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Is it just me or is Marauder weak right now ?


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i think the class is pretty strong, but it's not polished. against certain classes I feel like we have to work hard to get results and by that I mean burn lots of cooldown abilities and twist interrupts. i get a bit envious of follks that can just hit 1 button over and over at range then bubble and heal


sentinels and marauders should be the clear dps KINGS, but still require the high level of skill to achieve results. i know that would be very gratifying for the playerbase and probably end most of the whining


So you want to play a game where you only need to hit 1-3 buttons to win? Doesn't sound like it wool be much fun unless your one of those types that sees big numbers as fun.

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I had an easier time on my Marauder than on my Assassin.


Marauder has better armor, better defensive cooldowns, and par damage compared to the Assassin.





1. You're whining.


2. You're not showing facts. You're spamming your own subjective opinion.


3. You don't even have level 50s.





I have been out-damaged by any class in around 10 full-length Warzones out of about 150.


You'll have to "show it to me" how Sorcs somehow have better dps.




1. I'm not whining and I wont get into an argument on it with you, whining is saying it is saying maraudeur is crap and it need to be changed. I say it more fun than usefull and it is less powerfull than other classes because of it survability. If you think I'm whining it's like saying your whining about my comments.


2. I am showing facts, those are list of abilities that the maraudeur have or do not have.


3. Thank for telling me I do not have a level 50 yet, I said it myself so there is no need to mantion it but I understand you had to make a 3. point because it looks cooler... So I've got two high 40s, yeah sorry bout that I like to change from time to time, so I rather up two classes on a longer time... But if at lvl 50 magic happens and maraudeur get 10new abilities that changed completly the gameplay, I will stand corected. And btw the comparison was between sorcrer & maraudeur of the same lvl.



outdpsing someone isn't what it is all about, you can spec whatever class on a AOE dps, and dps everyone, you wont kill anyone, but wow instead of doing 6k on one person you doing 2k on 6 = 12k.


As a sorcerer if I wish to be first dps, I can do it, I tried several time to do only dps, the only thing is that with sorcerer, you can ward, heal, CC, and run around with 4guys after you while your mates are scoring or killing or whatever... So often a good sorcrer wont be first dps because he is doing much more than dpsing...


With the maraudeur you can ONLY dps... So of course you are often 1st dps, I'm often 1dps too... but it is not because I've got better dps, it is because I'm only dealing dmg and doing nothing else...

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As I have hardmoded and nightmare moded E Vault as well as a hard mode with the NEW Hutt Hospitality I would disagree that they aren't useful. And generally if we wipe I am always the last to die. We may be squishy without any buffs but you gotta use your defensive buffs constantly. Play some end-game stuff (which really is what most MMOs are about). I even enjoyed the grind up to 50. I died maybe 10 times total to NPCs in that time.


It's not a failed class. You just gotta micromanage so much more.



Yes, I agree, I was talking more about PVP. In PVE I do not feel that this class is useless or less powerfull than another, I even believe that rushing trough everything with Quinn is prety powerfull and fun. I've got friends that are lvl 50 maraudeurs and I saw how it is usefull. I totaly agree with you point on the PVE utility.

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Pre-lvl 40 yes Marauders are one of the worst classes in-game. Once you hit 50 and get some epics Marauders eat through everything if you know how to play it well. 1v1 the only classes I can't destroy are very good healers due to lack of CC and healer scaling at 50. Notice how I said "very good healers". No other dps classes stand against me in 1v1. I can usually get jumped, taken down to 20-40% hp and after the stun locks wear off pop my defensive CD's and burn through them like butter (usually ends with them running from me spamming their space bar like that helps somehow). What we don't have in CC we make up for in defensive abilities. And this is all in Carnage spec btw which isn't as ideal as Rage when it comes to PvP. As far as PVE goes I pretty much sh** on everyone in the single target dps category. Sure there are a few classes out there that do more burst dps but as far as sustained single target dps, I have yet to see it in an equal geared player (full columni). If you are having problems playing your marauder it is because you are spec'd wrong (???), have your cast rotation priorities all jacked up, this simply isn't your play style, or you are just bad at MMO's.
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With the maraudeur you can ONLY dps... So of course you are often 1st dps, I'm often 1dps too... but it is not because I've got better dps, it is because I'm only dealing dmg and doing nothing else...


Keep making excuses.


You claim that Sorcs have better DPS. Then you make the excuse that Marauders actually put out more DPS because you're too busy doing other things on your Sorc. You also come up with classics like "I COULD IF I WANTED TO".


1v1 solo mid bro.

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Keep making excuses.


You claim that Sorcs have better DPS. Then you make the excuse that Marauders actually put out more DPS because you're too busy doing other things on your Sorc. You also come up with classics like "I COULD IF I WANTED TO".


1v1 solo mid bro.


Thats what you do not understand my dear friend, PVP is not all about 1vs1...


