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Is it just me or is Marauder weak right now ?


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PvP is really good for a marauder who is geared and knows how to play and their limitations.


I've seen pvp videos of marauders taking on 3 level 50s on their own. It's all about timing your abilities and knowing when to get out rather than charging in and expecting to be in destructible.

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PvP is really good for a marauder who is geared and knows how to play and their limitations.


I've seen pvp videos of marauders taking on 3 level 50s on their own. It's all about timing your abilities and knowing when to get out rather than charging in and expecting to be in destructible.


tytytytyty my point exactly

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primary-school my bad... also i que solo so no pocket healer here just unlike you i know when to time my def cd's


eh go back to yer leet skillage and stop trolling us with your medals and 300k bracket pre mades really stop defending this underpowered class all your doing is luring the fourm lurckers into going into a class that is the worst in the whole game period most ppl know it apart from the top geared players:rolleyes:

Edited by skotish
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No your point was I am awesome your not ! at no point did you say it all depends on the players gear stop back tracking


When i say i agree with him i mean how we are fine and its about skill... i dont do premades you just dont know how to play the class plain an simple, you suck. get over it now if you were to ask what i do and my rotation ect ect id be abliged to help you but this ranting just cus u wana be a leet god isnt gona get you anywhere with me or bioware... u mad u suck bro?

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Okay, I'm only level 44 and I have pretty crappy gear but from my experiences maurauders are not weak at all


I play carnage spec and I work my *** off utilizing all my skills and timing my cd. It's a lot of work but I don't feel weak at all. I can usually pull in around 150~ 200k damage and i'm always within the top4 damage dealers.


Although i can easily hop on my commando and dish out similar damage or more by spamming grav ground all day but just because other classes are so much easier to play doesn't mean that maurauders suck.


We could use a bit of a buff to balance out the ranged vs melee advantage but the point still stands, maurauders are NOT weak ... just ... complicated and not for players looking to spam 3 skill rotations into top damage

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Okay, I'm only level 44 and I have pretty crappy gear but from my experiences maurauders are not weak at all


I play carnage spec and I work my *** off utilizing all my skills and timing my cd. It's a lot of work but I don't feel weak at all. I can usually pull in around 150~ 200k damage and i'm always within the top4 damage dealers.


Although i can easily hop on my commando and dish out similar damage or more by spamming grav ground all day but just because other classes are so much easier to play doesn't mean that maurauders suck.


We could use a bit of a buff to balance out the ranged vs melee advantage but the point still stands, maurauders are NOT weak ... just ... complicated and not for players looking to spam 3 skill rotations into top damage


I like this but may i suggest to not lead into a fight with leap... save it then when they knock u back leap then saberthrow to root them

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To the OP



Yes are warriors uhmm. Guess not we use med amor :( i don't get the point

We Can dó alot damge yes but we die before we Can get it off . So iF Youre get target and don't get a pocket healer with you , you dead


We have Way to meny skills to use vs other 1 Bottens spam we don't have and cc

Be ready to be stuned to dead other classs Can dó the same A's u Can dps wise , but the ting we bring to the raids is 15% more dmg and healing buff


And we Can dó alot of dmg and if we get aggro we Can dum it so no over aggro, like vanish in wow


1v1 we dó ok. But if the other person knows what hé doing . Like say a sorc u dead

And the RESOLVE bar is not working so be sure to get ready to be stun to death

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I'm currently lvl 42 anni marauder and i haven't had any problems so far lvl'ing. Had some problems in pvp before 50's got their own bracket but now i'm not having any trouble :).

I use this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMcGzZb.1


When i started i first maxed dual wield mastery and then started putting points in the anni tree but at lvl 40 i respecced because i wanted annihilate :).


If you are having trouble lvl'ing i suggest you use Quinn and put points in Cloak of Annihilation (solved some issues i had with gold mobs early lvl).


On a normal group i will usually charge-->deadly saber mid air--> battering assualt --> rupture --> normal strike --> next mob Annihilate --> Vicious slash --> smash and so on.


The key thing is to make sure you always have your dots on one or more mobs so you can take advantage of hungering and beserk. Also make sure to use beserk (juyo) even on normal mobs so you reduce the downtime between packs.


On silver and gold mobs i rarely have to use saber ward or force camo. Just make sure you have your dots up all the time and later on manage your rage so you can use annihilate whenever it's up. Also remember to use obfuscate and disruption.


After i've hit 40 i almost never use ravage or force scream (i use force scream sometimes on normal mobs followed up by pommel to finish them of quickly).


