcs was damaga, the other Healer. I don't remember the fourth of them, as it didn't matter anyway.


In Round 1 we got 1 of them down, but that was it. Round 2 was terrible. After round 1 the inexperienced one quit.


Well, I admit there was nothing we could do.




By the way, does anyone of you visit the guild nowadays ? Because I've been give the title of guild master, and don't quite know what to do. My friend, however, is quite experienced in that, and I'm thinking of giving her more guild rights. I'm not sure, though, because I really don't know what the status of the guiild is right now.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Had an Arena yesterday, with my Commando :D we all 4 wrote into the chat that we either hated Arena or were new and inexperienced, and oputright bad. :p


The other side had 2 Sorcs and 1 Merc. One of both Sorcs was damaga, the other Healer. I don't remember the fourth of them, as it didn't matter anyway.


In Round 1 we got 1 of them down, but that was it. Round 2 was terrible. After round 1 the inexperienced one quit.


Well, I admit there was nothing we could do.


If no one was raging at the new person, then it's kinda sad they quit. I mean, defeats are a part of PvP, and as long as everyone is taking it in stride... well. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(




By the way, does anyone of you visit the guild nowadays ? Because I've been give the title of guild master, and don't quite know what to do. My friend, however, is quite experienced in that, and I'm thinking of giving her more guild rights. I'm not sure, though, because I really don't know what the status of the guiild is right now.


I try pub Harby once in a while. But like everyone else, I never see anyone on. We never seem to overlap. If someone gave you guildmaster (probably tecl, I think he was guild master?) and you want to give it to someone you think would do better with it... well that's fine by me. :D

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If no one was raging at the new person, then it's kinda sad they quit. I mean, defeats are a part of PvP, and as long as everyone is taking it in stride... well. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Yes, I believe that this is sad as well ... Another possibly good player lost ? Arena as THE "make me quit" machine ? And then a few ****** are even proud of making others quit ... meanwhile whining that there is a decline in PvP pops ...


I try pub Harby once in a while. But like everyone else, I never see anyone on. We never seem to overlap. If someone gave you guildmaster (probably tecl, I think he was guild master?) and you want to give it to someone you think would do better with it... well that's fine by me. :D


I must admit that -


- my new internship sucksup a *lot* of energy

- I'm hardly playing on Harbinger in the recent few weeks because of that

- the time zone thing is something that I had always feared.


We could rather try at weekends, it's better, then.

I mean, the possibility to meet is higher, then.

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only joy i found in this new warzone :


i was walking (we walk a lot in this map srly) to a node to cap/defend/attack when i saw a sage in my team (i am imp) vs a marauduer in the opposing team.


and i just watched and let the maraudeur crush the sage :cool: encouraging him with a mutual salute at the end.


yes..finally i can enjoy this wz. :D

Edited by Thaladan
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I'm planning to try out Ranked this season. I think first I'll try it with my Harbinger Gunslinger, because he is the only toon I have with optimal current PvP gear.




Just as a sidenote : I will most likely transfer the guild master "title" to my friend, because she knows how to handle guilds (she did so with 2, runs a small Imp side guild right now), and I don't.


I trust her to a very high degree, and I think that it'll work out fine. She acknowledged to give the "guild master" back to me if I need it ( well, I can't look into the future, so I don't know what might happen ), and meanwhile she'll maintain the guild.


Besides, there is still minor stuff in the guild bank, and everyone being Lieutnant should be able to get it, if I understood things correctly ( as I said, I'm not experienced with working with SWTOR guilds at all. It took me minutes to figure out - with her help - that there is a limit of things one can take from a guild bank that must be set, or otherwise it wouldn't work at all ).

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I'm so easy to get frutrated. Up to the point that I just don't want to play any PvP any more.


Even if we had won.


First example : Arena. Round 1 : We held our place until the tocxine or what it was. Round 2 : We held our place ... and even although I had died as the first one of our team (playing my damage Commando), they miraculously managed o eliminate evryone from the other team - and we won ! ...