In WZ you often get 2 or 3vs1, the thing is, can you get out of it ? I believe a marauder have less tools than other classes to get out of it.



And I'm not "busy" doing other things, I "prefer" doing other things, because for me a WZ or a open pvp with +1 vs +1 is not all about me doing my dps but it is my team winning the other team (but thats only me...)


Whats I was trying to say is that when you get first dps on a WZ it doesn't mean you do more dps than a sorcerer... because maybe the goal of the sorcerer in the game was maybe to do more than to dps.


You can take for exemple the huttball, you can have someone who does less dps than you as WZs first dps because you were busy (or maybe you "prefered") playing the goal and spending your time scoring points than just dpsing.


And no one come up with "i could if i wanted to..." its a fact dude, go roll a sorcrer and than come back here and speak your mind please...


And again I do not make excuses thoses are facts and as I said for maraudeur & sorcerer pre lvl 50... I never said I know how it is at lvl 50. I speak from facts, I speak from playing maraudeur and 5min later playing sorcerer and comparing every little thing just to see whats the difference. I'm having more fun on the maraudeur because its harder.


Seems like you realy want to disagree ith me so you are not realy reading what I am trying to say.

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In WZ you often get 2 or 3vs1, the thing is, can you get out of it ? I believe a marauder have less tools than other classes to get out of it.


You're wrong.



And no one come up with "i could if i wanted to..." its a fact dude, go roll a sorcrer and than come back here and speak your mind please...


Uh huh. Get your characters to level 50 with full champ gear and play with and against the best players on your server, then come back here and speak your mind please ...



I speak from facts, I speak from playing maraudeur and 5min later playing sorcerer and comparing every little thing just to see whats the difference. I'm having more fun on the maraudeur because its harder.


You speak from your perception of playing the two classes.


FACT is that a Marauder has more defensive cooldowns by a landslide.


OPINION is that a Marauder can't get out of a 2v1 where a Sorc can.



If you're not good at playing the class, just relax. Not every person has an affinity for every style of play.

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More waffle i see I really wasn't QQ but you were only blowing your own trumpet as i say i can play with my healer like every 1 + our buffs and stims i see how broken our class is where you need all that useless baggage keep telling yourself its fine because for the majority its not comprend ?;)


because some ppl cant comrehend the class does not mean its broken sorry invalid again

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People say maraudeur have no issues... and giving exemples of high dmg, owning WZ etc... This if fine... If it was a 1 player game and not a mmo, it would have been perfect, the only problem is that your class is always compared to another...


I've got 40sorc, 40marau, 14socundrel, the scoundrel got more survibility than my maraudeur and don't even mantion sorcerer...



so lets talk about dmg... a well played sorcerer does more damage than a maraudeur... maybe the same or a bit less damage... but with ten times more survibility it does more damage, because a living sorcerer will always do more damage than a dead maraudeur.


lets talk about survability... no stun, no wards, no heal (only in annhiliation and you need to dot in order to heal and it's not like 3k heal ...) no force sprint, no force push... in fact our only "thing" is the force jump... so we are a squishy class that the only thing we got is to get into the middle of the fight ... ok we go also the 4sec 30% speed invis... (whatever skilled or not maraudeur ou uses this when against me, Dies anyway... because in 4sec he can't get out of range...


lets talk about movement... What movement ?! I spend 95% of the WE -30% speed so I can't even hit a target, because of a bit of lag, when I forcejump on someone the time I can slow them they are already 1m aways and it's like 10times too far...

I'm geting kited all the time.. and as a sorcerer I'm spending my day kiting maraudeur... it's prety funny to see them trying to get to me and I can just stun them 3times, slow them to 70% and sprint away...



And to add to all that beside our dps we are useless in all warzones...


If you think I'm whining you are mistaken, I'm just showing facts... I'm well aware of thoses fact since I was lvl 20... and I still keep on playing my maraudeur because it's FUN!


But those of you who say maraudeur is perfectly fine, didn't roll many classes...

because I've seen the dps of merco and it is almost as high as the maraudeur dps, just its a ranged and they are heavy armored... oh and they have more ways to get out of trouble without mantioning the heals...

and this is for many of the other classes....


If you play a maraudeur make sur you play it for fun... and for yourself. When I want to feel powerfull I play my sorc or even my lvl 14 scoundrel...


