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Wealth of the Galaxy


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Are we, the players of this game, the wealthiest individuals in the SWTOR universe?


On Makeb, for instance, killing a group of interstellar regulators gives up from 0-300ish credits (estimate, and not counting trash and etc). For the whole group. Is this the kind of wealth the average merc has? I remember a lot of quests where the quest giver would say they are giving you their entire month's pay or every credit they had. Then you turn in the quest and it is not anything like what you were thinking that would be. (There is also the Smuggler story where you evidently hit the mother load, but apparently I spent it all on alcohol and gambling, etc, and was so drunk that I no longer remember losing it all.) Rich hutts have been killed, in raids and in story quests, yet there were no piles of golden creds to be found.


This makes me wonder if beyond being the "superstars" of the galaxy, we are also the rich elite. The millionaires among us like the 1%, and those players with 100's of millions like the billionaires or whatever in real life.


Maybe one would make a protest, in some hand waving way, by saying that Bioware has to regulate the economy. Only a certain amount of credits are given out for specific activities in game. They must watch and regulate the economy (to a degree, I suppose) to ensure some kind of balance. Still, doing the kind of quests mentioned above and getting the kind of rewards we do feels odd, knowing how wealthy our characters become.

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I wouldn't read too much into the size of the rewards we get for certain quests. After all, certain imperial players never receive regular profits from a certain business partner they make in the house of the rogue Sith on Dromund Kaas. Most of the quest-rewards don't really make sense and shouldn't interpreted in terms of story or lore. (How did <insert companion>'s pants get to Belsavis or Voss when he/she/it didn't even know of the planet before?)


Concerning the wealth of the 8 main characters of this game: It is safe to assume that the Bounty Hunter and the Smuggler are both quite rich and I assume that the Agent has access to significant resources, even though they might not actually be his own.

I doubt that the Trooper is as super-rich as certain characters are in-game because I've never heard of anyone becoming rich from being a soldier.

Jedi aren't allowed to have any sort of property apart from their lightsabre, so they are poorer than most beggars.

Both the Warrior and the Inquisitor might have gotten rich after the end of Chapter 3. Since the Warrior is more in a position where he receives orders and the necessary ressources, I'd assume that the Inquisitor is more resourceful and richer.


In short: No, our characters aren't as super-rich as some player characters in-game, except maybe the Bounty Hunter and the Smuggler.

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I heard there's one guy with like, 999,999,999,999 credits. So no, we are not the richest individuals in the Star Wars Universe... that guy is. But seriously though we may be humble/greedy heroes but none the less saving the galaxy does entitle one to at least decent compensation. I mean come on, I ended the threat of the hutts, dread masters, planet destroying super weapons... I think I deserve at least a SMALL fortune, or in the case of the Hunter and Smuggler, start shaking people down until I'm satisfied with the money I have because if it wasn't for me the whole galaxy would have blown up. Edited by DeltaBos
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