I've only died 2-3 times on each planet so far. I have soloed some of the +2 hc's up untill now and i can take on champion mobs (though it takes alot of time to down them). Don't give up hope on your marauder :)


I hope it will help any of you marauders having trouble with pve


Edit: Btw i recommend you guys read Haddion's In depth marauder guide (it's a sticky)

Edited by xxxRGxxx
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When i say i agree with him i mean how we are fine and its about skill... i dont do premades you just dont know how to play the class plain an simple, you suck. get over it now if you were to ask what i do and my rotation ect ect id be abliged to help you but this ranting just cus u wana be a leet god isnt gona get you anywhere with me or bioware... u mad u suck bro?


More waffle i see I really wasn't QQ but you were only blowing your own trumpet as i say i can play with my healer like every 1 + our buffs and stims i see how broken our class is where you need all that useless baggage keep telling yourself its fine because for the majority its not comprend ?;)

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More waffle i see I really wasn't QQ but you were only blowing your own trumpet as i say i can play with my healer like every 1 + our buffs and stims i see how broken our class is where you need all that useless baggage keep telling yourself its fine because for the majority its not comprend ?;)


Whether he agrees or not.


It still comes down to the fact that gear and buffs obviously aids you. It would be stupid if it didnt. But by no means is the marauder worse than other classes. You can still take on geared people while you aren't well geared and still come out on top if it is a 1v1 and you fight with your brain rather than just smashing buttons. This does not include the Free heal or the buffs laying about the arena. Although they can give you a ridiculous advantage if used right. But then again... i've still beat people who try to use them by kiting their melee or breaking LoS while they have the damage buff up, just to try to waste it for them. Or stuns of any kind at all.


The free heal can be beaten down quickly too since Marauders are capabile of getting 400k + damage throughout the warzone.


Clever use of abilities and interupts... knowing when to bail out of the fight with the very ability that lets you do so, lets you survive longer. Lets you take the fight to your terms if you want to use it aggressively and can make you a force to be reckoned with.


I urge people not to jump on the "we suck" band wagon. Because there is evidence out there that can suggest other wise completely, and proves it.


I also urge people to keep their opinions to them self until they reach 50 and start gearing. Because the game wont be balanced all the way up. Other classes will get an advantage due to the level they get their utility abilities.


Anyone can argue this to the ground if they want. Matter of a fact is though... I know what i'm talking about because I have witnessed and experienced it first hand.


I don't want to address this as a L2P issue because gear is half of it and buffs definately give you an upper hand... Like any other class. But knowledge is the other half of the battle. Some classes can kill easy without knowledge. But if you throw them into a situation they don't like or simply is different to their normal stand back and shoot or what ever. You can easily over throw people. Because they rush into a blind panic and spam anything.

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Your right i dont think we suck a properly geared marauder does do great, I was pointing out how most get to those very high damage numbers its plain to see for all involved and i fully expect the same when my time comes to get my final piece of my gear puzzle



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I also have a sorcerer, which I've also made normal level gear for... and Sorcerer can practically pull 2 groups, and own all of them with no trouble. In fact, I solo Champion-grade opponents that are 1-2 levels higher than me and elites 2 higher than me with almost no trouble at all. Plus I kill them faster... But on my maraud even with quinn's exceptional healing, I'm weaker/kill things slower.. I was wondering if it's just me?



I'm currently lv. 43 on my Mara, I've never used quinn, I only use vette, she's geared well as well as my Mara with current gear/mods/etc. I've never had any issues with anything as of yet.


I don't want to say "L2P", because it's rather cliche, but I think it could be your spec, or maybe you're neglecting to use abilities (Saber Ward or you could cloak to transfer aggro to your comp for example). For small packs, I charge in, kick the one I charge, swap targets, Stomp then pommel strike, there's generally 2 down quickly, assault then scream and theres the third down. By then, Vette has either killed the rest or pretty close.


Using interrupts, force choke, etc are key to the class. Mara requires some thought and ability to use the skills accordingly unlike other classes where you can spam 1-2 keys to win.


If you haven't read up on sithwarrior.com, try different specs to see if you do better with those. I run as carnage spec and I do well in pve and pvp. I tried Anni and it was fun, but I was clearing mobs far faster as carnage.


After playing my Assassin to 42, then rolling several other alts (Powertech to 30, Operative to 30, then my mara) I haven't enjoyed anything as much as my Mara. I don't feel week or underpowered at all in any aspect of this game as a mara.