And if you disagree please Show it to me. (and I'm not talking about a jpg of you as first dps in a WZ.. )


another idiot for the taking... i love how you juiced the other classes in your statement and left almosta lll mara skills out... you forget saberward cloak force camo UR rooted saber throw force shoke.. you also speak of leap like its your opener when it shouldnt be... these are indications you dont know how to play. also id half the mara's can be leet so can everyone else its if they apply themselves to the class.. if they dont they will fail... next time get your facts right

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another idiot for the taking... i love how you juiced the other classes in your statement and left almosta lll mara skills out... you forget saberward cloak force camo UR rooted saber throw force shoke.. you also speak of leap like its your opener when it shouldnt be... these are indications you dont know how to play. also id half the mara's can be leet so can everyone else its if they apply themselves to the class.. if they dont they will fail... next time get your facts right
Just lol. Here we are again with a L2P statement. Proves everything...
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Just lol. Here we are again with a L2P statement. Proves everything...


ummm yea i told him l2play did you see what he wrote moron? he raged on mara's having nothing to juice tothe idea of a sorc being better yet left all mara functions out... yes that should show even the dumbest moron like yourself he doesnt know what he's talking about

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or they are just failing at the class i succeed in? because i do comprehend how it works
You succeed in doing what exactly? Roxxing in PvP under special circumstances despite the broken mechanics of our class?

Let me tell you one thing. That does not prove anything.

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And some people who can comprehend the class conversely claim that there is a problem and that it needs fixes. So which side is right?


group A thinks the class is broken, and it performs badly

group B thinks the class if fine, and it performs quite well


so who is right? you ask


if group A is right it would mean that group B is playing the class beyond its capabilities


if group B is right it would mean that group A is playing the class below its capabilities


so i ask you this ... is it possible for anyone to play a class beyond the capabilities of said class?


obviously, its not


is it possible for anyone to play a class below the capabilities of said class?


of course it is



now, there are clearly other variables to consider in determining if the class is weak/broken/balanced/op/fine/etc, but that bottom line is this ... the impossibility of someone playing a class beyond its capabilities makes the option that group A is playing the class below its capabilities infinitely more likely to be true



in short ... baddies need to L2P, but that doesnt necessarily mean the class is perfect

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now, there are clearly other variables to consider in determining if the class is weak/broken/balanced/op/fine/etc, but that bottom line is this ... the impossibility of someone playing a class beyond its capabilities makes the option that group A is playing the class below its capabilities infinitely more likely to be true



in short ... baddies need to L2P, but that doesnt necessarily mean the class is perfect

Let me disagree with that. What you call "beyond its capabilities" I call them "special circumstances", which in no way define the standards according to which the class needs to be balanced. Anyway, we always have to take their words on that stance, as opposed to XXX threads recognizing flaws here, which let's hope, do not solely belong to a L2P issue.


As for your last sentence I agree. That's the reason why we need to scream and get the attention of the devs so it makes close from perfect.

Edited by Ethern
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I've found that proper marauder play is HIGHLY dependent on rotation and gearing, most importantly your sabers. I did Directive 7 yesterday and went head to head in dps against juggernaut in full 50 epics, whilst having an average armor rating of 105'ish, 124 sabers, with a lvl 32 cube, lvl 37/31 implants/earpiece, and carnage spec. Edited by so_angry
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Let me disagree with that. What you call "beyond its capabilities" I call them "special circumstances", which in no way define the standards according to which the class needs to be balanced. Anyway, we always have to take their words on that stance, as opposed to XXX threads recognizing flaws here, which let's hope, do not solely belong to a L2P issue.


As for your last sentence I agree. That's the reason why we need to scream and get the attention of the devs so it makes close from perfect.


even under special circumstances your class has limitations, every class does, and nobody can possibly surpass the limitations of the class


plus, people in the "this class is broken" camp will also find themselves in the same sets of "special circumstances" as people who feel the class is fine



personally ... i feel the class is close to perfect, close ... but not quite there


im going to make another point here that soooo many people in the "this class is broken" camp dont seem to understand


one big argument for them is that "sure marauders can put out good damage, but BHs or sorcerers can put out just as much damage with much less effort"


and while that is true, it does not mean that marauders are broken


it means that sorcerers and BH are overpowered ... and yes, there absolutely is a difference


it SHOULD be difficult to put out loads of dps, marauders have a brilliant mix of effort to damage output, the problem is that BHs and sorcerers dont ... it should be harder for them to put out as much damage as they do, it shouldnt be easier for us


everyone that complains about marauders on this forum would be better served, and the game would be better served as well, if they started complaining that BHs and sorcs can put out damage too easily (not too much damage, thats not the problem, its the ease of damage output)


basically, fix the PROBLEM not the side effects of the problem

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group A thinks the class is broken, and it performs badly

group B thinks the class if fine, and it performs quite well


so who is right? you ask


if group A is right it would mean that group B is playing the class beyond its capabilities


if group B is right it would mean that group A is playing the class below its capabilities


so i ask you this ... is it possible for anyone to play a class beyond the capabilities of said class?


obviously, its not


is it possible for anyone to play a class below the capabilities of said class?


of course it is



now, there are clearly other variables to consider in determining if the class is weak/broken/balanced/op/fine/etc, but that bottom line is this ... the impossibility of someone playing a class beyond its capabilities makes the option that group A is playing the class below its capabilities infinitely more likely to be true



in short ... baddies need to L2P, but that doesnt necessarily mean the class is perfect


amen to this

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