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Is Nova Dive even worth investing in


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If you do 'hit'n'fade' with StE Converter, Speed is better... You won't lack any regen, and Turning won't give you much.


You will indeed lack regen, even with S2E--assuming you aren't using Booster Recharge.


Trust me. I'm pretty good at this build :)

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You will indeed lack regen, even with S2E--assuming you aren't using Booster Recharge.


Trust me. I'm pretty good at this build :)


Nice kills... I assume you did this before 2.8 ;)


And don,t forget I am the one who used first StE + Booster Recharge back at launch... Even If I was using BR back then and not Power Dive like I do now. I indeed assumed you had infinite boosting capacity... Thing only achievable with both...


I'm more of a pursuit or escaping...

But some times i get locked in with dog fight where i'm just turning and turning endlessly. easy bait for gunships..

I have regen right now


If you get locked in a turning dogfight... Hit your booster run 3-7km depending of your opponent weaponry and turn back. charge them cannon blazing and rockets flying. Normally most will die, or panic.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Nice kills... I assume you did this before 2.8 ;)


And don,t forget I am the one who used first StE + Booster Recharge back at launch... Even If I was using BR back then and not Power Dive like I do now. I indeed assumed you had infinite boosting capacity... Thing only achievable with both...




If you get locked in a turning dogfight... Hit your booster run 3-7km depending of your opponent weaponry and turn back. charge them cannon blazing and rockets flying. Normally most will die, or panic.


Yes, those are from 2.7. I've been leveling the new ships since 2.8 came out. Once they are masters, I'll go back to using my Blackbolt and and NovaDrive.


With Booster Recharge, speed thrusters would be your best bet. But I find Targeting Telemetry absolutely essential for actually getting lots of kills. I used to her Concentrated Fire with it, but 6 seconds of uptime is too short. I've switched to Wingman. Accuracy is vital when using rocket pods.

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my $0.02:


yes the Novadive/Blackbolt is definitely worth investing in, if you're the kind of person who enjoys playing scout class boats.


If you're a 'two-shipper' and you feel the Rycer/Starguard is a better fit for you, then no, leave the type one scouts alone for a while. I'd encourage you to come back to them later with a few games under your belt.

remember, this is a GAME.

Play what you enjoy, not what is generally held to be "the most powerful".

One of the nice things I've found in GSF is that ALL the ships have something to offer. All the ships can contribute meaningfully in team based games.

Find out what YOU enjoy, and focus on that for a while.

After a while, when all that Daily/Weekly req bonus has had some time to build up, go back to some of the ships you didn't enjoy earlier and have a new look at them.

If you really enjoy scouts, then absolutely invest in the T1 versions. Get all of them. Try weird stuff. Have different options available for different situations.

I have Blackbolt/Sting/Bloodmark mastered and in my hanger, all with slightly different things to bring to the table giving me plenty of choices depending what the opposition is doing and what the group I've been dumped in with is capable of doing.




(FYI, mah builds.

T1: MLC/Pods/Booster Recharge/Barrel Roll/DF/Light/Damage/Speed/Dampening <-- (This one is being toyed with in a huge way lately and the ship is near 'complete'. S2E-C/EMP combo being trialled).

T2: Quads/Pods/BO/DF/BR/Light/Damage/Large/<power/regen, can't decide.....>

T3: MLC/Thermites/Tensor/Repair/Snap/Light/Large/Range/Range (tears Bombers apart)

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I think you guys are missing one critical thing about the novadive/blackbolt. It's freaking sneaky.




If you take this build, you've got 5.2km of sensor damping making it very easy to slip off the scanners of anyone who doesn't have a sensor component. This allows for hit and fade playstyles which are very effective. You flank the enemy team, approach a gunsheep or isolated strike, begin locking a sab probe. If they use an engine maneuver before you get a lock, you win since you have more than enough engine to chase them down, peg them with a sab probe while they are on CD for a breaker, finish them, then ****. If they wait for you to launch before breaking, you still win. Wait until you are under 0.5 km from the target and release. The hit is almost instant, I can't recall a time i've seen anyone manage to hit a breaker in time. You boost past, snap turn, and tear them to shreds.


The only way i've ever seen this approach fail is if the target is actively tab targeting and catches me between the ranges of 10 km and 5 km (min sensor range and my lock range) or if the target gets help from their buddies to peel me off their tail.

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I think you guys are missing one critical thing about the novadive/blackbolt. It's freaking sneaky.




If you take this build, you've got 5.2km of sensor damping making it very easy to slip off the scanners of anyone who doesn't have a sensor component. This allows for hit and fade playstyles which are very effective. You flank the enemy team, approach a gunsheep or isolated strike, begin locking a sab probe. If they use an engine maneuver before you get a lock, you win since you have more than enough engine to chase them down, peg them with a sab probe while they are on CD for a breaker, finish them, then ****. If they wait for you to launch before breaking, you still win. Wait until you are under 0.5 km from the target and release. The hit is almost instant, I can't recall a time i've seen anyone manage to hit a breaker in time. You boost past, snap turn, and tear them to shreds.


The only way i've ever seen this approach fail is if the target is actively tab targeting and catches me between the ranges of 10 km and 5 km (min sensor range and my lock range) or if the target gets help from their buddies to peel me off their tail.


That's nice... But you lack pure DPS to take down anything without needing 2 Sabo. This is a build where using both Booster Recharge and StE Converter is too much boost for lacking DPS. Go with Targetting Telemetry instead.

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I think you guys are missing one critical thing about the novadive/blackbolt. It's freaking sneaky.




If you take this build, you've got 5.2km of sensor damping making it very easy to slip off the scanners of anyone who doesn't have a sensor component. This allows for hit and fade playstyles which are very effective. You flank the enemy team, approach a gunsheep or isolated strike, begin locking a sab probe. If they use an engine maneuver before you get a lock, you win since you have more than enough engine to chase them down, peg them with a sab probe while they are on CD for a breaker, finish them, then ****. If they wait for you to launch before breaking, you still win. Wait until you are under 0.5 km from the target and release. The hit is almost instant, I can't recall a time i've seen anyone manage to hit a breaker in time. You boost past, snap turn, and tear them to shreds.


The only way i've ever seen this approach fail is if the target is actively tab targeting and catches me between the ranges of 10 km and 5 km (min sensor range and my lock range) or if the target gets help from their buddies to peel me off their tail.


Minimum detection range has been, and will always be, 15km. No amount of dampening can reduce that amount.


If it could, then Gunships (which also can have Dampening Sensors) could shoot Strikes from beyond their Sensor Range.


Dampening is only a counter to ships with sensor range longer than 15km.


Dampening can indeed be useful for decreasing the time it takes to get off the sensors of enemies with extended sensor range (i.e. "fading"), but offensively it's not as useful.

Edited by Nemarus
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Interestingly, I'm pretty convinced that the minimum range isn't really there any more. I've definitely seen plenty of things draw in at 12-14k- roosting gunships that I KNOW are there- on any ship without extra sensor focus and such.



I'm pretty sure the min range went away when the sensor dampening got nerfed so drastically.

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Yes, those are from 2.7. I've been leveling the new ships since 2.8 came out. Once they are masters, I'll go back to using my Blackbolt and and NovaDrive.


With Booster Recharge, speed thrusters would be your best bet. But I find Targeting Telemetry absolutely essential for actually getting lots of kills. I used to her Concentrated Fire with it, but 6 seconds of uptime is too short. I've switched to Wingman. Accuracy is vital when using rocket pods.


It's not the lock...it's the gunships

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