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Latency.... Latency and gamebreaking issues.


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Gunships killing you from 15500-16000m despite railgun shot being instant and has no travel time.

BLC hiting you from behind the target cuz you overshotted it while boosting and the server still haven't registered it. Cluster finishing locking when you are 100-500m behind your target, killing you.


In a tight match, these server errors can make or break a joust.


Anyone has anything to say?

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Gunships killing you from 15500-16000m despite railgun shot being instant and has no travel time.

BLC hiting you from behind the target cuz you overshotted it while boosting and the server still haven't registered it. Cluster finishing locking when you are 100-500m behind your target, killing you.


In a tight match, these server errors can make or break a joust.


Anyone has anything to say?


Are you saying you're having lag issues and need help with it? What's your ms like on a regular basis? Is it certain players causing this?

This is really hard to comment on without anymore information, not sure what you are looking for.

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It's general... I got normally something like 65ms out of GSF. Can't say in a match tho (thank the UI for that).


And I'm just complaining about how it's possible get killed with high burst weapon despite having good reflexes on a 'sportscar' scout build through those server errors.


Exemple 1. Jousting with a T3 GS. RFL (I know it's not optimal but I hadn't upgraded it) and pod vs BLC. No OCD or DCD involved. He is down to 20% while I'm at red hull. I'm currently passing over him. I'm at 100m behind him. I'm about to begin to turn to pass again and finish him off. I die to a BLC while I was behind him but the server didn't register it.


Same kind of scenario happens with slug and the 15km max range when the shot is fired while you're boosting through 15-16km or with cluster while they finish locking when you should have broke the lock.


It doesn't really matter on many build. Most have the shield and hull to tank it. Others have the power to take down their target without needing a second pass... Few build are really affected by this, the sportscar being one, close range T1 strike being another.


So basicly, I can't use my 'sportscar' build against any opponent with a skill level anywhere near mine or above mine without having to joust with them and, more often then not, be victim of these latency issues.

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Yes, happens often to me as well and it is annoying, but it's the blade that cuts on both sides. Sometimes you get killed, sometimes you kill thanks to that. A much more annoying issue is the lock breaking while you're keeping the target in the center, but he's boosting and the communication between your client and his client is too slow to process that properly.
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Coordinated with someone else.


Boosting away from a slug shot. I'm at 15700m when the shot register on my client. He fired while hs client was saying I was at 14300m


I can also attest that I've seen similar instances where I release the slug and think "No way - he's much too far to hit.... Oh... That shouldn't have happened". Don't know what causes it, but have seen it on more than 1 occasion. Then again, I smoke A LOT of death sticks, so my senses may not have been properly attuned at that moment

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I can also attest that I've seen similar instances where I release the slug and think "No way - he's much too far to hit.... Oh... That shouldn't have happened". Don't know what causes it, but have seen it on more than 1 occasion. Then again, I smoke A LOT of death sticks, so my senses may not have been properly attuned at that moment




I've let fly at extreme range on a fleeing target with a railgun thinking "they're outta range, but it's all charged up..." and being surprised when rewarded with a hit.


fyi: i'm on ~250ms.

on a good day.

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I'm not sure it's quite latency. I'm fairly sure it's a desync issue, and there's not really much to do about it without giving the netcode a going over.


http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Desync - Not the same game, so the facts don't stack up entirely in the same way, but as a general principle it still seems to fit for me.


I think there are certain elements which are more vulnerable to desync than others. As Altheran says, it's particularly brutal when you're using Thermites or Protons, and I think the client getting more of a say in whether locks are achieved could possibly help there. However, I do think that there's only so much that can really be done to address it. Some things can be sorted out by changing your play- Don't rely on firing on enemies when they're within <500 range, for example.

Edited by LilSaihah
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My complain is more about when it affects your active evasion... Not when firing at very close range or losing a lock in spite of the target being in my firing arc. LoSing someone but being still hit... getting OoR and being still hit by a slug....
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Other issues to add to this list...

Powerup not activating while boosting at full speed through them.

Missile Break not firing while having more than 25% of my engine.

Railgun Drone firing through wall if its target was trying to LoS it and did so in the last second.

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