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It is possible to be enjoying your time in game and yet still worry about the future of the game itself.


Case in point: me. I am enjoying my time when I log in but I'm not blinded by the fun I am having. I would love to know what's coming down the pipe, not because I'm "owed" the knowledge but because I really like this game and what it could be and I'm hopeful what is coming will retain the population or, even better, bring some people back who left for whatever reason.

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I would love to know what's coming down the pipe, not because I'm "owed" the knowledge but because I really like this game and what it could be and I'm hopeful what is coming will retain the population or, even better, bring some people back who left for whatever reason.


that's what I don't get about all these threads they have told us whats coming just not the details, we know the content they have announced. sure it might make you think that GSH and 2.9 wont hold the players and kill the game but that doesn't seem like its what these threads are saying. if announcements for content not going live for at least 4 - 6 months is going to bring players back I am confident it will bring players back when its announced in the next months. if 2.9 launches and then time goes by with no info on post 2.9 content and we are sitting in December with no information then that would be panic time and time for me to hit that unsubscribe button. right now we have a laid out plan and updates every other month. the fear is not justified


bioware laid out up to 2.9 for us back in February and have for the most part stuck to it. 2.9 doesn't even go live till mid august and people are already demanding whats next. if you are unhappy with the announcements that's totally fair but don't try to make it into something other then you don't like the planned content to make it seem like us players are victims. it seems people wont be happy until they come out and say three new operations coming on x date and 6 full fledged HM flashpoints by the end of Y date with a new planet story and dailies coming on Z date, but that is not going to happen before 2.9 and we have known this since February. even if it did it would change very little unless people really do believe the more trollish posts that swtor is never getting new operations and no content after 2.9 because Disney is shutting down the game down for a new star wars mmo


if your concerned for the game express it and let bioware know why you think their direction for the game will hurt it in the long run, I don't agree but that is a valid opinion. personally I think by the end of the year with adding GSF and GSH to the game puts it in a lot better place content wise then it is now even with out the 2nd expansion. creating multiple threads all saying the same thing pushing misinformation to fit a agenda and pimping wildstar by claiming the game is not getting ANY content just because you fear its not the content you think will retain players or the more selfish its not the content that I want is pointless and will most likely have the opposite effect and drive more players away believing in the doom and gloom sky is falling hyperbole

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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Vis-Tecum, since you quoted me, I'm going to assume your entire reply was directed towards me. If not, then I apologize. I never mentioned WildStar though. :p


I really try to avoid the threads like this. There is such passion from either side and it's hard to read through the text without putting your own spin on what someone was trying to say. I don't consider myself a white knight for BioWare nor do I consider myself a hater of this game. Hopefully I can explain my position properly:


Worrying about the future and fearing the future are two different things. I have seen people leave the game because of the content that was released this year and what has been announced to be coming (2.9). I'm not talking random people on the forums; I'm referring to good friends both in my guild and outside of my guild, people that up until this point were in the "I'm never leaving" crowd. That has me worried. I've talked to some of them personally and they are upset that they are leaving but at the same time cannot justify paying a sub until the game has something to offer them. I worry that the longer it takes to get content out that could bring these people back, the more of a chance it will just be too late to bring those people back.


Seeing people leave the game for "lack of content" even if there isn't a lack of content for me personally (I have plenty to keep me busy outside of raid nights) is never a good thing. I have a really hard time believing people like seeing other subscribers leave the game, for any reason. Sure there are some knuckleheads that just cause issues who left but surely not everyone who has left the game was in that crowd.


I love this game. I love the community. I love my guild. When I see good members of this community leave, it saddens me and I wish they could be happier with the game. All I have left to do is hope that my worrying for the future of the game is for nothing but of course I won't know that until the future becomes the present. That is why I would love to know what else is coming; not for me but for all those who left who told me "I hope there's a reason for me to come back."


I have reached out to BioWare to address some concerns I have. So far, I haven't heard anything back. I know I'm just one person but I am hopeful I'll get a response. If I don't hear anything within a week, I'll do it again... and again.

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Vis-Tecum, since you quoted me, I'm going to assume your entire reply was directed towards me. If not, then I apologize. I never mentioned WildStar though. :p



though I quoted you I was more addressing the mentality of your post not you and your situation personally, same goes for this thread though its kind of directed at you its more to the mentality of what you are saying not you personally. I do feel where your coming from though. since this game launched I have made and lost some people I would consider good friends even though we never met face to face but that is irrelevant when you stay up to 3 and 4 in the morning talking and enjoying the game together.


but on the other side we cant force them to play either, and if they don't have the patience or just think the sub is not worth the cost really that is their opinion and needs to be respected, I don't blame my friends for moving on even though im sad they aren't around and I don't blame bioware for doing what they feel is best for them as a live game and company that needs to make a profit


bioware is taking a gamble expanding the game with things like GSF and GSH and not just putting out generic 5 quest click terminal daily or another swtor operation to retain players who are already doing dailies and ops. it seems they are trying to bring in more players like when they focused on ranked pvp arenas class balance and rewards to bring back pvpers, I feel that backfired on them as also GSF and GSH seem to be doing but me personally I love that we got GSF even though I have a long standing grudge with pub gunships, and though I am not a huge fan of housing [it seems kinda cool] I am really excited to see whats in store for guild ships and planetary conquest, I would love to do more in game with my guild other then ops and content that gives pointless rewards.


we will see by the end of the year or shortly after if their efforts paid off or hurt more then helped but I will be here till the last server closes and will make sure if any friends decide at any time to come back there is a home for them in our guild [hopefully with a awesome guild ship to mess around on]

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IMO, if Lewis Black were a member in the forum.....he would mop the forum floor with ZH. :D


It's hard to keep things positive and intelligent isn't it? Remember when we used to cross steel? :D


Not sure how you have the patience for it all.

