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NIM Healer looking for a new home


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Hi i am currently on the Ebon Hawk server

my main guild has kinda folded since Wildstar was launched (on the bigger and better things i guess)

but i love this game and am staying.


so since the Ebon Hawk is not a PVE server anymore (though it was when i joined it)

i have been having lots of trouble trying to find a new home

i have tried a few but nothing seems to fit


So i ask

Is there any very active ,friendly ,new content clearing guilds on shadowlands

that has space for a fully decked out commando healer on the pub side


any help will be greatly appreciated


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You may want to check out The Remnant Order, though they are a HM Progression guild currently. As to NiM-level pub side guilds, I don't know any off-hand that have an open spot where you wouldn't just be filling in if someone else can't make it, but I'll post if I come across something.
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Starhawk Conglomerate also has an opening for a healer in one of our HM progression groups. It is a group that was starting on NiM content however, like you, many have gone to Wild Star. We are in the process of getting this group re-formed and to start moving forward once again.


This would be our fourth progression group not including our reserve team of alternate characters.


if you would be interested, please feel free to send a message either here or on our guild's website that can be located here.



Thanks for the interest and hopefully, we can help make your transition a smooth one.


All the best

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by decked out i mean all the bells and whistles


full dread forged 180 set bonus

x2 dread master implants

dread forged earpiece

both dread forged relics serendipitous and focused retribution

180 main-hand


fully min maxed best in slot 180 enhancements with 186 mixed through


so yeah ... decked out lol


HM is like SM to me now hence the pushing for NIM content

Edited by dawnslinger-vii
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If you decide to come I recommend talking a bit with Civilie or you can contact me in game. Redemption is always looking for good players we are currently working on dp nim. Working in tyrans but we had a few people leave to wildstar as well. We run two groups for nim progression. We had one group get nim brontes down for the title and second group get to 3% with the buff. Also undercon does 16mam. Exiles of the Jedi does 16man. Hopefully that helps you a bit.


Erge Redemption

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Edge is looking for a couple good healers to fill out our 8m NiM team. Edge has had HM DF/DP on farm for months and is looking to plow through NiM as soon as healer spots are filled. It's a small guild but dedicated to getting the job done. If you have questions, contact Lt'reaper in game or you can PM me here on the forums and I'll pass it on to him.
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Hey Dawn - our progression team is currently looking for a healer. We raid Wed/Thu 9:30pm ET and Sun or Mon same time. We are 5/5 DF NiM (with Conqueror title) and 1/5 DP NiM. Right now we're working on Gate Crasher in DF and Tyrans in DP NiM.


If interested, take a look at our site http://www.redemption-swtor.com and throw in an app so we can take a closer look. Thanks,



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... speak alone for the not that active :p i play 24/7


He isnt lying, I feel like everytime I exit an operation zone or log onto fleet I run into him, no matter the time of day.


I am starting to think Mikey isnt a human, but an AI that has became self aware and decided SWTOR was more fun than world domination


He doesnt sleep

Edited by Malinok
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Back to the "dying" comment. SWTOR is now considered FTP. Among FTO games it was 8th most profitable last year grossing 139 million dollars.


And 80% of the people guilded and on my friends list who were PvP focused are gone from 4 months ago where it was pretty decent. Not meh, log in every once in a while, flat out gone. The PvE World Progression community has half-lifed every raid since TFB, we're down to about 5 or 6 relevant guilds "competing". This is down from 40ish during TFB/SV NiM a year ago. Flat out, this game's high end community is leaving because they're focused on F2P and not taking care of the game. Historically, if a game lacks high end competitive gamers, it fails shortly after. Considering our guild has more NiM Council kills than the collective rest of the server has downed Tyrans (Chandrian managed to kill it once before deciding that they were tired of getting beat and quit, lolz) and that the server still ranked 3rd on World Progression Scoreboards, that's pretty telling of where PvE stands. Dying game is dying, you know it's bad when I've actually started the transition to Wildstar, /vomit.

Edited by countpopeula
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Ranick, your rebuttal is anecdotal at best. A better counter would've been, "Where is the 139 million coming from, did Bioware recoup their original cost on the game (est at 300 million), and what is the hiring / firing cycle like at dev HQ?"


Not some lame "I'm so lonely my friends are all gone" sob story.


Cowboy up man.