We were fighting 3 Sages, by the way (Rep vs. Rep), 2 Healers, 1 Damage.

We were I think at least 2 Commandos, don't remember the rest ... i Jedi ... Guardian ? Sentinel ? One of both. I don't remember anymore the third.

Reasons why I became so frustrated : 1. I never could get anyone down. Never. Well, no wonder with 3 Sages ... 2. I was the very first one to get down.

... And ... I first didn't realize that we had won it at all ...

In the end, I really felt as a BAD. Seriously. Yes, one of those BADs you always rant and vent about ! I think I've got some mental problems with that - and that's why I'll never be a good Ranked player.



Second example : Quesh Huttball. Although we had 2 Commandos in our team, i soon realized I had no chance.

Of whioch I was right, as soon as I jumped dowsn to help the others. As long as I was at a distance, I was relatively safe, but couldn't harm anyone.

When I jumped down, however, up to 4 Marauders ( at least 2 Marauders, of that I'm sure ! ) were fighting me. Me, the weakling. Me, the bait. Me, the victim. That meanwhile fighting me they couldn't harm any other of my own team ... that thought didn't arrive at their brains, it seems. And so, we won, 4:2, I think it was. Or even 1 more.

Reasons why I became so frustrated : I couldn't do anything. Almost literaly. I was merely bait, being at the bottom of the damage scoreboard, i bet. I felt so frustrated that I was a true BAD, a nuisance, a victim, a bait.

My only relief lies in the fact that me, the Commando, was binding so many heavy fighters while constantly doing nothing but healing myself. Meanwhile they were attacking the easy-go-down Commando, they couldn't attack my other team members. I even got 1 MVP fopr that, but no-one congratulated me for that. Why should they ? At least 1 must act as bait ...


So, even although these matches were a success, I became so frustrated that I was done playing PvP for that evening - especially since I never got my favourite map, OPG, only Arena qand this 1 Huttball map.


Even if I was the most talented player of the world - this low frustration level would never let me rise.

Other players who are more stubborn and far less to get frustrated of course get at the top - no matter how much talent.


Me, I'm like a highly fragile measuring device, which gets broken at the smallest disturbing, but i needed in the qearth quake station because only the fragile measuring devices are able to record atom tests from far, far away - or tiny earthquakes in great depths which might lead into bigger ones in the end.


The more sturdy earth quake measuring devices are only good for the really close / near and BIG earthquakes. And for recording the bus driving past the measuring station ( this is no joke ! I actually know one University's earthquake measuring station where this takes place ! It was build *decades* before the bus line was erected there ... )

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I'm so easy to get frutrated. Up to the point that I just don't want to play any PvP any more.


Even if we had won.


First example : Arena. Round 1 : We held our place until the tocxine or what it was. Round 2 : We held our place ... and even although I had died as the first one of our team (playing my damage Commando), they miraculously managed o eliminate evryone from the other team - and we won ! ...

We were fighting 3 Sages, by the way (Rep vs. Rep), 2 Healers, 1 Damage.

We were I think at least 2 Commandos, don't remember the rest ... i Jedi ... Guardian ? Sentinel ? One of both. I don't remember anymore the third.

Reasons why I became so frustrated : 1. I never could get anyone down. Never. Well, no wonder with 3 Sages ... 2. I was the very first one to get down.

... And ... I first didn't realize that we had won it at all ...

In the end, I really felt as a BAD. Seriously. Yes, one of those BADs you always rant and vent about ! I think I've got some mental problems with that - and that's why I'll never be a good Ranked player.



Second example : Quesh Huttball. Although we had 2 Commandos in our team, i soon realized I had no chance.

Of whioch I was right, as soon as I jumped dowsn to help the others. As long as I was at a distance, I was relatively safe, but couldn't harm anyone.

When I jumped down, however, up to 4 Marauders ( at least 2 Marauders, of that I'm sure ! ) were fighting me. Me, the weakling. Me, the bait. Me, the victim. That meanwhile fighting me they couldn't harm any other of my own team ... that thought didn't arrive at their brains, it seems. And so, we won, 4:2, I think it was. Or even 1 more.