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Remember when we used to cross steel? :D


LOL.. good times. :D


Not sure how you have the patience for it all.


Well, two way discussion is good for the community, even with the inevitable friction and nonsense....... and I don't take it personally, unless someone gets deliberately personal. When they do... I'll report it, add them to my ignore list and move on (just like in-game). There are plenty of people to discuss things with who are not on my ignore list. :)

Edited by Andryah
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I just want to echo some recent threads. Bioware I'm slowly reaching the limit of patience. I am a long time supporter of the game as well as defend you on numerous things. But this is getting rediculous, honestly. So please I implore you please tell us your plans even in the small way. Literally anything will do. Please.


BioWare, I'm a big fan, but I'm too lazy to read the dev tracker, so I'm going to add more spam on the same topic there are dozens of threads about already, and accuse you of not telling us what your plans in even a little way are, despite telling us you are going to have 2 expansions in 2014, your posting of several roadmaps, being upfront months ahead of times about changes to Galactic Strongholds timelines, and telling us you are going to start dropping more info on Galactic Strongholds during the month of July.

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well on the Dev stream today they said next week so we kind of got a specific date on the info now. As for putting the update on the pts, they said they were still working out a few things before putting it there. Just to give people an update.
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BioWare, I'm a big fan, but I'm too lazy to read the dev tracker, so I'm going to add more spam on the same topic there are dozens of threads about already, and accuse you of not telling us what your plans in even a little way are, despite telling us you are going to have 2 expansions in 2014, your posting of several roadmaps, being upfront months ahead of times about changes to Galactic Strongholds timelines, and telling us you are going to start dropping more info on Galactic Strongholds during the month of July.


Hehe... I see what you did there. :D

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BioWare, I'm a big fan, but I'm too lazy to read the dev tracker, so I'm going to add more spam on the same topic there are dozens of threads about already, and accuse you of not telling us what your plans in even a little way are, despite telling us you are going to have 2 expansions in 2014, your posting of several roadmaps, being upfront months ahead of times about changes to Galactic Strongholds timelines, and telling us you are going to start dropping more info on Galactic Strongholds during the month of July.


1) We have had no confirmation that expansion 2 is still in 2014 despite the significant delay of GSH. It's sort of hard to envision it not being delayed at this point. 9 weeks delay on something pointed to for December puts us firmly into 2015. Reading all of the dev quotes, expansion 2 was basically penciled into the mid-December update, after forged alliances part 3. Reading all of their quotes made that clear. Now, is that still on with the GSH Delay?

2) saying "like Makeb" is about the briefest of possible descriptions of what we can expect. And as best we can tell there is no plan to expand upon that definition in the next few weeks, only to expand about GSH

3) the summer roadmap failed in it's mission. The game has less concurrent users now than it did before it was published. As a contrast, LOTRO roadmaps draw in new users even though some of the plans are a year away. They announced their Gondor expansions about a year ahead of time, with details of the systems they are trying to change for each patch until then.

4) yes, they were upfront and honest about the GSH delay. Notice how no reasonable posts are berating them about that? Honestly, most people have praised that honesty and agreed with the decision. I personally would have kept the strongholds in June and let guildships and Tatooine and such come later, but I'm not mad they decided to bundle it together because they described in decent detail what was going on.

5) Huge pet peeve of mine, but they flat out said they were going to get us the GSH details in late June, then changed to June/July and you're now saying July. Where I come from, a man's word is his bond and you do what you say.

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1) We have had no confirmation that expansion 2 is still in 2014 despite the significant delay of GSH. It's sort of hard to envision it not being delayed at this point. 9 weeks delay on something pointed to for December puts us firmly into 2015. Reading all of the dev quotes, expansion 2 was basically penciled into the mid-December update, after forged alliances part 3. Reading all of their quotes made that clear. Now, is that still on with the GSH Delay?

2) saying "like Makeb" is about the briefest of possible descriptions of what we can expect. And as best we can tell there is no plan to expand upon that definition in the next few weeks, only to expand about GSH

3) the summer roadmap failed in it's mission. The game has less concurrent users now than it did before it was published. As a contrast, LOTRO roadmaps draw in new users even though some of the plans are a year away. They announced their Gondor expansions about a year ahead of time, with details of the systems they are trying to change for each patch until then.

4) yes, they were upfront and honest about the GSH delay. Notice how no reasonable posts are berating them about that? Honestly, most people have praised that honesty and agreed with the decision. I personally would have kept the strongholds in June and let guildships and Tatooine and such come later, but I'm not mad they decided to bundle it together because they described in decent detail what was going on.

5) Huge pet peeve of mine, but they flat out said they were going to get us the GSH details in late June, then changed to June/July and you're now saying July. Where I come from, a man's word is his bond and you do what you say.


- um they just said today in the dev stream that 3.0 was on track

- demanding 3.0 info when we haven't even got 2.9 yet is kinda not how bioware does things

- the summer road map only failed because apparently no one read it, or they would have been aware in feb of the content coming, as for the population only bioware knows how many new people subbed for the housing perks and how many unsubbed because of the content planned

- people still complain that GSH was moved to 2.9 you brought it up as a excuse to say 3.0 is being delayed even though until bioware says otherwise its still on track for this year

- your huge pet peeve is straight up misinformed and not true read erics post

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Where I come from, a man's word is his bond and you do what you say.


Corporations are NOT people...no matter what some people claim. They are corporations and are free do as they wish with their products as long as they comply with all local and federal law.

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