Edited by jrakosik
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Here is my be all end all statement to Marauders being underpowered; they're not. I am level 50 CARNAGE specced; not Anni which most people are. I'm in full Columi with one piece of Rakata. The Columi offhand and a completely modded out with level 54s and higher level 50 saber. I have biochem so the Rakata stims and adrenals help very much. I have extra augment slots in all my ear pieces and implants.


My force scream hits for about 5k crit with another 500-700 for the ataru form strike. It's partly about gear, it's partly about crew skills, and partly about just knowing how to play the class. Really as a Mara I feel more like a buff specialist than anything else with me spamming predations and putting my defensive buffs on me. I think part of the problem a lot of people are having is they're not popping their defensive buffs as much as they could. Just my opinion; but I wanted to say that there are many a Marauder out there that are successful! :) Good luck everyone!

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I'm 26 now, and while I do deck myself out in blues and purple here and there. I run through mob enemies.


I think the biggest issues is that you should be atleast 2-3 levels above the mob your fighting be it elite or whatever.


I'm still using vette and she is holding it down with both tanking and DPS.... I have died maybe 5 times? And that's just because i don't want to pause to heal up alot of times.


We will see how much better or worst it gets as i get higher level..


Also i come fom playing a marksman sniper all the way to 50 full pvp gear...So anything might seem better atm.

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People say maraudeur have no issues... and giving exemples of high dmg, owning WZ etc... This if fine... If it was a 1 player game and not a mmo, it would have been perfect, the only problem is that your class is always compared to another...


I've got 40sorc, 40marau, 14socundrel, the scoundrel got more survibility than my maraudeur and don't even mantion sorcerer...



so lets talk about dmg... a well played sorcerer does more damage than a maraudeur... maybe the same or a bit less damage... but with ten times more survibility it does more damage, because a living sorcerer will always do more damage than a dead maraudeur.


lets talk about survability... no stun, no wards, no heal (only in annhiliation and you need to dot in order to heal and it's not like 3k heal ...) no force sprint, no force push... in fact our only "thing" is the force jump... so we are a squishy class that the only thing we got is to get into the middle of the fight ... ok we go also the 4sec 30% speed invis... (whatever skilled or not maraudeur ou uses this when against me, Dies anyway... because in 4sec he can't get out of range...


lets talk about movement... What movement ?! I spend 95% of the WE -30% speed so I can't even hit a target, because of a bit of lag, when I forcejump on someone the time I can slow them they are already 1m aways and it's like 10times too far...

I'm geting kited all the time.. and as a sorcerer I'm spending my day kiting maraudeur... it's prety funny to see them trying to get to me and I can just stun them 3times, slow them to 70% and sprint away...



And to add to all that beside our dps we are useless in all warzones...


If you think I'm whining you are mistaken, I'm just showing facts... I'm well aware of thoses fact since I was lvl 20... and I still keep on playing my maraudeur because it's FUN!


But those of you who say maraudeur is perfectly fine, didn't roll many classes...

because I've seen the dps of merco and it is almost as high as the maraudeur dps, just its a ranged and they are heavy armored... oh and they have more ways to get out of trouble without mantioning the heals...

and this is for many of the other classes....


If you play a maraudeur make sur you play it for fun... and for yourself. When I want to feel powerfull I play my sorc or even my lvl 14 scoundrel...


And if you disagree please Show it to me. (and I'm not talking about a jpg of you as first dps in a WZ.. )

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People say maraudeur have no issues... and giving exemples of high dmg, owning WZ etc... This if fine... If it was a 1 player game and not a mmo, it would have been perfect, the only problem is that your class is always compared to another...


I've got 40sorc, 40marau, 14socundrel, the scoundrel got more survibility than my maraudeur and don't even mantion sorcerer...



so lets talk about dmg... a well played sorcerer does more damage than a maraudeur... maybe the same or a bit less damage... but with ten times more survibility it does more damage, because a living sorcerer will always do more damage than a dead maraudeur.


lets talk about survability... no stun, no wards, no heal (only in annhiliation and you need to dot in order to heal and it's not like 3k heal ...) no force sprint, no force push... in fact our only "thing" is the force jump... so we are a squishy class that the only thing we got is to get into the middle of the fight ... ok we go also the 4sec 30% speed invis... (whatever skilled or not maraudeur ou uses this when against me, Dies anyway... because in 4sec he can't get out of range...


lets talk about movement... What movement ?! I spend 95% of the WE -30% speed so I can't even hit a target, because of a bit of lag, when I forcejump on someone the time I can slow them they are already 1m aways and it's like 10times too far...

I'm geting kited all the time.. and as a sorcerer I'm spending my day kiting maraudeur... it's prety funny to see them trying to get to me and I can just stun them 3times, slow them to 70% and sprint away...