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And 80% of the people guilded and on my friends list who were PvP focused are gone from 4 months ago where it was pretty decent. Not meh, log in every once in a while, flat out gone. The PvE World Progression community has half-lifed every raid since TFB, we're down to about 5 or 6 relevant guilds "competing". This is down from 40ish during TFB/SV NiM a year ago. Flat out, this game's high end community is leaving because they're focused on F2P and not taking care of the game. Historically, if a game lacks high end competitive gamers, it fails shortly after. Considering our guild has more NiM Council kills than the collective rest of the server has downed Tyrans (Chandrian managed to kill it once before deciding that they were tired of getting beat and quit, lolz) and that the server still ranked 3rd on World Progression Scoreboards, that's pretty telling of where PvE stands. Dying game is dying, you know it's bad when I've actually started the transition to Wildstar, /vomit.


Someone failed their research methods course.

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Ranick, your rebuttal is anecdotal at best. A better counter would've been, "Where is the 139 million coming from, did Bioware recoup their original cost on the game (est at 300 million), and what is the hiring / firing cycle like at dev HQ?"


Not some lame "I'm so lonely my friends are all gone" sob story.


Cowboy up man.


Lolwut? That's what you got out of that? Fail troll is fail. The developers at BW's SWTOR department don't understand **** about their game. Watch any of them stream their gameplay. Talk to any of them at a cantina tour. Read any of their clueless posts about gameplay. This has gone from a combat based Star Wars MMO and digressed into The Sims: Star Wars. Just because you've never been relevant in PvE or PvP enough to see the downhill trend does not mean said spiral doesn't exist. I still play SWTOR solely because I want to play with the guys in guild and we haven't transitioned to Wildstar. If/when we do, let's see how SL ranks up in World PvE rankings. Wait they have to actually release difficult raids for that to matter, which is going to be in what 6 more months with 3.0? Yeah, dying game is dying. :rolleyes:

Edited by countpopeula
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This has gone from a combat based Star Wars MMO and digressed into The Sims: Star Wars [...] downhill trend does not mean said spiral doesn't exist.


^^^^^This, as unfortunate as it may be.

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PVE Facts:

-DP/DF have been out for 10 months. There are no plans for new OPS before 3.0. That would make a full YEAR or more spent clearing the same ops.

-"Tactical" Flashpoints are aimed at casual players and thus are simple fluff content for World-level raiders (Unless if you're an achievement whore)

-There is now only one competitive Hardcore (World-level) Progression guild (hmd) on this server, down from two during DF NiM buff (hmd and Chandrian), which was already down from 3 to 5 during previous content.

-Normal Progression guilds have also dwindled down to three for NiM DP (Redemption, Forge, Undercon).


PVP Facts:

-Ranked is dead.

-No concrete plans to improve anything (No X-server Qs)

-Most of the best pvp'ers are gone or spend a majority of their time elsewhere.

-A large part of PoT5 pvp'ers have transfered back to Shadowlands.


I may have missed a few things. Either way, while the game might not be dying, it's hardcore PVE and PVP population clearly is. Be it from Summer starting, or WS launch (And other "Grass is greener there" type games), I have seen the hardcore community slowly haemorrhage people. I personally have stopped pvping altogether and rarely raid in SWTOR anymore for a few reasons (Once a week at MOST). First of which is the fact that I live in Europe. I have always raided at crazy times but I have usually found it worth it. However, in the past few months, I have lost interest, so much so that the only reasons I now raid are now for progression (which has ground to a halt for the reasons explained in the above statements), numbers, or simply to hang out with the friends I made in SWTOR. The rest of the time, DP and DF have become a snooz fest. I'm bored and can't justify playing the game anymore, let alone play it at crazy hours. What's more is that I'm not even in world-level progression and so I can only imagine how much more aggravated some of those players must feel.

I'm currently playing Wildstar and enjoying it very much so. It's giving me fresh new experiences, has a huge amount of content, and has very challenging and rewarding PVE (PVP remains a cluster **** in 8v8 and PVP gear system is broken, arenas are fun though). Oh, Wildstar also has X-Server Q'ing for PVP and PVE, an amazingly fun and customizable housing system, ready-check, respawn at the instance start instead of zoning out, and more. And this is all from LAUNCH, not two years after the community had to beg for it.

In the end, SWTOR will survive via it's casual population at the cost of it's hardcore community. And this is a great game to play casual, it is. I'm just saddened by the fact that there was once potential to make this a great game for hardcore players as well.

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