Reasons why I became so frustrated : I couldn't do anything. Almost literaly. I was merely bait, being at the bottom of the damage scoreboard, i bet. I felt so frustrated that I was a true BAD, a nuisance, a victim, a bait.

My only relief lies in the fact that me, the Commando, was binding so many heavy fighters while constantly doing nothing but healing myself. Meanwhile they were attacking the easy-go-down Commando, they couldn't attack my other team members. I even got 1 MVP fopr that, but no-one congratulated me for that. Why should they ? At least 1 must act as bait ...


So, even although these matches were a success, I became so frustrated that I was done playing PvP for that evening - especially since I never got my favourite map, OPG, only Arena qand this 1 Huttball map.


Even if I was the most talented player of the world - this low frustration level would never let me rise.

Other players who are more stubborn and far less to get frustrated of course get at the top - no matter how much talent.


Me, I'm like a highly fragile measuring device, which gets broken at the smallest disturbing, but i needed in the qearth quake station because only the fragile measuring devices are able to record atom tests from far, far away - or tiny earthquakes in great depths which might lead into bigger ones in the end.


The more sturdy earth quake measuring devices are only good for the really close / near and BIG earthquakes. And for recording the bus driving past the measuring station ( this is no joke ! I actually know one University's earthquake measuring station where this takes place ! It was build *decades* before the bus line was erected there ... )


With commando you got to learn routes of escapes if you have a team that isn't supporting you much and you also happen to be getting focused a lot.


Sometimes, some matches are just bad for you as a commando especially if the other team has multiple melee that like to use you as a snack. It can be a really furstrating class to play.


One thing I found that helps is to get the utility that grants immunity to leaps etc for 4 secs on your propulsion ability.


Yes, it's not the best, but it gives you some time to get away from melee.


You'd be surprised how many times when they can't leap to you, they just pick a new closer target.


I would suggest trying that if you have not done so yet. It works decently in regs for sure.

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up to 4 Marauders
while fighting me they couldn't harm any other of my own team ... that thought didn't arrive at their brains, it seems. And so, we won

nice merc tanking, if I may :D


sounds like a place where a perceptive tank on your team would do well to run through and area taunt for you every so often, no?

I never got my favourite map, OPG, only Arena qand this 1 Huttball map.

that sounds like the very fix that so many have been asking for since OPG launched!

just chuckling at the thought of so many forum posters that are practically begging to have the same misfortune ;)

Edited by MMFalcon
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nice merc tanking, if I may :D


Well, firing up all my defensives I had, and then just constantly healing myself. But - this way I couldn't contribute to anything else. My only contribution consisted of ... being bait. :D


sounds like a place where a perceptive tank on your team would do well to run through and area taunt for you every so often, no?


I don't know. I don't even remember getting any support, because everybody else of my team seemed to be scoring. :D

And, besides, I was too much working for my char's survival to be able to learn what was going on on the other side. ;)


And I think it was rather 2-3 Marauders - but still, I was so much occupied I couldn't analyse my enemies at the same time ...


that sounds like the very fix that so many have been asking for since OPG launched!

just chuckling at the thought of so many forum posters that are practically begging to have the same misfortune ;)


Well, that was my thought as well. :D


With commando you got to learn routes of escapes if you have a team that isn't supporting you much and you also happen to be getting focused a lot.


Sometimes, some matches are just bad for you as a commando especially if the other team has multiple melee that like to use you as a snack. It can be a really furstrating class to play.


One thing I found that helps is to get the utility that grants immunity to leaps etc for 4 secs on your propulsion ability.


Yes, it's not the best, but it gives you some time to get away from melee.


You'd be surprised how many times when they can't leap to you, they just pick a new closer target.


I would suggest trying that if you have not done so yet. It works decently in regs for sure.


Thanks, I'll take a look at it. :)

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