And to add to all that beside our dps we are useless in all warzones...


If you think I'm whining you are mistaken, I'm just showing facts... I'm well aware of thoses fact since I was lvl 20... and I still keep on playing my maraudeur because it's FUN!


But those of you who say maraudeur is perfectly fine, didn't roll many classes...

because I've seen the dps of merco and it is almost as high as the maraudeur dps, just its a ranged and they are heavy armored... oh and they have more ways to get out of trouble without mantioning the heals...

and this is for many of the other classes....


If you play a maraudeur make sur you play it for fun... and for yourself. When I want to feel powerfull I play my sorc or even my lvl 14 scoundrel...


And if you disagree please Show it to me. (and I'm not talking about a jpg of you as first dps in a WZ.. )


Amen. you understand

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Switched to Assassin. 100000000000000 times better in terms of lower levels.


I don't believe one should have to go through 49 levels of completely uselessness, only to finally have 1 level of being even with everyone else.


I had an easier time on my Marauder than on my Assassin.


Marauder has better armor, better defensive cooldowns, and par damage compared to the Assassin.



If you think I'm whining you are mistaken, I'm just showing facts... I'm well aware of thoses fact since I was lvl 20... and I still keep on playing my maraudeur because it's FUN!


1. You're whining.


2. You're not showing facts. You're spamming your own subjective opinion.


3. You don't even have level 50s.



And if you disagree please Show it to me. (and I'm not talking about a jpg of you as first dps in a WZ.. )


I have been out-damaged by any class in around 10 full-length Warzones out of about 150.


You'll have to "show it to me" how Sorcs somehow have better dps.

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i think the class is pretty strong, but it's not polished. against certain classes I feel like we have to work hard to get results and by that I mean burn lots of cooldown abilities and twist interrupts. i get a bit envious of follks that can just hit 1 button over and over at range then bubble and heal


sentinels and marauders should be the clear dps KINGS, but still require the high level of skill to achieve results. i know that would be very gratifying for the playerbase and probably end most of the whining

Edited by HBninjaX
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People say maraudeur have no issues... and giving exemples of high dmg, owning WZ etc... This if fine... If it was a 1 player game and not a mmo, it would have been perfect, the only problem is that your class is always compared to another...


I've got 40sorc, 40marau, 14socundrel, the scoundrel got more survibility than my maraudeur and don't even mantion sorcerer...



so lets talk about dmg... a well played sorcerer does more damage than a maraudeur... maybe the same or a bit less damage... but with ten times more survibility it does more damage, because a living sorcerer will always do more damage than a dead maraudeur.


lets talk about survability... no stun, no wards, no heal (only in annhiliation and you need to dot in order to heal and it's not like 3k heal ...) no force sprint, no force push... in fact our only "thing" is the force jump... so we are a squishy class that the only thing we got is to get into the middle of the fight ... ok we go also the 4sec 30% speed invis... (whatever skilled or not maraudeur ou uses this when against me, Dies anyway... because in 4sec he can't get out of range...


lets talk about movement... What movement ?! I spend 95% of the WE -30% speed so I can't even hit a target, because of a bit of lag, when I forcejump on someone the time I can slow them they are already 1m aways and it's like 10times too far...

I'm geting kited all the time.. and as a sorcerer I'm spending my day kiting maraudeur... it's prety funny to see them trying to get to me and I can just stun them 3times, slow them to 70% and sprint away...



And to add to all that beside our dps we are useless in all warzones...


If you think I'm whining you are mistaken, I'm just showing facts... I'm well aware of thoses fact since I was lvl 20... and I still keep on playing my maraudeur because it's FUN!


But those of you who say maraudeur is perfectly fine, didn't roll many classes...

because I've seen the dps of merco and it is almost as high as the maraudeur dps, just its a ranged and they are heavy armored... oh and they have more ways to get out of trouble without mantioning the heals...

and this is for many of the other classes....


If you play a maraudeur make sur you play it for fun... and for yourself. When I want to feel powerfull I play my sorc or even my lvl 14 scoundrel...


And if you disagree please Show it to me. (and I'm not talking about a jpg of you as first dps in a WZ.. )


As I have hardmoded and nightmare moded E Vault as well as a hard mode with the NEW Hutt Hospitality I would disagree that they aren't useful. And generally if we wipe I am always the last to die. We may be squishy without any buffs but you gotta use your defensive buffs constantly. Play some end-game stuff (which really is what most MMOs are about). I even enjoyed the grind up to 50. I died maybe 10 times total to NPCs in that time.


It's not a failed class. You just gotta micromanage so much more.

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